Author Topic: Veel Damnious. Literate - Semi-Real - Canine Roleplay.  (Read 1886 times)

Offline CannibalWolf

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Veel Damnious. Literate - Semi-Real - Canine Roleplay.
« on: June 16, 2016, 06:58:15 pm »

The beginning of the brutal.

It was a chilly winter evening; the skies painted a luminous purple as the sun began to absorb itself within the far off horizon, the last of its light beamed through the thin cold air; kissing your pelt as you said your goodbyes to your family. It was time to leave, you had finally reached maturity, and your family just wasn't cutting it for your tastes. Not that you disliked them, you had just lost simple interest. Besides, your father had been glaring at you a lot recently; seeing you as a threat to his rank. Though you had no obligation to steal his position, you had no choice but to leave; maybe it was for better, for everyone.

The sun began to quicken its pace as it laid itself to rest underneath the horizon it called its bed. You turned around, racing off into the abyss of land. Pine trees had began to consume your body as you ran within a forest range. You find yourself contently zig-zagging throughout the trees that sprouted out from the ground; your tongue hanging from your mouth as you ran. Suddenly, you paused; your muscles clinching, forcing you to stop in your tracks. You gazed around, realizing you where within the center of a clearing amongst the wide variety of forest. Blinking rapidly; something hadn't felt quite right. It felt as if you were being watched. Why, that's impossible! There wasn't any other canids within this region, aside from your family - so surely there wasn't anything to worry about.

Dusk soon turned into dark and with that, it began to faintly snow. You where still rooted into the center of this clearing, unsure of what to do. Since it was dark, perhaps you could make a base here and leave by morning. Slowly, you slid to your belly, allowing the darkness consume over you - as well as making you a bit drowsy. Sleep was surely an obligation in this moment; but there would be no sleep tonight.

Suddenly, a loud snap to your right awoken your senses causing you to rise to your feet in utter shock. Your jaw slowly slid open as you caught yourself trying to find the reason behind this sound. Blinking rapidly once more, you found the courage to utter out your voice - maybe something or someone would kindly answer.

"H-Hello, whose there?"
You gently whispered out, lowering your tail and your posture to show whom ever might be watching that you weren't there for trouble. Of course, nothing answered back, just leaving you there in anticipation upon what could happen next. Suddenly the flapping and screeching of ravens and crows filled your ears which did surely startle you for a moment. Raising your head, you watched as the ebony birds took flight into the moonlit sky; flapping their wings heavily to escape whatever spooked them in the first place.

Rolling your eyes slightly, you figured maybe it was one of your family members playing a trick on you.

"Come on guys, can't I get some peace? I am trying to leave." You chuckled, nervously letting your guard down - which was surely a slight mistake. Suddenly a loud roar filled your ears as a massive beast like canine came hurdling towards you. Screaming in fear, you attempted to escape - of course with no luck, you find yourself scrambling over your paws which caused you to come crashing onto the moist ground. Rolling onto your back, your eyes had met a beast; towering over you as his breath fogged over his face. Was he wearing a gas mask? It seemed so. Now you found yourself staring at your cowardly reflection within his glass goggles.

"P-please don't kill me! I-I'll leave if you want me to!"
You quickly mustered out, begging this masked beast for your freedom. He began to chuckle before it morphed into pure wicked laughter. He then slowly crawled off of you, backing away several feet - allowing you to rise and face him. Quickly, you raced to your fours; facing him of course, but rather nervously.

"I don't want to kill you, I just wanted to startle you for the moment." He sarcastically muttered out from beneath his mask. Furrowing a brow, you shook your head slightly.

"Then what do you want?"
You questioned him; still shaking your head in confusion.

Suddenly he stiffened himself, fixing his posture in a display of dominance - while he did this, many other wolves with glowing eyes began to join from behind him, staring you down with wicked grins pressed upon their mugs.

"I am Jarison Akaevia, the leader of the forgotten, the leader of the brutal, the leader of the damned. And I want you to join us." His voice was deep before he fell silent.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 11:27:41 am by CanibalWolf »

Offline CannibalWolf

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Welcome, Canine
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 09:02:46 pm »

Welcome here, stranger.

What brings you here? Curiousity? Interest? Well no worries, we don't bite - fatally at least, heh.
Veel Damnious is quite the brutal bunch, but of course almost anyone can obtain a position within this pack.

There are a few ways to join VD - Firstly, you will have to send a friend request ( in-game ) to the packs recruiter. The recruiters account name is "VD Recruiter" ( yes, with the space. ) Once you find the recruiter online, you will need to send a role play sample to whomever is on it. If your sample is good enough, you will be accepted. You can also sometimes catch the recruiter online mainly recruiting in the map known as "The Grounds." You can send a sample through whisper that way if you do not wish to do it the way stated above.
Secondly, you can fill out a form on this advertisement in the comment section below. ( The applications will be below for you to fill out. )
And thirdly, you can punch in an application on our website. ( link is above )
And lastly, you can find us based out in Ficho Tunnels - or Eastern Pass. In Ficho, you can find us in the bottom left corner of the map within that little area. As for Eastern, you may just find us anywhere - for Eastern is a map we use to "get out" or simply "hang out" in. You can also find us in several other maps as well simply hanging out.

Don't be afraid to approach and state your interest within the pack. Your best bet to get yourself within the ranks is look for someone whom has a "C" "I" "II" "III" or "IX" to help you get inside of VD, for most have access to the recruiter account, and all of these ranks are dominant tiers to the pack.

Recruits are to wear the rank tag "X" for 2-3 in real life days. This shows if you are worthy / active enough to become an official member of the damned. If you meet this activity requirement you will be given a rank and given an "X" scar to fully welcome you within the family.
There are two ways to officially be known as a damned member inside of the pack. ( read on below for more information about this. )

Though Veel Damnious is an obvious brutal pack, the members themselves aren't all as bad. To outsiders, everyone keeps to themselves; but don't be surprised if you are approached. Once you join the congregation, you'll realized, we are quite the humorous bunch - often playfully picking on one another, or searching for a good time.

The pack may seem fierce, but that's only for outsiders. For the pack treats one another like family - only because everyone is family, and everyone is treated equal. So if you are looking for brutal force, yet a loving family, then Veel Damnious is the right choice for you!

Usernames to lookout for. ( They have access to the recruiter )
CanibalWolf { Jarison }
Kaepari { Arshiya }
Sotanshi { Gamaliel }
Silent Shadow { Loxx }
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 10:43:58 pm by CanibalWolf »

Offline CannibalWolf

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Becoming A Member.
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2016, 09:03:19 pm »

There are two familiar ways to become an official member of the pack.

Damned Moment.
A damned moment is quite enjoyable; for the ones that are doing it. A damned moment is for the brave at heart, and for ones that like to test there threshold. If you believe you can withstand a 5-10 minute brutal beating, then this just might be for you. Once you reach your limits of being a recruit, you are pulled to the middle of the initiation arena. You DO have a choice upon how many wolves you want to "harm" your character. It would be best to look out for rank tags that have "XX" inside of them, for they handle all the brutality work - anyway. What happens within this moment is, you are basically attacked by several wolves of your choice - and you CANNOT fight back what so ever. If you think the urge is to strong to fight back, try going for the other option(s). Also, within this moment you will be given an X scar, along with any other scars given by the wolves attacking you. After your scar is put in place; time will be called and you will no longer be attacked. There is a timer put in place, and your initiation will go on for 5-10 minutes, depending on how long it will take to gain your scar.
( NOTE: you DO have a say on where your scar will be put on your character. )

Seeking For Bloodshed.

There is a less brutal option to join the ranks of the family, and perhaps more interesting / fun. In this initiation you will have the option to hunt down a specific canine / feline. ( or a specific loner. ) and you are to attack and torture said creature for as long as possible. ( NOTE: Because we don't want unnecessary drama, we will ask players if we can use their characters with this initiation, or one of our members will use an alt character for you to attack. ) After you are done torturing the poor creature, you are to kill and place "X" scars into the body. After the hunt is fully over, you will be given your scar and a rank.

Every week of Veel Damnious, one or more of the below traditions will be held.
Once you are apart of us and with hold the Damnious label, you are expected to engage and participate in said events.
If you or your character do not have the ability to partake in these sickly traditions, then we expect you to notify a High Tier to have a more suitable way to advance.
When one of the traditions has begun, you are expected to aid, and omission the need to back out or flee.

We are Veel Damnious. We are to be known for our brutality and morbidity.



One of the rather favorite and commonly practiced tradition, Ontvoeren is when the VD congregation sets out to locate an assortment of Pups, and perhaps young teens.
Once a victim is identified, the formation is to approach and either convince the youthling to follow back to the territory, or bring them back by force.
If the victim is surrounded by affiliates or family, they are to be stalked until alone.

Once they are brought back to the territory, the members of VD are expected to assist in torturing and abusing the youth. This includes attacking, tossing, starving, punishing, and even limiting their freedom.
When they display traits of mental and physical trauma, or become numb altogether, they are released from VD's hold.

This tradition is used to enforce VD's strength and morbid power amongst packs. If they wish to face us, their young is at state.



Much like the Ontvoeren,this tradition involved seeking out rogue canines or felines.
The entire congregations is too assist in locating a rogue or two, but no more then three.
When a victum is sought, the congregation is too surround the prey in a fashion that they will not be able to escape.

At the beginning, and once surrounding, it is instinct for the predators to tease, provoke, belittle, and madden the rogue.
If the prey refuses to begin an assail, the congregation is to 'close in', and begin massacring with sheer brutality.

Depending on an agreement, the rogue is either left to die or eaten there and then.
If we choose to allow them to survive, it is ensured that they WILL spread VD's name.. and what they have done.



The canines of VD often take pride in their battles and torturous means. A common, though not obligated tradition is for the members to wear the flesh, fur, teeth, claws, bones, and whatever  necessities they have torn and ripped from their victims.
In other words, if those ribs seems like they would make nice armor, you are welcomed to take it.

This tradition is often used to brag, display, and show off to your fellow members. Outside of the territory, it is a display to convey strength, and show what you've successfully killed.

In mating or betrothal reasons, the amount of items on a male can show better dominance and strength, and vice versa for females.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 11:14:46 am by CanibalWolf »

Offline CannibalWolf

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Join Veel Damnious Today!
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2016, 09:25:19 pm »

Please fill out an application below to join Veel Damnious today!

Character Name:
Character Age:
Rank Aspiring For: ( Please check the website for this. )
Is Your Character Brutal:
Role play Sample: ( Please be literate! )
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 11:23:37 am by CanibalWolf »

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Re: Veel Damnious
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2016, 11:23:57 am »