Author Topic: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o  (Read 5724 times)


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maybe a "select all" option? >.<... before i started making my own height maps, i was stuck using the windmill map and having to take out EVERY PINE TREE ONE AT A TIME... maybe there can be a button thats under controls after you select an object... you click the button and it selects all the objects that are that object.
otherwords: click on the pine tree, then click "select all" to select all the pine trees in the area to modify them all at the same time/ delete them.

"Clear map" option?: again with the watermill map thing... maybe a button that lets you clear all the items on a map without messing with the terrain and map itself?

FLOTATION O3O: ... i know we all put stuff floating in the water/air sometimes, perhaps there can be a "float" check box that makes the object look like its floating and not stationary... so it like.. perhaps moves up and down really slow? lol

MOVEMENT: lets say i have a fish mesh in my map. we all know that fish like to swim. so maybe there can be an option where you can set a path for said fish to move? like you can draw out a path by placing different points where the fish swims to then once it hits the final point, it would go back to the starting point o3o

Glow option: just a simple little tick box that if you check, the item can glow, and there would be a slider to determine how much glow... of course, the color of the glow will need to be thought out... perhaps it would be just whatever the color of the object it? i.e. a tree glow would be the brown where the trunk is then fade green for the leaves where they glow~

Breakaway/weight limit thingy: YES I UNDERSTAND this would take a ton of coding but hey... i cant help suggesting this XD... like with the floating stuff, maybe there can be a check box that lets you have a weight limit on that object? and when you check the box, a number thing comes up that lets you type in the number of people that have to be standing on the object before the object falls..... could make for epic elevator like thingies or.... BOOBY TRAPS, BABY >:D
i.e.: floating rock is just floating there being cool, the weight limit box is checked and set to 4, if 4 people/players stand on the rock, the rock would fall till everyone gets off it.

AVOID/FOLLOW OPTION: again, tons of coding, but i cant help suggesting it. AGAIN WITH DEH FISHES....
now this option would be 2 check boxes, you can only have one or none checked at a time. the avoid option would mean whenever your player gets close to the object, the object "runs" away... with the follow option, lets say you want your fishies to like you, if you check the follow box, the fish will go towards you if youre within range of them. c:

"Flash" option: this would be like.. lets say with... a bubble for example. this option would be a checkbox, and would have a type box to type in a certain amount of seconds... and this timer/seconds counter would be a "this object disappears every ____ seconds" kinda thing... and then there would be another box for how long it stays disappeared before it appears again o3o

RANDOM DUPLICATE: this option would be a check box and, when selecting an item and checking the box, would scatter duplicates of the item all over the map. there would be another box thing that allows you to say how many of the objects you want when you randomly duplicate them or for like... saying you want alot of them, or not so much

thunderstorm?: this doesnt really mean noise, but big fluffy dark clouds and when in the map, a flash of lightning every now and again?

expect more, eventually lol


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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 02:10:11 am »
love 'em all :D


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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 08:04:07 pm »
yes :D i feel loved

Offline Dee-dee96

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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 12:27:25 am »
I love all of these :3 It would be great if they were added.

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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 01:54:02 am »
With the weight limit thing, it could also be maybe a time limit? Like when someone steps on it, there is a time limit for how long they can stay on it before it falls? Just a random idea. Although probably a lot more coding.


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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 11:00:13 pm »
:D yes i like that too. but yeah XD the coding would be a pain but hey, a person can dream cant they :D


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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 02:05:41 pm »
I dont think you are an idiot ^_^ YOU GEENIOUSSS

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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2012, 11:40:27 pm »

Clickiez~ thnx

check out mah forum!
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hurr hurr

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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2012, 11:25:00 pm »
I don't believe these ideas are from an 'idiot'. They are amazing!  :D Of course, I don't use maps, but if I did I would kill myself to use those options! (extreme exaggeration) The staff needs to see this! Of course, not all of them could be used, because, let's say, what if you used the floating fall idea and make a booby trap, and someone traps you. What if you blocked them? If the computer didn't know what to do when you block them, one heck of a crash. :-\ But still, these ideas are fab  ;)

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Re: Tons of random ideas for map maker from the mind of an idiot o3o
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2012, 04:39:56 pm »
I quite like these ideas, actually! Especially the ability to 'clear map' and set a track for moving objects. Yes, lots and lots of coding, I'd imagine... but that would be amazingly cool.

And as always, thunderstorms! XD