Author Topic: Insurgent  (Read 735 times)

Offline Bioshock

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« on: July 30, 2016, 04:26:48 pm »

Humans ruled for the longest time.
For thousands of years, in fact.
The human species began to take over the land that all of the animals had claimed. Of course, this was causing animals to go extinct, or being pushed toward extinction because of the humans taking their natural habitats away. But let's get on a different topic here.
The apocalypse.
Everyone at least once has talked about the world ending. Whether it was something that God had placed upon every species on earth, a super volcano erupting, a large meteor striking earth, or the zombie apocalypse.
The year is 4037. The most talked about topic on Earth has become true. After billions of years, it finally happened.
A rocky piece of a far away planet broke off. No one knew. No one knew the piece that broke off of the far planet was hurtling toward Earth faster than anyone could've imagined!
Within two weeks, the piece hit Earth. When it collided with Earth, a deadly toxin filled the air. The toxin also infected many other sources as well. It took over most water sources and food sources all over the world, steering clear very few places. Soon, the toxin began to spread to the humans and animals.
The humans were not the smart ones in the situation. They were not lucky either. Groups were formed, killing anyone who had been infected, but to their surprise, the people that they had killed came back to life moments later. No matter how many times they shot again, the ones they thought they killed wouldn't die. Months later, the human population was practically gone. The smart ones learned to live with masks on, protecting them from the toxins. Some would also find a place where almost no toxins were. They would survive their, until all supplies ran out and they had to move on to a different place.
The animals left, however, adapted quickly.
One canine eventually founded a pack, that was entirely focused on their survival. This pack would be the one that took out their enemies. The zombies, humans that tried to kill them, or other packs formed to eliminate any others if they did not wish to join them.
This pack, would be the one that would survive.


Lord and Lady
The pack has of course, a lord and a lady. They lead everyone and everything, and are the highest and most respected canines of the pack. The Lord and Lady protect the pack at all costs, and care for each and every member.

The pack has two ambassadors. This is the rank directly below the lord and lady. This is the rank that steps up when the lord and lady are not present at the time. Like the lord and the lady, the ambassadors will sacrifice their lives for the pack.

These are the canines that know herbs by heart. They know what herbs do certain things and how they'll help those who are sick or injured. Since herbs are limited in certain areas, the healers will often go on trips that will last days at a time, just to find the herbs they need. Of course, not all the healers will go on these trips. Many will stay behind just in case any injured or sick canines are in need of any service. Every rank respects the healers and what they do for the pack.

Lead Warrior
The lead warrior is able to control all of the warriors. He or she is able to give orders out, and are able to lead battles. Warriors are the ones who are sent to kill off the zombies that are making their way to close to pack territory.

The warriors are the first line of defense against any enemies or zombies. They are very skilled in fighting tactics. They of course, take orders from the lead warrior of the pack.

The hunters are responsible for taking down prey and bringing it back to the territory. However, if a hunter catches anything, he or she MUST bring what it catches back to the pack. If a hunter chooses to eat the prey they caught rather than share it with the pack, that hunter WILL be punished accordingly.

The scouts of the pack are the ones who patrol the area. They make sure that there are no zombies or any sort of enemies that make their way toward pack territory. If any scout spots something suspicious, they either report it to the Lead Warrior so he or she can check it out or send a few warriors to check it out. Scouts are not aloud to attack. If they do, they need a good reason for why they did so.

Trainees are those who have no suitable rank yet, but are working toward the rank that they wish to have. The trainees already have their eyes set on what rank they want, and will get a mentor from the rank they desire to teach them everything they need to know. Those who train are most likely are the pups, or inexperienced canines who wish to do more for the pack.

This rank is self explanatory. A canine under a year is considered a pup. When the pups age to one year, they will move up to a trainee.

The elder rank is for any canine that's eight years or older. These canines are respected and are considered the wisest canines of the pack. They know most information of the pack, and will probably help those of a lower rank out by giving some advice to them.

- We expect you to type AT LEAST 1 1/2 lines during roleplays.
- Please be literate. Proper grammar is very important. Take your time to spell out everything. This means no responses like "hi, how r u? do u need help with anything?"
- Please do not fight with any pack members OOC. If you have a problem, contact me so we can sort everything out.
- We are a soon to be mapped group. When the map is finished, no one is aloud to give ANY of their friends the map. The map is for group use only.
- BE ACTIVE! If you are leaving for a while, please tell me so I don't kick you out!
- This is a canine group. So please be some sort of canine if you wish to join. You don't have to be a dog or a wolf. You could be a fox or a coyote if you want to, so please pick some sort of canine species.
- When signing up, please do not pick a high rank. High ranks are earned, not given.
-  Have fun! This group was made for those who join to enjoy!

Character Name:
Character Species:
Rank Desired:
Roleplay Sample:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 04:32:07 pm by Dogsgorawr »