Author Topic: Alright im saying something...  (Read 2834 times)

Offline AuraSky20

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Alright im saying something...
« on: August 07, 2016, 08:31:40 pm »
God I had to go over and over again to see if this was a good idea to talk about especially for me being me and not posting in what 2 months.

and a bit of a warning this is a rant for what I've been both seeing now and experienced  back in the day when I first joined and even now at times. I've checked if anyone said this kind of stuff in resent memory and I saw nothing. So here's my two sents if somehow you managed to read this far.

"N00BS": the new players of the game, using roblox rp ways, using weird text speak to the point you don't understand, |List of stereotypes here|

and yet I don't mind them, yeah they can be annoying sure, but at least they try. I was once one, and you yes YOU were one too. Sometimes people seem to forget that.

yes its one of those rants.

so noobs nubs newbs however you want to call them as of late I've seen being given a lot of backlash. When I first noticed it, on my RP group one of my members use, what I like to call, the roblox roleplay way which is like so: Hi *smiles*...  and that's what it usually consists of, so anyway she was using that style of roleplay then I asked to try to get at least two sentences in. She didn't listen, so I basically just shrugged it off like 'she'll learn'

now I had to go for a while so I don't exactly have the FULL story, but here's what I heard form a trusted member of the group. When I left there were three left. The person with the Roblox style included, and someone got vary annoyed at the style she was using, and when I left there was an opportunity for her to call it out on her, and from what I heard it was one of those Lit vs non lit battle with the lit going all 'Get the right terms.' 'stop powerplaying' etc.

by the time I came back the Roblox style person left, and by the story I heard I kicked out the person who has... "Chased her out" for lack of a better word.

after that happened I kept on seeing this more and more, not just in my group, either that or its been happening for a long  time and only now I'm just seeing it.

so I disied to tolerate it for a bit, but a month later I'm still here and I still see it going on, so I am now here complaining.

why am I complaining well this shouldn't be happening, it could just be a minority but that minority needs to be fixed because by experience its the minorities that are the most extreme, and so the ones to be noticed the more.

look without noobs this place would be NOTHING none 0% of the interwebs because we all were N00bs at one point or another. I wish do wish that everyone could pop in at any time knowing everything they have to, and at a pro level, but that just cant happen. We are humans we grow and evolve. We are not robots we all have ways of going through what we learn and how we learn it.

Honestly I wish I didn't have to even look at this minority of people doing this kind of stuff, but all and all...

do you really want FH to be the next roblox

I've been on that site for a long time, and they have grown to the point where if you don't have a certain item on your avatar you are a noob, and get shunned for it, and before it was just like here a fun place for people to play no madder what, I've seen it go through this exact proses. We cant let history repeat it self here.

This is not something for the mods and admins to fix this is something the community needs to fix, and it needs to be fixed soon, if you ever see this happening, then help the "noob", or even you've been doing this then I would take this time to kindly think of this question: How has this helped any community?

well, I guess yall can give you're thoughts in the comments of this thread, and I hope yall had a good day I guess.

(man this was the longest post ive ever done I think XD again sorry if this was said in resent memory)
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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 08:39:05 pm »
i agree with you. people need to leave the 'noobs' alone. they will learn with time, but bullying them and saying they 'can't roleplay right' will not help anything.

but then again, that's exactly how humanity works. i wish it wasn't, but eh.

Offline AuraSky20

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 08:47:37 pm »
"You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself, 'Am I having fun?'" -Christopher Meloni

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2016, 08:54:53 pm »
People should not bully others because of their role playing style. All that matters is if that person is having fun. It may take a while for that person to learn to be experienced at role playing, but at the mean time they should just enjoy role playing experienced or not and if someone is bullying them because of how they role play then that bully should be a bigger person and actually help the person with it instead of teasing them.

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2016, 08:59:40 pm »
I agree to a degree with you. I mean, there are time "noobs" are never willing to learn to get better, and then get angry when people lash out. However, there are some that are truly trying their best, and with those, you just have to be supportive and willing to help them out. You should be that way with any person really. But it is hard.

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2016, 10:45:37 pm »
new people shouldn't be judged because of their reloplaying style/ way of talking/ acting, if someone doesn't knows how to reloplay (a new player) you should show them your reloplaying style and they'll learn and learn from you, they arent experts at all when they join at first so dont expect that, we're also humans so we arent perfect. And maybe helping works?

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2016, 11:24:49 pm »
I also agree to some extent with you. New players who have no idea on how to properly role play should be mentored by experienced role players in the community.

Now, with that said I have actually found players who have gotten defensive and even combative when new advice comes there way.

But I do fully agree that experienced players should help and mentor the "newbies" not bully them based on their rp experience or literacy.
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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2016, 12:36:57 am »
Alright, I agree that newbies shouldn't be thrown under the bus or anythin, of the like, n' deserve the same respect as experienced members. They could be offered advice for improvement, however, isn't it hypocritical to say that they deserve to be treated the same, yet insist or demand for them to change. It doesn't hurt to give them advice, but to suggest that they all be mentored by experienced members is a little... rude, don't ye think? It may just be a style they're comfortable with. Besides, as originally stated, we all went through this phase, and we all mostly grew out of it on our own. No one "taught" me to role play. I just was given time to develop into my own style of literacy.
Tl;dr: Be nice to new ones, don't force them to change, respect them for who they are knowing ye' right been there before.

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2016, 01:29:10 am »
I agree that newer players shouldn't be treated disrespectfully or in a way that is condescending toward them. We've all started from the bottom, and it's important to put yourself in other peoples' shoes every now and then. I believe this goes beyond the game itself, as well, and I've noticed that many parts of life in general have a stigma toward younger/newer members of any society, group, or even when standing alone. In most cases, I don't believe that the people who are acting not very kindly toward the new players have harmful intentions- some do, but I think many of them either don't want to associate themselves with newer players/people because they feel like it makes them look "less adequate" or a less respected person to hang out with these people. Some think that their time is not worth spending on someone who isn't like-minded. Of course, there are a few out there who probably don't have the best intentions, either.

I think there will always come a point when people are judged- truthfully, I believe you cannot completely avoid it. Every moment that is spent doing something you love or enjoy, even if it involves something as small as playing an online game, avoiding judgement is inevitable. First impressions can be considered judgement, and it can be nearly impossible to avoid having a first impression of someone- even if it's a good judgement. All in all, I don't find it so much that the issue is judging someone, rather acting upon that judgement in a harmful way before you know more to the person than what meets the eye. It's a bit like a book- everyone retains a judgement or impression from the cover of the book or from reading the first page, yet you cannot accurately judge the entire story without having read it first.

I think the sort of "change" that would be possible in terms of how newer players may be treated is really quite up to the individual, himself. I think it's not so simple as affecting users within the game, it's also something that you can find in your everyday life, and it's not something that can necessarily be "fixed" by changing one specific part about interacting with newer players. I think it can be improved, though- it's really up to the person interacting with that player, and sometimes even the player himself, to decide how he wants to act toward him. If the newer player is roleplaying a specific way, it may have nothing to do with the fact that they are new. I've seen this quite a few times where players who use a specific chatspeak or roleplaying style are automatically considered "new," when in fact, they may simply like roleplaying that way, and I don't believe there is anything wrong with that. There are no set limits for how you "should" or "should not" be roleplaying, and you really do have quite the creative freedom to roleplay however you desire. For those users who do roleplay in a short-roleplay style, it may be that it's the only type of roleplay they see being used, they are intimidated by using long descriptive roleplay, they may be wanting to fit in with the style that their friends are using, etc. Truthfully, I don't see this as something that people need to teach them how to do better. Roleplaying can really be done however the heart desires, and as much as it's a wonderful thing to help teach people how to do things in a more thorough manner, I feel like users shouldn't feel pressured into roleplaying a certain way. If they want to learn how to roleplay in different ways, I think it's a wonderful idea to offer a helping paw to these users to help show them how they can use their roleplaying skills to their full potential. Sometimes all they need is a little push, and they're off writing novels (so to speak.)

Very interesting topic, AuraSky. I enjoyed reading about some of the comments here. c:

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Re: Alright im saying something...
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2016, 01:58:55 am »
Thank you for the impute guys

yes I do understand that there are those prideful "noobs" who think they don't need any help, that's the point where I'd just back off. There are the people who learn through experience, and wont take help ever.

I never supificly said "mentor" I meant by  "if you ever see this happening, then help the "noob"" as: If you ever see the situation of a more experienced player just lashing out like what was told above then stand up for them.

and maybe I used the wrong wording by fix I meant get it to tone down. most likely still bad wording, but I cant think of the right phrase at the moment.

anyway hoped this cleared some stuff up.
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