Author Topic: Cats of the Steppes~  (Read 1136 times)

Offline CosmoFursi

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Cats of the Steppes~
« on: August 09, 2016, 10:59:27 pm »
Cats of the Steppes

Cats of the Steppes (CotS) is a roleplay based in a savannah-like place called a steppe.
The cats living amongst the other creatures have to survive with a sudden heat wave, and have to learn how to live in a group.

This isn't a Warrior Cats group, but it is cats only.

We are:

~Literate (though if anyone is below this level, they will be trained by me to improve)
~Sited (Site is a heavy WIP; I need someone who is good at coding and such to help out)
~Unranked (This is so that anyone can do anything)


1. Respect members in the group and outside it. If someone is seen bullying/harassing anyone, they will be
pun-ished. (yes that's a pun)

2. Any realistic items are allowed. However, if your character has an item that doesn't match realistic,
they will have their item judged by the admin.

3. Realistic colors on a pelt is a must, but if your character has unrealistic colors on their pelt, they
will have to be judged by the admin.

4. Do not powerplay/auto-hit. If a fight breaks out, you will have to follow the basic rules of roleplay-
fighting. You only have five dodges in a fight, but if you use one, you will not be able to use another
one for one turn.

5. Please keep cussing to a minimum.

6. If you and another wish to have your characters mate, please do it in whisper and far away from the
group. There will be people in the group that dislike this kind of roleplaying, and you will need to respect
that. Also, don't discuss mating or the like in the chat. Leave that to whisper as well.

7. If you are going to be absent, PLEASE tell the group before-hand, so we know you haven't poofed
from the face of the Earth.

8. This is a cats-only group. Please do not roleplay as a wolf/dog/monkey. Lions are also not allowed
unless they are for plot reasons.

9. Don't have super-powered characters. We don't need a supercat running around. If you end up
getting into a fight, remember your character WILL get hurt if claws are used. Your character can't
have powers like Lionblaze.

10. Refrain from making tons of blind/deaf cats. Keep those as a rarity. Having one eye/ear that works
is allowed, however.

11. Your cat cannot have any powers like Dovewing or Jayfeather (examples). Unless it is for plot reasons,
your character is unable to have supernatural/highly enhanced abilities.


work in progress

Want to join? Then you can post an application here!

Forum Name:
FeralHeart Username:
Character Name:
Character Image:
Activity In-Game: (1/10)
Roleplay Sample:
Any modifications you have that are semi-required to see your character clearly? If so, what are they called?:

My application looks like this:

Forum Name:

FeralHeart Username:

Character Name:
18 years

Character Image:

Activity In-Game: 8/10

Roleplay Sample:

Any modifications you have that are semi-required to see your character clearly? If so, what are they called?:
i have the canine tails for felines mod, and the cat ears replacement mod. i also have a preset.

Offline OutofBreath

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Re: Cats of the Steppes~
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 11:36:16 pm »
Forum Name: OutofBreath
FeralHeart Username: OutofBreath
Character Name: Wyandotte
Character Image:
Activity In-Game: (7/10)
Roleplay Sample:
Wyandotte sharpened his claws on the rough tree bark of a pine tree. He stood on two legs, balancing himself for a moment by leaning on the tree with his two front paws, then jumped high up into the tree and climbed to a fairly high branch, laid down, and dug his claws into it. Sighing, he rested his head on the branch and relaxed.
Any modifications you have that are semi-required to see your character clearly? If so, what are they called?: nope.
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS

Offline CosmoFursi

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Re: Cats of the Steppes~
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 11:42:35 pm »
Forum Name: OutofBreath
FeralHeart Username: OutofBreath
Character Name: Wyandotte
Character Image:
Activity In-Game: (7/10)
Roleplay Sample:
Wyandotte sharpened his claws on the rough tree bark of a pine tree. He stood on two legs, balancing himself for a moment by leaning on the tree with his two front paws, then jumped high up into the tree and climbed to a fairly high branch, laid down, and dug his claws into it. Sighing, he rested his head on the branch and relaxed.
Any modifications you have that are semi-required to see your character clearly? If so, what are they called?: nope.

welcome chicken i will do things when i get on that account again xD