Author Topic: Asgi Pack  (Read 1739 times)

Offline OutofBreath

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Asgi Pack
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:34:54 pm »

Asgi Pack is an all-canine pack. It can be semi-realistic or realistic, whichever you want. Also semi-literate or literate.
It's mapless, settled in Cherika Valley, and siteless.
It does have ranks, but no tags are required. But you can have them if you want them. Tags are optional.
Active, but semi-new.
No roleplay sample required!

The leader is Rolf, with the username FeralWolfTroll.
To join, simply whisper that username in-game, or post here and I will tell them.

Asgi Pack Rules (Written by FeralWolfTroll):
1. ) Realistic fur color please. Eyes may be whatever color you like. No wings.
 You must be a canine of some kind. Items that are allowed are some collars/necklaces, manes that are items, few tail items, and some bracelets.
2. ) Keep the RP semi-realistic. No being too overpowered.
3. ) No swearing, no killing others of the pack. Don't start fights with other packs.
4. ) Mating is not allowed in group or local chat, please take it to a private map in whisper chat, or, even better, don't do it at all.
5. ) You must be active three days every week.

Asgi Pack Ranks

                                                          Lowest Ranks
Omega- You are the silly, and peaceful one. Many won't take you seriously but, you will still be a semi respected member of the pack. You can not advance in any other ranks.
Psi- You are the newest member of the pack so you have no real rank. You have 1 week to test out all low ranks until your time runs up. If you do not choose you will get forced into a rank. For Teens this is the first rank you will get. The Delta will teach you about each rank for 2 weeks. Then a celebratory gathering will be at the beginning of the new 3rd week.There you will pick your new rank or let the alpha choose it for you.
Pups-Much like Psi you have no rank because you are too young to take on a rank.   
                                                          Low/Common Ranks
Hunter- You are only leave the territory to hunt for food. For the most part you hang out in the territory. When you hunt it will take some time depending on the size of the prey. Large hunts like Elk, Deer or anything big will take 20 minutes or more and need other hunters to join in. Small hunts like Rabbits,Mice, or anything small will take 10 minutes and only needs 1 person. Berry hunting will be only 5 minutes and needs 1 person.
Guard- You will mostly sit around at the guard posts and make sure nothing strange is going on. You will switch out with other guards during the day and night. So some guards will be wake during the day, while the night guards are on break until sunset. Then it will switch, the night guards on the job.While they day guards are on break.
PupSitters- You will help parents with their pups and also take care of abandoned pups. You will be forced to watch over them and teach them the basics of survival.
                                                          Middle Ranks
These ranks can only be earned by staying with the pack for 4 months as a specific rank. Psi, or a teen that has only recently got their rank can not get these ranks. Teens can only get this rank when they become adults.These ranks are optinal to go up to.Guards can become Warriors. Hunters and PupSitters can become Medics.
Warriors-You roam around the territory and train both yourself and others of both warrior and guard rank. However the guard must be on break first before you can train your fighting skills. You will mostly be a defense for the pack if a problem with peace keeping happens.
Medic-You only go out of the territory with a hunter,guard, or warrior to look for medical plants. You will treat wounds and sicknesses in the pack.( you must have knowledge of real life plants and their effects for this rank. Please no magic plants or made up things.)
                                                          High Ranks
Alpha- You must keep a rp relationship with the current alpha by becoming his mate. Pups of the alpha will take on other ranks unless something happens to the alpha. Then who ever was first born becomes the new alpha. If there are already two alphas you can not have this rank.
Bata- You are the second in command. You help teach new members about the pack and their place in the pack, as well as teaching them the rules of the pack. The only way to get this rank is by being a highly active guard that becomes a highly active warrior. If there are already two batas you can not have this rank.
Delta: You are the only one who can watch over the alpha's pups when non of them are around. You will also teach teens about all common ranks and what to expect in middle ranks. You will do this for 2 weeks. To get this rank you must be a highly active pupsitter. If there is already a delta you can not take this rank.
Theta- You are the Lead Medic of the group. You will do check ups on pack members and pick your own personal gaurd to go out looking for medical plants with you, when they are on break that is. You also help the delta with their training of teens, as well as helping teach other medics about plants they may or may not know about. You must be a highly active medic to get this rank. If there is already a theta you can not take this rank.
Gamma- You not only help the delta with training the teens but you also teach hunters strategies for hunting prey. You will mostly hang out in the territory but, you will go off scouting for good hunting spots. You also have to tell the alpha when the food is low or when the water is running dry.
(Written by FeralWolfTroll)


Group made by FeralWolfTroll.
Best time to join is 5:00 PM PST/East Coast time.

Update 10/14/2016

~ Added a new low rank, Psi. It is used for members who cannot pick a rank, so that they
can try out the different ranks until they find one they like. You must pick a rank within
a week.
~ Moved to Bonfire Islands.
~ Added a new Bio, Asgi Character Rules. Since there were problems with the realism of
people's characters and accepted items, this has more detailed information of the character

Update 10/18/2016
~ Added new ranks, put more detail into the ranks.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 09:14:06 pm by OutofBreath »
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Re: Asgi Pack
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 10:42:11 pm »
Oh! Interesting! I would love to join, should I send a whisper to them in game?
Your friendly neighborhood derp.

Offline OutofBreath

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Re: Asgi Pack
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 10:42:59 pm »
Oh! Interesting! I would love to join, should I send a whisper to them in game?

Yes! They are on now.
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS

Offline OutofBreath

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Re: Asgi Pack
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 06:40:39 pm »
Bumping, added an update.
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS