Author Topic: I'm sorry. But it's over.  (Read 2602 times)

Offline RisingDemise

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I'm sorry. But it's over.
« on: October 26, 2016, 02:16:14 am »
I have played this game since 2012. My account isn't that old, because this was not my first account. I chose to leave the old one due to drama, its name I will leave out, however for those of you who know me, I'll miss you terribly. I'll come onto the forum to see how things are holding up. I do so sincerely hope something is done to save this game. If not, I hope another game can take FeralHearts place in my heart. Roleplaying is something that I haven't done in years, ever since FeralHeart changed so dramatically.

Before I do go from this game, I might as well fully explain why I'm leaving.

I've seen lots of discussions on this forum, and lots of drama. I've even been a part of some of it. I have realized that this game, once one of my favorite games to play and something I always loved, has become a dull, grey tale of a fallen era. I will not apologize, because I don't feel guilt or fear for saying any of this. I'm going to be blunt. I will possibly hurt some feelings. But the truth MUST be said, and I will not hold back.

The staff of this game, while I adore some of them, there is a small minority filled with absolutely corrupt monsters. There are threads about this. It's terrifying to talk to them, or at least it would be, if I cared about being banned. I'm leaving either way, aren't I? This is a direct message to the staff of FeralHeart. A lot of you a see as friends to everyone in this game, and I see it has also exhausted you. Perhaps you also feel the same way I do, wishing things could be better for this game and yet feeling hopeless because nothing can be done. But I can't take seeing peoples threads get locked and people getting banned simply for speaking up. If someone is trying to say something's wrong, LISTEN TO THEM. A game is NEVER a dicatorship. Games are meant to be played by people, you can't completely ignore what they say about missing general chat or thinking registration should be reopened by banning them. It's just childish, and I find it very sad that some members of the staff have fallen so far. There shouldn't need to be so much drama over past events. KovuLKD, whatever he did to make him leave this game, what's done is done. You still had a great game, all you needed to do was do what you could to keep it alive. The part of being a staff member is being able to deal with people saying something you don't like. If you can't handle that, you should never be a staff member. I've seen staff members get reappointed that were once demoted that by all means did not deserve to regain that position. I've seen people come to me, pissed off and in tears because they were just banned from a game they loved for saying something they felt should be done.

Stop trying to be so in control when you should be trying to protect the community instead. If you're one of the staff members who feel that people should be treated like actual people and not immediately banned when they say something even slightly wrong, then do something about it. If it's a locked thread, or someone was banned, whatever the case, you should do something. Tell someone, tell the person you feel is in charge. If the person in charge is the problem, then try anyway.

You can tell me it's impossible to fix what has been done. If what you say is what you really feel in that case, then there truly is no hope for this game to ever be as alive as it once was. You can tell me that I don't understand how servers work, or how games work. I might not be a professional, but I've talked to people from game companies before. Servers are meant to be able to handle a world chat and thousands of people, if not MILLIONS being on at once. If you don't have enough money, that's one thing, but that's not something you've ever said that I've seen.

And now, to everyone else.

I remember when I was on my old account, and I first played this game. It was the funnest experience I've ever had. The game was unlike anything else, and when I first joined Seventh Generation(A Warrior Cats RP) I was beyond thrilled. Finally, a game that I could play as a cat and talk to other people, interact and have fun.

I joined countless roleplays after each went inactive. Every RP was better than the last, I even made some of my own. Sometimes, I made mistakes and was quite the drama queen, but I was really little, gimme a break.

Nowadays... I can't even go into the game. I physically can, but mentally, I just can't bring myself to do it. I know the old maps were awful. Fluorite was too spread out, and barren... but it didn't used to be. Ficho was an eyesore and no one really went in it... it never really was, when I was younger. Last Cave and Atlantis I enjoyed, though no one went to those maps, and I never quite understood why. The new maps that we have now I can't stand. They don't lag, and they are beautifully designed, but I can't deal with seeing all of the changes. I've played for so long with Fluorite Plains, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. All of my friends left, and then this huge update came... I was excited, at first, but now... I don't like it. The maps are too small, too cluttered. The fun of the old maps was using your imagination, these maps don't really allow that.

I miss it. The feeling of getting on FH, dealing with bad tokens all the time, and blathering to random people in general chat from day to day, with tons of people to see powerplaying in the fields of fluorite. It was fun, and literacy wasn't taken so much for granted.

All of that changed, and I don't know why. And for that reason, as much as it makes me want to cry, I have no reason to stay on this game any longer. I just can't. I've lost interest. I've made so many friends here, and I no longer have contact with any of them. They're all gone, now.

I'll see you another time, perhaps. If you want me, I'm TheReturningDemise on Revelations Online. The closed beta starts on Nov. 3rd, hopefully the game is as fun as it sounds.

Sincerely and with a heavy heart,


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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 02:31:10 am »
I'm really sorry you feel this way. I don't really agree with what you said but everyone has their own opinions on things and I am not going to go into anything just for the sole purpose of avoiding any conflicts. But I wish you the best of luck outside of the game, and I hope you can find happiness wherever you go.

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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2016, 03:00:25 am »
Sorry to see you leaving, and I wish you luck with whatever you come across in life

I know it's hard, all these changes to the game, the use shift in the community's atmosphere, the leaving of friends... but sometimes you just gotta make the most of it. Evolve with the game, don't get hung up in the past. It's what humans have done from the beginning; I'm sure you can think of many examples. Concerned about dead rps? There are many large, friendly groups that have been around for a long time now. I know that most groups die but if you look hard enough you can find someplace special

Now, onto the part about the staff, and I thank you for presenting this maturely

Quote from: RisingDemise
there is a small minority filled with absolutely corrupt monsters. There are threads about this. It's terrifying to talk to them, or at least it would be, if I cared about being banned. I'm leaving either way, aren't I?

I know every staff member well and I can say that none of us are corrupt. Every staffer is as sweet as can be, and we never take action without reason. You seem to claim that if we are spoken to, said user will be punished, which is not the case. Going out of your way to disrespect us is a different story (which, you are not). I recall another thread where a user claimed that we are hard to talk to, and we try not to be; some of us are just shy

Quote from: RisingDemise
I can't take seeing peoples threads get locked and people getting banned simply for speaking up. If someone is trying to say something's wrong, LISTEN TO THEM. A game is NEVER a dicatorship. Games are meant to be played by people, you can't completely ignore what they say about missing general chat or thinking registration should be reopened by banning them
Quote from: RisingDemise
I've seen people come to me, pissed off and in tears because they were just banned from a game they loved for saying something they felt should be done.

Let me start off by saying that simply suggesting the return of general or regular registration times has never gotten anyone in trouble. People tend to exaggerate the reasons why they THINK they were punished, while really they could have also been breaking many rules around the same time they were talking about general or registration
And we do listen to the community. We read suggestions in the game/forum idea boards. Just because we don't always respond to the topic or actually work towards the idea doesn't mean we're ignoring it. There are things to consider behind every idea, and unfortunately most of the time it just doesn't work out

Quote from: RisingDemise
The part of being a staff member is being able to deal with people saying something you don't like. If you can't handle that, you should never be a staff member

We see tons of things that we don't like, and we deal with it. There's a big difference between being given constructive criticism (in a mature way) and receiving complaints and "you mods are terrible" sorts of things in a very rude and nasty way

Quote from: RisingDemise
Stop trying to be so in control when you should be trying to protect the community instead

We're not trying to be in control. Someone gets punished? They broke a rule. Thread gets locked? It either was completely against the rules or was no longer relevant. We only do things to keep out rule-breakers and keep things more organized and family-friendly for everyone. We do this for the community. Imagine if there were no mods but Raz kept the server up? There would be so many unspeakable topics being discussed on the forums and game and it would only make the community look horrible. We're here for your benefit; we aren't paid to be staffers, but we do it because we love and care for the game and only want it to be a friendlier place

Why did we decide to keep the game up after it was attacked last November? Because we love the community. Why did we work for three years to release a patch for a game abandoned by its creator? Because we love the community. Why have we kept (and continue to keep) the game up and running? Because we love the community

I hope you can understand my points here. But once again, I hope life treats you well
Farewell everyone<3

Offline Morgra

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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2016, 03:33:44 am »
It's a shame to see someone leave. I can understand you have frustrations. This post seemed really well thought out. You must've been thinking about this for a long while. I don't think I feel the same way as you, but I respect your opinions on the matter.

I read through Kiki's reply and one thing stood out to me the most:

Why did we decide to keep the game up after it was attacked last November? Because we love the community. Why did we work for three years to release a patch for a game abandoned by its creator? Because we love the community. Why have we kept (and continue to keep) the game up and running? Because we love the community

After reading this, it made me rethink about how we as a community have been through so much and still managed to pull through. People will have complaints, and their opinions are valid, but so are the staffs'. The game is still up after being hacked, the site is being worked on, we've had an update even though the source code isn't with us, and we've been running for about 5 years now. I don't think FH is failing or disappearing, I think right now is just another one of our "bumps in the road" that we still have to get past. Once the game and site are ready for registration to be reopened, we'll be moving forward and people will change their minds. Some of the ones that left may even come back. But it's because we haven't gotten there yet that everything seems so lost right now. It just takes time and patience. <3

In closing, I wish you good luck and hope that you have good times ahead. Take care :)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 03:35:24 am by MorgraWolf »
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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2016, 02:05:16 am »
It's sad to see so many people from FH leaving, But I sort of understand why, I feel the same way as you do, I haven't played the old maps, But I've seen many videos on them and they look great, I sort of wish the old FH could come back, Or at least a re make of the old maps. I respect your decision and I will most likely leave in the next few years, The community is getting worse each month or so.

Wish you well, Take care
On leave.
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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2016, 02:28:00 am »
What i'm reading here is that they're leaving because general is still gone. The movie maker thing is probably better as far as being spammed with huge amounts of text goes because i don't have to click on it.

Or at least a re make of the old maps.
Someone did remake the old maps.  i can't find the link to them right now but they did a fairly good job of replicating them if you really wanted to revisit them.
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Re: I'm sorry. But it's over.
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2016, 02:33:58 am »
What i'm reading here is that they're leaving because general is still gone. The movie maker thing is probably better as far as being spammed with huge amounts of text goes because i don't have to click on it.

Or at least a re make of the old maps.
Someone did remake the old maps.  i can't find the link to them right now but they did a fairly good job of replicating them if you really wanted to revisit them.

Link is here if anyone is interested in the remade maps. They aren't all there, but they are nice :D
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