Author Topic: hello!!  (Read 4228 times)

Offline amythealpha

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Re: hello!!
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2016, 09:20:53 pm »
Yessss I was Tinystar! *huggles* Yaaaay! I forget who you played as though (again, my memory is absolute garbage atm, I remember the characters but not the usernames right away ;;) tbh I miss Tinystar's character, she was one of the best FH characters I had, but it's hard to remember some things about her since it's been so long.

Also, I /might/ consider joining if you make a clan... but I'm inactive as it is, and I always have things to do and excuses so I won't be too active ;;
yay!! i miss conb :((
i forgot who i was too actually??  gah its hard to remember its been so long
i'm pretty bad at making clans , i'm trying to find one at the moment
and awhh :(

I was looking through my FH screenshots, and I found ya! You were Sunsong! You were one of the first characters I met in the RP, remember when we took a bunch of group photos when first joining? I think we joined around the same time or something, I know I joined sometime after you did but probably not too long after. You also played Silentpaw. Pretty sure you became Silentwind or something like that. Anyways, Tinystar and her were cousins, if I remember correctly. I think Tinystar also mentored her but I could be wrong? Either way, good times c'x
omg ya!! i remember all of that now omg memories gah?? and ya i remember tinystar mentoring her
could you send me the group photos? i can msg you my google hangouts or gmail

also thank u so much kikiorylandia!

Yaaasss alright, message me at [email protected] and I'll send you the pictures (some of the pictures were lost though ;A; but I'll send what I can)

I won't be able to send it for a while 'cause I'm busy today ;;
Oh jeez, uh, I haven't been online in forever. I joined in 2012 lmao, back in the old maps, forgive me for not knowing my way around.
My in-game username is FirecrackerTNT (previously known as amythealpha), but can also be found on lpslover. I used to also be found on the account Amythenightwatch, but I think the account was deleted??? oops lmao