Author Topic: Do you prefer unrealistic, semi-realistic or realistic roleplays?  (Read 4361 times)


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Re: Do you prefer unrealistic, semi-realistic or realistic roleplays?
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2017, 05:14:51 am »
i'm a sucker for fantasy honestly


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Re: Do you prefer unrealistic, semi-realistic or realistic roleplays?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2017, 02:25:49 am »
Literacy isn't my strongest tool in the shed when it comes to third person roleplay as I try my hardest not to roleplay at a 'semi-lit' level. I enjoy literate roleplay and I'm tolerable on semi-literate roleplay however un-literate roleplay troubles me regardless if they're doing it for the 'lulz.' I enjoy roleplay involving anthropomorphic characters or commonly known as furries, but due to the lack of anthro roleplay even if we're dealing with talking quadrupedal characters(hence the name "Feral Heart") I often roleplay alone trying to catch someone's attention. Once I was trying to catch the attention of some Undertale roleplayers by making my character throw a rock... only to hit a gamefowl and getting their face scratched up.