Author Topic: ~Slovan Empire~  (Read 1617 times)

Offline Coltariun

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~Slovan Empire~
« on: January 14, 2017, 07:22:18 pm »

(literate semi-realistic mapped unique active pack that accepts most large canines)

Welcome fellow creatures of the realm to The Slovan Empire.
I am Kaluki, the Alpha of this civilization,
or in our language I call myself the  Xukuma (Zoo-koo-mah)
 we tend to speak in our own tongue here.
Please make yourself at home, allow me to show you around!

  • Pack founded 1/13/17
  • Currently not looking for Affiliates
  • Accepting members
  • Working on more interesting lore and culture to add to the pack's depth
  • Website will be opened at 15 active members
  • A private map will be created at 30 active members

« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 08:21:31 pm by Coltariun »

Offline Coltariun

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« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 07:23:47 pm »

In the earliest years of Slovan history the icy lands that Dire wolf ancestors
 of our current blood called home was deteriorating into
 a  famine swept wasteland. There where rarely alliances or
celebrations of any sort. Time would often be spent
scavenging for food, and scraping off carcasses whom fell victim to weeks of decay.
That or when times got extremely tough, the canines would mutilate their own kin for food.
 Tsani, a  hefty male dire grew tired of seeing his kind wither, friends or foes this hunger was deeper than just a need for food.
He traveled far out of the Algrid terrain to find an Eagle's nest sitting upon the high peaks of a mountain top.
Tsani learned the Eagle's name, Helvick,
Tsani explained what was happening to the large bird
 and eventually they came to an agreement.
Helvick would teach Tsani how to fish,
 all the mighty bird asked is that Tsani not keep the information for himself.

The large wolf obeyed, he wasted no time getting back home.
 Slowly but surely the wolves began to come together over one simple lesson that made all the difference.
Tsani was praised and named a king of the land, natively known as a Xukuma,
with Helvick by his side at all times
 Tsani brought forward successful, strong pack of wolves.

In old age Helvick perished, Tsani devastated left his Sare (Beta) to
 take over the pack. Tsani left with two feathers tucked neatly behind his ear,
 he never looked back. The elder knew what he'd succeeded in doing would last for decades,
even if he wasn't there in the end to see it happen.
He knew he'd built an Empire

When an alliance is to be formed between the Slovans
 and any other group of creatures, an elk is slain by the Xukuma his Sare and best Askari.
The Cheifs of each rank will make a small kill to offer along side the elk. These offerings will be provided in hopes of a fruitful alliance

Sparring is held traditionally to help members rank up, when you reach a
certain amount of won spars you are able to take it upon yourself to earn a Chief ranking
It can also determine whether or not you're able to join the pack properly.

Bird hunts
Pups born into the pack must hunt a bird successfully before given their first rank.
The blood of the bird they kill is said to predict their future in the pack, honourable birds such as Hawks,
and Eagles predict the new leaders of the pack,
while birds like Vultures, and Crows predict worse futures for their life.
The blood of the bird would be smudged upon their forehead and they'd carry the skull on their tail with them for their lifetime
by twine with two feathers plucked from the birds tail

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 09:05:04 pm by Coltariun »

Offline Coltariun

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« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 07:24:25 pm »

The Alpha dog of the pack
tag: XSE
1/1 positions filled

The beta, or second in command,
of the pack these wolves
take charge when the alpha is gone.
tag: SSE
0/1 positions filled
Must have ten won spars in order to apply

These are the wolves whom preform the best in their field,
they issue training to those whom are in their rank
Bogsi Chief: BcSE
Dhigg Chief: DcSE
Doon Chief: OcSE
Askari Chief: AcSE
0/5 positions filled
Must have five won spars in order to apply

The medical help of the pack,
this rank requires the pack member to take care of sick
or injured wolves.
0/? Positions filled
Must have won their entrance level sparring match,
and pass a test given directly from the Xukuma.

The brute assassin role of the pack, will preform
punishments when wolves break law,
 and are sent with scouts to preform raids on enemy camps.
Assasins are often picked out to preform entrance spars with Novys
0/? positions filled
Must have won their entrance level sparring match
and have a spar with the Xukuma

These are the scouts of the pack, more often than not
 they're out of the camp always making runs.
 Border patrols, tracking elk herds,
or even recruiting scouts are busy members of the pack.
0/? Positions filled
Must have won their entrance level sparring match and
complete a scouting mission given by the Xukuma

The hunting rank of the pack
these members will be sent on hunting trips
often to gather food.
0/? positions filled
Must have won their entrance level sparring match
and completed three successful hunts

Den mothers of the pack
these are the females of the pack
whom are taking care of pups
tag:add an n to your pre existing tag
0/? Positions filled
No requirements for this rank

The pups of the pack
Empire kin is required to
follow the bird hunt tradition
tag: pSE
No requirements for this rank

This rank is for new members
who've not reached their four day activity mark
or completed their entrance level sparring matches
No requirements for this rank

The Omega rank
Oklamas are often treated as training examples, bait,
 and often dont leave camp until they can win a certain number of spars.
tag: LSE
This rank is given to you if you loose your entrance sparring match
No requirements are given for this rank

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:30:12 pm by Coltariun »

Offline Coltariun

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« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2017, 07:24:50 pm »

Player Rules
1.No wolf speak
2. Powerplaying will not be tolerated
3. God modding will not be tolerated
4. Refer to Colt before recruiting on your own
5. Disrespectful conduct towards anyone depending on the severity may get you kicked from the RP
6. Slurs of any kind will not be allowed in OOC (racial slurs, LGBTQ slurs, etc.) I don't care if you're joking I will kick you out
7. Please keep your character designs minimally colorful, eyeburning colors will not be tolerated and you will be asked to change them
8. short haired or small dog breeds will not be allowed into the roleplay, other than that most canines are allowed. Migration is encouraged in The Slovan Empire
9. If a wolf is exiled (not kicked) you are still allowed to be apart of the roleplay, just add e to the end of your tag and you  can continue on outside of pack territory
10. You can have  up to two characters at once in the roleplay. However both cannot have lead ranks.
11. Members should be 13+
12.have fun and enjoy the roleplay
Empire Rules
1.Respect to the Xukuma and other higher ranks is a must, disrespectful conduct will
result in a physical consequence from the canine you'd disrespected
2. The killing of packmates is prohibited and will result in being exiled
3.Fighting depending on the circumstance and severity could result in a consequence or an exile
4. Killing of children is prohibited and will result in an exile
5. Hiding or storing resources for yourself will be punishable by physical consequence
6. Breaking alliances is prohibited without Kaluki's permission, this is punishable by exile
7.If a kin bred pup is not given their bird hunt ceremony by yearling age the pup will be automatically given an Omega rank
8. Having relations with enemy or exiled wolves is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
9. Killing of any kind of bird after your official hunting ceremony will result in physical consequence and exile.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 08:08:12 pm by Coltariun »

Offline Coltariun

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« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2017, 07:25:31 pm »

Character Name:
Rank wanted:
from a scale of 1-10 how active are you on FH:
What time are you usually on FH:
Roleplay example:

Please PM me any questions you may have, or ask here! Once you're accepted
 into the roleplay
I will PM you the map link and add you into the group.

Feel free to post applications!

« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 08:10:27 pm by Coltariun »