Author Topic: The FH is Dying Bandwagon  (Read 10041 times)

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2017, 06:36:16 pm »
People are indeed starting to talk about the lack of staff, and some thinking they now have the freedom to get away with anything they want

This is all very true and accurate. Here's just a little screenshot I took a little bit ago, proving this point.

I blurred the user's username partly mainly for respect of their privacy, but also to prove this is an actual user and not some set up or whatever silly thing.

Reports help yes, but even they can only go so far. With staff not being as active as they could be, reporting is proving to be more of a bad alternative, especially since there are more reports than actual action being taken and it's leaving other users thinking that it's ok to break the rules, and it's starting to influence other players. So why not have a whole team of active, strong staff that can be online at the hours when it's needed most to take care of the issue there and then?

I have also noticed the increase of people being influenced by other's actions and behavour. Reports are handy, and everyone is very clear that Staff are not robots, and they respect that. Though it appears with the lack of ingame Staff Activity, reports aren't good enough right now? Situations aren't being taken care of on the spot as they used to because of this.

I just wanted to back this up, I feel strongly about this area.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 06:45:11 pm by Bawfle »

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2017, 09:26:50 pm »
I've been keeping tabs on this and reading through replies as they come in, and you've all brought up wonderful points and ideas to be discussed.

I think it's widely known that there is a shortage of staff. It's been discussed on quite a few other threads, and everyone knows that it exists. Like Ashes and Buffy confirmed, the lack of staff activity has greatly impacted the game. But we have to remember that these staffers are people who are volunteering their time to take care of this game. While yes, I 100% agree it would be nice to have a notice of absence, we have to remember that life is sometimes unpredictable, and things can happen that can take us away from the game abruptly even if that's not our intention. The staffers are only human, and so are we, so I don't think it's fair to single them out for their activity when we all know that lives outside of FH are or can be demanding. It has already been said that they are working hard to find new staff, so this issue will be sorted out in due time. We just have to be patient and trust that the staffers are working hard to solve these issues.

However, with the lack of active staff (Save for Nynx and Kiki, bless their souls) the backbone is weakening. People are indeed starting to talk about the lack of staff, and some thinking they now have the freedom to get away with anything they want because "Staff aren't doing their jobs."

I just want to touch on this point that Ashes brought up here, and expand on what Buffy confirmed because I think it's a very important repercussion of the staff activity issue. I think there seems to be this great misconception among users that think it is okay to break the rules when the staff aren't around. I've witnessed this occur quite a lot, and more times than not when users (And myself) attempt to remind them of the rules, they proclaim you as "butthurt" or "mini-moding" (Which seems to have a negative connotation even though it is meant as a simple act of kindness?) and then continue the unacceptable behavior. I've seen quite a few of these situations end in arguments, some of which turned the whole mood of local foul and unwelcoming. It's not healthy for the game, and whether through more staff or an announcement to the public, I think that the issue should be definitely considered and dealt with.

Also, I know that I am breaking away from the aforementioned and back to the topic of "dying", but I thought it would be a good idea to point out these few things that I sometimes think people forget while forming their opinions about the game.

- FH has in no way had an easy time as an online MMORPG.
Like Sura said, we were left with a game with no opportunity for major future changes. Somehow during the time of 2012-2014 we were able to accept that and playing went very smooth. But then in 2015-2016, we had three major changes to the game 1) The removal of general 2)The Hacking Incident/Login Page 3) The Update. These three events happened in such a short amount of time, and no one was really able to settle into these changes which created confusion and chaos among the playerbase.

- FH can never own up to what the players demand.
I know that this sounds a little pessimistic, but I urge to look at it from a realistic standpoint. Although the staff and Raz do wonderful jobs of trying to make everything for the players possible, it's just not realistic. Heck, MMOs run by large companies with over thousands of paid employees can hardly please all the players. It's simple in that not everyone can have what they want, so sometimes sacrifice and compromise are necessary.

- This is a game tailored for children.
Although I know that there are plenty of older users on the game, whether it be late teenagers or adults, this game was still intended for a 13 year old audience. In fact, though not encouraged, I've seen users ages 9-12 on here as well. My point is, a game with a large playerbase of children will behave like a game with a large playerbase of children. We have to realize that a lot of the players on here are in fact children who do not know better. Though this is definitely no excuse of justification for rule breaking, we have to at least bring an understanding of this to the table before we dismiss parts of the community as "crybabies" or "complainers" as I've seen many been called before.

I just want to finish this up with saying that things will all work out soon, no matter what happens. I know it sounds cheesy, but this game has gone through a lot and survived. We have a beautiful staff team which will hopefully grow in the near future, and we just have to be patient. As the staff confirmed, the community's ideas and complaints have not gone unnoticed or unconsidered, so we have to trust that the staff will do all that is humanely possible to improve our game and community.

On a temporary leave. Please contact other members of staff if you need assistance.

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2017, 12:15:35 am »
I too have to agree with what is being said. I understand fully that the staff have lives and can become busy and need to take time away, but the community should receive some kind of notice that so and so will be away for such amount of time. It's only a fair notice, and as mentioned, nobody has to go into detail about the reasons etc.

The other thing I wanted to brush up on was indeed the staff activity. Again, it's understandable that everyone has a life, but at the same time upon accepting this role in the community, they understand what comes with it. I'm not pointing fingers or trying to offend anyone, but it's not exactly the best time to be low staffed. As of current, we only have three moderators and two active admins to monitor the game and forum. That being; Sura, Raz, Kiki, Nynx and Ressy. Four staff members to monitor the game, take cake of reports, and monitor the forum all at once. You have to admit, that's a lot for four people, especially those whom have work outside of FH.
Reports can only help so much, to be fair. Some may not check the forum as mentioned and may not know the proper way to report a user etc. Some users might not take a screenshot at the right time and so on. There's an endless amount of possibilities that could render a simple report invalid to an investigation. It's more beneficial to see the action as it happens then to have the mere screenshot of doing so. It's more 'just'.

With a community that is growing, the small team of staff we have currently isn't going to be efficient. Again, i'm not saying you guys aren't doing a good job, but trust me, a large community for a small team is going to be a lot to handle in the long run. Especially if we're going to continue updating the game.

And as Buffy mentioned, it's not shameful to ask for help from members of the community. We're willing to assist the staff in any way possible so long as it means FH is a better place. Trust me when I say this, we have a very creative and helpful community compared to many i've witnessed in my years of gaming. We should take pride in contributing from the community. Hence why I suggest maybe adding some items etc. Not ones from the packs, but actual items made by the staffers/talented members they asked.

I totally agree with bringing back the older contests, or bringing newer ones in as the seasons change. As I suggested here, events don't have to continue through the year, but instead could be rotated around. This keeps topics fresh and doesn't make a user 'bored' with the same-old-same-old.
With new contests, they could be maybe once a year or simply seasonal as most are. This would give users something new to look forward to as the year/season changes. And not only having these events on this time frame, but not telling users ahead of time and giving them a surprise! For sure there's some users out there whom would wish to participate in new events around the community.

I don't want to say that we're getting bored, but it's becoming the same thing we see. I'm not the first to witness the things mentioned, nor will I be the last to say them. We know the staff are doing their best, but they can only do so much with the numbers they have. I agree with Buffy when she says it's time to recruit some newbies, but again there's the issue of Ally being away. Following the replies here, I think the community has spoken their mind to it's loudest at this point. I just hope we're being heard..

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2017, 12:17:35 am »
Oh wow, a lot of responses on this. I loved a lot of the points you were all making, so I thought I'd have a few words.

I'd like to first say thanks to Bawfle for pointing this out in response to my graphs:
Before everyone gets excited, I just wanted to note that the increase of forum activity in 2016 is majorly to do with all the users and visitors logging in, in the Summer, to view the new downloads of FH and the patch. Everyone would have landed here on the forums to find out what was going on. Thank you, Magora, for providing these statistics.

When including that graph, I figured that the reason for the spike in the activity was because of the update bringing people onto the page, but I thought to include it because it did show that there were a record number of people coming online to view the update and to download it. Now the activity throughout the rest of 2016 is a different story.

We have been seeing quite the decline of people online recently. It isn't as bad or as dramatic as some people make it sound, but it is still there. Yes, there are a lot of people that you can say, aren't the most thrilled about the update? Kynvuu and Sura bring up a great point about this. Several members enjoyed the old maps so much because of nostalgic purposes. It's because of what they were used to. These new maps were a complete turnaround from what they were used too, which is probably why the update hasn't received the best feedback. Not because the new maps were bad, but because they just missed the FH that they were used to with Bonfire, Fluorite and the other maps. And maybe, in their eyes, it just didn't feel as much like FeralHeart anymore because the new maps. Now, this isn't really the focus of the more recent responses to this topic as I see, Sura, that you and the other staff members are looking into that situation.

However, keep in mind that when the patch was made we had no way of knowing how it would be received. We all knew we had the best intentions and we all tried to imagine what users may think but in the end it was a learning experience. This initial community patch was just the beginning of future planned patches. By no means is this patch the solid fate of the FH public maps. When the team worked on these maps there were a lot of things discussed, you should know yourself that not all of the staff agreed to certain aspects of these maps. Just because we are all on a single team doesn't mean we all think the same and agree upon something. In the end certain individuals finalized the patch maps and their overall design, most often the designs were for practicality and to improve game performance.

Those left on the current team pay close attention to the community's wants and needs... and we have taken note of many things. We plan to make better upon what we've learned from this experience I guarantee you that.

The community will have a part in the next community patch. All the threads and complaints haven't fallen on deaf ears.

I am so glad that you brought this to our attention too. This patch isn't going to be the end. Who knows what might change in the future? I think a lot of people need to hear you out on this. It's clear you have heard their criticisms and are going to take them into consideration for future updates.

In regards to the rest of the replies about staff inactivity:

I do think this needs to be addressed as soon as it can be. The concerns of Bawfle, Ashes and Kynvuu about people breaking the rules because of the staff not being around are becoming increasingly more problematic. People are discussing inappropriate subjects in local. I keep seeing it time and time again. Offenses that used to be considered serious rule breaks are now being ignored because there isn't someone around to take care of the problem. I even heard someone say in local in response to someone calling out someone on the inappropriateness of what they were saying that "FeralHeart isn't PG-13 anymore lol" I don't want to see this kind of behavior continue and I'm sure none of you do either.

I understand completely that FH is low on staff, and there are many people who meet the requirements needed of a Mod (as Nynx states in this thread).

I read through Nynx's post that Bawfle linked in her post and by the looks of it and your reply here, Sura, it looks like the staff team is looking into finding new candidates for moderator positions. I am hopeful in thinking that this is going to start taking care of all of these concerns and bring us back on the correct path. We all believe in you as you are a wonderful staff team! We just hope that some problems that are starting to arise will be fixed as soon as they can be.
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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2017, 12:24:26 am »
It has come to the that people have seen Raz on more than some others

Yes this is because he is still working on updating the site and doing a lot of cleaning. A task that's taking quite a while due to the many avenues that need attention but also formation of new issues that he must deal with. We're probably going to see a lot more of him during this time.

There's not a lot of staff in-game so much, I only see Nynx and Kiki making an effort in that area, and a lot of other users I'm sure can agree or confirm this.

Kiki and Nynx do an amazing job at all that they do. Both ladies go above and beyond and I'm thrilled to see that the community recognizes their efforts... however just because you do not see certain other staff as readily this does not mean that they aren't making an effort to in game more often but rather that they are working on other aspects of the game, example some of our staff are extremely active on the other FH media sources like the DA group & Tumblr etc. The job of a FH staff isn't solely moderating in game...

I can honestly admit that my efforts have been focused more on the site than in the game. Keep in mind that while moderators, global moderators, and admin share similar duties we also have some duties exclusive to our title... example as an admin Allegra & I focus more of our time and efforts to dealing with back end things with the game. If we are constantly out moderating the in game maps we wouldn't get any where with patch planning and making. This is why a staff team is made to be versatile, so that we can all pitch in in what ways we can while still making a difference for the community.

As the team gets smaller the more demand there is for work else where than just in game moderating. I'm sorry but you guys can't always expect us to be in game. We can't neglect everything else.

(Not directing this at you Edo but more so to anyone here)
Calling out specific staff simply because you think some are more active than others is hurtful. Do not assume things guys when you're only seeing half of the story.

Certain Staff like Ally and Shallow are gone at months at a time, and don't give notice to anyone?

They both informed the staff team that they were going to be unavailable. They left notices on their profiles about it. I discussed it with Raz and he went as far as removing the easy message option (from the staff page) to reduce if not eliminate inbox traffic.
You can see this on Shally in this image:

I understand completely that FH is low on staff, and there are many people who meet the requirements needed of a Mod (as Nynx states in this thread). I also know nothing can be done about it at current time, as Ally is the only one 'trained' to train Mods out of you and her, and you still need to be trained on how to train mods. As a former Staff member myself, I am aware of this, and how Moderators can only answer questions related to the topic of what a MiT is learning. Admins are the only ones who can truly train new recruits. Red trained Allegra, and Allegra was treated like an intern (as in, she always had help with things hands on if you know what I mean?). But now it's your turn, and nothing will improve unless something is done about Staff activity/Staff recruitments.
Not true.

I can train new potential mods just as Allegra can. We are both administrators after all.

While it is true that the admin do the bulk of the MIT training global moderators and moderators are encouraged to give supplementary guidance and advice along their peer's way. The team is a team after all and therefore trains like a team should.

Also there are not many people who qualify as potential MITs... if there were we'd have more mods by now. One of the biggest factors is age. To some it may seem like there are numerous members who are staffy worthy but to staff who know what's expected the pool is limited. We don't put the requirements as a means of hindering things... but we must be careful whose hands we put the community in.

As for pushing the Preset contes back, I personally don't think the Staff should? Sure, maybe make it less regular if you feel it's getting too unsuccessful, but maybe you don't need to at the same time. I think Staff should improve prizes, as they're what people are truly after, they should improve how the preset contest works. The new feature of asking what people want to see/do is great, it's wonderful that the community is being invited/included in this kinda stuff. With Prizes, maybe it would grab more attention if more prizes were involved. For example, a preset for a preset, maybe if someone wants to win the chanse of winning their character a preset from a good preset maker, then maybe people will join in more. 45 DA points, I think is what they offer, it's not much at all for probably hours worth of effort. As well as art. I'm not trying to sound lame about this, but people want art from good and talented artists.

Nothing has been finalized amongst the staff in regards to the Preset Contest, its future, and prize system. Staff has discussed the prize system numerous times and even gone as far as suggesting new prizes as you mentioned... none of this is new. You were around when we were discussing this stuff so I'm pretty sure you're aware of the staff's concern and desire to improve it for users.

You also know that the staff team is made up of people with various talents. Not everyone on the staff team is an artist and even those that are aren't always willing to lend themselves over for the task for various reasons. Some artists also don't work by command but rather by free will and inspiration. As the staff team shifts it's understandable that we will not always be able to offer certain prizes. What do we do in the case that there is only one artist? Do we expect a single person to keep up with prizes? No and we shouldn't. This is why I shut down the preset contest a few years back... because while we want to be able to offer users fantastic prizes we have to be good and kind to our staff.

Our staff are not slaves. As an artist yourself you know you do not like lending your immense time, efforts, and talent for free. Luckily we've had some wonderfully generous and kind staff who have tried to keep up faithfully to the demand...

And so that brings me to that bit about people wanting art from "good talented artists"

Exactly how does one gauge art as being better or worse than others? Are you insinuating that our staff artists have subpar skills? Because it seems that way, and I would advice you not to go anyway further with such notions.

As for points I discussed myself (given my experience with DA art pricing) how small the point prizes seem. But again what are DA points? They are things that you either spent real money buying or real time effort and sweat gaining through commissions etc. Is it kind of us to put that expense on any one member(s) of the staff?

So when you say:

Replacing activities is just rather lazy?

No. It's not lazy nor are we being lazy. It's called caring about your peers and realizing what you can handle without putting immense stress on an already tiny and broken team. While we staff do what we do because we love the community and want to see their happiness we do not do so at the expense of the staff. This is not a slave shop.  There's nothing wrong with trying new things and putting some old things to rest temporarily.

Instead of a repetitive Seasonal Preset Contest, how about a different event for every season? Plan these things while current events are going on. Maybe plan these events so people aren't expecting them? Like Bam, Preset contest, Bam, Caracter creation screen contest?, Bam, another contest.

If we could keep up with it a different contest a season would be wonderful.

Also you state a lot of things as though you are aware that we don't do them. We do plan things ahead of time while other events are going on. You were a part of the staff team and you know full well how we did things so idk why you're suggesting things that you know we already have considered or already do as though it's something new and innovative.

I appreciate all the feedback but do keep in mind that we aren't without our own ideas too. We still have the community's best interests at heart and always will.

The very backbone of this game is the staff team.

But the very life blood of FH is the community and that community is made up of the staff and users. A co existence. FH staff can only do so much to please you guys...

It's up to the users to decide if that co existence will be a symbiosis or antibiosis.

At the end of the day we are all just trying to make the best with FH, and that shouldn't cost either side their happiness.

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2017, 01:35:26 am »
I understand completely that FH is low on staff, and there are many people who meet the requirements needed of a Mod (as Nynx states in this thread). I also know nothing can be done about it at current time, as Ally is the only one 'trained' to train Mods out of you and her, and you still need to be trained on how to train mods. As a former Staff member myself, I am aware of this, and how Moderators can only answer questions related to the topic of what a MiT is learning. Admins are the only ones who can truly train new recruits. Red trained Allegra, and Allegra was treated like an intern (as in, she always had help with things hands on if you know what I mean?). But now it's your turn, and nothing will improve unless something is done about Staff activity/Staff recruitments.
Not true.

I can train new potential mods just as Allegra can. We are both administrators after all.

While it is true that the admin do the bulk of the MIT training global moderators and moderators are encouraged to give supplementary guidance and advice along their peer's way. The team is a team after all and therefore trains like a team should.

I was just going based off the system that was in place when I was Staffing. Allegra was being trained/was an apprentice of sorts as an Admin, and was learning techniques from much experienced people in the mod training feild. If you really can train moderators with no experience in training them first hand, then it's encouraged to do something about the low staff issue? I'm sure other Staff will be there to be a helping hand. As said before, there can't be absolutely no users who meet the Mod requirements here. Right? It's been months upon months since the last set of mods were recruited. Are you saying that there's not been anyone? o; I'm just curious, not trying to start trouble.

As for pushing the Preset contes back, I personally don't think the Staff should? Sure, maybe make it less regular if you feel it's getting too unsuccessful, but maybe you don't need to at the same time. I think Staff should improve prizes, as they're what people are truly after, they should improve how the preset contest works. The new feature of asking what people want to see/do is great, it's wonderful that the community is being invited/included in this kinda stuff. With Prizes, maybe it would grab more attention if more prizes were involved. For example, a preset for a preset, maybe if someone wants to win the chanse of winning their character a preset from a good preset maker, then maybe people will join in more. 45 DA points, I think is what they offer, it's not much at all for probably hours worth of effort. As well as art. I'm not trying to sound lame about this, but people want art from good and talented artists.

Nothing has been finalized amongst the staff in regards to the Preset Contest, its future, and prize system. Staff has discussed the prize system numerous times and even gone as far as suggesting new prizes as you mentioned... none of this is new. You were around when we were discussing this stuff so I'm pretty sure you're aware of the staff's concern and desire to improve it for users.

I know I was.. I was just harmlessly coming out with what I thought about it, how I personally think certain things shouldn't be stopped/pushed back dramatically if these things were to happen.

You also know that the staff team is made up of people with various talents. Not everyone on the staff team is an artist and even those that are aren't always willing to lend themselves over for the task for various reasons. Some artists also don't work by command but rather by free will and inspiration. As the staff team shifts it's understandable that we will not always be able to offer certain prizes. What do we do in the case that there is only one artist? Do we expect a single person to keep up with prizes? No and we shouldn't. This is why I shut down the preset contest a few years back... because while we want to be able to offer users fantastic prizes we have to be good and kind to our staff.

Our staff are not slaves. As an artist yourself you know you do not like lending your immense time, efforts, and talent for free. Luckily we've had some wonderfully generous and kind staff who have tried to keep up faithfully to the demand...

And so that brings me to that bit about people wanting art from "good talented artists"

Exactly how does one gauge art as being better or worse than others? Are you insinuating that our staff artists have subpar skills? Because it seems that way, and I would advice you not to go anyway further with such notions.

As for points I discussed myself (given my experience with DA art pricing) how small the point prizes seem. But again what are DA points? They are things that you either spent real money buying or real time effort and sweat gaining through commissions etc. Is it kind of us to put that expense on any one member(s) of the staff?

I know Staff aren't slaves, and I'm aware of matters such as expences. Staff aren't required to do that, and that's fine, but I was only suggesting harmless alternatives, like a preset for a preset. I also only suggested that the DA points aren't a good motive for people as the offer is so little for how much effort is put into submissions? I was simply suggesting (if staff want to keep this prize option), then to up the DA point amount? Like said, Staff aren't required or expected to go and buy points for the sake of a contest. It was just a suggestion if this prize were to be kept, and only that-- nothing more. It just doesn't seem like a valuable prize? I think that's the right word choice?

I also want to point out that I wasn't gouging (or wasn't intending?) art as being better or worse than others. I'm not insinuating that staff artists have subpar skills, either. I'm aware I'm a good artist but I kinda feel like this was used against me there? I kinda felt you saw me as shadowing upon others, which I hope I'm wrong in. My main and only idea was to, if art prizes were to be kept in future, maybe ask upon artists on DA or other sites for art 'donations' of sorts for prizes? Art you think is suitable for a preset contest maybe? Just to pick out some artists who are really talented/skilled and might offer art for such things. It's not a likely chanse you'd get many yes' in terms of 'donations'. Like you said, there are people who don't really give stuff for free, unless they're passionate about giving that is. I apologise if I didn't make myself clear enough with this before.

Replacing activities is just rather lazy?

No. It's not lazy nor are we being lazy. It's called caring about your peers and realizing what you can handle without putting immense stress on an already tiny and broken team. While we staff do what we do because we love the community and want to see their happiness we do not do so at the expense of the staff. This is not a slave shop.  There's nothing wrong with trying new things and putting some old things to rest temporarily.

This is all in the matter of if. If the only ever available option were to replace contests with others, in terms of being able to 'keep up', I just feel other users would see view as lazy. If not given proper reason for it, that is.

Instead of a repetitive Seasonal Preset Contest, how about a different event for every season? Plan these things while current events are going on. Maybe plan these events so people aren't expecting them? Like Bam, Preset contest, Bam, Caracter creation screen contest?, Bam, another contest.

If we could keep up with it a different contest a season would be wonderful.

Also you state a lot of things as though you are aware that we don't do them. We do plan things ahead of time while other events are going on. You were a part of the staff team and you know full well how we did things so idk why you're suggesting things that you know we already have considered or already do as though it's something new and innovative.

I appreciate all the feedback but do keep in mind that we aren't without our own ideas too. We still have the community's best interests at heart and always will.

Yeah, it would be. I'm happy to see you feel it would be wonderful. I and others understand that you need to be able to keep up with things, and have a lot of active helping paws, but these are all suggestions. The community aren't trying to beat anyone down and I'm sure I can speak on behalf of other users her, we don't want you to feel that way either. We're only giving our suggestions and thoughts to lend a helping paw in the future. I understand that I was there, and witnessed things being planned ahead of time, but not really in terms of new content? Just the stuff we have today? Sure, there were suggestions and ideas, but never really got put through.

I really feel things got unnecessarily heated here, and I apologise if some of it was of my own fault for not being as clear as I should be. You out of anyone should know I do not do so well in wording things together, I was kind of hoping more than anything if you'd ask what I meant by certain things. Personally I felt a bit blamed? I don't want to cause heated subjects, but regular members like those who have commented on this thread, and myself, just want to offer our ideas and thoughts on how things could be improved? As well as pointing out ways people might feel the need to say "FH is Dying". Prizes were mainly decided upon by staff, maybe ask the community what they want to see prize wise as well?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 02:38:11 am by Bawfle »

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Re: The FH is Dying Bandwagon
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2017, 11:57:13 pm »
Dear Feral-Heart Community

You all seem to be very concerned about the game.

Yes numbers have reduced. (Morga's stats are way off not sure why...)

Yes we know why.

No its not the staff or there activity levels that have caused it.

And no I'm not going to provide a huge explanation as to the problems.

What I will say is there is a plan! Things can be fixed and will be fixed!

Some of you have noticed me around more, that’s simply because I have a little more free time at the moment. Also just because I'm in game doesn’t mean I'm there to moderate typically I'm fixing or testing things.

Now there a part of the problem that staff can't fix but you can.

Feral Heart has a serious problem and that is silence...

Being in game lately its very noticeable. People go in game and just chat in there group chat or party. Yes local is used but not as much as it should be. If you're in a group and you're all in the same map use local. If other people are using local in that area and you cant have you're conversation move out of range and use local.

Why use local? So other people can listen in or even join in. You never know you might even meet some new friends that way. Without this use of local new users turn up into silent maps and half the time when they talk they seem to be ignored.

So use local get you're friends to use local and get them to do the same. Lets just make it an unwritten rule, a general courtesy. If you as the community can do that I will personally make sure we hold up our end even if I end up doing it all myself xD.

See you in local

« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 12:06:35 am by Razmirz »
Please contact other members of staff if necessary they will escalate issues to me