Author Topic: Barbarous Beasts  (Read 1144 times)

Offline Dartt

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Barbarous Beasts
« on: July 03, 2017, 11:12:50 pm »
(I am already working on one, please be patient!)

On a small, far away planet, similar to Earth, lives a diverse tribe of beasts. From canine to feline, they all live together in one tribe. Or so they thought. When they were stripped away from their icy tundra habitat, they discovered that they were never alone. A separate tribe, much like them, inhabited this unfamiliar, red desert habitat. The 'Barbarians' are now settling into their new home, but they remain wary with information of a possible rival.

About the beasts: There are two types. Danju and Kanje. Kanje is the oldest specie of beast.

Tundra Kanje (Barbarians): Adult males range from 5-7 feet at the shoulder, with females ranging from 4-6 feet. They have the form of a lion but with beastly features. Both males and females would have manes to fight off the cold that came from their old habitat. Younger Kanje may possibly (but rarely) be born with no mane, in response to the change of climate (PM me first if you want a character with this trait). Kanje inherit large fangs, with males more often having larger ones for fighting purposes. If they are not used often enough then they will rot out of the skull, hence why Kanje eat meat as frequently as they can.

Tundra Danju (Barbarians): Adult males range from 3-5 feet, with females ranging from 4-6 feet. They have the body of a canine, but, yet again, with beastly features. They have thick coats much like the Kanje, since they came from the same habitat. They take less time to shed their fur though, and because of their lighter build they can usually run faster than the Kanje. It is rare, but because of uncommon interracial breeding, sometimes a Danju can be born with tusks, like the Kanje have (PM me first if you want a character with this trait).

Desert Kanje (Tribe to be named): Just like Tundra Kanje, though they have a leaner body type. Males more often inherit manes than females do, but they are usually short. They know the desert better than tundra beasts do.

Desert Danju (Tribe to be named): Just like Tundra Danju, but they also have thinner fur and leaner body type like the Desert Kanje. They almost look similar to dingos, but larger.

Note: BOTH species can have any design, as long as it looks natural, though Tundra beasts tend to have darker/silver fur while Desert beasts tends to have red/brown fur.

Setting - Desert
The sand is a bright red hue, and the winds are very strong, sometimes reaching a speed of 60 mph or more. Because of this, the tribe builds sandstone houses in a compact space in order to stay out of the wind.

Local Prey ("DANGER" is a rating of how dangerous the animal is. 8-10 can kill you.)

Ganjua | Description: A small, red/brown creature similar to rabbits, but a bit smaller. They have long leathery tails and thick leathery paw pads to manage running in the sand all the time. They are very fast runners and have a strong kick.
DANGER: 1/10

Skangi | Description: Much like crested geckos but larger. They have venomous saliva which can give you a burning sensation when bitten.
DANGER: 4/10

Quaezai | Description: Very similar to a vulture, but smaller. They have black feathers and a lizard-like beak. They tend to hunt smaller things and often steal food from other animals.

Jebbar | Description: Like a scorpion but they have no stinger. They use their dark red/brown looks to camouflage themselves in the sand, and then they attack their prey using their large mouths and pedipalps.
Danger: 2/10

Local Predators

Panjen | Description: Similar to piranhas and looks somewhat like a crab, they have legs and a flat body, and they don't hunt in packs. They scuffle into the sand to camouflage themselves and then they wait for something to pass by, so that they can jump out and bite it. Their jaws can crush bone. Edible. (Crunchy, but a very delicious and rewarding treat if you are able to kill one.)
DANGER: 7/10

Nangeu | Description: About the size of a coyote, they have black fur and six long, spider-y legs, and a large, strongly built beak. They hunt in packs of 3-8, anything below that may be survivable if targeting a single adult beast. Edible, though they have a very bad taste.
DANGER: 9/10

Bonjui | Description: A MASSIVE creature like a bear, but larger than a horse. They have orange/dark red coats. They stand at around 8 feet tall and have heavy, deadly paws that can do incredible damage to a beast with just one well-aimed swipe. The beasts have developed a tactic to kill these if ever encountered, but it is very risky. It requires Danju for their speed and agility to wear them down, and Kanje to use their large fangs to sink through their thick hide. Edible. Can feed a tribe for almost a week if successfully taken down.
DANGER: 10/10

Ranks (From highest to lowest)

Tier I

Chieftain - Chieftain Vasilias of the Barbarians tribe.
Lady (Chieftain's Wife) - Open
Subordinates (Sub-dominant males) - Open (0/3)
Duchesses (Sub-dominant females) - Open (0/3)
Heir (Self explanatory) - Open

Tier II

Hunters - Open (0/∞) (Self explanatory. Hunters do not need to spar.)
Fighters - Open (0/∞) (Self explanatory. Fighters do spar.)
Guards - Open (0/5) (Guards patrol the main camp and guard the tribe when their defense is low. Guards do spar.)
Gatherers - Open (0/15) (Gatherers carry food that hunters kill. They gather as a group to take large prey back to camp.)
Healers - Open (0/5) (Self explanatory. Healers must also know how to grow herbs since they are nowhere near abundant in a desert habitat.)
Cubsitters - Open (0/∞) (Self explanatory. Cubsitters must take care of any and all cubs while their parents are busy hunting/fighting/etc.)


Have intermediate - advanced grammar!

While having nice grammar is, well, nice, don't over complicate your posts. "Charcoal strands glistened under the heavenly rays of the ethereal glowing sphere of gas known as the sun whilst the beastly creature of felidae appearance' glowing emerald orbs rotated to scan the surrounding dunes with small disk audits swiveling."
(That was a semi-bad representation, but, just try to make sure that your posts make sense.)

No post cutting! This RP will be turn-based, in alphabetical/numerical order (because why not) and before role playing a list of names in that order will be given. If I am not online and you want to role play with a group in the RP anyway, then please stick by this rule! It may make things so much easier.

No spamming the group chat.

You can only have 3 characters in the RP in general (meaning some may be in the tundra tribe, some in the desert tribe) and only 1 character per person can have a tier I rank!

No hate speech! Keep chat and RP PG-13! (No politics. Mild gore is allowed.)

Fade to black when mating/giving birth! Take it to whisper!

No Gary Sues/Mary Sues, and please, when making a character, follow the description given for said species/tribe!

No power playing.

If you want a high rank, you must start with a Tier II rank and work your way towards possibly getting one. (The Heir rank can only be inherited, so if the Lady has a litter, one heir will be picked eventually. Again, no Mary or Gary Sues. You can't just make a super strong/smart cub to get picked. It is much like getting the Subordinate/Duchess rank.)

More rules may be added soon. Let me know if you have any that should be implemented! (Same goes for ranks.)

It is not needed as of now, but I will need someone to host the desert tribe later. PM me if interested.

If you want to join this group, reply with a screenshot of your character and an RPS! Or find me on FH and whisper me there!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 01:36:09 am by Dartt »
Proud creator of the MemeHeart mod! PM me if you would like the current version!

Offline Dartt

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Re: Barbarous Beasts
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2017, 06:54:52 am »
Proud creator of the MemeHeart mod! PM me if you would like the current version!

Offline Dartt

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Re: Barbarous Beasts
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 06:50:50 pm »
Proud creator of the MemeHeart mod! PM me if you would like the current version!