Author Topic: The Mega Cosmo Biography  (Read 1684 times)

Offline StarryNights

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The Mega Cosmo Biography
« on: August 31, 2017, 01:05:47 pm »
Cosmo Fursi

"In your dearest memories...
Do you remember loving me?"

Cosmo Fursi


Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
The Fusior Tribe, In Her Mother's Den


Fennec Fusior (Rare)

Flame Fusior

Important Appearance Aspects:
Fennec Fox Ears
Fennec Fox Paws
Fennec Fox Muzzle
Heart-Shaped Marking On Hind Legs
Optional Visor


Power (Flames):
Cosmo can ignite parts of her body or her entire body at will.

The fire usually stays in a circular shield around Cosmo, unless she tells it to do otherwise.

Fire Wings~
Cosmo can make her flames turn into wings, allowing her to fly. There is a 70% chance of them working.

Cosmo's flames are immune to being put out by rain or snow, however they will go out when she is fully submerged.

Cosmo can make her fire explode outwards, causing any plants nearby to burn to ashes, and any creatures possibly getting a third-degree burn.

"Not Giving Up"~
Cosmo's flames will spiral quickly around her when she is gravely injured, creating a flaming vortex around her while also sending the flames' energy to her to grant her a second chance.

Loss of Control~
Cosmo's emotions are a key role to her flames' power. If Cosmo's emotions are out of control, her flames will also run out of control, being freed from Cosmo's magic and doing a low-powered Explosion. Her fire will then be out of her control and will continue ravaging the land until it is put out.

Since previous training, Cosmo's Flames have become easier to manage. This allowed her to unlock new powers for said Flames, as well as her actual element; Earth.

Fire Ball~
Cosmo can use her Flames to shoot a ball of fire outwards for offensive means.

Power (Earth):
Lift Rocks~
Cosmo, if focusing greatly, can lift up small mounds of dirt and use them as a weapon.

No Other Abilities of This Type Have Been Unlocked

Power (Visor):
Cosmo can summon a green visor that goes over her eyes.

Cosmo can tape anything she sees. She uses this to keep logs of her adventures.

Cosmo's friend, Star, can call her whenever. When this happens, her visor will suddenly appear, and she will be allowed communication with her friend.

Image Capture~
Cosmo can take a picture of anything she sees using her visor.

Cosmo can scan nearly anything, from plants to other creatures, and find out anything and everything about it.
However, if it is a creature never before documented (ex, a custom species), there will be no results from the scan.

File Storage~
Cosmo can create folders within her visor to store her pictures or recordings.
(Think like a computers' File Explorer)

Cosmo can replay/show her recordings or pictures, or anything else, by using her visor to create a hologram.

Summon Star~
Cosmo and Star, if both have no negative emotions, can link their emotions, thus allowing Star to fully appear in Cosmo's world. It is unknown why this happens.

"Time To Go Home"~
If Summon Star is active, Cosmo's friend cannot return home by regular means. Cosmo focuses the powers of her Visor as it begins to glow a blinding golden.
A portal then appears, allowing Star to walk through it and go home. This portal is deemed inaccessible by beings other than Star.

Light Show~
Cosmo can use her visor to temporarily shoot a bright light outwards, blinding anyone who looks directly at it.


Current place of residence:
Travels Too Often To Settle

Pearl, Steven Universe

Hierarchy/social standing:
Former Beta Fusior



Favorite color:

Favorite food:

+Kind, Protective, Motherly, -----
-Clumsy, Timid, -----
(Cosmo's personality depends on the situation, but these remain unchanging.)

Large, Open Spaces
Her Friends
Making Glass Sculptures


Heat Resistance
Strong Hind Legs
Outstanding Sense of Hearing
Fast Digger

Being Submerged Underwater
Climbing Trees
Startled Easily

Galaxy (Mother)
Saturn (Father)
Pluto (Brother)

Losing Those She Cares About

"And I, don't want a never ending life,
I just wanna be alive, while I'm here..."
No Set Goals


Henrietta Hen
Star "Fursi"
Frostbite, Fire, and Ice


Cosmo Fursi was one of many Fusiors in a tribe; The only tribe of Fusiors in the world. Her specific breed, "Fennec", was rare and considered royalty, so when she became old enough (Age 10 / Adolescent), she quickly became Beta of the four Fusior leaders, "Alpha", "Beta", "Omega", and "Gamma", after a long month of training. Obtaining her title, "Lady Fursi" or "Beta Fursi", Cosmo soon saw herself acting as a motherly figure to the Pups and Foals of the tribe.

After eight years of sub-leadership, Cosmo had made a grave mistake, one that she does not regret.

Upon wandering far from her home in the Plains, Cosmo had originally planned to hunt for bugs on her own. She didn't expect to see a young Human, a specie that is feared among all Fusiors, sitting there crying. All her instincts said to run and warn the tribe, but Cosmo's motherly instincts wanted to comfort the child. She slowly approached unnoticed by the young being before gasping slightly. The Human was constantly flickering in and out of existence!

Cosmo cautiously made her presence clear by clearing her throat. The Human jumped and uncurled itself from its position, looking towards Cosmo with large eyes and strange, tear-stained glass panes being held over them by some material. Cosmo pinned her large ears against her head, but that made the Human scared. Somehow.

After a long time, Cosmo realized she was beginning to warm up to the Human. Which, at the time, made her extremely worried.

But, finally, the Human spoke.

"Please don't be afraid of me... I'm not going to hurt you..." It whispered, sniffling.

Cosmo immediately felt a pang of sympathy and shock, one for the emotion in the Human's voice and the other for it being so scared. She also realized the Human was female. It was hard to tell at first, due to Cosmo's lack of Human anatomy lessons.

"My name is [CLASSIFIED]," the Human continued, "I just want a friend. Please..."

Cosmo gritted her teeth, unsure of what to do. Should she walk away, leaving the Human to suffer? Or, should she stay and help, risking her Tribe finding out?

She chose the latter, feeling something bringing her towards the child.

Slowly, the Human and the Fusior became acquaintances, friends, best friends, and then what the Human dubbed "True Friends".

Then, Cosmo made another grave mistake. One she actually regrets.

She and the Human, who Cosmo had stuck to calling her Star, were found out. By none other than the Gamma leader and her brother.

Star was attacked and chased off. Cosmo was attacked as well, but didn't have the honor of fleeing. She tried to save herself by activating her Flames, but a Water Fusior quickly got rid of them by drenching her. The Gamma then lunged at her, catching her by surprise and grabbing her tail.

Cosmo flailed desperately, trying to kick the Gamma away with her hind legs, to no avail. She was dragged to the river next to the Tribe's camp. Cosmo, being a Flame Fusior, had the inability to swim, so they had apparently decided to drown her.

The last thing Cosmo heard were the desperate cries of her mother along with her own screams before her ears and nose were filled with water.

Luckily, all was not lost. A hand grabbed Cosmo's scruff and pulled her out of the water as she went past. The Fusior was thrown into a tight hug, making her choke up water and open her eyes.

Star had returned, and was adding to Cosmo's soaked fur with her own tears.

"Cosmo!" she cried, "A-are you- I'm so sorry!"

Cosmo looked up at her, eyes wide, before Star let her stand. She then walked a few steps and looked at her now former home.

"I..." Cosmo murmured, "They... Tried to..."

Gritting her teeth, the Fusior dug her paws into the ground before erupting into flames and screaming her heart out.

Her home was gone, as was life as she knew it.

But that was not the end.

Star walked slowly up to her, obviously struggling with something.

"Cosmo..." the Human whispered, "I have to tell you something."

Cosmo turned to her friend, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm... Not from this world, as cliche as that sounds." Star continued, taking a deep breath. "I'm from a world where there are none of your kind, and where Humans are the only highly-advanced race."

Cosmo blinked in confusion, rubbing her eyes with a paw, "What are you implying?"

Star sighed, "I have to return to that world now."

"What?!" Cosmo yelped, "Don't go!"

A light then appeared in front of them, transforming into a glowing green visor.

Star's eyes slightly widened. "Looks like you have nothing to worry about," she chuckled, her voice momentarily sounding deeper.

The visor turned into a stream of light that swirled around Cosmo before disappearing, the visor appearing over her eyes.

With that, Star started to fade away, her form flickering faster before seemingly evaporating into the air. From the visor that rested on Cosmo's muzzle, her voice called out.

"Talk to you soon, Cosmo."

~~End Backstory~~

Theme Songs:

Fun Facts:
Cosmo cannot swim due to her Flames.

Cosmo cannot climb trees, also because of her Flames.

Cosmo and Star have known each other for about a year.

Cosmo and Star met two days after the former's birthday.

Cosmo is a great singer.

Star often talks to Cosmo to calm down after a rough day. The opposite is also true.

Cosmo was born with the wrong Element, a common ailment in the Fusior Tribe. Normally, Fusiors born with the wrong Element are killed,
but since Cosmo was the first Fennec in 76 years, she was spared. Due to her not having her correct Element, Cosmo cannot control her Flames well.

Her true Element, Earth, has yet to be fully unlocked. This will be a breakthrough in the Fusior species, as, said before, Fusiors born with the wrong Element are killed.

Another reason she cannot control her Flames well, and why they constantly fight her, is because Flame and Earth Fusiors do not get along well.
Her Flames are "Jealous of Earth's power", as said by Cosmo herself.

Cosmo is preparing for a huge fight against her Tribe, which you can apply to fight with her here!

don't judge me i had to make a new one so i could edit it

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2017, 02:53:04 pm »
*Sees length of Bio* Oh wow. O_O

Very lovely Character Bio for Cosmo! The art at the top is awesome! :D

It was interesting to read all of this and I'm not sure it'll stick since there is so much here but I can always read it again later. Thank you for sharing this!

Cosmo fears dragons? o.o
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Offline StarryNights

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2017, 03:02:26 pm »
*Sees length of Bio* Oh wow. O_O

Very lovely Character Bio for Cosmo! The art at the top is awesome! :D

It was interesting to read all of this and I'm not sure it'll stick since there is so much here but I can always read it again later. Thank you for sharing this!

Cosmo fears dragons? o.o

heh, it is quite long... then again it was copy/pasted from the same post on my DeviantArt ;P

thank you! that art is her reference sheet, hehe ^.^

nyeh heh, you're welcome for sharing it! thought i'd let the community know more about my lil' nugget ;D

yes, actually! she's terrified of them >:D
i don't have a reason as to why, though..

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2017, 03:47:24 pm »
Henrietta can fight off the dragons, tho
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS

Offline StarryNights

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2017, 03:53:39 pm »
Henrietta can fight off the dragons, tho

yasa no-

Offline OutofBreath

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2017, 03:55:02 pm »
profile picture by IsabellaGraceS

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Re: The Mega Cosmo Biography
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2017, 05:38:51 pm »
This is beautiful and greatly detailed! I love it!

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