Author Topic: From 100 to 0 (in no time flat)  (Read 3612 times)


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Re: From 100 to 0 (in no time flat)
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2017, 03:57:49 am »
Pretty sure it is. I fluctuate from being active from dusk to drawn to short time spans. I've been on late at night and early in the morning. Ficho Tunnels is mainly for non-English speakers, I find, and while role players roam in there because of the lack of lag and change of scenery, they're usually doing so in groups or whisper. Most groups these days don't appeal to me, sadly. I've tried getting back into wolf packs but it's become so overly complicated, I feel, where I just want to have to fun. You can have fun with that stuff, of course, but I don't feel all that dedicated into a wolf pack to make it my life's work.

I'm willing to do so for others things because I do have a passion for a few things, like all do. But that passion is uncommonly shared and, even when I've found people who like said things I somehow find a way to scare them off.

And I try as best as I can to find the good. I have anxiety and I'm easy to bend and break. I'm very vulnerable to hostility even though I'm the hostile one half the time. And I know people see things differently since there's only a small portion of people out there who agree with what I say. But the thing is that I shouldn't have to be bothered by every waking moment. Of course there's going to be that one conversation that bothers me and I understand that people have love for certain thing. There's a right way to talk about Overwatch. And I find that it's always the same group of friends spamming it out in Local, and at times I feel it's not better than silence because advertisers get cut off and honestly, some of the things they say would make people uncomfortable. Maybe that's someone else's thing but even I know when to draw the line. If I only talked about a shipping I liked then sure, that'd be fun but I'd get bored and run out of content eventually. Local around the Grounds is a broken record, no matter if you like it or not.

Nowadays I miss the old fandoms. I liked the younger ones with their silly roleplays that never made any sense or were full of powerplay. And if that annoyed someone, they could move ten feet and find some people doing a serious and sophisticated roleplay. Mate centers in Bonfire always gave something to watch for people, as did those Lion King roleplays. There were fandoms of all types from Creepypasta to Pokemon to heck, even some animes, movies, and games. Maybe there still is that stuff in this day but God, do you have to run through the maps and find every hidden crack to dig them out.

From peaking at 1,000 down to 300 is a significant change. Sure, it's laggy as it is now but that's because people refused to spread out. I really have no idea why everyone clumped in the Grounds. The other maps are fairly easy to find. But honestly, if it starts lagging then maybe people will start moving. They're start talking in Ficho and in even in Cape, and hecc, get a group of people in Grotto for pete's sake.

And here's the thing about this perspective business. Yes, people do find the femur thing amusing and I do to. However, I change up my style every so often and try to make them laugh about something else so it's not the same thing over and over. It keeps my sanity and probably the others-- simply because I know when to stop. I call it my "go-to butt monkey" phrase and when people overuse that again and again, it becomes dry. Everyone gets sick of what they say sometimes, but I guess that maximum is very different for everyone.
But I left for about three months and they were doing the same thing. Honestly, it's a bit obvious with passion turns into compulsive, addictive behavior and it's disturbing. I'm not trying to insult them, but whether you like their content or not, it's obviously repetitive.
Yes, we've had fandoms crawl in and out. Five Nights at Freddy's, Sonic the Hedgehog, My Little Pony, etc. But they weren't as forceful. They'd go as a character, maybe roleplay a bit or do something weird and move on ten minutes later. The only stand still conversations were formed by people talking about just whatever topics they wanted it to be. It wasn't fandoms all the time. It could be some problems someone is having, or maybe some funny YouTuber. There was variety. I suppose I could move to Ficho and translate all the foreign languages so I can stalk their conversations instead, but why should I have to do that? A couple days of the same business is fine but all the time?
And every time I try to change the subject it falls back down.

But apparently, coming on early is when the new content rises because those people aren't around. I think new conversations pop up when Local becomes silent, and somebody says something random or does something to bring something to the table. But because these people are constantly talking over and over, it sort of shuns them down.

No idea what nej is, by the way.

It is not Overwatch that makes me angry. Of course those people have said things about it that I've never heard before and I've found it interesting or funny-- but then they kept using it over and over and you can see why it turns foul. I mean, I get sick of the people who talk about Flippy all the time, especially obnoxiously-- and he's my favorite character. But I suppose I have a lot more limits because I feel judged all of the time where they're free falling. I envy them because I wish I could be that care free-- then again I can visibly see what I'd be sacrificing.

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Re: From 100 to 0 (in no time flat)
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2017, 04:46:17 am »
Well, as you said, if you had an issue with it, you can just move?
( Again , not being rude ). But, 1 OOO to 3OO is a huge dip and that's with reason. Some didn't like the whole login security thing but it was for our protection and safety, while others felt that the maps didn't seem to interest them enough so they went and tried other games that offered more. At least it rose a bit because before there would only be barely 1OO people on and depending on the seasons or months, the activity would fluctuate greatly.

As for changing your style? Some do and some don't. Others don't really care for it and if it's not broken, then they're not gonna fix it. They may think it's fine and that'll be that. Everyone of course does things differently and handles things differently.
Maybe you're just getting tired overall? Maybe you're trying to convince yourself to see otherwise and in the process it's just pulling you deeper and deeper into this pit that you can't really seem to crawl out of? I mean, if you're literally not finding enjoyment nej matter what? Then maybe you can find something else and just not think about the game in general.

Like it or not, this sort of thing happens in real - life nearly all the time. Someone isn't going to like something nej matter what the other person does, say, or even think. Fandoms are fandoms and, whether we enjoy some of them or not, they're here to stay from the looks of it.... Our choice what we end up doing about it. People handle it , go about it the same way but that's just how humans or anything is. They turn something good into something , dare I say, 'Bad.' And it's seen everywhere.

Bottom line is, what we get exposed to on a daily basis whether it be from a game, a community, real life, etc... and how we go about handling said exposure, is all on us. We can chose to move on and move past it ( or at least try and not worry about it ) or we can just get sucked right into it.
Nej matter how you slice it, our decisions can come right away, or in the future.. either way, it was our choice and how we make of it. Whether we wanted the outcome or not.
And if it's to the point where you need to just step back and try and find things that you personally enjoyed, then go for it. If you feel like Feral -
 Heart isn't the right place for you for the time being then by all means step away from it. Shoot, wandering around various maps and just sitting in an empty map, to just think for a bit is just as fine y'know?

I apologize in advance if my words don't make sense or seemed scattered. My thought process is ahead of my typing sometimes. And by the way, 'Nej' is just No in Swedish c':

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7


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Re: From 100 to 0 (in no time flat)
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2017, 11:15:04 am »
As I've said, I've already moved from the source of it to the lake. It's much better but it's a lot more quiet.
Also what I said, I tried to give this game and that section of the community a break and saw it from a different angle, but that only worked for a day.

Also as I said, I'm far too attached to Feral Heart to get up and leave. I tried to get up and leave but came back. It's something to do in my time because I don't play a lot of other games anymore. I also wished to find more internet friends, which most Impressive Title servers I play hardly offer because they're new and usually empty.

wait there was a lime green the entire time?

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Re: From 100 to 0 (in no time flat)
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2017, 10:06:17 am »
I actually wonder if some of the aggressive "Don't dare use local" and other odd comings & goings of people are actually trolling of people from another game whom have been convinced that they should try to disrupt this one.  They only need to peel at one layer and watch the disruption flow.  Like how people start 2 lies & watch the masses debate which one is true.  Think about it.. all the signs are there. 
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"