Author Topic: Viper's Character Pit  (Read 1420 times)

Offline viiperfang

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Viper's Character Pit
« on: July 18, 2018, 08:29:54 pm »
I shove unused, unnamed characters into a closet as they scream and beg. "No, not yet-" I start to say, only to freeze as I notice you. "Oh, uh, you shouldn't be here yet, but since you are... watch your step. Building is in process. And be sure to wear a hard-hat in case of any falling debris." I nod once at you, tail twitching slightly as I turn back to my characters, starting to shove them back into the closet.

Please, be cautious. This lot is currently under construction~

I decided to post a bit about my characters I'll be using in-game! I'll be posting their info, images, and whatnot so!

i'll pretty this up when I'm done
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!

Offline viiperfang

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Re: Viper's Character Pit
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2018, 08:31:22 pm »

Name: Kan
Gender: Nonbinary (AFaB)
Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Breed: Wolf
Description: Kan is a small, black wolf with rainbow stripes and mane. He has hot-pink skin, eyes, and mouth. His fur is long and unruly, sticking up at odd angles. He is on the heavier side, but don't be fooled, he can probably bench-press you.
Pack/Pride: Loner
Rank: N/A

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Two, unknown
Mate: None
Crush: None
Children: N/A


+ Outgoing
+ Loud
+ Witty

/ Creative
/ Sarcastic
/ Solitary

- Lazy
- Unintentionally Mean
- Tense

Brief History
Kan was born to two unknown canines, and is the middle child of three. He doesn't talk about them and left as soon as he was able to fend for himself because they were not accepting of who he was. He has been alone, aside from his best friends, a small dragon named Vic and a small Gryphon named Jackie, ever since. He tried to avoid joining packs and prides, and whenever he found himself getting too close to anyone within a group, he'd leave the next day without a goodbye. Maybe he just needs a right someone to help him see being alone isn't always the best.


Theme Song: Infinitesimal | Mother Mother
Likes: drawing, singing, being by himself, animals
Dislikes: people, the cold, running, vegetables
Other Facts: he used to be my fursona | he is an OLD character, way back from 2009 | he is originally from Wolf-Haven | he used to be all blue before I made him rainbow | he's a tiny man. | His full name is Karahkan.

Roleplay Status
Preferred Style:
Paragraph, semi-lit, third person
Locations (in order of preference):
Discord > On-site = In-Game = Deviantart Notes > PMs
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 09:07:08 pm by viiperfang »
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!

Offline viiperfang

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Re: Viper's Character Pit
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2018, 08:31:51 pm »

Name: Viper
Gender: trans female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning heavily towards girls
Breed: Maine Coon (normally) | Lynx/Tiger hybrid (In-Game)
Description: Viper is a huge, gray cat with lighter gray undersides and darker gray stripes. She has long, tufted ears, a long, thick coat, and huge paws. Her tail is long and fluffy. She has orange eyes and orange feathers behind her ears. Viper has scars across her left eye, many nicks in her ears, and a long scar running down her right flank.
Pack/Pride: None Yet
Rank: N/A

Mother | Mumble | A giant, white tigress with moon-colored fur, chocolate-colored stripes, and deep blue eyes. | Alive | Viper was a huge mamma's girl. They were always super close and for a long time, Viper refused to leave her mother's side, until she hit her rebellious teenager phase. She hasn't seen her mother in a long time and wishes she could visit, but her mother never sits still, so Viper has no idea where she is.
Father | Fern-Hawk | A silver, male lynx with orange eyes, a missing ear, and huge paws. | Alive | Viper likes her father, and they love each other, but they're not super close.
Midnight | Cis Male | Alive | Midnight was born completely black, but within a couple of weeks started to sprout bright orange fur. Midnight is a golden tiger with ice-blue eyes, long, lynx-like ears, and a small, bobbed tail.
Raccoon | Non-Binary | Alive | Raccoon looks just like their dad, being a gray lynx with huge paws. Instead of orange eyes, however, they have bright, emerald-green eyes, and a slightly dark mask around their face. They have a long, bushy tail and tiger-like ears.

Mate: None
Crush: None
Children: N/A


+ Caring
+ Protective
+ Strong

/ Aloof
/ Emotion-Oriented
/ Stubborn

- Stubborn
- Vain
- Aggressive
- Untrusting

Brief History
Viper was born to an unlikely couple, one of three kids. She had a rather normal childhood, being extremely close to her family. When she came out as trans, her entire family was supportive, and her coming out inspired Raccoon to come out as Non-Binary. Once Viper her her late teens/early adult-hood, she decided to head out on her own, and hasn't seen her old pride since, as they're nomads. She misses her family, and hopes she can see them again, but doesn't have too much hope. She has been in many battles -leaving her heavily scarred- with both felines and canines alike, as she isn't easy to get along with, and is one for "Attack first, ask questions later."


Theme Song: Can I Get a Witness | Sonreal (16+ for language)
Likes: herself, swimming, thunder storms, fighting, birds
Dislikes: large groups, snow, hot weather, manipulators, eating fish
Other Facts: She is actually originally a warrior cat! | In the story she's from, she is a leader of a clan, and mates with 2 other leaders and a med-cat, all from different clans. | She's my secondary fursona!

Roleplay Status
Preferred Style:
Paragraph, semi-lit, third person
Locations (in order of preference):
Discord > On-site = In-Game = Deviantart Notes > PMs
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 08:44:47 pm by viiperfang »
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!

Offline viiperfang

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Re: Viper's Character Pit
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2018, 08:32:30 pm »

Name: Rain
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Breed: Abyssinian (Normal) | Leopon (In-Game)
Description: Rain is an average-sized leopon with golden-brown fur, tan undersides, and faded dark-gray spotting. He has pale green, blind eyes, ears that point back, and a long, white-tipped tail. He has a white tail-tip, blaze, spot on his chest, and toes. He has a nick in his left ear.
Pack/Pride: None Yet
Rank: N/A

Parents: Mother | Shade | An average-sized, black lioness with bright green eyes, missing ear, and a mane. | Alive | While Rain wasn't super close to his mother, they had a good relationship, and she was sad when he was forced to leave their pride.
Father | Unknown | An average-sized, extremely handsome male leopard with bright golden fur and shimmering, black spots. He has golden eyes. | Alive | Rain has no idea who his father is, other than he was a rather good-looking leopard his mother had a fling with.
Siblings: none
Mate: None
Crush: None
Children: N/A


+ Peace-Keeper
+ Calm
+ Responsible

/ Overachiever
/ Reserved
/ Impersonal

- Calculating
- Self-Destructive
- Incurious

Brief History
Rain was the result of a fling between a lioness and a male leopard. Because of this, and the fact he was born blind, caused a strife between his mother and him and the rest of the pride. They saw him as a mistake, as someone to be killed before he could spread his half-breed filth into the world. Despite his blindness and the hate from his peers, he excelled in fighting and hunting, though he preferred to take a peaceful approach. This caused his peers to eventually accept him, albeit begrudgingly When he became a teenager, he was chased out of his pride, along with the rest of the young males, in a tradition known as "purging". This ensured the lead male his spot, and made sure he wouldn't be challenged. Rain has been looking for a pride of his own, though has been unsuccessful thus far.


Theme Song: The Weight of Us | Sanders Bohlke
Likes: intense weather, forests, keeping peace, playing therapist, being respected
Dislikes: water, fighting, arguments, being made fun of, being underestimated
Other Facts: he's another warrior cat | he's the blind leader of Glacierclan | he's lovely

Roleplay Status
Preferred Style:
Paragraph, semi-lit, third person
Locations (in order of preference):
Discord > On-site = In-Game = Deviantart Notes > PMs
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 10:22:59 pm by viiperfang »
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!

Offline viiperfang

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Re: Viper's Character Pit
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2018, 08:33:11 pm »

Preset by Skat!
Name: Galum
Gender: trans male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Ace/Panromantic/Poly
Breed: Wolf-Dog
Description: Galum is a slightly larger than average canine. He has dark gray fur, even darker gray stripes and ears, and white undersides and paws, with electric blue accent stripes and ear-tips. He has a white nose mark with blue around it. His eyes and nose are goldenrod, while his mouth and paw pads are the same blue as his accents. His tail curls slightly towards his back, and his ears are slightly long. He normally wears an orange bandanna around his neck, and numerous rubber bracelets, including a rainbow one, a hot pink one that says "slurpee", and a black one.
Pack/Pride: None Yet
Rank: N/A

Parents: Mother | Mom (Not Real Name) | A chimera with a wolf head, bear head, feathered-dinosaur head, and snake tail, and dragon wings. She has brown fur and yellow eyes. | Alive
Father | Dad (not real name) | A fat, brown panda-bear with pink markings and eyes. | Alive |
Siblings: Pidge | Nonbinary | A dinosaur-like creature with deep magenta feathers, a darker hood and back marking, lighter pink accents, and a hot-pink splotch in the middle of their chest. | Alive | Pidge and Galum get along decently, though to get into arguments.
Egg | Cis Female | A talonflame dumb sister doesnt even have a fursona so im gonna wait but shhh | Alive | Egg and Galum don't get along. Egg annoys the crap out of Galum.





Brief History



shibegay on deviantart

viisrah on deviantart

Theme Song:
Other Facts:

Roleplay Status
Preferred Style:
Paragraph, semi-lit, third person
Locations (in order of preference):
Discord > On-site = In-Game = Deviantart Notes > PMs
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 09:57:05 pm by viiperfang »
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!

Offline viiperfang

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Re: Viper's Character Pit
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2018, 08:34:26 pm »

Name: Zophiel
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Breed: Dragon-Dog
Description: Zophiel is an average sized, thin, green-and-white canine with green eyes and dark-green dragon wings. She sports an impressive pair of antlers, long, pointed ears, and a thin tail.
Pack/Pride: Loner/Traveler
Rank: N/A

Mother | Anaphiel | A small, blue-and-white female dragon-canine with a huge wingspan and red eyes. | Alive | Her mother left her and her dad when Zophiel was very young, and they've had an extremely volatile relationship ever since.
Father | Ishim | An average sized, green-and-yellow male dragon-canine with huge horns and green eyes. | Deceased | She was extremely close to her dad when her mother left them, but when he died in her teens, she found herself alone in a world she knew nothing about.
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Crush: None
Children: N/A


+ Captivating
+ Curious
+ Resourceful

/ Cute
/ Effeminate
/ Mystical

- Childish
- Promiscuous
- Selfish

Brief History:
Zophiel was born to two dragon-wolves in a spring-time fling. Her mother stayed around until Zophiel was weaned, and then left her and her father alone. Zophiel's father died when she was a teen of a disease, and she got thrown into the deep end of a world she was not prepared for. She was extremely spoiled, therefore she is not happy when she doesn't get what she wants.

Nothing yet

Theme Song: Young God | Halsey (16+, language)
Likes: girls, looking nice, her dad, flying, flirting
Dislikes: not getting her way, boys, getting dirty, her mother, fighting
Other Facts: she's a lipstick lesbian

Roleplay Status
Preferred Style:
Paragraph, semi-lit, third person
Locations (in order of preference):
Discord > On-site = In-Game = Deviantart Notes > PMs
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 08:29:36 pm by viiperfang »
i thought to myself i have never climbed a fence this high before! and then i woke up at h o m e.

hey i'm viper, he/him or they/them, please!