Author Topic: What are your favorite memories?  (Read 2233 times)

Offline Astraea

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What are your favorite memories?
« on: September 21, 2018, 06:34:40 am »
What is YOUR favorite memories with Feralheart? Was it before the update? How old were you? It can be with friends, alone, etc! You can even add screenshots, make it fun!

Personally... My favorite memories in this game has to be when I was a pre-teen, hanging out in Bonfire Islands where the adoption center was because I loved being a pup and roleplaying out the characters life. I also have very fond memories of lovely roleplays I have had in Fluorite Plains. Or even when I would join the Lion King roleplays in Bonfire. Yes, I did that. I'm sure I wasn't the only one haha!

I thought a positive post on the forums was a nice idea. Type away! ❤
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 04:00:24 am by Esarosa »
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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2018, 08:29:08 am »
There is a lot of memories lol.
I remember climbing to Sky's Rim a lot with a bff from the real world.
It's where I first learned to rp.
I remember getting REALLY into map making.
When my friend left I spent a lot of time at Bonfire as a character known as Maxwell, people started to recognize him as a regular, it was really awesome. They loved him.
Did one rp where I was a dragon...that was a funny rp lol
I also remember getting called out by a mod for being too loud with all caps back in my cringy days. My friend and I both got the warning but everyone was having a good time with it so we just left it at that.

There are some not so happy memories on here but those are pretty few and far between.

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2018, 08:58:23 am »
You have some lovely memories, that's for sure @Esarosa <3

Mine were probably being in a long-term kind of pack before. I was around 14 or even younger, not sure. The pack survived so many things and I'm even friends with some of these people (one being in the same county as me) on Social Media even to this day!  I absolutely loved joining groups, even if some of them didn't last too long, It was always so much fun! Not too many rules, only the ones in the game, no Discord or anything. Some of them had their own web page but that never lasted long xD
I loved all the old maps, especially fluorite plains and the bonfire island!
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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2018, 11:41:53 am »
You guys memories are great and very rememorable! I remember back in bonfire I always used to hang out with friends back when my username was different. I remember I always hanged out with people like AlphaEclipse, Red, and many more! I always loved to run and climb ascension island and explore flourite plains and join dance lines. I also remember I started a wolf RP but I'm pretty sure only 2 people joined, but it was still very fun. I miss those days, but I hope I can make memories in the future with you lovely players :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 11:44:05 am by Flurr »

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2018, 12:03:43 pm »
My whole experience with FH has been one great memory of it's own. I don't think I can really pinpoint an exact favourite moment, but I loved spending time with friends and getting to know people. We would always goof around together. One of the best games to play was hide and seek in FH, where we'd hide and the seeker would turn off their maps and nametags and try to find us.

I also love the events that are held! Despite them being at ridiculous times of the morning for me (probably around 6am), I'd still try to make it, and I've been to plenty! They're loads of fun.

I have so many fond memories of this game since before I was a teenager, and I will never forget them, as well as the people I shared them with. <3

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2018, 12:48:15 pm »
Mine are:

As my angel character I used to have, I climbed Ascension Island solely because I believed that my character had to successfully climb Ascension Island at least once to be considered fully-grown(Or something like that, but I believed it was necessary for my character to climb Ascension Island).

Building my character's backstories by acting out the backstory, though I was alone, I made my character slip off a cliff and break its leg, then wrote in the backstory(Probably not in the bio) that it slipped off a cliff and broke its leg.

Finally learning how to climb onto the roof of Ficho.

Pretending to battle giant rats in Ficho, though I was alone, and not roleplaying the battle either.

Roleplaying in a group that spanned across many maps, can't remember the name of it, my character was in fighting practice, then joined another character in infiltrating the base of the enemy pack, then got caught by the enemy.

All of those are from 2014.

I might recall more later.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 12:58:56 pm by FlyingGrass »

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2018, 03:24:36 pm »
All these replies are really sweet<3
I'm really fond of the time when I first discovered IT and that FH was being created-
I must have been sixteen or seventeen at the time-I was struggling with severe anxiety at high school. In my downtime, I was always looking for new games to play. I eventually stumbled upon the oIT forums. The game caught my attention immediately, being a huge animal-lover, but I was really disappointed and frustrated after finding out that it had been shut down and a successor was being developed. I must have been on the site daily for weeks afterwards, it drove me nuts.
However, I forgot about it eventually and didn't come back after several months. When I did, I was shocked to discover that Feral Heart had been released. I scrambled to make an account and jumped into the game immediately. Creating a character was the most fun I'd had in ages- I still remember my first character, Arrow. The amount of users in Bonfire spooked the heck out of me, however and I exited the game seconds after poofing in. I only toughened up a few days later. I'm glad I did because it helped me overcome my social anxiety a million times over. I'm pretty sure the first words I spoke in local were "How do I get to Ficho?" I started speaking up in class even dragged some people to FH with me, some of which I'm still very close with and still play occasionally. From then on I was online all day, I even remember faking illness to stay home from school and play. I had a whale of a time ambling around all the maps and making new friends.
Thanks for creating this topic, Esa!

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2018, 04:28:24 pm »
I have a classic, tell-tale memory. Perhaps one of it's kind. It's been somewhat of a trademark of mine, as well.

If you travel over to my profile's summary, you will find something rather interesting.

2011, that was 7 years ago. Seven years ago, I was 10 years old (or 11, if you want to be true to today's date!). What was a little 10 year old doing up at 3 AM, on the internet, registering an account on a website without permission!? I waited till my mother went to work at Dunkin Donuts. I had stayed up all night, plotting what my first character would be; my little brain, new to the world of embracing imagination, thought up a white wolf named Kayenette. He would be a tall, thin white wolf with yellow eyes. Nothing else. Now, let's rewind to the day before. I was browsing Youtube, like I always did, watching Animash, AMVs, and WolfQuest videos. I was on a WolfQuest walkthrough when I noticed a video that had a dinosaur-looking creature, it was a pale blue with the old pale purple spotted hyena markings. I thought that was so cool. I watched more and more videos, and then soon found the FeralHeart website. It was late and I was a child, so I went to bed to wait when my mother left for work.
Let's say it was 2 AM, I had crawled out of bed. I crawled slowly, with my belly close to the floor, my way towards my parent's bedroom to make sure my father was snoring away. The computer was loud when starting up (R.I.P Windows Vista, my favorite OS), so I often held my breath in case it would wake dad up. I had only been caught once, but I was afraid it would happen again. It didn't. Happily, I waited for the computer to start up and load. I think I used Internet Explorer, since I was honestly new at the whole internet/online community thing, only using IE for all of my online computer games (simpler time of Javascript browser games, ya know). Loaded up the FeralHeart site, created a new account. For some reason, I hadn't come up with a username prior to wanting to sign up, but still it came quick to mind. "Kastilla." No clue where it came from, but it stuck and I still use it to this day (on other sites, since I wanted to be known as a variation of Wolfie). I signed up using my mom's e-mail, that we shared since I never knew I could create my own then.
Afterward, I had downloaded the game. Made sure the volume was off, just in case there was loud music (there was lol). Once I'd logged on, I made the character I dreamed of... Kayenette, he had the "Cool Grin" default emote. I have since remade him, still keeping that old design of his, and I plan to rewrite him. I was super stoked to play the game, and once I was in, I realized how I had no clue how to move around. This game wasn't like the horse games nor WolfQuest, the arrow buttons only moved the camera! What the heck!? I clicked around, sure enough, that's how you moved. I thought I would never get used to it, so as soon as I clicked and ran across Bonfire Island, I exited the game and went back to bed. I fell asleep and woke up to hop on FeralHeart, my mother seeing the game and being passively disappointed that I downloaded a game without her permission, and made Aleu. Aleu's design and name came from Balto, but I made her look like Jenna kinda. Though, she had olive eyes, a brown tail tip (because I didn't know you could change it at that time), a scar on her tail, the old husky markings, and a thin tail. She was often called the "fire dog" because of her size and coat. No one really said, "That's Jenna though," to my surprise. So, Aleu became my main at that time and I soon deleted Kayenette because I was playing with Aleu more. Kayenette probably holds that grudge in his own coding somewhere, but I will try to knead that out.

Another memory, of a person who changed my life. Both for the good and the bad. I won't say their name, nor the character. They introduced Okami, the Ginga series, Vocaloid, the Elder Scrolls, Portal and other Valve games, and major anime to me. But, they also introduced to me guilt-tripping, depression, trust-issues, clingy behavior (on my part), pathological-lying, manipulation, Catfishing, and full-blown cyber-bullying. Never reported it because they made it seemed like it was all my fault. Our characters were married, had many children and even grandchildren. That's why I abandoned Aleu, because she made me think of that person. Though, I rewrote her and she is a wise character that cares about peace, love, and being a caregiver to all creatures. That doesn't mean she is without her faults, since well, there was a husband that was cruel to her. Needless to say, that person and I haven't been friends for over four years. Never contacted each other, and I honestly don't know where or who she is anymore. Still, that paranoia that she makes an account to attack me...

More memories about people, but this time it's mega-positive. Vespian, Teivel, and Warriorstrike. All whom intimidated me so much, whether it be for their title, personality, beautiful artwork, characters, or their attitude in the forum. Vespian and Warriorstrike were mods, but before that were helpful members. I remember when Vespian and Warriorstrike were but measly newcomers.

Vespian taught me to be proud of who I was, my writings and drawings, to hone down on those skills and be proud to be different. Even those with a not-so happy life can be kind and good-hearted people. Defending your friends like they're your family, never treading too far from the warmth and safety of your pack. Vespian and Teivel took me in as the daughter they'll never have, supporting me 100% and raising me up when I am down.

Teivel taught me to practice drawing and writing like it's your life, to escape from the stone-cold reality. That it's okay to be a little girly once in a while, to seek attention when you need it most. That a 'yote with the rickety limbs or an ice-cold Queen can be a good mom.

Warriorstrike. Warriorstrike. Warriorstrike. Nynx. Bean mama.

We have weird conversations, but good ones too. Wise. Ye' taught me it's okay to be silly at times, but also you can be quite intelligent. That it's okay to be a shy person, but when you open up and your true colors scream ya need to be wrapped in a bean blanket.

I met Vespian through the forums, when I had no computer to play FeralHeart one, I PMed her at first. Spooky time. I was incredibly shy and going through a rough time. We had some odd conversations, and soon we e-mailed each other. That's when Wolfie began to chip through that thick hide of Vespian. Wolfie squirmed her way in, and surprisingly, Vespian happily enveloped her. Whether it was for traveling through the town on Vespian's broad shoulders, or napping in the thick, redwood forest, little Wolfie followed the cryptic beast. Vespian may never know why Wolfie is spared by his cynical attitude, but he sure as Hell enjoys the little lamb's company.

I met Teivel through Vespian, of course. We both were shy. Teivel is like an uncle to little Wolfie. Teivel may think himself not worthy of Wolfie's affection, but it still happens whether he likes it or not! OOC Vespian and Teivel are parental figures to Wolfie, IC they are guardians Father and Uncle to the orphan known as Wolfie.

I met Nynx through the forums at first, but only did I talk to her in-game. Near the stone bridge in Fluorite. I was a nervous wreck, talking to her. No one was near, thus why I approached her! Wasn't very good at communication when there were more strangers (and mods, not to mention) around. We surprisingly hit it off, and I was incredibly happy. Then, we started to talk more and more, PMing each other once in a while. Soon, we added  each other on Skype and then when Discord became the mainstream. All of our derpy conversations are forever fossilized on Skype AND Discord, and our own memories.

Hmm, did this accidentally become a praise thread? Oops, my bad.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 05:41:03 pm by Wolvie »
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2018, 02:03:28 am »
I made a Nala character and briefly joined in on the Lion King rps waaaayyy back in the day. Nothing really memorable though except for the fact that I still have her in my character list.

My best memory was probably finding Flourite Plains after being stuck in Ficho for 3 days when I first started lol.

I've been in a warrior cats rp called Forestclan in 2011-2012 and not everything was sunshine and rainbows but it was the longest rp I've been in. I was in a pretty short term lion rp earlier than that and when one of our members drowned we started to "roar" at the sky as it was before roar and howl were added. Can never forget the General chat conversations I had late at night, both good and bad. They were surreal experiences.

That's all I can think of right now.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 02:05:45 am by WolfQueen »

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Re: What are your favorite memories?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2018, 05:25:48 pm »
My best and fondest memory of feralheart was back before the update. When we had all the original maps, it just use to give me so much adrenaline playing on those maps, discovering a new role-play or stumbling across a random pack in Flourite Plains. Along with the mate and pup centers all the newbies use to flock to In Bonfire. When feralheart was actually active and actually had some decently active, sought after roleplays. Goddamn amazing times.

But personally a memory that I hold best was probably my first Halloween party in game, 2015, I think and the 2015 summer party. I had been playing since 2013 but never knew how to download any maps so I could never go.

Though a memory that beats everything was when I first joined feralheart. I just got the biggest adrenaline rush when I could make my character lmao
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