Author Topic: Paranormal Experiences  (Read 3458 times)

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Paranormal Experiences
« on: October 07, 2018, 12:36:52 am »
I’ve recently been getting into Buzzfeed Unsolved, which is bad for my health tbh, and I thought it would be interesting to ask you guys: Do you believe in ghosts?

If so, why? And have you ever had a paranormal experience before?

Personally, I had two encounters with a dog in one of my old homes, and one truly terrifying experience with my friends in the surrounding area.

To set the scene, at the time my mum and her partner lived in two separate council houses in the same estate, and as the eldest child it was usually my job to relay messages, take things back and forth, etc. On one night, everyone in our family had decided to sleep in one of the houses, but there wasn’t enough room for me to stay so I had to go to my own bed in the other house. As I was going over to the other house I felt a strange sensation of dread, as if if I turned around I would see something. which was unusual as I did this trip all the time, so I ended up jogging the short distance in fear. Once I got to the other house I bent down to untie my shoelaces, and that’s when I felt and heard a dog panting down my neck. My first instinct was that it was our dog Ben, but when I looked up, Ben was at the end of the hall growling at me. When I turned around to see what was behind me there was nothing there.

The second time I saw the dog, I was alone in the same house. I was drawing in the kitchen late at night with a single light on, and I had gotten to the point where time seemed to melt away as I drew. Then I remember hearing a weird, echoing sound, and the figure of a dog hover across he kitchen. It’s body wasn’t making any movements as if it were walking, it just floated. Once my brain registered what I had seen I pegged it to the other house.

The last experience I had was not with the dog and not in the house. Me, my sister, and our neighbour, had planned to go for a walk up a hill opposite where we lived. This wasn’t odd as we practically went for walks everyday, and where we were going that day was a landmark we affectionately called ”The Horseshoe” for its shape. But when we gathered together that day, we all inexplicably felt on edge, and none of us new why. As we made our way up the hill this feeling of unease kept growing, and the wind, that would have been perfectly ordinary any other day, felt menacing. As we got close to The Horseshoe we started to feel a sense of panic. As we rounded the corner to it we all, at the very same time without looking at each other or following each other’s lead, instantly turned around and bolted back down the hill. None of us new why except that we all felt a sudden surge of fear. As I glanced behind me when we ran I saw a vaguely human looking dark shape dart across the fed toward us, but when I glanced again it was gone. Later my friend would tell me she saw the exact same thing. When we went back up the hill the next day everything was fine and we had a great time, we never experienced anything like we had that day ever again and it continued to be our regular hang out.

If you don’t believe in ghosts, why? And also feel free to poke holes in any stories and have a friendly discussion about it! Nothing like some good ol’ believer v skeptic banter.

r u a Boogara or a Shaniac?

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 01:35:08 am »
Oh jeez, that's really spooky. I definitely do believe in ghosts, and I have for a long time. Perfect topic for Halloween x)

I luckily haven't had a lot of scares, but I definitely have had some. One I remember very distinctly is, in the current house I'm living in, one night at around 2:30 or so, I was just lying in my bed, wide awake cause I couldn't sleep. No biggie, right? Well, I happen to glance around towards my door, but out of the corner of my eye I saw something crawling on my ceiling towards the door. Basically, think of Smeagol from Lord Of The Rings. Well, after doing a double take, I looked back at my door, which was wide open, and at first I saw nothing. Then after staring at it for no more then about ten seconds, my door started to close. Literally almost halfway closed, I saw a hand reach out and hold onto the door where the light was shining. I heard my cat start to hiss, which startled me and drew my sight towards her. Upon looking back, the hand was gone, and my door was still halfway shut.

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2018, 01:48:17 am »
This is an interesting one! Perfect for Halloween<3

For me, I believe in ghosts, for I always have and my family's always told me strange stories about things I've done as a little kid.

Mostly, the stories were seeing me throwing a basketball or some sort around, and it getting thrown back to me mysteriously. Truth is, yes I had a little friend there. Another was always reported on my friend's grandparents' property. The other house on the property belonged to a Union soldier during 1863, so the American Civil War. She'd tell me whenever I was holding either the Colt .45 or the Winchester model 1873 (we would go to that house to target practice), she'd see a soldier or cowboy standing nearby me most of the time, and another time, a strange, massive Shepherd in the road, just watching us (which chased us into the woods one day, I fired off at it to scare it away. Somehow worked). Clearly, my stories of the sort aren't as scary, for it was natural for ghosts around me honestly.

I could feel them though, I'd know if they were there if I wasn't looking to see if they were. It was pretty strange.

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2018, 02:25:06 am »
Interesting topic. It is indeed perfect for the season...

Personally, I do believe in ghosts. I believe there is another world between the dead and the living. I've only had one small experience with ghosts and that was when I was living in Florida many years back. I was around maybe 8? I was sitting in the living room watching something and suddenly I heard the kitchen sink turn on and run for just a few moments -- before stopping. Keep in mind, no one was in the kitchen at the time. Spooky.
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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2018, 02:26:16 am »
I would say yes,
simply because my friend kept saying he had something following him and then demonstrated one night with a lamp post. You better know i ran. XD
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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2018, 03:05:03 am »
I don't believe I've had such an experience. Logically speaking, no, I don't believe in ghosts; but it's always fun to imagine. I'm a sucker for horror and storytelling.

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2018, 04:00:33 am »
Oh I like this topic!

I definitely believe in ghosts. No doubt.
I've only encountered a spirit in my own home. My mom saw the same spirit I did so it was truly confirmed for me.

There are good ghosts and bad ghosts, just like there are people. Though, "good ghosts" are more referred to as "spirit."
And when I say "bad spirit," don't confuse that for poltergeist. Those are NOT spirit or ghost- they never lived here on Earth. They are just conjured-up negative anomalies also known as Shadow People and other dark beings. (I think. Might be confusing that for demons).

You will know when a ghost is in the room if it turns really cold, your battery dies out of no-where, or unexplained things start happening. If you are knowing of their presence and make it known to them, they are bound to stick around more often. If you want them to leave you alone, legit just say "Leave me alone! You are not welcomed here! This is not your home!" (You'd be surprised- but it works).

Poltergeist and demons are different as well.
Poltergeist are more electronic-based; using phones, TVs, and other electronic devises- and with that, they can use the electromagnetic currents/waves in the room to move objects and try to injure or scare you. Most will switch off the lights in the room, lock the door, and you won't be able to turn the lights back on no-matter how much you flip the switch. You just have to wait for things to pass- don't give up trying to get out of the room.
Demons on the other hand are summoned and effect you and your health negatively if attached or follow you home (from some demonic and/or abandoned place). If you were ever to get into contact with a demon, you would know because they are known to try an convince people there is no heaven. (Whether you believe in a place after death of not- that's just a tell-tell sign). If you ever see one, they like to take on the form of a child to trick you into "helping them."

These ghosts, spirits, poltergeist, and demons (as well as other beings I am unaware of) can all be conjured up using the Ouija Board.
Do NOT use them unless you know what you're doing. Do NOT break the rules of an Ouija Board. Do NOT disrespect the being you contact via Ouija Board by joking around and not taking it seriously. Do NOT leave the planchette on the Ouija Board when done. Do NOT burn the board EVER. Do NOT take your fingers off the planchette EVER until you properly say "Goodbye" which closes the portal.

I could go on! But, that should be enough for now lmao.
I honestly am too involved this this topic. ^^'

Offline Ame88

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2018, 04:42:05 am »
These ghosts, spirits, poltergeist, and demons (as well as other beings I am unaware of) can all be conjured up using the Ouija Board.
Do NOT use them unless you know what you're doing. Do NOT break the rules of an Ouija Board. Do NOT disrespect the being you contact via Ouija Board by joking around and not taking it seriously. Do NOT leave the planchette on the Ouija Board when done. Do NOT burn the board EVER. Do NOT take your fingers off the planchette EVER until you properly say "Goodbye" which closes the portal.

Better yet, don't even use one. Any type of spirit you do not want to mess with. It may seem fun and cute at first, but it's no laughing matter. Some of those spirits were actually humans once. They are suffering, and some linger because they literally are pure evil. If they're strong enough, they WILL kill you, or at least try their best to. Other worldly spirits and demons are not something to be messed with, period.

Coming off bluntly I know xD But once your eyes are opened up to what horrors they truly are, you'd understand. Sad to know that a huge amount of people, if you tried showing them the truth through legitiment facts, they still wont believe ya. Then of course they'll call ya crazy lmao

But here's the thing;

Aren't we all?

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2018, 05:08:47 am »
I try finding an explanation for everything. But one day, it was just my sister and I and her two babies in the house and they were asleep, so she was standing in my doorway talking to me. All of a sudden we hear a random shout down the hallway. We right off think it's either our dad or her husband, even though we heard no cars pull up, no doors shut, or heard anything step through the house. All TVs were off (we had just gotten home a few minutes prior). So she goes down the hall to see and comes back with this worried look telling me that there was nobody there.

To this day, we still can't explain it.

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Re: Paranormal Experiences
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2018, 10:48:54 am »
Oh those! Many.
There was this hotel, that until it was massively renovated there was a room that was always warm & inviting, or sometimes freezing like the room next to it always was, people who would flee in the middle of the night.  Or would say they'd had a terrible sleep.  Or a great sleep if the ghost liked them.  One time they'd left in the night & they'd put all the lightbulbs in the toilet, scorch marks from glowing without a visible power source. 
I have no way to explain how to do that without using Nikola Tesla in the equation.  Then how come no other lights were on?

There was a time I went into a dark part of my house, underground, there as this feeling of dread, and a short figure dark figure about 1 meter high with huge black eyes became visible from a dark corner and called to me in a horrific voice, i ran away.  Not long after, i found a huge spider, like.... bigger than my hand size, it ran away and i ran too.  Not sure if the two were related.

The time I took photos of sacred objects & art that said not to photograph them on a small sign.  The art pictures remained but the objects that's likely killed many people deleted themselves not long after looking at them.  Weird.

Another house in the forest.  These gang members used to live there but left because of ghosts, for me it was the greatest house ever.  Whenever I needed something I'd find it.  Turn around, there it was.  It was pretty amazing.  But the hut on the hill above it had some scary stories of what appeared there at night.  i never saw them but other people did.

This didn't happen to me but someone staying in a hut (it might have been the one mentioned above) said a voice was talking & throwing their things around the room, they don't believe in ghosts so they ran away into the night believing they were crazy.

Then there was the time I'd dream something and it'd happen.  And other people would have the same dream, but from their perspective.  They seemed surprised, not sure what that was all about.

Oh, I forgot, the other day I was on FH and playing YT videos. in the background.  One video came on about black magic?  Why?  I'm not interested in that stuff because I don't believe in it.  I typed "this isn't real, what do you think?" to someone and then my curtains started moving & there was weird banging & crashing coming from all over the house and the room turned cold.  You'd think wind could do that if the windows were open, they weren't. It was so creepy I moved into my room, stuff still crashed about for about an hour afterwards.  I still don't believe in magic though.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 10:56:31 am by Kuri »
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"