Author Topic: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)  (Read 7754 times)

Offline Ruby1234

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2011, 10:32:14 pm »
What does the term Bullying mean to you?
Bullying is when someone physically or verbally hurts one.

Have you been bullied in the past?
Yes, but not more than a few times

If yes, do you know why?

Have you bullied in the past?
Yes, but in good nature.

If yes, why?
I love to make anything a joke.

Why do you think others bully?
I think they do so to appeal to a group of "cool" beings.

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
They get some sort of satisfaction out of it.

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
There is a fine line here. In some cases, the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers, tell you to stop, and it ceases there, but when they are away, it resumes, or it's taken to someplace else. On the other hand, sometimes the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers tell you to stop, and you do, then the next day you forget all about it.

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
Depends. Some parents have no involvement in their children's lives.

Can violence solve violence?
Not. Ever.

WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
Suicide won't make anything better. And reduction of bullying seems nearly impossible.

Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
Gladly, no. I hope it stays that way too.

End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
I've seen plenty of bullying. I usually help. I go over there, tell them a few jokes make 'em laugh, make it all hahaha, and they forget about it by the end of the day.

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
Nope. Not yet.


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2011, 12:04:41 pm »
What does the term Bullying mean to you?
Anyone who's picking on someone weaker than them, or someone who misuses their power to manipulate and hurt other people.

Have you been bullied in the past?
I was occasionally picked on in Elementary school, but it was worse in Middle School. In High School I learned martial arts and just fought anyone who bullied me or my friends, and won.

If yes, do you know why?
In elementary school, it was mostly because I was the smartest and ended up being a teacher's pet without wanting to. In Second grade the kids found out my parents were pagan which made it worse (it was a very Christian, republican, preppy town in the worst kind of way.) They found out from my 2nd grade teacher who hated me, she wouldn't let me read Harry Potter books because they were 'Satanic', and we had to do a little 'vote' for George Bush or John Kerry and she didn't like that I picked the democrat, and she said, "You would pick him - you're a witch." Yeah. Cue the bullying in 3.. 2.. 1..
In Fifth grade (still Elementary), I was framed for writing "Mrs. Blankityblank is a b*!%(" on an eraser that was taken from the desk I sat in math class (That teachers class), that was than partially destroyed and put into another kids desk in another part of the room. It was than that my mom and dad homeschooled me through the rest of 5th grade and all of 6th grade.
In Middle School, 7th grade, I was still with these same kids obviously. Then, someone who I trusted told a really dark secret of mine that happened just a few months before that caused my father to go to jail for 15 years, and it spread around the school. After that, me and my divorced mom moved to where we live now, and school life was fairly normal.

Have you bullied in the past?
I was too busy being Bullied.

Why do you think others bully?
To make them feel better about themselves.

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
There's almost always a family/emotional problem they have and they do it because they're jealous or the need to take their anger out on someone else.

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
They should be and Not really, but they don't allow bullying so..

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
Parents in General do too little to help, but kids sometimes don't tell their parents; so they have no idea there's even a problem.

Can violence solve violence?
No, it doesn't, and it's wrong. I'm a bad example in the violence department, guys. It only solved my problems because I couldn't take it anymore and had multiple shrinks saying, "Well, she can't control her anger, and they have to aggravate her to make her get mad enough to attack."

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
If you're being bullied, there's no excuse for you to not tell someone. You can tell your parents, a school counselor, or anyone else who you trust.

Do you know of anyone who committed suicide due to bullying?
I nearly did, and my close friend jumped off a bridge, but I saw him from where I was nearby and called an ambulance. He did manage to live.

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
Yes, I told the bully to knock it off, and they told me to mind my own business. I told him again to stop, getting between the two of them. He tried to punch me and I grabbed his wrist and flipped him onto the ground, and managed to break his wrist when I did it (I really didn't mean to though.) A teacher heard the loud thump and came into the hallway, and I explained what happened. I didn't get in trouble, but I easily could have.

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?

Yes, see story above.

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2011, 12:51:07 pm »
Although, I've sort of another question. Is it better for an adult to get involved with bullying situations or not?

I think so. Mostly for moral support.


Offline HIGURASHI Alice

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2011, 09:14:55 pm »
   What does the term Bullying mean to you?
    Intentionally offending or harassing others.

    Have you been bullied in the past?
   I was /always/ bullied. .-.

    If yes, do you know why?

    Yuh. I reacted.

    Have you bullied in the past?
      No. Or, I can't remember.

    If yes, why?

    If anything, I don't bully someone unless they deserve it LOL. A gift and curse; being a big-build, I could 'bully' those who bullied my friends. 8B Of course, never violently. But more of a "RAWR GO AWAY LOL"

    Why do you think others bully?
    I believe it was because they are; angered, frustrated or annoyed at something that may reoccur in their lives. Unable to vent it out on; drawing, colouring, writing, video games and other similar examples; they vent it out on others.
Some do it because it's the "cool" thing to do.
Some for the lulz.

    Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
    Because they affected someone emotionally or made them feel vulnerable, making themselves feel superior to them.

    Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)

    Only for moral support, really. I think kiddies need to actually LISTEN to when people say "DON'T REACT TO BULLIES"

    Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
    Too much, too little, and everything in between. Depends on the parents. 8u

    Can violence solve violence?

    Only if the goal is annihilation. 8u

    WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

    Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?


    Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
    I might of known them some way or another, but /I/ don't actually know.

    End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

    Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?

   Yes. I went rawr. They started bullying me instead. That wasn't my desired solution, but I'd always rather it was me than my friends. xD

    Have you seen a good friend get bullied?

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2011, 10:39:24 pm »

 Although, I've sort of another question. Is it better for an adult to get involved with bullying situations or not?

I think they should get involved, but not so much where their child feels like they are overly protective and just suffocating them. If that happens, it may just have an opposite affect.
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"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2011, 10:42:01 pm »
I been bullied by people who say they are my friends. They got me in trouble and toyed around me because I LOOK LIKED A NERD!. Would You really say a Girl with Glasses and Braces are nerd?

Actually, I am pretty smart but I know lots of girls in my class who are smarter than me and I don't always do my Homework. I been bullied all my life, called Yellow Teeth, Bucked Teeth, Bad eyes, you name it.

And I only got my Glasses and Braces last year!

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2011, 12:46:43 am »
Poor DA! Just punch them if they bully you. It works for me.

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2011, 01:35:34 am »
Hmph. It learned Taekwondo ages ago instead of last year, Hell, I could beat all their asses and they wouldn't even have bothered me.

And I'm Short, So That makes it worse. They pick on me because I'm smaller and more sensitive and emotional!. Even my Teacher says They're not surprised I was bullied!.

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2011, 03:53:25 am »
...Violence is a terrible way to solve your problems.


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2011, 04:15:01 am »
But what can you do? Parents and Teachers help but they not very helpful, especially if they hate you.
So you gotta defend yourself. It like your saying They can rape me but I can't make them go for jail for that.