Author Topic: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)  (Read 7749 times)


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Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« on: May 18, 2011, 09:56:24 pm »

Offline Jitters

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 10:20:41 pm »
    * What does the term Bullying mean to you?
     Bullying is when someone intentionally causes someone else to feel bad for their own enjoyment, or to make them feel better than someone else.

    * Have you been bullied in the past?
     Oh yes, and by lots of people too.

    * If yes, do you know why?
      Well back when I was in Jr. High I got picked on by teachers, one used to destroy my homework right in front of me and make me redo it, and another once read an anonymous survey I filled out and had me suspended for trying to get her fired.

In high school I never really got picked on, especially since starting at a new school.

After graduation, I had an accident at work which caused brain damage. After starting a new job, I ended up hospitalized. I missed some shifts, and came in with a doctors note. The one manager who was in charge of my missed shifts started saying awful things about my behind my back to other co-workers, and I'd hear about them from the ones who are my friends. After some time back at work I had to take a week off suddenly for emergency tests. I returned and got fired for faking my illness. About two months later I was completely bedridden. I was treated fantastic, no?

    * Have you bullied in the past?
      Yes I have.

    * If yes, why?
     For a good laugh. I still bully, but not to the harmful stage, and only with people I know.

    * Why do you think others bully?
      For some it is fun and it can raise self esteem. Many people don't even know they are doing it.

    * Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
     It makes them feel empowered, like they can control someone's thoughts and feelings. This is a sign they are lacking control in their own lives.

    * Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
      No, they have never been helpful. I once had my cds stolen and the school principle actually let the other girl take them because she claimed I had taken them from her, and she had a friend agree. My parents had to get involved, and I almost had to go to a different school.

My brother has aspergers syndrome, which is a severe personality disorder. He once got suspended because his aid told him he should stick up for himself more, and when he got bullied he did stand up for himself and got punched. He hit the little prick back and got suspended for starting the fight. Not only that, they banned him from school events for the year. He's mentally handicapped, and was doing what his aid told him to do. It really wasn't *all* his fault.

    * Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
      My town is lucky to have an active "bully free" community group, which gets involved in almost every bullying case by getting the media's attention and harassing school admin.

    * Can violence solve violence?
      Yes. Some people need to learn that words and pain hurt.

      WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

    * Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
      Teaching children how to respond to bullying may reduce it. Many of them bully for a reaction. Ignoring them is still a reaction though, and feeds them. Bullies need immediate punishment, before they've had a chance to reap rewards. Anonymous bully complaints in school might be helpful, as not everyone knows or wants to share that they're being bullied.

    * Do you know of anyone who commit suicide due to bullying?

      End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

    * Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
     I've seen it, but I will only stick up for my friends. I never stick up for strangers as they sometimes get embarrassed and I make things worse.

    * Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
      My one friends is a giant bully magnet. She's lucky though, there are people who would kill a bully who goes too far on her. The same person never bullies her twice, but somehow more keep coming. It's dimmed down since we left school though.


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 10:25:52 pm »
Well back when I was in Jr. High I got picked on by teachers, one used to destroy my homework right in front of me and make me redo it, and another once read an anonymous survey I filled out and had me suspended for trying to get her fired.

In high school I never really got picked on, especially since starting at a new school.

After graduation, I had an accident at work which caused brain damage. After starting a new job, I ended up hospitalized. I missed some shifts, and came in with a doctors note. The one manager who was in charge of my missed shifts started saying awful things about my behind my back to other co-workers, and I'd hear about them from the ones who are my friends. After some time back at work I had to take a week off suddenly for emergency tests. I returned and got fired for faking my illness. About two months later I was completely bedridden. I was treated fantastic, no?

D8! That is absolutely horrible to hear, I'm so sorry about that. =( I myself have had a few problems with teachers in the past, but nothing so extreme!

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 10:31:24 pm »
What does the term Bullying mean to you?
Hurting others to make yourself feel better!

Have you been bullied in the past?

If yes, do you know why?
I am smart. I am fat! I am better than a few people at sports. (bullies have said these reasons, and a few I do not want to repeat!)

Have you bullied in the past?
If you count "bullying" a bully, then yes.

If yes, why?
They have messed with the wrong people. (handicap kids, kids younger than them, etc.

Why do you think others bully?
They feel bad about themselves, and use bullying to deal with it.

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
Depends on who you are. I think they do too little sometimes

Can violence solve violence?
No, but it is a form of closure.

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?

Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
(was not kidding.) no.

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
Alot. I help by throwing a few of the bullies off of them until they can handle the situation themselves.

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
My friend got sent to juvi because of bullies! He snapped one day and broke a few bones of a group of bullies. He never did anything to anyone that would cause people to hate him.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 10:56:35 pm by Owen /*> »
(^ ^) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him achieve world domination!


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 10:39:17 pm »
Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
Me, if they do not leave me alone!

I am not entirely sure if you are being truthful there, but because I am a kind person I will assume you are being honest, I would suggest seeking out help. Suicide is not a light subject.. ^^;

Thanks for this interesting feedback, you two. <3

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 12:46:23 am »
What does the term Bullying mean to you?
Harming another human being for personal gain.

Have you been bullied in the past?

If yes, do you know why?
For being learning disability (though this has vanished throughout my pre-teen years and am very intelligent)

Have you bullied in the past?

If yes, why?

Why do you think others bully?
Self-confidence and to make others miserable.

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
To boost their ego and makes them feel invincible, or just plain heartless and like making others suffer (emotional, physical, social or mental pain)

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
Actually, it varies. I can defend myself verbally (non-profanity) by various smart remarks and using "big words" that only some people will get. -any act of abuse is not tolerated at my High School though. We have, what we call "Peace Days", literally days of peace of non violence. The whole school is rewarded if we reach an amount of Peace Days. Today, we had a barbecue because we had about 155 days of peace (though it was indoors because of slight drizzle). Those that do violence will be punished, some would be expelled if serious offense (like sexual assault, battery, using arsenals and the like), suspensions up to five days before being expelled

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
Varies on parent, but not enough.

Can violence solve violence?
No and it never does. You can't feed fire with fire; it only makes a bigger fire.

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
I have a theory, maybe therapy or chatting with them or their parents to find what triggers his/her anger (most cases where bullying starts) and find small solutions to lower that stress. Maybe playing sports or punching a dummy.

Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
Yes and it's getting more frequent. If it's with my friends, I'll help out not by violence but (as stated before) smart remarks without profanity. If it's a person I don't know, I'll let them control the situation.

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
My good friend handles her fights well, so no assistance is needed.

They didn't really know what's up with me. I was early diagnosed with Learning Disability at a very young age (1 mo. or such), but outgrew it due to my love for reading and learning. I'm now (last year actually) in a regular class (though one of them is honors) and handling my fights quite well than others.



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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 12:49:44 am »
If I remember this topic, when I get my computer workin again. I'll have to answer this my self. :c.

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 01:18:14 am »
What does the term Bullying mean to you?

Mean arrogant losers who can't get over themselves.

Have you been bullied in the past?

Never been a day in my life I wasn't bullied.

If yes, do you know why?

My disability. I wasn't diagnosed until late in life so I had no help in the early stages of development, so i was unable to interact with people normally, still can't. People see that as weird and bully me.

Have you bullied in the past?

I (tried to)beat up a kid who attacked my ex once, does that count (added extra, it was hilarious when this 12-13 friend of mine who is very tall joined in, she leapt on his back) but he ran away before anything could really be done

If yes, why?

He was attacking my ex (actual BF at time) and had been one of the ones sexually harrasing me in school.

Why do you think others bully?

Because they can't figure out what losers it makes them (The stupid losers)

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?

Because they think it makes them look freaking cool that's why.

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)

Well, considering I was bullied by my principal once, I don't have a good impression, but I do know a lot of teachers fighting the good fight.

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?

My mum and dad are great, I don't know about others though.

Can violence solve violence?

It can scare them off at least XD

WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?

No. As long as there are people who are different there will be people who pick on them... It doesn't mean I don't want it to stop, but that just seems to be the way it is...

Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
fortuantly no

End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?

I helped my ex (great lot of help that did, he turns around and starts blabbering about me, and when junk like that happened to me he couldn't give a stuff.)

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?

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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 01:25:55 pm »
    What does the term Bullying mean to you?
    Treating someone in a way which each word is placed just so the person you're talking to feels awful.

    Have you been bullied in the past?
    Yes, even though I always ignore the nasty comments.

    If yes, do you know why?
    Well, because of my condition. But I honestly never bothered to answer those idiots. There had been times in elementary school when classmates would huff everytime I would announce I couldn't attend a school trip or project or whatever because of it, since of course such brainless kids don't take conditions seriously, do they? All they care is to complete the required number of students so that the trip is not canceled, and since I don't help, I'm the arrogant evil one. I've even been bullied online about it, from specific people I thought I could trust but got proved complete jerks.

    Have you bullied in the past?
    Sure I have. I think everyone has done it, with no exceptions. Like others have stated above me, sometimes you're doing it without even realising it.

    If yes, why?
    In specific cases, the reason is just because. As a kid, I was rather shy and weak to answer to comments like those. But after I grew more mature, I started taking my blood back. No boy would dare to comment on how me or my friends act in senior school, because they knew what would follow. Bullying comes along trolling as well, for me. I would bully little noobs to make them look stupid for my entertainment, I still do it. I do know it's cruel, but it's how I was treated myself when I was younger.

    Why do you think others bully?
    People who bully often are obviously unsure about themselves, and want to prove they're strong by making others feel weak. Being jealous is a reason most people bully, as well as to try to make themselves feel "cool". Derp.

    Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
    For the same reason stated above.

    Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
    In my area, not really. And that because kids don't often refer to adults, teachers or parents, when being bullied. That is because telling them only makes things worse, and I can't disagree with them. You only give a bully another reason to continue by telling an adult. Most kids that have problems often refer to a friend or a relative in their age rather than adults or teachers, at least here.

    Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
    Personally, I think parents shouldn't mess with their children's relationships, except if the kids want them to. Kids should learn how to deal with problems by themselves, and realise that their parents won't always be there for them later in life. I would say parents can be of some help, even if they shouldn't, in my opinion.

    Can violence solve violence?
    Everything should be talked out. Violence doesn't help in any way. Even though mostly boys in my area don't want to understand that.

    WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

    Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
    Nope. Bullying comes along other things in life. People should learn to deal with it.

    Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
    No. In my opinion, you're obviously.. eh, how to say it nicely. You're just too depressed to suicide just because someone was not as kind as you wanted them to be.

    End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

    Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
    Yes I have. Well, I don't always help when I see people being bullied. As I stated above, I think people should try to deal with their problems by themselves. I've always been there to help friends though, as well as little helpless girls.. How did I help? In some specific cases, just bullying them back and making them look stupid solves the problem. If they're too stupid to get your sarcasm, just curse at them. If you have the right personality, you can scare them off. And no, I never regreted helping. Some people actually deserve it.

    Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
    Quite a lot of times. We help each other in such situations. Not such a big deal. People in my country don't take it THAT seriously. You're bullied? Bully them back. Simple.


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Re: Bullying (Serious Topic - Please Be Respectful!)
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 05:41:07 pm »
I'm sorry to hear some of you have been bullied. </3

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
    Nope. Bullying comes along other things in life. People should learn to deal with it.

True, bullying will never fully stop, but surely you do not think there is nothing we can do to reduce it, even by a little? o: