Author Topic: Silv's Idea List  (Read 1675 times)


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Silv's Idea List
« on: October 16, 2019, 10:50:25 pm »
I'll probably wind up forgetting I made this thread lol. I've just come back after a hiatus and hearing that the source code has finally been obtained. I smell a renaissance.

May update this from time to time.

-Normal map support for materials if it's not already a thing. I know the reflective water uses a normal map, so should be possible I think...
-Other sorts of maps would be nice to support as well. Specular, roughness... this game, being 8 years old, could use a bit of a graphical glow-up.
-Saving custom emotes and a "Reset" button for it.

Maps and Objects
-Different colors of reflective water. I've only ever succeeded in editing the main material and not in making copies of it, so if it's something we can't do on our end, I would love to have different shades rather than the usual bluish-grey. How about green, aqua, and deep blue for a few starting ideas?
-Going to second a couple of ideas I've seen and say we really, really need manual number inputs for object pitch/yaw/roll...
-...and also an "advanced" move mode that has position, rotation, and scale axes.
-Box-select objects by hitting a hotkey and then clicking and dragging.
-Custom minimaps. Could be used for a hand-drawn map or simply to hide the map for a maze.
-More in-depth terrain material customization a-la Impressive Title. Scrolling and animated ground textures, emissive, custom scaling...
-Background ambience/additional sounds, seperate from music. I know you could just use an object for this, but it would really simplify things a bit.
-Also seconding weather sounds.
-Disable the normal day/night cycle or even be able to create your own...?
-A "place portal from view" button for the Cape of Distant Worlds portal.
-The ability to copy and paste coordinates between maps would make map-to-map portal placing less tedious...
-Larger heightmap support?
-Choose whether you want to randomize rotation, scale, or both when cloning objects with Randomize Clone checked. Also would appreciate the ability to lock random sizes in a way that we don't have to wind up with really weird squashed trees after enough copies. Uniform object scaling?
-A "Fog" parameter in the sky editor that lets you adjust fog's range, thickness, and color.
-The ability to rotate collision boxes. Not sure if it's possible without a major re-write, but just throwing this suggestion out there.
-More than three object lights at a time on a map, and the ability to tweak their radius and intensity.
-Even crazier idea: a scripting system. Custom commands (accessible by those the map creator allows) to activate certain map functions, such as... opening doors (moving objects with moving collision!), making caves cave in, changing the sky/weather. Playing sounds, changing music. Displaying messages (sort of like the map title whenever you enter another map, or simply a message in chat) to either one single client or all who are in the map. Platformer maps with rocks that slide around. Interacting with buttons (or other objects) to make things happen. Showing and hiding objects on the fly. Would require a TON of work, and again, a rewrite, but knowing how creative some people here are, it'd seriously pay off!

-The option to display your group in your nametag, perhaps above your character's name.
-Teleport to your friends. If a map is not found, display a message instead that explains that.
--Choose whether or not to allow people to warp to you. Sometimes you just need time to yourself.
-Change (in settings) how far you can hear local chat, whether it's within 20 meters of you or across the entire map.

-Another idea I'm seconding from someone else, and it's colored (default) minimaps. I decided to make a mock-up of how it could look in-game (using GreatFalls from Impressive Title). How it'd work: using the terrain mask(s) to display each tiled terrain texture and then darkening the result with the heightmap itself to show depth.
yolo, one last hurrah for me before i ditch this hellhole. ain't going out without fighting the good fight. i've been archiving the let's talk thread in the case that the staff ever nuke it. stash it away and spread the word while you can, lovelies~

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(after that, it got locked)

if anyone wants to help contribute, just paste the page url into this:

if this post gets deleted, you have my full permission to repost it. no need to credit. i lend my voice.

there shan't be any more silence

Character Creation
-An invisible wing type. I'd wager this is already on the way.
-Fluffy, ruff-like mane/tuft types. Like a vulture or a bat.
-More equip abilities? Perhaps a "none" that doesn't have dashing or flight. I've accidently hit E on flightless characters without meaning to, sometimes, causing me to zoom out of place (or off a cliff).
-More tails. Flat tails, vertically? Horizontally? Fin and fluke-like tails? Kitsune tails? Feather tails?
-More eye types, certainly. Alternatively... (continued under Advanced)
-Update the wing models to be two-sided so maybe you could color, for instance, the top black and the bottom red. This would probably mess with presets, though... perhaps make it a new option?
-Equip markings. Stripes on wings? Stripes on wings.
-The ability to make markings and eyes (or maybe just any body part) emissive without the need for a preset.
-Horns (as an actual character component, not just items), and the ability to scale and colorize them. Potential types include dragon, gazelle, bull, ram, etc.
-My next point: advanced character creation options. I don't want to clutter the usual creation workflow for people who are intimidated by in-depth character creators.
-...the ability to color scleras, irises, and pupils seperately. Would require a bit of work updating the masks/materials, but would be worth it.
-Layered markings.
-Asymmetrical colors and/or wing equips. (a one-winged angel, anyone?)
-Multiple manes/horns/tufts at once.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 06:28:18 am by Silvally »


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Re: Silv's Idea List
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2019, 10:57:47 pm »
You've got quite a few ideas here!

They all would most certainly allow for a lot more creativity for people. I take it that you are a map maker? You've got quite a few good ideas for maps! I feel like a lot of the times the maps/creativity stuff within the main menu is often forgotten or not cared about enough - a good update to that stuff could prove effective! I also really like the idea of teleporting and allowing/not allowing someone to teleport to you. This would make it quite easy to find your friends on a map while you are on a map completely on the other side of the game. Lastly, I love the ideas for more character creativity. It would be a HUGE project, but one that could bring some life to the game as people would be able to make more of what they have in mind. It is also a good idea for those that can't make presets!

Keep it going with these great ideas!


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Re: Silv's Idea List
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2019, 11:04:39 pm »
Used to make maps, but haven't actually completed a project in years. I have wanted to get back into it, but have been busy with other things (and other interests). I'm considering giving it another spin. Glad to hear your input on my ideas!

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Re: Silv's Idea List
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2019, 11:33:44 pm »
oh sil, nail on the head with these ones! i genuinely hope most if not all of these get considered it not added into the game, fantastic ideas and good creativity with them! +floof
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

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Re: Silv's Idea List
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2019, 04:56:24 am »
I like the terrain pattern scaling, and scripted events ideas.
Just imagine how people people would download each other adventure/quest type things to try out.
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"


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Re: Silv's Idea List
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 09:38:34 pm »
I've updated a few things in this thread since I started it. A few notable additions: fog option in the sky editor, normal map support for materials, copying coordinates, and more reflective water materials. Can't remember all the new ones I've added before this, but oh well