Author Topic: Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!  (Read 1436 times)

Offline wolfsquad

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Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!
« on: October 20, 2019, 06:16:33 pm »
Warning: This is long. I didn't mean for it to be long, I just kept typing. Sorry! lol

After multiple "I'm leaving.." and "I'm back!" posts, I'm back again. Back from another completely unexpected and unannounced absence!
P.S: Sorry that it was completely unexpected and unannounced.

Some of you may be asking:
- Why did you leave?
- Where did you go?
- What did you do?
And I'll answer these as best as I can!

1.) Why did you leave?
When I left, I was seriously struggling with a lot of things. I didn't know if I'd be able to overcome it or if I would succumb and let it all ruin my life. Somewhere in this time, I was told very bad news by my mother that my father had lung cancer, liver failure, and not long to live. Just months after being told this, my mom passed away in her Safety Harbor, Florida home with no explainable cause to what happened. Obviously the news of my father and sudden death of my mother absolutely destroyed me. I built walls to shut everyone out, I lost interest in basically everything (including schoolwork and gaming like The Sims, FeralHeart, Animal Jam, etc.), and I lost my own self. It led to me just completely disappearing without leaving any traces.
After I gained some seriously cool and loving and supportive friends, understanding teachers, joined the theater program, sought professional mental help, took care of my body more, communicated to my grandparents (who I live with) and so much more: I started to put my life back on track and get steady. Now I'm back to all my favorite games, ready to make some noise!
I even started to clean up everything (My room, my social media accounts, my computer, etc.) and began to donate a whole bunch of stuff like old clothes I can't wear anymore and toys I never play with to kids in need who don't have the resources and opportunities I have. I feel so organized and so good about helping other people!

2.) Where did you go?
I was either at school, going through my daily routine of going from class to class to class, doing my work and not socializing with classmates (When things got better, I did start talking to people). Or I was at home, where I would either eat, clean, sleep, or play with my pets*.
At some point, I also began to go to the Temple with my Khunya (Grandma) every Saturday to help her perform her duties of cooking and feeding the monks (and all of their adorable cats), cleaning the temple, leaving flowers at the shrine, and praying. I was already Buddhist, but in this time period I started to follow the religion and practices more "strictly".

3.) What did you do?
In the time that I was gone, I worked on myself in a lot of ways.
I unlearned all of the toxic, problematic things past-society taught me as a child and became more active in present-society's practices, like paying more attention to mental health and standing my ground when I know things aren't right. I realized that being mean to other people for absolutely no reason was super terrible and a poor "defense mechanism" and I turned myself around to try being friendlier to other people.
I used to struggle with my own race of being dominantly Asian. Today, I am very proud to be Asian, I'm especially proud of my home country (Thailand), and I started to embrace Asian practices now knowing there is absolutely nothing wrong with that (Also, I recently found out I have Native American in my blood so that's super cool).
I dropped other bad habits, like biting my nails. I realized that it was okay for me to start buying items not because I needed it but because it was okay to have some luxury, like rose bath bombs and "creamy vanilla coconut" candles.
I also did other stuff, like finish my language studies in various languages.

I hope some of the things I listed that I did to improve myself will inspire a lot of you to start taking care of yourself and working on being the best that you can possibly be, they do work and you'll feel good afterwards.
But basically: I am back and I am doing so much better. Hope to see you guys in game :D

P.S: I have recently came to the discovery that spicy ramen is literally the most delicious thing ever.

* Here's my pets in order of when I got them.
Spaz : Male
Dakota : Male (He has cheek dimples)
Thumper : Male (He's missing a front leg)

Offline Telluric

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Re: Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2019, 02:11:48 am »
wow, man, seems like you've been through a lot. thank you for sharing why you're back, means a bunch to see fellas be so open and honest around here! hope to see you in-game soon<3
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2019, 03:36:06 pm »
You don’t have to apologize to us for leaving unexpectedly <3 Especially after everything you’ve been through and struggling with no one would hold it against you. I’m so sorry for your losses... I can’t even fathom how you’ve felt with all this and how you’ve still some how found strength to go on and go on stronger than before. You’re a strong soul and it’s very inspirational to read through this. I don’t know you personally but I’m very proud of you. I’m really glad things are turning up for the better for you after the long haul through tough times and situations. We are happy to have you back and hope for better for you from now on always.

Welcome back <3

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Re: Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2019, 06:14:49 am »
Welcome back to FeralHeart! You don't have to apologize for a thing, don't you worry~ I'm terribly sorry for your losses, but you are an extremely strong individual and I applaud you for your achievements. Very proud of you for straying strong and pushing through~

Spicy ramen is absolutely delicious- I only wish I had it more often lmao Next time there's an opportunity for you to have some, eat some for me please xD Excited to see you around!

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Thank you ;u;
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Offline wolfsquad

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Re: Hello! I'm back from an unannounced absence!
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2019, 11:32:31 pm »
Thank you guys! :D
Life pushes you down a lot but you just gotta get back up and keep walking. Never give life the satisfaction of knowing it irreversibly tore you apart (I say this like life is another person, a personified entity, but you get what I mean-)

I actually just ate some spicy ramen an hour ago! I ate it for you, you're welcome :)
I will transfer the carbs to you

Also, I donated a few more stuffed animals today (a hamster named "Sparkles", a rooster named "Bob", a prairie dog named "Chuck", and an unnamed horse). All of them were Webkinz other than the horse, but I do have 2 horse Webkinz.
Don't forget to donate your old clothes and toys, you will absolutely make someone's day.