Author Topic: Ahragon Remastered  (Read 1579 times)

Offline F.I.X.Y.O.U

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Ahragon Remastered
« on: October 22, 2019, 04:54:19 am »
Ahragon Remastered

*To you, somewhere in the far future...*

*You slump over, exhausted, onto a red tasseled cushion in a dingy worn out room, tired from being tailed all over your bustling busy town, and sigh. Today was another day that you'd set out on a wild goose chase with your classmates, you being the goose to be caught. You wince as you touch a bruise on your knee- you'd knocked into more than one person trying to escape your classmates- they never left you alone anymore always bullying you because of the thoughts you shared.*

*Teasing, teasing, teasing! That was all your classmates ever did since you told them about the folklore that your mother had taught you about. Gryphons, Wendigos, Nuckelavees, the Kelpie, Wyverns, and even Chimeras! Those ancient creatures were what gave your ancestry colour, and history. You were convinced, some point in history, at least something like that existed! Where did all those legends come from, then?*

*"Get real! They're just stories!" One kid would say.
"Fairytales are for babies!" The other said.
"Fiction is fiction. None of that ever happened," another added.*

*You sigh again, the weight of your heavy breath seeming like it held the burden of the world. Was it too harsh to believe in the ancient stories that your mother, and her mother, and her mother had told you? You weren't quite sure anymore.*

*You prop yourself up against the wall, getting ready to stand. You place your hands on each side of the floor beneath you, and push- wait, this floor felt a bit leathery, didn't it? You sit down and reach for an ancient looking book, who's youthful days had long outlived itself. The red leather had long since been flushed of it's color, leaving a pale burgundy on it's surface- a special golden lining of ferns ringed the edge of the book, too. In the middle, made of the same golden material, a large capital A sat in the middle of the cover, surrounded by an unknown wiring.*

*That's right- you ran into an old, outdated library on the edge of the run down part of your town. Well, it wouldn't hurt to hide here from the bullies for a bit, would it? Getting yourself comfortable and crossing your legs, you place the large, worn book in your lap and open it.*

*The pages are crinkly and brown, and immediately you don't recognize any of these words or letters- they're written in a different language, something that definitely isn't the English alphabet. Strange criss-cross lines make up the letters. You frown, and pull your phone out of your pocket, and find information that recognizes this odd speak- old Norse, huh? Opening a translator app, you hover your phones' camera above the timeworn letters, and the story of the book begins to unfold.*

*For centuries upon centuries, the history of Ahragon has long been shrouded in it's war torn past. An almost apocalyptic land residing in a region of the far north, this continent was unforgiving in it's winters, which lead to where it was now- the Kingdoms constantly trying to ensure their lives on their lands.*

*However, the continent of Ahragon was not always once like this. The four current Kingdoms were once conjoined with each other, spreading their peace and harmony throughout the land of theirs, and beyond. Creatures from all over the large island taught each other the way of themselves- their culture, their skills, their passions, their futures.*

*For a long, uncertain period of time, the Kingdom ruled with a large amount of fair dominance over Ahragon, making sure that everyone within their reach knew no hunger or cold, only safety, warmth, and shelter, provided by the fair Kingdom. The once apocalyptic lands of Ahragon seemed like a distant memory, for this era, was the first step in improving the creatures of Ahragon's relationships with each other.*

*But, it never had a chance.*

*The reason for the Kingdom's demise has long been forgotten, scrolls and books in old libraries have been long burned down, as some may have been trying to forget their turbulent past. The safe walls within Ahragon's centuries long peace had fallen, and many creatures had lost the meaning of home, no longer knowing what it was like to have the Kingdom's knights watch over them. Some speculate inner distrust within the Kingdom's ranks, being made up of different species who had only newly learned to trust each other. Some speculate the lack of food and shelter. Some speculate greed.*

*It is unclear what happened to this Kingdom, but it’s previous habitats, to each their own species, fled to the very edges the continent, far away from their enemies. Perhaps they felt they were safer with their own kind, knowing to trust each other once more and build greater relationships, better than the ones they had before. However, these knew Kingdoms no longer had the warmth, food or shelter that Ahragon's Kingdom once had. These territories were made on ages of snow, only knowing the harsh winters of Ahragon's unbearable lands.*

*From then on, a short unknown period passed, the habitants of the Kingdoms suffered frequently, only ever knowing full stomachs for a part of each summer. Internal civil battles often happened in each Kingdom, which led to the inevitable decline of members. Many people died- which made dividing food rations at least, somewhat easier. However, this was still not enough.*

*Tension would only grow between each Kingdom, and they each put their foot down, battling for the most safest place on the continent of Ahragon- Konohatue. This was a place in the most southern part of Ahragon, where the climate was the warmest, and most wild animals flocked to. Each Kingdom knew if they wanted to survive, they would have to fight for this land.*

*The war for Konohatue raged onward for five years, and each Kingdom's population dwindled even more, into the low hundreds. Thousands died during these battles, as their war zones were unfair, bloody, and the soldiers showed no mercy to each other. In the end, there would only be dozens of warriors to report back to their Kingdoms.*

*In the time this went on, only the strongest survived, and in the end - despite all they had lost - a Kingdom, known for their strength and nobility, won the war. They moved to Konohatue where they flourished for years coming, leaving the other Kingdoms behind to suffer. This is the main reason why this Kingdom is the most hated out of all of them.*
*Since then, twenty years have passed, and things have settled- though the tension with each Kingdom is still balanced on a thin wire, waiting to be broken. There is peace now, but it is not known how long it will last for.*

*This is a new age, where the Kingdoms are smaller, and keep to their own lands. They do not confer with each other on the regular- only rarely ever making deals. Since those wars ended, there are hardly any veterans, as many had died from their wounds as they came home. They have tried to forget their past, and the Kingdoms as well.*

*There are only a few rare recordings of Ahragon's history, and again, most of it is faded in the mist. Some day, I hope that we can uncover our past- and become a whole Kingdom once again.*

**Welcome to the land of Ahragon! Our traits make up the following:**
*- Literate*
*- Semi-realistic*
*- Mapped*
*- Plotted*
*- Unique*
*- Multi-species*
*- Mature*
*- Active*
*- Ranked*
*- Social*
*- Discorded*
*- Mythical*
*- Folklore*
*- Ice Age*

**We are a Feral-heart/Discord based role-play, founded on the 31st of May, 2019.**

**If you have any questions at all, please feel free to message one of the staff! Either on here, Discord, or Feral-heart. We will be happy to answer them.**

There are four kingdoms:
- Kingdom of Ulvin: Dire Wolves
- Kingdom of Kholinar: Owls
- Kingdom of Storkatt: Sabers
- Kingdom of Gevir: Irish Elks

Ahragon also has diverse creatures such as:
- Dragons
- Wendigos
- Hellhounds
- Kelpies
- Griffins
- Satyrs
And so many more!!

Contact me at F.I.X.Y.O.U#3806 on discord if interested in joining!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2019, 12:23:50 am by F.I.X.Y.O.U »

Offline lycansheir

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Re: Ahragon Remastered
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2019, 01:38:11 am »
this interests me
This is Mystical Lycanson singing off.