Author Topic: Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader  (Read 1976 times)

Offline leda

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Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader
« on: October 25, 2019, 03:45:50 am »

Our roleplay is not yet openly recruiting, but we do need a leader. As some know I already tend to the H550 role play and it's reopening, so while I am doing the map/site/discord work and helping with the organization of Blackthorn, I simply will not have the time to lead it's clan.

Before we officially open and get going, we need a leader for our WillowClan.  It's opposing clan, the wildling cats of BoarClan, is lead by RustedRaven.

Let me tell you about WillowClan, it's sister clan, provide screenshots of it's camp, and a bit about our role play and then we'll get to it's leader's application, which you may submit down below.

WillowClan is a WindClan meets ThunderClan group, with lean but sleek cats who hold pride in their unity and strength and have adapted to their partially forested, partially grassland home.  Their clan dwells closer to more two-leg places and they tend to be more accepting of kittypets than their sister clan, BoarClan is.  The Clan will canonically be a little more populated and less elusive than BoarClan, but both have equal strength.  Their skills mainly include the ability to climb, run, and remain hidden even in the open.  They tend to have more herbs available to them due to the two leg gardens, and so BoarClan often makes trades with them for their herb stock.  WillowClanners tend to come off as a little pompous in their own way, believing that BoarClanners are "mucky" and "dirty" and "wild."  Of course each WillowClanner is allowed their own personality traits, this is just the most common and encouraged theme among the clan.
 WillowClan's "special tradition" is an evening of story telling, both StarClan legends and simple made up stories from the mouths of kittens.
Despite living so near water, they turn their noses up at fish and wrinkle their noses at the smell of a fishy BoarClanner.  They are not swimmers, but runners and climbers.

Their sister clan (whom we have a leader for, but I will tell you about them just so you can know their potential antagonists) lives across Blackthorn's Lake, in the more forested regions.  BoarClanners often have a ruffled and wild look to them, and while they do accept outsiders, they tend to force kittypets to train longer and harder.  They often have spars and insist that each cat is large and strong.  This determination of pure strength makes up for their slightly smaller numbers in comparison to WillowClan.
Some of their territory is grassy, but they only hunt there in dire times.  BoarClanners tend to fish and hunt in the undergrowth of their streams instead. 
Their "special tradition" is a night of sparring competitions, with the medicine cat serving as a sort of referee.  The clan is active way into the night, and sometimes their yowls keep WillowClan up from all the way across the lake, an issue that is often brought up during gatherings. 

As you can see, we already have quite an interesting pair to RP with that will make some fun mini-plots all in it's own.  However, we do have a unique but not too hard to follow plot involving a curse, a dastardly secret shared between the two clans, and the forbidden worship of the Stars... we plan for our plot to remain a secret until it is revealed through the roleplaying of our future members, so unfortunately that's all we can give you for now!

Here's some screenshots of the camp you'll be set in.  It is set in a small patch of woods among their primarily grassy territory, with little puddles and willow trees surrounding it.  The tall and wild weeds and grasses make it a difficult area for twolegs to access, even if they dwell nearby.
The map is going to be large, with mini maps attached to it.  It will come in a lag adjusted, light version for slower computers, but it already shouldn't be too hard to load as it will have mostly default objects retextured by yours truly to look pretty and realistic.  It also features meshes from the talented Cattails, and a few others that will be fully credited in the map's download, of course.

So if the role play concept interests you, let me go over the expectations of your role and provide you, finally, with the application! 

- You will be expected to follow our role play rules and guidelines and keep up to date with information, updates, lore, etc.  Your name will end with star, people will default bring questions to you upon joining your clan.  You should be familiar with the RP and able to answer such questions in a timely, appropriate, and "professional" fashion.

- You will be expected to be a role model for the community.  You will lose your rank if you have to be reminded of the RP rules more than once, if you curse too much, are too inappropriate, or generally not helpful to new members needing help.

- You will be expected to have decent activity.  I've always felt a twinge of guilt having to de-rank someone of their position because of activity they can't help.  But unfortunately, even if you can't help it, it's still inactivity and it still holds the entire community back.  The role play will often depend on your presence, so you must keep that in mind.  We'd like a leader who can be on to help recruit and role play a few times a week with excused absences that aren't too often (going on vacation or taking a week hiatus is obviously going to be fine, we're more concerned with consecutive inactivity or unreliability.)

- You will be expected to help recruit for your clan.  We will help you recruit for the first month or two until everything is settled, but after that we'll expect that you're used to it and can get up and recruit without being asked or needing help.

- You will be sought to for opinions or ideas, but to be quite honest we're quite happy with the direction of the plot and such and won't need too much more help with it.  If you are hoping to join Blackthorn to heavily mold it, I will be entirely honest in that it's basic concepts are already rather fleshed out.  We merely need a leader, a helper to get us up and ready.  You will help us initiate our super unique, super dramatic and fun plot events that we have in store, though!

- You will be expected to moderate your clan upon it's opening and report instances that required your interference, any sort of issues will be in a report log and such.  Another mod will be paired with you to help, of course, but you'll still be a vast leadership role in the clan.

- On a final note, you may bring in a friend to play your deputy or your medicine cat but they likely will not be a moderator and may not be able to part of the early joining.  We can discuss your deputy and medicine cat affairs upon your application being picked.

I'd like to thank anyone who applies or is interested beforehand.  It's always a struggle for me to hold auditions, because I hate choosing just one person.  Unfortunately though, we can only have one leader, and please note you may not be picked but we may keep you in mind for a moderator or other clan high rank later on.  You not being picked doesn't say anything about your character or your audition.  Thank you <3


Feralheart user/s:

Character name:

Please describe your character's physical appearance, a reference image, maybe screenshots of them:

Please describe your character's personality:

Character's upbringing, if you have one fleshed out:

Please provide an RP sample with your character, you can make it as lengthy as you please:

Did you read the provided expectations?  Do you have questions regarding any of them that you'd like clarified?

Although it's not required, do you have any experience in leading or being a moderator of a group or community?

Do you understand your character will sometimes need to be directed and used for plot advancement?

Do you understand that you will be in charge of a new and growing clan, that you'll eventually be asked to recruit for it without help?

Do you understand you will be expected to intervene and provide counsel on issues that occur OOCly, to call out rulebreaking as soon as you see it, and provide reports on what corrective actions you took?

Do you understand you will be asked to direct events for your clan, and said events will depend on you showing up and your activity?

Do you understand that even if it's understandable, staff may derank you for activity if it means it's for the betterment of the roleplay and clan?

(there's really no wrong answers to these but we'd like to see where your moderating style is at.  don't stress yaself.)

1.  Someone joins and their character is exceeding the size capacity and limit we have assigned for all characters.  They refuse to shrink down and insist on being a frost giant cat.  What do you tell them?  Should you make an exception?

2.  Someone in the clan is making everyone uncomfortable by having a character constantly seek romance and a mate.  What course of action would you take for this mate-seeker?

3.  Two users have a public argument in the in game group chat, it seems rather serious.  What kind of things would you say to shut them down?  What would you do if one kept egging the other on? 

4.  What course of action would you take if you saw someone recruiting for a role play that seemed to have blatantly stolen themes and ideas from Blackthorn?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 02:51:10 pm by leda »
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

Offline babycarrot

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Re: Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2019, 11:28:14 pm »
Feralheart user/s: babycarrot

Character name: Cloudheart / Cloudstar

Please describe your character's physical appearance, a reference image, maybe screenshots of them:

Please describe your character's personality:
Cloudstar is a calm and collected tom, his name prefix doesn't only stand for his pure white pelt, but later in life did give an impression to his well-tempered nature. Some considered it a coincidence others an example given to him at a young age to help develop him into a well-behaved warrior, either way, it represents him well.
He holds a neutral opinion on conflicts when they arise and does his best to calm the situation and seek out the reason behind it. This doesn't mean he can't fight back, he does have a natural reaction to anger like anyone else, but he does have a longer limit than most when holding it back. He strongly believes every cat deserves a second chance, however also as a man of honour he will not give a third chance beyond the second. Trust is important to him, he holds honour, tradition, and blood very close to his heart and will carry it to his dying days. If you were to create a mutual trust with him, he would stand by your side, no matter who or where from, but if you betrayal his trust he will turn his back to you.
Cloudstar is a serious tom, he never shows an amusing side very often at all, he takes not only pride but also carries a heavy burden in leading or aiding his clan, he doesn't often seek help from his clanmates as his mind is usually clouded by blind thoughts that he may burden them as well. His wish is to have his clan protected, safe from any and all dangers that may threaten them and avoiding conflict at any cost as he fears to lose them the most.

Character's upbringing, if you have one fleshed out:
Raised by two well-respected warriors of Willowclan Berryface and Thrushtail, his mother and father gave Cloudkit, his two sisters Rainkit and Skykit a protective and comfortable upbringing from the nursery onwards. Their father wasn't one to visit when they were being nursed by their mother, in fact, it didn't really seem like the two parents were that much at all in love rather than just keeping the tradition and raising new warriors for the clan. But that doesn't mean they hated each other, the two parents were fond of each other that was obvious, it wasn't very lovey-dovey but they did make time for each other to catch up and take patrols when it was convenient, it just seemed more like a business partnership than anything else. They spoke seriously to each other. That kind of attitude was picked up by the three siblings and over time that's how they had grown to treat each other, slowly over time just more and more professional, of course, this matured overtime after the nursery. It wasn't of bad nature, it's what got them and Cloudpaw onto the route of being such a calm and collected tom. Of course, as a young tom, he was impressionable and young toms will be young toms at that age.
Cloudpaw's mentor was a sleek beautiful dark grey she-cat known as Quickslash, she was a young warrior and the two practically trained each other. They grew very fond of each other, however, Cloudpaw had a strange way of showing affection due to the impression of his family. His way of treating Quickslash and any other pretty she-cat he grew a liking to was to invite them on serious patrols and updates on hunting parties, etc etc. Not very interesting for Quickslash for a start, she never picked up on his moves, he never really understood why. Cloudpaw never really joined the bandwagon of chasing a she-cat after that, if he liked them he would continue to try and pursue the very definition of a serious relationship, but you can imagine how many times that didn't work. It never bothered him, because, after training and experiencing battle for the first time, he lost his mentor, his friend. She gave her life and lessons for the clan and Cloudpaw, he would never forget his friend and all that she had taught her.
After that Cloudpaw was assigned a new mentor to finish his training, the Deputy of Willowclan, Mossyfoot, he taught Cloudpaw everything he knew about trust, respect, loyalty, clan blood, and tradition. It finalized Cloudpaws character and once made a warrior, he took the name Cloudheart after he was seen in action protecting clan mates, never attacking out of brute strength or desire, always protecting and fighting clean, keeping true to the warrior code and everything he was taught about loyalty and honor.
(That's really all for now! Just the main points that would explain some of his character traits and personality!)

Please provide an RP sample with your character, you can make it as lengthy as you please:
"That will not be necessary." The shaken kitty-pet hunched between the two Willowclan warriors caught Cloudhearts attention right after he had spotted Lillytail and Russetpaw holding her down, Cloudheart had heard everything they said, they were foolish enough not to lower their voices out in the open like this, especially so close to the border, if not across it! The white tom scoffed lightly in their direction as he trotted up beside his two patrolling warriors by his side. "Correct me if I am wrong Lillytail. You have just instructed your apprentice to cross the border after this kitty-pet, not only endangering yourself but him as well, all as you further commanded to 'catch her flank with your claws and teach her a lesson'." Quoted accurately with the same tone he had heard the mentor speak to her apprentice with. "Bushstar will hear of this matter," He spoke calmly with a hint of scorn in his voice as he stepped forward to encourage the two off the kitty-pet. "He did not make you a mentor to raise warriors like this. What were you thinking?" Turning to the warrior with narrowed eyes before giving the apprentice a disappointed look as well. "Rise kitty-pet, you are free to leave this territory so long you do not return-" Not even halfway through his words before he saw the kitty-pet scramble and scatter off in the opposite direction. Well, that made this easier, he supposed.

"Not tell him? You can't be serious Russetpaw, you're still young you do not realize what could have happened here. You were not being brave, you were being reckless and disobedient to the warrior code. If your behavior is that set on protecting your mentor like this, perhaps you need to be re-assigned before it's too late. If need be perhaps I'll recommend myself to Bushstar and ensure that you are properly disciplined." Good thing Cloudheart didn't have his own kits to scold, he really doesn't take their emotional state into consideration, he continued to speak to the apprentice in a tone as if he were a warrior. As the patrol team signaled them, Cloudheart turned his head to see the Boarclan patrol approaching. "This is exactly what I was worried about.  Lillytail you should take Russetpaw home now before you continue to get him into more trouble. This will be handed over to Bushstar when we return, for now that patrol deserves an apology and explanation to this mess. Let us handle and clean this up for you." Not to be mistaken for a snappy or at all sassy remark, Cloudheart speaks only in a neutral tone when not being scornful to discipline the two. He was now preparing himself for a calm apology to the fast-approaching patrol, bowing his head to show no threat.

Did you read the provided expectations?  Do you have questions regarding any of them that you'd like clarified?
All read up and ready to go! No questions at all really, it's all straight to the point and very clear about what is expected, I can agree with all of it!

Although it's not required, do you have any experience in leading or being a moderator of a group or community?
Yes! Quite a few times, I've played mostly Medicine Cats and held a sort of similar 'helper role' within a 'high ranks' system where we all helped to keep the community alive and happy! I have to say, I can't remember the last time I got the chance to play a leader or deputy, it has been a few years since that opportunity which is why I'd love to give it a go again! I also feel like when given the chance I can hold a community well together and act as the one that seeks out fairness within the group, I hate seeing mistreated communities and stand by their side every time! Of course, if the reasoning is fair in it'self and not harmful to anyone.

Do you understand your character will sometimes need to be directed and used for plot advancement?
Absolutely! More than happy to create, twist, sacrifice or create plot advancements in any way to help the plot move along smoothly!

Do you understand that you will be in charge of a new and growing clan, that you'll eventually be asked to recruit for it without help?
For sure! I've recruited solo and with a group multiple times in the past so I'm safe in saying I'm more than comfortable and confident in doing so! I'm not afraid to report issues or ask for help if any problems accured as well! Overall, however, more than happy to solo recruit.

Do you understand you will be expected to intervene and provide counsel on issues that occur OOCly, to call out rulebreaking as soon as you see it, and provide reports on what corrective actions you took?
100% I believe I can handle those situations really calmly by taking them to pm's and not making a worse scene, I think I'm safe in saying I'm a mature adult and can treat those situations as such!

Do you understand you will be asked to direct events for your clan, and said events will depend on you showing up and your activity?
Absolutely! I'm more than happy to hold that responsibility with confidence in upholding it as well as, not as a first go-to choice but back up hosts always being available if anything were to occur in real life that would prevent me from making the event, I wouldn't let others suffer for my absence! I'd ensure that the event on my part is organized and prepared for the clan members so everyone can still attend and have a fun event!
I'd also never want to miss a fun event myself!

Do you understand that even if it's understandable, staff may derank you for activity if it means it's for the betterment of the roleplay and clan?
Yes, that's perfectly fine. I genuinely have a slight fear that the main issue, if I'm honest, maybe timezones! I've come across this issue in the past where other high ranks and mods weren't happy with me not being able to attend events that were held at 3 or 4am for myself! All I ask is for realistic reactions to my health and safety when asking me to stay up too late! Other than than, I think it's safe in saying I'm more than happy to attend semi-late events as I understand time-zones pretty well as the majority is American etc.
My schedule off the computer isn't too busy honestly I work during the day and by the time I finish everyone on the game is having their breakfast or lunch! So I will most likely make it only every night!

(there's really no wrong answers to these but we'd like to see where your moderating style is at.  don't stress yaself.)

1.  Someone joins and their character is exceeding the size capacity and limit we have assigned for all characters.  They refuse to shrink down and insist on being a frost giant cat.  What do you tell them?  Should you make an exception?
I'd firstly take this situation into a PM in-game or discord, whenever it's being addressed and kindly remind and quote them of the sizing rule, explain why it's there for realistic and fairness to everyone else and offer them, if they wish to be a large cat they can keep the very top of the scale shown on the size cap! Tell them that's it's perfectly fine so long they stay in the cap and if they keep refusing, kindly explain that I'd be taking this conversation to a moderator of the roleplay to handle. I'd feel like it would be out of my place to downright tell someone "If you don't follow the rules you can't join." That would be a mod's position I feel! Assuming that I'm just a helper that is!
I'd not make an exception, which leads to everyone getting upset and abusing the rules more and more. That's just also unfair. Rules are in place for a reason, they should be followed.

2.  Someone in the clan is making everyone uncomfortable by having a character constantly seek romance and a mate.  What course of action would you take for this mate-seeker?
Privatly message them and let them know they're making a few people a little uncomfortable with how persistent they're being. I wouldn't dance around it, I'd let them know directly to resolve the matter quickly, of course in no way meaning to target them or make them upset, I'd word it delicately to avoid conflict and confusion. I'd let them know that of course, it's fine to seem romance but perhaps be a little more gentle when doing so! I'd offer them support with character development and even offer a romance attempt with my character to spice it up for them and keep it interesting while also creating character development that may get others interested and involved as well!

3.  Two users have a public argument in the in game group chat, it seems rather serious.  What kind of things would you say to shut them down?  What would you do if one kept egging the other on?
I'd respond in a PM to both of them separately, quickly asking if they're alright and if they want to talk to me about anything, then offer my support and sympathy to them both and offer a party chat or discord chat where they can talk it out together while I supervise and offer my support for them both!
If it didn't calm down in the public chat I'd talk to them through the public chat with just; "Guys, just remember this isn't a chat for a heated discussion! If you guys are having a debat I gotta ask if you take it to PM's so no one gets offended or uncomfortable!"
If it kept escalating I'd ask for help from another helper or even a mod and apologize to everyone else it may be making uncomfortable and ask that they don't get involved and if they could share their support for both of the arguing people.

4.  What course of action would you take if you saw someone recruiting for a role play that seemed to have blatantly stolen themes and ideas from Blackthorn?

I'd to pm them with interest! I'd compliment their group and quickly get in touch with mods and helpers to let them know. Not in any bad way, of course, I would see this as an opportunity to join two communities together! Something great could be made from such a thing! A special event, a joint community, and new friends to open new doors and possibilities if the mods decided to take it there, ultimately it would be there call! But I would never outright be rude or tell them "Hey, that's our idea you're stealing. Stop that."

Thanks for reading! (:

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Re: Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2019, 02:53:51 pm »
An excellent audition, thank you, we'll be in touch when the auditions close!
We've decided to close auditions on November 7th and announce the new leader the following few days!
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

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Re: Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2019, 05:38:38 pm »
Feralheart user/s: Overjoyed / Bastille

Character name: Beetlejaw / Beetlestar

Please describe your character's physical appearance, a reference image, maybe screenshots of them:

Coming from more of a ThunderClan-based idea, Beetlestar is a heavier, more muscled tom. A darker tabby with white, Beetlestar is often able to stealth fairly easily due to the various amounts of foliage located throughout WillowClan’s territory. His skills, however, are more catered to that of the heavier, battle-built side.

Please describe your character's personality:
An honorable tom, Beetlestar’s power is derived solely from his Clan and he holds a great amount of pride in WillowClan’s strength and unity- sometimes even to an obvious fault. He’s a just and fair-minded leader, trying his best to keep his emotions separate from his duties and obligations of his Clan. Friendly and casual, Beetlestar tries to make deep connections with not only his Clan- but with Blackthorn at large. Although this sometimes brings backlash and doubt from others, Beetlestar is more than fit for the life of a leader.

Character's upbringing, if you have one fleshed out:
(I don’t have one fleshed out atm- however, it won’t be much outside a basic, non-traumatic life)

Please provide an RP sample with your character, you can make it as lengthy as you please:
“Beetlestar! Beetlestar! Tell us a story! It’s your turn to tell us a story!” These were the eager mewlings of an excited WillowClan kit, practically tumbling over his mother’s forepaws as everyone gathered within the center of camp. Beetlestar chuckled, a faint smile gracing his features before he placed a few affectionate laps atop the kit’s head. “In due time, Pheasantkit. In due time.”

Truth be told, this was Beetlestar’s favorite tradition of WillowClan. Naturally, the unified group shared tongues almost nightly- but speaking of their ancestor’s great feats every moon made his whiskers twitch with excitement. “It all happened long ago- long before the Clans the were formed..” With his voice trailing off as he looked towards the star-filled sky, the dark tabby continued. “Back in this time, there wasn’t a star in the sky- the Clans had yet to put their faith in our ancestors. There was a WillowClan warrior, who proved her might to StarClan during one of the valley’s darkest times.” Glancing at the very kit who urged him to tell the stories of their ancestors, the WillowClan leader would stifle his chuckle as Pheasantkit sat there- staring wide-eyed at Silverpelt. “Back before we followed StarClan, the strife and struggles between WillowCland and BoarClan were immense- border skirmishes were constant, bloody battles even more-so. It was as if the Dark Forest had taken control of us, turning us against our brothers and sisters- little did we know this turned out to be true. In an immense battle, the evil made its presence known- ordering us to swear allegiance or be destroyed. Embershine, the warrior from earlier- sacrificed herself in order for the evil to be destroyed..and they say that ever since that fateful day, Embershine is always the brightest star in the sky.”

Taking a moment to look around at the cats gathered, Beetlestar settled quietly onto his stomach- glancing up to Silverpelt to focus on the brightest star as the other clanmates told their respective stories.

Did you read the provided expectations? Do you have questions regarding any of them that you'd like clarified?
Yep! I believe that the given expectations are rather clear, and do not have any questions at this time.

Although it's not required, do you have any experience in leading or being a moderator of a group or community?
I do! I have had countless experiences leading and being other high-ranked characters, as well as countless staff experiences. If you would like a list, I can try to compile everything!

Do you understand your character will sometimes need to be directed and used for plot advancement?
Yes!! Upon reading the basics of the roleplay, as well as some of the hints for the plot- I’m very eager to see what is in store for the Warriors of Blackthorn!

Do you understand that you will be in charge of a new and growing clan, that you'll eventually be asked to recruit for it without help?
Yes! I have no problem with recruiting, and actually find it rather enjoyable- even if I’m alone. I recognize that recruiting is a necessary process to build a wonderful, open community.

Do you understand you will be expected to intervene and provide counsel on issues that occur OOCly, to call out rulebreaking as soon as you see it, and provide reports on what corrective actions you took?
Yep! Just like above, intervening when needed is an equally necessary process of the roleplay to keep it at its peak.

Do you understand you will be asked to direct events for your clan, and said events will depend on you showing up and your activity?
Of course!

Do you understand that even if it's understandable, staff may derank you for activity if it means it's for the betterment of the roleplay and clan
Yes! If anything, I would understand such consequences completely- no hard feelings would be seen from me, seeing as a simple derank could be extremely crucial to the activity of the roleplay.

(there's really no wrong answers to these but we'd like to see where your moderating style is at. don't stress yaself.)
(stresses anyways)

1. Someone joins and their character is exceeding the size capacity and limit we have assigned for all characters. They refuse to shrink down and insist on being a frost giant cat. What do you tell them? Should you make an exception?
I would remind them of the base requirements for the roleplay, stating the realism is a large factor of the roleplay- seeing as you wouldn’t see lion-sized kittens out in the wild (that is, unless they were actually a lion ^^’). If they consistently refused, I would kindly decline- and urge them to reapply if and once they have decided to comply.

2. Someone in the clan is making everyone uncomfortable by having a character constantly seek romance and a mate. What course of action would you take for this mate-seeker?
Although I would not get mad at them, seeing as everyone usually wants their character to be successful and have a huge, loving family- I would definitely ask them to stop seeking romance and other things of the like. Plotting is completely fine with me! However, I would definitely let them know that ‘begging’ for romance and/or a mate is making others within the community uncomfortable.

3. Two users have a public argument in the in game group chat, it seems rather serious. What kind of things would you say to shut them down? What would you do if one kept egging the other on?
I would advise that the two members take it to a PM, or stop it entirely. Warriors of Blackthorn seems like an amazing community, and I’d tell them that turning against each other is no way to keep it that way. I’d also offer to be some sort of a middle-man, if possible. To me, cooperation and being friendly with one another is key. However, if one member kept egging the other on- I’d turn to staff, letting them know of the situation before being a bit more firm in telling the guilty party to stop.

4. What course of action would you take if you saw someone recruiting for a role play that seemed to have blatantly stolen themes and ideas from Blackthorn?
I would definitely try to get in contact with the respective roleplay’s staff, seeing as it could simple seem similar but not exactly be a carbon copy. Perhaps it could even lead to a partnership between the two roleplays, proving to be a beneficial situation for both roleplays. However, if it seemed to be an exact copy- I would definitely take notes, providing screenshots for Blackthorn’s staff of the content that has been copied before moving forward with the next course of action.

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Re: Warriors of Blackthorn Seeks a Leader
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2019, 05:34:49 pm »
Auditions are closed and me and the other admin are discussing results.  Thank you so much! <3
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !