Author Topic: What could be added or changed?  (Read 2243 times)

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What could be added or changed?
« on: December 29, 2019, 07:26:44 pm »
So I believe that the maps are fine. They're just standard maps. They deliver their purpose; being a good looking room for roleplays and chat. BUT I think they should be much larger, and maybe get a bit of a redesign. OR, just bring back the old maps.
Another thing that could reel in more players is the introduction of quests, trading, currency, mobs, and exclusive items that have a functionality (like raising DEF and ATK); This could add more of a MMORPG aspect to this game and would get a more diverse set of players to join (Players who roleplay, players who trade, players who grind for money, etc).
The last thing is probably an update w/ the character creator: Maybe add another marking set called like, Extra Markings? Like scars, birthmarks, and other minimal patterns or features that aren't big enough to be a full-body marking.

Anyways, those are some suggestions for this game to make it neater.

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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2019, 02:55:26 am »
just as a preface- i'm not here to bash your thread or make you feel bad about your ideas, i really like seeing other people's stance on what the game should/could add onto. these are just my observations.

there's been a recent thread floating around about how bigger maps don't necessarily mean better- from a server-running standpoint and a "game-already-feels-pretty-empty" standpoint. that's not to say there wouldn't be advantages to having larger maps either, there certainly are, but at this point in time i believe the next map(s) we get are going to be the standard size we've been getting, which in my opinion are quite large in and of themselves.
another thing about big maps- i joined a rp that had to be shut down because the map and details were just. too extensive and the creator could no longer get in. from a hardware standpoint not many people are gonna be able to get into big maps that are as detailed as the ones we currently have ingame.
fh thrives on its simplicity and the ability to change that if you want.

quests, trading and currency are all possible things but first of all, we don't currently have an active codemaster to deal with all the nitty-gritty of creating such things. trading and items really don't work at this point because we already have downloadable items and i believe it should stay that way, at least for fh. dragon's den, last moon and plenty of other IT servers offer much more in terms of RPG elements in their games and they have the same character creation veins as fh, i'd suggest checking those out if you really need a fix of RPG+animal characters.
tacking onto that, a lot of people want fh as a chill game, to sit around and rp with buddies. hunting for items to get the perfect look or having a squad of rambunctious hunters run through your roleplay space ranges from annoying to downright infuriating. as someone who's been playing games with collectems and "farm for the perfect items or you'll never get past this area/get your perfect look," fh is exactly the solace i need from all that, and i really don't think i'm alone in that regard.
not to mention getting rights to items is always a pain, or so i've heard, and it limits the pool of things you actually can have in fear of the ⓒopyright gods™coming after your free-to-play furry game.

i do agree on the character creation bit though. having scars as a marking kinda limits things tbh.
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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2020, 01:34:53 pm »
In my opinion, there should be added duels between players and group fights. It'll be more interestieng game. Of course I don't think Feral Heart isn't interesting, but if it will be added, more players will play it.
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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2020, 02:11:48 pm »
Agreed with Polyphonic, this game has to be simple allowing people from low running to high running computers access to the game, I  think the maps that they have now are ok and for the trading and that there are already other IT servers, FH is mostly to sit,chill n chat and rp.


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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2020, 03:51:17 pm »
Actually, I do like some of the ideas suggested although it is similar to what Impressive Title is.
 With that said though, FH could stand to having more things to do in game other than sitting around and roleplaying, it might be nice for the casual player but according to a survey I did back a few weeks ago- People want things to do.

Even then it doesn't have to be 'big' updates, but even some group enhancement and/or quests, group fights and so on would have lot of potential outside of staff-planned events like the seasonal parties.


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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2020, 04:22:20 pm »
I do agree with Poly. While the bigger maps are what a few people in the community want, they do make our servers struggle a bit and also have the issue of looking "underdone." BUT, the incredibly detailed maps are also not the way to go. Yeah, they look pretty, but they tax the computers of the everyday players. Personally I'd like to see medium sized maps that have a bit of detail instead of a lot of detail (also, to me an overly detailed map looks like commotion).

The quests and such would make it quite similar to the IT servers, like a few other users have said. Quests and mobs would be pretty fun to see in the game ~ as long as it remains that they don't need to be done.

As for the extra character stuff, I do agree with you. It would be awesome to see some birthmarks and scars that could go over/along with markings. It would add to the unique looks of characters and help out people who want detailed characters but can't work out a preset of their own.

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Re: What could be added or changed?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2020, 06:30:27 pm »
Very nice ideas! However, I do disagree with implementing most of them into FeralHeart.

Excuse my mini monster post

The maps. While bigger maps would look more neat and give players even more room to roleplay and explore, there are different factors that go into something like that. The first of them being strain on the server. Having bigger maps would cause a lot of strain on the server, thus adding to the crash rate, and slow functionality. One of the reasons why the old maps were removed from the game was due to this strain. Maps like Atlantis, South Pole, and especially Fluorite Plains aided in those specific maps crashing, and needing a reset by our server master. Not to mention at times Fluorite would reach it's peak of having 300 players within it, thus causing it to crash with players constantly flooding in and out of it.

Another issue with that is strain that it would put on the player's computers. Say you don't have that good of a computer, but you can somewhat decently load into The Grounds? Now imagine loading into a giant map with tones of meshes due to filling it so it doesn't look barren and empty, a decent amount of players, the chat trying to load while players are still talking and updating it(provided players are around), and so on and so forth. All on that same computer. You'd probably be sitting there for at least 5/10 minutes before you get past the loading screen, and moving locations would be a pain due to the choppiness and lag cranked up to 1000. You'd be lucky enough to get at least a couple steps into the map before you crashed, if you didn't crash before you even got past the loading screen. Players wouldn't want to stick around due to how hard it is to play and enjoy the game in it's entirety.

Adding the old maps back. This is something that us staff and SO many players want. However our server master will not allow for it. Bottom line, unfortunately. Doesn't mean we still don't push for it. We are his headaches lmfao

Quests. If we added quests, we would need a reliable coder with time on their hands in order for us to implement the quest system and crank out quests to keep the questers interested and returning for more (have I said quest enough?). The staff, with the help of the community, would constantly have to come up with ideas, and when those ideas run out or players alike get tired of those quests, then what? We wouldn't remove the system due to new players getting into the quests, but we can't just keep making quests if players want something new and better than quests.

Trading and exclusive items, currency, and mobs. Lopping these all together due to the general need for a dedicated coder. We would need that coder in order to implement these things, as well as have general upkeep on any glitches that would arise, as well as any fixes and improvements that those systems will need from their initial launch. Not to mention a modeler for the items.

Markings. We had something going with markings, however it's at a standstill due to reasons we cannot control.

All in all, when it comes to games and implementing ideas, you need to look at the game's strengths and what people generally are here for. When it comes to FeralHeart, it gives players the ability to create just about whatever they want due to it's simple nature. It's a giant sandbox. From the beginning you have just about every tool you need to create anything your heart desires for FeralHeart. I personally believe that the general focus for FeralHeart should be the customization aspect of the game. So this would mean more character creation options and the like. However, once again, we do not have a reliable coder in order to do that.

Also one last thing to note. Every staff member here do not get paid for all their time and efforts put into this game. That would go for the coder, if we were to have one, as well. Everything we do is of our volunteered time, while we also juggle our personal lives, jobs, school, ext. as well.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 06:36:31 pm by Ame88 »

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