Author Topic: Aneleitos - A very hostile cannibalistic empire  (Read 1032 times)

Offline Rednecker

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Aneleitos - A very hostile cannibalistic empire
« on: March 17, 2020, 06:44:21 am »
WARNING!This RP is a mature RP which uses themes that aren't suitable for some players. Please be advised that the use of language, gore and other mature themes are used within this RP.
Thank you.

Aneleitos, a diverse canine pack that has  bared witness to the rise and fall of many emperors and empresses. Decades later, they were ruled by your typical wolves, whilst followers varied within the empire. Coyotes, foxes, wolves and other half breeds frittered around their haven, all welcome regardless of their size, strengths and weaknesses.

However the royals were getting old and frail, tainted by their years on earth. The younger generation of the pack at a constant struggle for powerful roles, seeking out new avenues and opportunities to overthrow the bitter royals.

Aneleitos thrived off it's excellent lands, high food source and purified waters making it appealing to other canines. But with outsiders constantly accepted into the empire, trouble brewed. Amongst the recent batch of strays was Nethogh. He took to making this safe haven his home, sneaking in under the radar he'd blend in as a normal wolf; however he was far from normal. This canine had taken to an unusual liking of canine flesh.

After months of Nethog infiltrating the system, the empire fell into madness. At the peak of a blood moon, pure chaos broke out amongst the pack. A psychotic trance allowed for Aneletios to be torn to pieces; canines littered the valley as their bodies brutally mauled, Nethog observed the destruction of the pack, witnessing the fall of another Emperor and his mate.

Did Nethog cause this event with his cannibalistic beliefs? Or did the constant power struggle result in a mass casualty?
Whatever your belief, Aneleitos was reborn due to this.
Converted pureblood's and outsourced cannibals now filtrate the system, creating a new empire in which cannibals thrive.
Since this is a cannibal ran empire, those whom chose to be a non pureblood cannibal will have less respect than a pureblood.

Here is our simple basics:
We were created on March 10, 2020

- Semi-Realistic
- Cannibalistic Empire (Hostile)
- Literate: Roleplay sample required (Post at least 4 sentences/a paragraph)
- Mapless (Resides in Kibou Ridge)
- Sited
- Discord is mandatory! (Since they banned putting the discord links in, here is my discord tag. PoisonCarnage#6888 )
- Mature
- Active
- In need of Active members
- Possibly Mapped in the Future(If successful)

We are progressing very well as well as growing! All the staff and members are friendly OOC.

Also we do NOT just go up to random strangers and kill their character without notice; We ask first.

Offline xXRazorBladezXx

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Re: Aneleitos - A very hostile cannibalistic empire
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2020, 09:47:51 am »
This looks very interesting! Where would i apply? create a thread on the website or apply in discord? and is there a format to apply with?