Author Topic: Interesting Topics  (Read 4380 times)


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Re: Interesting Topics
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2020, 04:53:51 am »
I like the idea of a little tour of historic FH landmarks in the old maps (N/Z, 'Priderock', L Island, etc.) and maybe some descriptions of some of the sub-cultures that were prevalent back then (examples like how Pokemon RPs were usually in Ficho, Bonfire's TLK on the hill, I think there was also horses by the water in bonfire pretty often lol). Just a small cutesy thing so older players can be nostalgic and newer players can learn about some of the iconic locations :)

I would absolutely love to do this! This right here could actually be a whole stream of itself ~ walk around the old maps, get some older users in to interview, and just have a great time overall. Thank you for this idea!!