Author Topic: 1.13 fh.  (Read 7848 times)

Offline Dark_heart

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2020, 12:03:09 pm »
Just wanted say, Dylan, you said exactly this what I have in my mind, lol. Arguing and making drama with ANY topics won't be good for game though, it will look for newcomers like drama center, not like a game. So complete agree.

Old maps are beautiful, but we should be happy for this what we have already. Smol suggestion c:
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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2020, 12:26:57 pm »
People in other games also seem to not make such a big drama out of new maps and textures, so why are we doing that

Offline Morqque

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2020, 09:41:24 pm »
With all due respect to those who miss the old maps, continually dragging up the past will not bring back those times or the old maps. All this sort of discussion does is stir up past drama about the old maps which hinders the game's growth and scares away new players.

You all need to move on and stop bringing this up over and over and over. It is no different than if someone kept bringing up a subject that you didn't want to hear about. Do you really think that new players who know nothing about those maps would want to come play a game where people keep bringing up things from the past that they know nothing about and that start fights between people who have different ideals?

The future of FH is in fact the new enthusiastic players who join this game. But they don't come here expecting dumb drama over past events they never knew about. We need to be considerate of them by no longer bringing up hurtful events from the past.

The reason FH is so empty right now is not because of old maps but rather the drama surrounding them and other recent events. If you truly care about FH, you need to let go of the past and work toward building a future that is free of drama and strife. All the problems we have rn are caused by division and disagreement. Let's put aside our differences and work together.

There are in fact 2 quotes that come to mind regarding division:
"United we stand, divided we fall."
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

One thing I find truly sad, is that the FH community has become known all around the web as "toxic". All people know about this community anymore is the drama. That is why so few people are joining. Why join when they hear that FH has a bunch of drama?

Perhaps it is time that the community realized that they are indeed one of the things destroying FH. They need to let go of the past and embrace the future.

We aren't here to fight over things we disagree with, we are here to have fun and enjoy FH.

I agree with the fact that bringing up the past - the old maps - will not bring them back. But I have really yet to see any horrible drama involving the topic. Perhaps at the beginning, yes - but the most drama that happens now regarding them are harmless opinions and debate on the matter which really doesnt harm anyone as it is a subject of discussion, memories and so on and so forth. Wherever you go, you will have conflicting opinions no matter what it is.
The real reason FH is empty is not because of drama, but because of members moving on with their lives and the growing popularity of
roleplay on discord. FH was slowly losing its popularity even before the map updates and `drama` has started. It is also discussed in much more detail from an admin in this thread here (( ))
I understand your frustration however, we should all have respectful and level headed attitudes
But unfortunately not all people are like that.

Offline DoctorMario

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2020, 04:00:28 pm »
With all due respect to those who miss the old maps, continually dragging up the past will not bring back those times or the old maps. All this sort of discussion does is stir up past drama about the old maps which hinders the game's growth and scares away new players.

You all need to move on and stop bringing this up over and over and over. It is no different than if someone kept bringing up a subject that you didn't want to hear about. Do you really think that new players who know nothing about those maps would want to come play a game where people keep bringing up things from the past that they know nothing about and that start fights between people who have different ideals?

The future of FH is in fact the new enthusiastic players who join this game. But they don't come here expecting dumb drama over past events they never knew about. We need to be considerate of them by no longer bringing up hurtful events from the past.

The reason FH is so empty right now is not because of old maps but rather the drama surrounding them and other recent events. If you truly care about FH, you need to let go of the past and work toward building a future that is free of drama and strife. All the problems we have rn are caused by division and disagreement. Let's put aside our differences and work together.

There are in fact 2 quotes that come to mind regarding division:
"United we stand, divided we fall."
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

One thing I find truly sad, is that the FH community has become known all around the web as "toxic". All people know about this community anymore is the drama. That is why so few people are joining. Why join when they hear that FH has a bunch of drama?

Perhaps it is time that the community realized that they are indeed one of the things destroying FH. They need to let go of the past and embrace the future.

We aren't here to fight over things we disagree with, we are here to have fun and enjoy FH.

While I, like someone else that responded, haven't really seen much actual "drama" over old FH vs new and rather just people having bittersweet conversations about it...

I think a big reason the community refuses to stop digging its claws into the topic is because (from what I've seen), a BIG chunk of trust was lost between the community and staff. Repeatedly whenever I hear people bring up the topic, they ask, "No one really wanted __/People wanted ___/We asked for ___/etc. so why didn't the staff listen?" That's why. They don't feel listened to by the staff. And I've mostly stayed away from all the "tea" on what was happening behind the scenes and why the staff took things in this direction, but I vaguely remember a thread/post somewhere here on the forums where (was it Raz? I don't know) said something about not doing what's popular because it might not necessarily be a good idea. Even though it is an idea I agree with and think is pretty valid, of course the community will see something like that as further proof the staff doesn't care about what they want, regardless of whether or not it actually is true. While yes, bringing up the topic again and again helps no one, I do think this could've been handled in a more clean manner.

Take my opinion with a grain of salt as I was inactive during all this chaos, but a community isn't independent of a game or franchise. It is directly influenced by its creators. If they are unhappy, most times it is because they feel unheard (Harry Potter franchise w/ JKR's strange changes, Star Wars w/ the lackluster new trilogy, Animal Crossing w/ Nintendo's money grabbing, the YouTube community w/ YT's ad-pocalypses, etc.) and therefore disrespected as they believe it is because of their support that these games/franchises/etc. have become successful. I'm not putting blame on the staff as none of them could've foreseen any of this, but this isn't exclusively on the community.

Offline DylanCheetah

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2020, 09:51:45 pm »
I understand how you feel about it, but there is something I think you should consider.

When the old maps were first removed there was immediate backlash from the community at the time it was done. And yes there are people who miss the old maps and want to see them back. However, what would happen if suddenly the staff did bring back the old maps and get rid of the new ones? Wouldn't there be backlash from the people who like the new maps? Point being, it is impossible to please everyone.

There is also the issue of lag. There were people having bad lag back then due to the size of some of the old maps. And if they were reintroduced, the people who are already having trouble with lag now will have more severe lag which will ultimately affect their gameplay experience in a negative way.

Also, it feels like some of you are a bit touchy on the subject and when someone brings it back up it just brings the past hurt along with it. And the process repeats over and over every time there is a new thread about it.

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2020, 10:12:02 pm »
Y'all got your wish. Check out FHU, they've got a new little.... thing, up. Unfortunately the site is blocked on here for some reason, so I can't post a link- but FHU literally just straight up released a 1.13 server. Like, ENTIRELY 1.13. All old maps, as they once were.

Go. Go play, feel the Nostalgia.


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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2020, 11:03:40 pm »
The nostalgia will never come back for me, the memories is what made it, it just took place in those maps so that's what people mostly remember. It was just a very sudden change I think. I've learned to enjoy the new maps as they are and I am sure those who never got to use to the old maps could care less about them coming back. Sura made a good post about things like this a while back ago and it summed up that idea pretty well. I'm sure eventually people will want new maps in FHU and some won't, just like it was here. Things are ever changing and sometimes it's scary. Spooked the furries lol.

Offline DylanCheetah

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Re: 1.13 fh.
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2020, 11:54:19 pm »
The nostalgia will never come back for me, the memories is what made it, it just took place in those maps so that's what people mostly remember. It was just a very sudden change I think. I've learned to enjoy the new maps as they are and I am sure those who never got to use to the old maps could care less about them coming back. Sura made a good post about things like this a while back ago and it summed up that idea pretty well. I'm sure eventually people will want new maps in FHU and some won't, just like it was here. Things are ever changing and sometimes it's scary. Spooked the furries lol.

wolfdog is right. Sooner or later people will find things to disagree about concerning FHU. Hopefully, people won't keep repeating the same mistakes.