Author Topic: We Need Leadership  (Read 60323 times)

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2021, 02:31:43 am »
i haven't raised my voice to this concern before but i have to say ever since the staff page thread got updated just a couple weeks ago it's.. been heavy on my heart.
i never really got all that close to staff barring a couple people but no matter who i thought i had a slightly okay idea of shocked me by leaving, staying or bringing something up that.. i just had no clue was happening.
i.. just.. don't know what to think anymore. of anyone either former fh staff, current ones and ones who have since moved on to fhu.
but.. that being said.. i just.. hope it can keep rolling along. i want to keep coming back here because there is no other game like it.
it's part of my personal disdain towards some of fhu's proposed and conceptualized things like quests and whatever. i don't want a game with those kinds of options and incentives, i want a game where the goal is entirely sit around and let your imagination fill in the blanks, not follow a preconceived path for whatever the objective of the week is. [granted, in any game you technically CAN just sit around and do nothing, but none of them really have as much customization that i'm accustomed to/or they have a major elitism problem. read:]
..among other things as to why i've lost interest in fhu but that's. a long and tired topic from me.

eventually we're gonna face the day when this game closes its doors. it's gonna suck, we're only gonna really have our memories and screencaps to go off of. i don't want it to happen but i know i'll do my best to stay around until that day does come upon us.

all that said, i do know raz is.. around and still talking about the game with a select few people. i know he fixed the game after the last time it went BONK. he never came through on his promises during 2019 and it's been a lot of radio silence towards us, both as regular players and mots, but regardless he does have ideas and connections within the playerbase still.

whether we get more staff/admins, returning, promoted or otherwise, or if things stay the same, i know there's still some people who greatly love and appreciate this game still. even a personal preset or just a new roleplay launched, there's still clearly something keeping people around and even if the staff team is small and the idea of updates only tossed around at this point, i know i sure as hell will stick with it.

little bit of a disjointed post but tl:dr i agree with iro and toons so much it makes me look dumb
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2021, 02:37:53 am »
The only way this game is gonna die is if everyone gives up on it. Telluric is right. Raz is still working to fix things behind the scenes and so are the remaining staff. I too have personally witnessed it. Don't give up hope on a game that means so much to all of us.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2021, 02:45:36 am »
Okay, I've been silently stalking this topic since it's been posted and I wasn't going to say anything because most of what I would have said-- has been said.

That being said-- I have a few things I'd like to interject.

Now I know I'll receive the "but they're two different games" but the community will always be the same. The same users. The same game. Different features & updates, staff, standards. No matter how much people will avoid it, it's a matter of fact that FHU will continue FH's legacy upon release and FH will still have the occasional activity on the forum and briefly in-game, but overall perish.

As for FHU, why in the world are you still bringing that up and comparing FH to it? That game has nothing to do with the direction this game will go or what it's future will hold. It seems more like FHU has become everyone's bargaining chip for demanding change over here. Because every time someone wants something different here they start talking about how FHU is doing something differently. They have their own concepts and we have ours. The whole reason they left and started FHU was because they had differing ideals that conflicted with the ones over here. So stop comparing 2 games that must take their own separate paths. It will only start more unneeded drama and hurt more people like what happened in the past.

I hate to point this out-- but the points made by VRTCLLYCHLNGD were not wrong-- and despite what they looked like-- they weren't necessarily aggressive either. It's not wrong to say that most of the FHU userbase came from this game. They may be different servers with different goals, but that doesn't mean you can't compare them. People compare different games all the time, be it for ideas, suggestions on how to run things, or just things they like or dislike. I don’t see how shutting down conversation about two different games, especially two games made from the same base source code is productive? No one here seemed to be starting any drama, they were just pointing out a concern. In fact, many have been trying their hardest to convey that they appreciate the staff team and all they have done for the game. There's a bright red disclaimer at the top to stop any sort of miscommunication.

Expecting daily progress updates is quite unreasonable and would greatly slow down progress on the very updates you are seeking.

I also don't think anyone has expected daily updates at all--? I mean I haven't personally seen any calls for daily updates. A lot of what the miscommunication has been about in the past is just-- the lack of any communication whatsoever. That has generally been worked on, and there is an understanding that, yes, Raz has the final say on things and that means sometimes we won't see things For a very long time. No one is disagreeing there.

Anyways, my two cents is I agree with the majority of the points in this thread. The staff team has been trying their hardest to work with, and for, a community that is very loyal and attached to an old game.
I don't think we need leadership, I think we just need a member of staff, preferably Raz of course, to let us know what now. A single update thread about the future or if FH has one.

my own disclaimer: I am sometimes bad at communicating myself over text. In no way do I mean to come across as rude to anyone, that is not my intention at all. Just thought I'd throw out my thoughts.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2021, 03:37:00 am »
First and foremost, I appreciate your concerns for this game and community, as this place is very dear to me along with everyone else who plays. Now, to dive into some things. Before I start, I would like to apologize in advance if I seem to come off a bit harsh, blunt, or rude when saying anything as it is not my intention.

Apologies for the following wall lol

The current state of Feral Heart has been a state that, I believe, is beyond saving by now.

Anything can be saved if you want to save it. The fact that this game is still running, with new players still registering and old players still returning, and that the community is still, in a sense, fighting for this game, with this thread being proof of it, that says something. This game has been running for 10 whole years, and if people just sit by and say "it's dying", or to leave because you're "beating a dead horse", then yes. It will die. But there are still amazing people out there who still fight for this game and play it because they don't want to see something they hold so dear to them die.

While yes the Staff work for the community and have tried many handfuls of times to make things work, their work is also a factor of Feral Heart's downfall.

Don't lump everyone into one to two person's doings. When it comes to things update-wise, I agree that the 1.16 update was handled poorly, but that's not the way that ALL the staff members wanted it to go. Do you think everyone wanted to just pull the carpet out from underneath everyone? To one day log on and realize that all those maps that have so many memories and sentimental value were just gone without the chance to say goodbye? No. Not everyone wanted it to be a 'surprise' that the old maps were removed and replaced with new maps. In the grand scheme of things, the update had to be done due to issues the old maps caused on the server and other factors that play into the decision, but it didn't need to happen the way it did. I was one of those players who was deeply hurt to see the old maps gone, and to tell you the truth I was very upset with the staff as well- but after taking a step back and looking at the situation at hand, I can understand and appreciate the care that was put into the update despite it being handled poorly. This unfortunately is something that a large amount of people can't get over, so they just sit in one place and rant and rave about how the new maps ruined the game, placing the blame on all the staff members when not all of them wanted it to go that way in the process. That leads me into my next point. The staff are just so few people, while the community as a whole, considering what FeralHeart is, IS the game. If the community collectively stops playing the game, then guess what, there is no FeralHeart. Just an empty chat room. To my knowledge, a lot of those players did stop playing. Some out of spite, some out of disinterest, and some for their own reasons. So it's not just one side's fault. As you've said, we all play a part.

The Feral Heart Staff Team were a very close-knit team and their behaviour very much displayed this. They were, maybe still are, family to one another.
However, they had and will continue to have a bad side to their reputation. There have been claims of wrongful bans being handed out, as well as in-game kicks, etc. and there was even plenty of pages of evidence to prove this, Tumblr/deviantArt being the most popular. Of course, these situations were denied & ignored.

Again, don't lump everyone into other people's doings. It is highly unfair that all of the staff members get blamed and held accountable for things that had happened years ago, to which they may not have even done themselves. Many staff members have come and gone through the years, and a handful of wrongfully placed bans may have been placed by a staff member that has been gone for years, yet the current staff are still being blamed for it. In fact, I have been blamed for wrongfully banning players, when the truth of the matter was, I hadn't even gained my powers yet. Being a very new staff member, I have received the extremely blunt end of this, when I had absolutely nothing to do with those situations that are long gone with time. I am new, but apparently I have a bad reputation now because of everyone who has come before me? No. That's not how it works.

I would like to point out that most of those claims are most likely from people who have been warned plenty of times beforehand. With my time of handling situations both here and in real life, I have learned that you will warn someone not to do something because there are consequence to follow those actions, however after warning them three times and they still do it, those consequences catch up to them and they get punished. 9/10, that same individual will come back to you and complain that they were doing nothing wrong, and you had never warned them in the first place. After this, they go around saying to their friends that they were wrongfully punished. Who will believe them? Their friends, because they weren't there to see the situation unfold, and they trust them to tell the truth. After all, we're just scummy staff members who have a bad reputation, right?

Now, I am not denying that fact that wrongfully placed bans have most likely happened here, no. I'm positive this game has had it's fair share of them, but when it gets to the point that every single new staff member that comes and goes is automatically bad due to those claims, I think you need to start looking at the ones who are making a fuss about the matter in the first place. Now, I am not saying that the situation shouldn't be looked into when these claims arise. Everyone has a right to trial, but bare in mind that you are innocent until proven guilty. For those who have been proven guilty, then they are guilty. For those who's guilt lies in claims, they remain innocent until it is proven otherwise. Until it is proven, you can consider any harsh treatments about the matter as harassment and slander.

-there have been occasions where overall attitude radiating off of Staff's attitude or the Team as a whole have been disheartening, causing more to leave. After all, how can someone feel welcome when they're spoken down to?
This is an issue that was not generally mentioned because of lingering fear of being shut down. If people tried to express such concern and publically posted, they were locked and moved out of the sight of the community, being told to Private Message the Staff instead. Yet if a member was feeling so intimidated, taking it to a PM was the last thing on their mind.

Like I've said, there has been so many different staff members throughout the years. Just because a couple bad eggs are in a bunch doesn't mean they are all spoiled rotten. Don't throw out the good with the bad simply because they were in the same carton. I am not in any way excusing the wrong doings of those from the past, however if they are no longer here, then why should all the other staff members suffer from their mistakes when they have done nothing to deserve it?

There are countless examples of times when members of the Staff Team give very emotionally driven responses that are actually unprofessional. Lack of professionalism will not help the game survive, in fact bury it even deeper.
This has come from Razmirz's lack of activity and drive/workload for them to finish whilst he's busy running errands with his job.

While I agree that members of staff of any place should have a sense of professionalism held to their chest, you cannot deny them their right to feel emotion either. I truly feel like the staff of this game are held to an insanely high standard of professionalism, in fact I honestly feel that it's used against them in most situations. The second they feel they can be more loose and open with the community, they are put down and shunned because they are not being professional. Then all of a sudden, they are all the same and they never change. I agree that people shouldn't let their emotions carry a response to anything but rather take a step back and breathe first, but I don't agree that they should be slandered and put down for showing those emotions either. Granted maybe those emotions shouldn't rear their heads in responses, however what you can do is try to be understanding of why those emotions are rearing their heads in the first place.

It has also come from them being irritated by the community begging the same questions, over and over... which is what happens when the question(s) go unanswered. Simply because those that ask it has FH's survival in their best interest.

From the point where I had joined the forums and started getting involved more with the community, I could see most questions being answered, actually. However those answers were simply deemed an excuse, or ignored all together. Some that I have answered myself, but to no surprise, had been ignored or waved as an excuse.

We may need leadership, but is it really need new Administrators we need, or a new Server Master?
That's why Feral Heart Unleashed exists and a lot of people have migrated. xSpirit has made promises that he can actually keep, while also proving that he's much more capable of handling FH in comparison to Razmirz nowadays.

In all honesty when it comes to Raz handling FH, he has one job, a job that he has set himself, and that is to be the janitor. Show up and fix things when things are a mess and do maintenance on FH's servers when need be. Yes he still has the final say on what goes into the game, but over time I can come to agree with him on most things.

xSpirit on the other hand has nothing to do with this situation as it is FeralHeart's, and not FU's. His focus on on FU, not FeralHeart. I'm sure he doesn't want to be involved in anything Original FeralHeart, so don't drag him into this.

Now I know I'll receive the "but they're two different games" but the community will always be the same. The same users. The same game. Different features & updates, staff, standards. No matter how much people will avoid it, it's a matter of fact that FHU will continue FH's legacy upon release and FH will still have the occasional activity on the forum and briefly in-game, but overall perish.

lol Now that's just pushing a biased narrative. FU is not FeralHeart, and FeralHeart is not FU. FU is a game that uses FeralHeart's code. It is a game made off of the original just as all the other IT servers out there use Impressive Title's code and builds off of it. Some built to emulate IT proper, some built the same but with their own takes on the game, and some built into different games entirely, but with the same core principles. It won't ever be the same. Every new game, even if made in the spirit of the original, it has it's own air to it. Things unique to that one game that make it different, even by just slight differences. Same thing with League of Legends and Heros of the Storm. Same game concept, same mechanics, two different games and two different communities. If FU says that they do not want to be associated with us, Original FeralHeart, then do not lump the two games together. All I ask is that you respect the wishes of that game's staff, as well as this game's staff. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

When it comes to the handful of staffers leaving, I won't say my take on the matter as I'm sure they would appreciate that I don't try to speak for them. However I can say without a doubt that it is not easy being a staff member for FeralHeart. I have received endless amounts of hate, accusations, and attacks, all for the simple fact that I have a staff title over my head. I thought joining the team would be fun, and while it is, it came coupled with a very tough and coarse side. While I've taken all of that in stride, in all honesty, it gets tiring, especially when all you hear is "staff is bad" - "it's the staff's fault" - "you need to quit/resign" - "the staff here are so scummy" - "the staff don't care for the game" - "the game is dying" - "let it go" - "move on". Not really the most peachy things to hear. Receiving critiques and building upon those is one thing, however receiving endless criticism is another.

As for everything else... Thank you all very much for your kind words and comments. We have tried so hard for the community, fighting tooth and nail for everything that we can manage, especially Sura, Ressy, Moggy, and all those other amazing staffers.

Things content-wise, I can't say much but I have been grinding away at...something. It's a hefty feat but it's a challenge I have happily taken on. All that's needed is time, in all honesty.

As for Raz, he's still around. He's a very busy bee.

For our admin situation, things are being sorted. Again, we just need some time and patience, that's all I can ask of you all.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 03:46:27 am by Ame88 »

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2021, 04:04:47 am »
Ame is right you know? She is no different than any of us that play this game. Having a fancy title does not change who you are on the inside. And furthermore, I too have seen current staff get repeatedly blamed for things that happened before they even worked here. It is not fair to go pointing fingers at the current staff for past things they had no part in. And frankly, who would want to work for a game where you are going to be repeatedly blamed for things that were out of your control? The staff of this game have their own jobs and families to take care of, but yet they donate hours of each day to work on this game together. That just shows us much they care. They put up with a lot of crap and spend much of their own time for our sakes. Not themselves. We should show them the respect they deserve.

And if someone in the future abuses their power and privileges, that still does not justify mistreating all the staff or forming angry flash mobs. Give each individual staffer a chance to show what they are really like. Let them do their jobs and make this game a better place. If someone gets out of line, let their fellow staff handle it. And do not instantly believe that someone was "unfairly banned" based on the word of the accused and their friends alone.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2021, 05:38:03 am »
Like I said, I'm only being devil's advocate because I want to push for two sides of the story.

Let's not start talking down to people and getting defensive because I pointed out bits and bobs. I already stated I had no intentions of hurting anyone and, I've not once said nor tried to evoke the idea that the Staff Team are solely responsible for FH's downfall. Not once.

Neither is my word pushing for biased narrative, Ame.

I will respond to this later, to further elaborate to hopefully help some of you to better understand what I'm trying to say.

Again, it's not just the FH Staff. I have plenty more points to make.
But I just didn't have the time and posted what I posted as I got tired of typing.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2021, 05:55:24 am »
If someone doesn't want to share their side of the story, then they shouldn't be pushed to share their side.

I'm not talking down to anyone, I am simply just stating my thoughts and opinions like everyone else. Like I said, my intention is not to sound harsh, blunt, or rude. Everyone is on equal grounds here.

No matter how much people will avoid it, it's a matter of fact that FHU will continue FH's legacy upon release and FH will still have the occasional activity on the forum and briefly in-game, but overall perish.

Doesn't seem all to fair saying it is fact that FU will take FH's place and FH will parish, Scally. That's a biased statement towards one game's success, and anther's failure.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2021, 06:07:02 am »
Scallywag is an old alias I'd like to leave behind as I've given it to a friend who proved to be more of a PotC fan than me, so if we can use another alias I'd love that. Happy for people to call me Shurtle again as that OC has returned!

I didn't mean you specifically, but I did read points that felt a little bit passive-aggressive, but it was 6 AM for me so I'll take accountability for how I read it. I apologise!

I didn't mean it as a fact that FH will perish because of FHU, per say, but moreso that FH will perish one way or another. Perhaps 'perish' is too harsh of a word to be using, but it was the only one I could think of at the time. Again, not biased.

I also didn't mean to word it like FHU will replace FH, that wasn't my intention. It was more like... as FH dies, people may or have already migrated to FHU due to the promises being made and promises being kept. But upon release, FHU would be continuing the legacy in terms of nostalgia due to having old maps, General, etc. back while Razmirz refuses to have anything to do with the old features that kept most people's interest.

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2021, 06:21:16 am »
Just chimming in, thank you for clarifying Shurtle/VRTCLLYCHLNGD, cause I was starting to get nervous looking like a duel was fixing to happen lol.
I'm sure until Raz actually pulls the plug FH will survive for the next millenia. I do think when people find FHU they will probably find out what FH is and how grand it used to be. It's how I found FH from IT, did enough digging to find this game from the one that was long dead and gone lol.
I do think FHU is a touchy topic though on this forum, just because the last time it was mentioned everyone kinda blew up until enough people left to stop talking about it. I think what is most frustrating is that fact that FHU is constantly praised and treated like a god-tier game compared to FH that it brings this community down. FH was an amazing game in it's prime but now it's old and frail, FHU could be the same way in 10 years time, who knows.
But I do think having some kind of clarity about the future will be the final turning point. I stick around here for threads like these or for any kind of a sign about updates, patches, staff news, etc. Communication between the server master and the community has always been lackluster so I don't expect he will even notice this thread, but here is to hoping lol. Even if it's just another screenshot of a forum post for an update, I'll take it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 06:22:55 am by wolfdog01 »

Offline Ame88

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Re: We Need Leadership
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2021, 07:01:41 am »
Scallywag is an old alias I'd like to leave behind as I've given it to a friend who proved to be more of a PotC fan than me, so if we can use another alias I'd love that. Happy for people to call me Shurtle again as that OC has returned!

Ah I'm sorry, I will refer to you as Shurtle from now on.

I didn't mean you specifically, but I did read points that felt a little bit passive-aggressive, but it was 6 AM for me so I'll take accountability for how I read it. I apologise!

Ah alright, thank you for clarifying that. Pipped up about it due to my first post being mainly replying to your post lol

I didn't mean it as a fact that FH will perish because of FHU, per say, but moreso that FH will perish one way or another. Perhaps 'perish' is too harsh of a word to be using, but it was the only one I could think of at the time. Again, not biased.

I also didn't mean to word it like FHU will replace FH, that wasn't my intention. It was more like... as FH dies, people may or have already migrated to FHU due to the promises being made and promises being kept. But upon release, FHU would be continuing the legacy in terms of nostalgia due to having old maps, General, etc. back while Razmirz refuses to have anything to do with the old features that kept most people's interest.

Thank you for clarifying those things, I appreciate it.

I do think FHU is a touchy topic though on this forum, just because the last time it was mentioned everyone kinda blew up until enough people left to stop talking about it. I think what is most frustrating is that fact that FHU is constantly praised and treated like a god-tier game compared to FH that it brings this community down.

People can talk about the game if they want, that's completely fine, however when the topic turns from genuine comments, thoughts and opinions to blatant trashing of FH over FU, that's when there's an issue. You just, don't go around to other platforms trashing one game over another lol I'm sure the FU community and staff wouldn't appreciate if anyone went over there and trashed their game and praised FH as the superior game. To clarify, I'm not saying anyone in this specific thread has, no, but I'm saying in general sense if it were to happen.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 07:05:08 am by Ame88 »

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