Author Topic: Staff Interview  (Read 23133 times)

Offline DylanCheetah

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Staff Interview
« on: April 17, 2021, 07:49:35 pm »
1. What part of your job do you like the most?
2. What part of your job do you like the least?
3. Did you ever expect to be chosen to be staff here?
4. What was your biggest dream becoming staff?
5. What is you biggest dream now?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 12:32:30 am by DylanCheetah »


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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2021, 07:56:48 pm »
Personally this question seems like a question they need to answer.

However, if I was in their shoes and had to answer this question truthfully, I would say no. I would have said I made a personal oath and pomise, to the members, I will guide to a path where their ideas and opinions were appericate and validated. Watching members and making sure everyone safe is my top priority. If someone is being mistreated or feels unsafe, it is my job to help them; so no, I wouldn't get bored. Jobs like this you need to love, and if you get bored, then it's not a job for you.  That's how I would have answered.

That's one answer I have so far

Offline DylanCheetah

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2021, 08:01:18 pm »
Trust me. People can get bored and still do their job. This thread wasn't intended to see who is or isn't doing their job.

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2021, 08:03:13 pm »

You are amazing <3

Offline G4RG0YLE

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2021, 08:05:24 pm »
I have to agree with Ironic, I see this as being a discussion better had with the Staff privately. I appreciate the attempt to engage them for the community to see, but in a way I can see people taking the Staff's word the wrong way.

Staff: 'Yes, sometimes I get bored.'
Someone: 'They have no motivation. We need Staff that are motivated and love their job, not this kind of laziness.'

etc etc.

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2021, 08:09:06 pm »
I wouldnt suspect the staff getting bored as some has expressed they loved their job, but bored...that's out of the question. Stressfull, yes, but bored, no.

And I also agree with G4rgoyle. It can be taken out of context.

But yea, that's all I have to say.

Offline Ame88

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2021, 08:26:09 pm »
Oh dear lol

When it comes to being a moderator for this lovely community, personally I never get bored with it. If you truly love what you do, then you won't really get bored with it. There are some days where it does feel like you've had too much of one thing, kinda like eating only chicken wings for a month to two months nonstop, but that doesn't really mean you're bored of it. You still love chicken wings but maybe you just want a corn dog this time lmao Sometimes you do need a breath of fresh air to get a clear head before continuing, and that applies to anything really.

Personally this question seems like a question they need to answer.

However, if I was in their shoes and had to answer this question truthfully, I would say no. I would have said I made a personal oath and pomise, to the members, I will guide to a path where their ideas and opinions were appericate and validated. Watching members and making sure everyone safe is my top priority. If someone is being mistreated or feels unsafe, it is my job to help them; so no, I wouldn't get bored. Jobs like this you need to love, and if you get bored, then it's not a job for you.  That's how I would have answered.

That's one answer I have so far
I have to agree with Ironic, I see this as being a discussion better had with the Staff privately. I appreciate the attempt to engage them for the community to see, but in a way I can see people taking the Staff's word the wrong way.

Staff: 'Yes, sometimes I get bored.'
Someone: 'They have no motivation. We need Staff that are motivated and love their job, not this kind of laziness.'

etc etc.

We aren't required to answer this thread, either lol If we want to answer it, then we probably will. If not, then we won't.

But meh- I think it's fine to be able to express yourself and comment if you want to, just be nice and civil, of course lol
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 08:28:48 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2021, 08:40:35 pm »
I know it's not required of the staff. By all means, I just think the questions would have been properly answer if a former or current staff answered, stating their experiences. If the staff chooses to be reply or not, that's their choice, and we the members respect their decision.

Sorry if this came off mean.

Edit: but yes, I completely understand where you are saying. (Didn't want to make another post)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 08:56:10 pm by Ironic »

Offline Ame88

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2021, 08:42:58 pm »
I know it's not required of the staff. By all means, I just think the questions would have been properly answer if a former or current staff answered, stating their experiences. If the staff chooses to be reply or not, that's their choice, and we the members respect their decision.

Sorry if this came off mean.

Nope not mean at all! I completely understand =) That why I responded as "me personally" so I don't lump anyone else into how I feel personally.

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Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2021, 08:45:39 pm »
I know it's not required of the staff. By all means, I just think the questions would have been properly answer if a former or current staff answered, stating their experiences. If the staff chooses to be reply or not, that's their choice, and we the members respect their decision.

Sorry if this came off mean.

Nope not mean at all! I completely understand =) That why I responded as "me personally" so I don't lump anyone else into how I feel personally.
Phew I got so scared. XD
And I see, thank you for clarifying. Sorry again