Author Topic: Notice | Eastern Pass is down  (Read 3084 times)

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Notice | Eastern Pass is down
« on: June 25, 2024, 10:55:09 am »
Please do not enter Eastern Pass as it is currently down.

If you have entered by accident or have left a character in the map prior to it's crashing that you wish to recover, you can do so through the User Panel on the Home Page. Simply just log into it with your normal account information, find your character, then click Go Home. Your character should be sent back to Lonely Cave.

Unfortunately I have no ETA of when it will be back up again. Please bear with us as I have informed our server master of this issue. He is unfortunately very busy and will get to it when he is able.

Profile picture by Telluric
Thank you ;u;
Bio | My Creations
Renegade Row | FeralHeart Resort