Well, this is what happens when you dont listen to the community, I guess.
The entire issue with that is the staff did listen. Painstakingly staff would pester Raz into doing anything, but he is the soul reason nothing truly happened beyond some small (or big depending on how you look at it) things here and there. Yes, we did get some updates, like fresh new maps with more content within them...but the presentation of such maps was extremely poor and way too fast. I too still miss the old maps, and I believe there was a better way to go about the whole map issue. Despite this, I do agree with some reasons behind their removal, such as server strain, the maps themselves having little to no meshes, and little to no continuity between them in regards to a realistic world (as real as you can get with talking animals, anyway). Not to point blame, but the truth of the matter is the entire reason nothing was done was Raz. In all fairness, Raz had his reasons behind not allowing much of anything to happen update-wise, and I believe he was completely valid in not wanting to move things too far forward.
We have to remember that at the time, despite Kovu offering the game's source over back in 2013 (me thinks), the offer was not taken, therefore Kovu remained the owner of FeralHeart, and in all technicality if we were to make changes to the game without his permission, legal action could be taken if he so wished. I don't blame him for wanting to avoid it and it's issues, but also because it's just not right. Even to this day he remains the owner of this game as he hasn't given it to anyone.
Now, before you say anything, yes I am well aware that FU/FBO claims to have gotten the permission from Kovu himself to continue on with their project. If I remember correctly, they even claim to still be in contact with the guy past the initial interaction that xSpirit claimed he had. Personally, I'm convinced this supposed "Real Kovu" is just xSpirit or a friend of his who's hiding behind an email, especially since the "evidence" they had was obtained and provided by xSpirit himself, who's proven to be an absolutely terrible person on multiple accounts. Now, I have a number of reasons on top of this as to why I do not believe that's the real Kovu, and I'm still not convinced after a handful of years that it's actually him. The only way I would be convinced is if this guy who claims to be Kovu proves to Raz he's actually him, since Raz is the only one still around who's directly worked with him (to my knowledge). I'm very much a believer that after FeralHeart and his short-lived Facebook game Feral Tales, Kovu just did not care and moved on with his life and projects. To be quite frank, I'm happy for him if that's the case. Now before I move on from this, I want to make it clear that I have no ill will towards FU/FBO or any branch of game from that pool of people. They love this game just as much as we do, and if they want to make a spiritual successor, they have that right. I just don't agree with how the project originally came into fruition. It came from a place of frustration, anger and hate. Greed can be listed too if you want to loop what xSpirit did in the end when he "moved on" from the project.
I agree that this game is still on a decline, if there is even anymore sinking it can do. But, in all truth, as long as there is even just one person who will try to keep this game alive, there's a chance that it can come back.