Author Topic: General Chat Attacks  (Read 20511 times)


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2011, 09:56:34 pm »
I hardly saw your post as harsh, in fact it's slightly enlightening, thank you! ^^
I think I'll stand with what I've said, but I've completely taken into consideration what you've said, as it makes more sense now, and I may have to agree now. =] Anyway, can we move onto what Sly had said, please? (=

Offline Redlinelies

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2011, 10:06:06 pm »
There's too much to agree and disagree on in this thread. But really now, the only general chat attack is one the users  start themselves, mods are really just there to keep it clean.

If people don't want to listen after several warnings they shouldn't come back being mad about it. Mods do not simply just get on the game to argue with people, they may infact sit there and see how the whole abuse of general starts, they're also not able to keep their eyes on the whole game everytime, that's why some people think it's ok to just go and spam their rears off in general.

Even though the staff tries to keep it a rather calm and nice place to be at, the people don't want to change their "bad" habbits, neither is the game fully optimized for keeping it smooth when it comes to situations like these.

In the end, it's the user that decides if they want to have a mod warnings/actions taken on them or not.

Former community manager of FeralHeart


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2011, 10:07:42 pm »
Hmm.. I suppose that's very true Red. In fact the way you word really makes me think and look back.. my posts make little sense and seem like babble now.. XD I need to drink less coffee, it makes me so hyper! lol

Thanks for the post Reddyness! <3


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2011, 10:10:14 pm »
Mod's say its up to the Members

Members say it's the Mods fault.

I think I speak for alot of people just starting to read these post when I say "wtf is going on?"

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2011, 10:10:58 pm »
Please contact other members of staff if necessary they will escalate issues to me

Offline Kyugima

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2011, 10:16:59 pm »
  More staff isn't as simple as you seem to be trying to make it seem. They do add more staff, but they can't just get more staff by the boat load, things would get crazy then, and your organisation would be thrown out the window wouldn't it? They can't just grab random people and say "Here's a mod position! I give thee the power to ban and kick!"

  And once again I will say this. In no way do I see what raz says as saying that trolls are treated as less than people or treated with less respect than they should. People might get irritated with them, but no one said anything about treating them with less repect, and in all honesty, if they don't treat us with respect, why should we give them the respect they don't deserve? I give respect where respect is due, but it takes me a while to decide whather the person deserves my respect, and during my time of considering if they are worth respect I always treat them politely. I don't see why anyone else wouldn't be the same. After all, for someone to be classed as a troll, it takes more than a little spamming of general with mate searching and all that. Trolls have proven they do not want our respect, and yet are still given it up to a point.

  And yes, being polite can get you far BUT NOT ALWAYS. Caps to point that out. Not everyone listens to politeness, and no matter how persistant you are you're not going to get any where. And if the refuse to listen after the first or second request to stop or warning, then they obviously DON'T want to listen. And Modding is really not the place to be as polite as you possibly can be. It just doesn't work in MOST cases. I have had success in small cases, when giving out little warnings for little things, but the majority don't care what mod or member says, and just go about what they do like they are above everyone else.

  Trust me, as nice as it would be to be able to go around and give out friendly warnings and be listened to, it won't happen. Too many people refuse to listen to that kind of thing.

(On a off note, I'm getting seriously peed at either this forum or my computer because this site is lagging like anything and it is getting seriously hard to type *Is about to explode* this infuriating lag doesn't help when I'm trying to explain what I'm saying as calmly as possible so it's understandable... When I get irritated my sense of wording or whatever gets out of whack and I can't say what I mean properly >XC)

(Gah, the lag made my post so late that I was ninja'd SEVEN TIMES!!! (make that 8, Raz's ninja'd post got the one up on me XD)Now my post is redundant.... Most of what I was trying to say but the irritation of lag caused me to jumble has been said....)

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2011, 10:21:24 pm »
My goodness.. Raz, if I may, why are you so.. defensive over this? o_o I'm kindly trying to drop said subject, as I did clearly state I better understand it now thanks to the help of others members. .___.!

1. No, I am not trying to twist your words. ._.;

2. An example is an example, not to be taken seriously. You did not SEEM to show interest into taking the idea into consideration, so why should I waste my time making a long list of serious 'examples' when a simple one should do? :/

3. How in the world would it not be useful!? O_O It would be something for staff to use and helpful, it could not POSSIBLY do any harm.

4. Ah, okay I see now. ^^ I just have seen other communities use these ideas, and well, they seem better off to do is all. I thought it would help the community. <3

5. I see.

6. I could probably name quite a few good staff on this forum that could help you guys out rather well. =] I'd love to PM you the names, if you're curious, or even name them here!

7. I'm not implying that they don't. I don't know the full story, although from what I hear they don't take tell members why they are banned. Although, I suppose I'm in absolutely no position to be one to decide what is fair punishment - however I have my opinions, as usual.~ <3 Thoughtful, however!

8. There have been and could be cases where a member does NOT know why they are being banned. It isn't impossible, and it doesn't take that long to issue a email to said user. I'd do it for all of you if you gave me a list of the usernames and emails and why, I'd give out every email for you guys. ^^

9. I beg your pardon..? I'm not sure what you're saying. If you mean I should report what I know, then please just say that. lol

10. That wasn't a reply to you X3

XD That's okay. lol

@ Ky: It is simple actually. o: I've some people that I think would make splendid staff (yourself included)! With guidelines, it wouldn't get out of hand, not much anyway. Communication is KEY!

No use replying to what other such things you said, it's becoming a repeat game.

Can we PLEASE move on from this subject? It's become a back and forth babble and neither side seems to want to give in, although I do see consideration being taken in from some, which is nice. ^^


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2011, 10:21:40 pm »
Questions.. sorry again.. just this convo is very interesting..
But what is troll-(ing) exactly - and did these people that were banned for the period give actually break any (written) rules?


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2011, 10:24:26 pm »
Very good questions, Sly. o:

I guess trolling would also be up for interruption. I'll really leave that to the staff to decide, I suppose. =3

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2011, 10:26:14 pm »
4. If a staff member has requested that one cease their actions or change their behavior, they are to do it.
This will result in banning and/or kicking.

Even though there really should be a more direct rule about the use of general itself.

Actually, to see the truth, most member ignore most of the rules, and problably don't care to read them or just don't care to mind them.
Former community manager of FeralHeart