Author Topic: General Chat Attacks  (Read 20520 times)


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2011, 10:28:06 pm »
^ Indeed, Red.. most members probably don't read the rules.. hrm. Which may lead me to rethink my thought process about this all. I may have to come back to this thread after reading what everyone has said, especially Red and Raz ^^~

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2011, 10:29:08 pm »
Sorry Kyugima its probably my signature kinda flashy isn't it I'll change it xD

6. pm away

8. Members who don't know have a habit of getting in contact.

9. yes report away
Please contact other members of staff if necessary they will escalate issues to me


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2011, 10:29:16 pm »
ah... think that may be the problem >.<

like I said before.. just confusion..

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2011, 10:30:07 pm »

No, as I said, my post became redundant long ago. I considered not posting it, but after the amount of trouble i had to go through to get it to allow me to post I decided I was going to hit post. it was never meant to be a continuation of the conversation that was dropped. Sorry if you saw it that way. On the other hand, the forum or computer got the message, it now no longer takes me half an hour to type a sentence (Exxageration, but you get my point of what I had to go through XD)  
(ninja'd again... this is becoming a trend, ninja Kyu XD)
(and again... LET ME POST!!! *cries*)

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2011, 10:31:34 pm »
Haha, alright Raz will do. ^^

And I liek yer signature raz lol

And oh! XD That's ok ^^

Edit: Lol okay guys, I'm gonna go now.. ^^; I had fun chatting about this with everyone and got some interesting thoughts that I shall think over before posting tomorrow or whenever! XD Sorry if I offended anyone.. <3
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 10:46:11 pm by Owlfeesh »

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2011, 11:10:07 pm »
Quote from: Owlfeesh
Well this is NOT the supreme court and should not be treated as such. They need guidelines, proper guidelines so that staff don't cross paths or don't get confused. It would be helpful to not only the staff, but to members. Rules are nice and sure, they help, but staff should have and deserve some sort of specific list of things that they do. Such as;

1. If a member spams the chat they get etc amount of time kicked.
2. If a member curses etc.

That way, it ISN'T left up to interruption because mistakes/confusion/accidents happen that way. Staff should all be on the same level of knowledge when it comes to these sensitive subjects -- why aren't they? =|

Want to add some support for this idea.
A clear, concise list of the rules broken and the punishment for them would help keep things MUCH more organized than what is happening right now. Not to mention that this would keep things fair and more professional.

Currently, punishment for something is up to a mods discretion. So while one mod thinks swearing deserves an hour ban, another would give a whole day ban for it. This is hardly fair to the people getting banned. I mean, obviously they shouldn't have been swearing the first place, but it is STILL unfair.

Not to mention, with a clean clear list, mods wont have to worry about if the time is too short, too long, etc. Its just laid out for them so they wont have to worry about it. Not to mention, if someone is like "That's too long a ban! Wah wah wahaambulance!" The mod can just reply that, THAT amount of time is the rules. (Not that the mods have any trouble dealing with whiny people though)

Also, having the punishment times laid out could also scare people into not doing things more. Ex)
"pretending to rape people can give me a whole week ban?? Maybe I shouldn't do that anymore! D: "


Aside from that, I would like to pose a question. What exactly IS the general chat meant to be used for?
I was just reading the game rules and it has nothing on that chats purpose. Maybe if there was a rule about that people would be more prepared?

In my experience, general chats are meant to be used for just that, general chat. People talking about whatever they want on that server. It usually makes for a fun community just chatting together from all around.

However, it seems that the mods want general to be used only for advertising? This just compounds the need for an advertising chat all on its own. That would keep the chat more organized and allow people to really pick what they want to read on the chat.


Looking for an RP? Turn off general & local, turn on advertising.

Bored and want to chat with random people? Turn off local & advertising, turn on general.

Having a RP in local with some friends? Turn off advertising & general, turn on local.

((((Just my 10 cents, lol))))


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2011, 11:22:58 pm »
Raz; This game is run by.. what, teens? You don't have /most amazing/ system in effect to wash and wipe trolls/spammers. No one around the internet does. That is why you can only /try/ to do this. Your oddly overworked, and seem to be taking this to a personal level. It's just a game that you can feel free to leave at any point/time. You are here to be staff and make decisions for the greater good of the forum. You are not here, as I recall, to get offend at users' comments. If you want to take this up with me, do so in PM form.

If you find this offensive, don't. I'm posting my two cents. Butthurt isn't what I was aiming for.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 11:25:22 pm by Burd »


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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2011, 11:54:44 pm »
Burd... I think I love you.

 All in all this entire thing confuses me, From what I got, Owl was stating mods need guidlines, and not to run off personal thinking. Which I whole heartdly stand with. You never let teens run off what they think, I don't get a crap if you think their the most responsible, mature teenager there is. I'm 16 and I know this.

As for what the first post stated, I believe, I've seen that. Senseless spaming and not a mod in sight. Normally I don't report because it's silly stuff and they quit after a bit. But sometimes it gets bad, and I mean very bad, but I normally don't have general turned on so I don't see the full force of it, but when I switch it on, I see parts of god knows what.

Now on the topic of mods, I rarely, of ever see more than 3-4 online per day and it's only the same bunch, save for Raz and Tigg and Red, but I never see them on for a very long time. I understand mods have lives but, if you sign up for a job, and yes moderating this forum/in-game is a JOB, AKA responsibility, you better darn well do it. It's not a little hobby you can sometimes prod at to show your almighty ban hammer powers with once and a while, or abuse, because like sly stated, some kid TOTALY won't get upset over a cruel remark made oversomething and go kill themselves... because thats so never happened before. Mods need guidelines and inactive mods need to be fired.

 Thats my opinion and I hope I offened no one, it's simply stuff I've noted and been angered over for the past month or so.

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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2011, 12:08:12 am »
No offence guys, but how old do you really think the mods are? If you are going to bring that up like it's modding that's wrong because of young age, I should inform you that 20 aren't enough in some cases when putting an age on them.

The age doesn't always matter either so pointing that out doesn't really make any of us smarter.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 12:10:00 am by Red »
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Re: General Chat Attacks
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2011, 12:10:01 am »
Pfft. I suspect most mods to be around 16 and up at the very best.

But..what happened in general last night, was way too over board. :c. Not going to say more, seeing this is just going to turn into a huge argument.