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Offline Flatsoda

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« on: June 05, 2011, 12:47:38 pm »
 The Abhori
The Abhori are a strong clan;consisting of both canine and feline speices.They live,they die,they eat,sleep,drink,just as you do. But with a purpose. The purpose to keep the alliance strong.

The Abhori has rules,so its best you follow them.
  • Please do not cuss. This is a kid-friendly roleplay.
  • Try to capitalize the 'I' letter and have correct spelling+grammar please!
  • Be active atleast 2 times a week. If you have school or are sick,I understand.
  • Please make posts three sentences long,with no one-word posts!
  • Make your character the MOST REALISTIC you can.
  • Don't be a drama queen.Seriously,I dont want this rp going downhill.
  • Your character can be ANY Species of canine or feline you want.
  • If you can't download a map,I suggest you leave..

These are the ranks,and their meanings.

King- A strong,fine-hearted male canine or feline.
Queen- A loyal,smart female canine or feline.

Duke- A second-hand to the king,male canine or feline.If the king is sick or weak,the Duke will take over.
Duchess- The mate of the Duke and a replacement of the Queen.Female canine or feline.If the queen is sick or weak,the Duchess will take over.

Knights- Warriors,both male and female canine or feline.They aid in wars.

Torays- Scouts,both male and female canine or feline.They scout the territory for any sign of intruders.

Meduse- Healers,both male and female canine or feline.They heal the wounded and sick.

Gutters- Knights-in-training,Atleast 6 months old,both male and female canine or feline.

Lichen- Torays-in-training,Atleast 5 months old,both male and female canine or feline.

Curenti- Healers-in training,atleast 4 months old,both male and female canine or feline.

Servants- Servants.They bring others stuff,both male and female canine or feline.

Slaves- The slaves. They are either trespassers,traitors,or they disobeyed the King or queen.They do duties for all.

Allies- Just I-don't-care loners who live on the land.They keep their' distance,though.

Bush- The dead. We honor them.

The Map[/color]

The IN-GAME map is still a wip.

Joining us?
To join,copy,paste,and fill out this form:
If you need to use as I did,then do so.

Code: [Select]
-300x300 pic-
History- (Please fill out. COMPLETELY.)
Personality- (Please fill out. COMEPLETELY.)

For example:

Name- Tiffani
Age- 4 Years
Gender- Female
Species- Hyena
Ranking- Duchess
Mate- None.
Cubs/Pups- Never.
History- Tiffani's mother died when she gave birth,and her father didn't help raise pups.She drank the milk that sustained in her mother's cold body,and by the time she opened her eyes,the milk was gone. She set off,teaching herself to hunt small things,such as mice and voles.She taught herself to wait for the lion prides to finish,then feed on the scraps.She lived her life the way she wanted it to be,and by the time she was 1,she set off to the North.She found many dens,but they were all occupied by either a lion pride,a wolf pack,or a hyena clan.Soon,when she just crossed a marsh with no luck,she found a den. A HUGE den.A den so large it was a tunnel.She claimed it and the sorrounding area as her own. And when loners and rouges came,she welcomed them.
Personality- Tiffani is a pretty much laid-back girl,with the intention to stay silent.She is smart,though.She can be flirty at times and talks only when she needs to.

Duchess- Tiffani
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 02:15:41 pm by Suave dog »

Offline Lara5000

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2011, 04:32:37 pm »
-300x300 pic-dont have one but i look like real  kovu
Age-4 years
History- Kovu was born in a big family.But when his mom died he ran away from home.He was hunting fishes to survive then he met kiara and kovia they where mates.Kovia died and kiara and kovu fall in love.They got a cub adabi.He became a king of his own pride.But the pride betrayed him and he and his mate with theyr cub had to go somwhere else.
Personality- Kovu is a friendly lion, who loves to mage friends.He sometimes can be a hotthead but he always calm's down

Offline Nala0512

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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 06:47:26 pm »
Age-lets just say she is a teenager
Cubs/Pups-none yet unless a kovu wants to mate with her
History-Kiara was born into a big pride with her mum and dad. one day when she was out hunting she met Kovia and they became mates. 1 day she met kovu and became friends. 1 day her mate died and she fell in love with kovu.
Personality- She is nice, pretty and smart. she can sometimes be a bit aggresive but she will calm down.

ps pic dont have yet but i look like real kiara.
pps the kovu who posted above my wanna be mates