Author Topic: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)  (Read 2592 times)


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Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:56:00 pm »

 A new class of creature, and the first of this class to be found, and as such, are a new discovery.Not much is known about Diama and Diamos except that they appear to be the common ancestor between mammal and reptile, possibly being the missing link. Diama is the only known member of this unnamed class.

xX~Habitat Range~Xx

 Diama's preferred habitat are the forests and wetlands that surround the mountains, as well as living on their peaks, but can sometimes be spotted in the icy tundras further North and the forests that grow near the volcano to the East.

xX~Ecological Niche~Xx

 Out of all the creatures dwelling within the forest, Diama remains as one of the apex predators. Even so, they still have worthy competition with formidable creatures like other large carnivores. Despite the competition, Diama is rather formidable itself; with its powerful forelimbs and bone crushing jaws, they are well equipped for life in this extreme enviorment.

xX~Physical Description~Xx

 Diama are powefully built animals with large, heavily muscled necks. Their abdomens are pulled in and their ribcages are descending. Their forelimbs are densely packed with muscle with the elbows pointed outward and the feet inward. Females tend to have narrower muzzles and necks, thinner and less massive shoulders than males. Their shoulders also lack the armored shell and spikes.

  They are capable of running at speeds of 56-64 km (34-38 miles) per hour, but they tire out quickly making them ambush predators. In cold climates, Diama can trap heat in their thick layer of fur and fat, and they store energy in their large flat tails. Their heads are wide and heavy with strong jaws and a large dense muzzles. Their ears are relatively large and face forward. Diama usually carry their heads high to get a good look of their surroundings. Their large muscular tails allow them to propel themselves through the water for short periods of time.


 Diama have a very sharp sense of smell and hearing. In the dark forests they rarely need to use their eyes. Their hearing is keen enough to register the sound of rainfall 2 days away. Even with weak eyesight compared to other animals, their night vision is the most advanced of any creature.

.:Social Structure:.

 Diama live in groups that are made up of related females and their young, led by the eldest female, called the matriarch. Males have been known to infrequently lead a group, but usually leave the pack when reaching adolescence to form bachelor groups with other males of the same age. Later they lead a solitary life, approaching the females only during the mating season. In rare cases, strange Diamas are adopted, the adoptee being a youngster of 1-6 years of age, while those that have been killed are mostly fully grown. The adoption of a new member is a lengthy process, and can consist of weeks of exploratory, non-fatal attacks and harrassment in order to establish whether or not the newcomer is trustworthy.

During times of ungulate abundance (migration, calving, etc.), different family groups may temporarily join forces. Diama as young as 6 years to as old as 20 years have been recorded to leave their groups to start their own families. Triggers for dispersal include competition for food and breeding and the onset of sexual maturity.


 Diama are generally monogamous, whether for life or for a short period of time. These mated pairs usually remain together for life if one of them do not die. Multipe litters are rarely unsuccessful being in such a large family. The age of first breeding depends largely on enviormental factors like when food is abundant. Captive Diama breed at the early age of 6 years, while in the wild, males wait a few years until they are about 9-10 years to fight. Females are capable of producing pups every 6 years, with one litter being the average. Incest rarely occurs, but may happen in captivity or areas with a low population.

  Estrus occurs in the middle of winter, with older, more experienced females entering estrus 2-3 weeks earlier than younger females. When she(an unmated female) is ready, she starts emitting infrasounds that attracts her mate (or other males), sometimes from kilometers away. The males start arriving during the following days and begin fighting, causing some injuries and even broken bones. These battles will sometimes continue for days on end. The female shows acceptance to the victor by rubbing her body against his. Now the male does what he can to impress her even further by performing a mating dance. The male will inflate his gular pouch (hidden under plating), shifting between red, blue and all colors inbetween. He will rattle his loosely scaled tail and motion from side to side. The luminous organs on his underside will begin to glow brightly in the night and he will create a light show in the dark, dancing in circular motions. This too, will last for days.


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Re: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 04:56:15 pm »


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Re: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 04:57:18 pm »


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Re: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2011, 04:57:46 pm »


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Re: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 04:58:06 pm »

Offline LordKreiger

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Re: Diama Ira & Diamos Quy(WIP)
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 05:07:57 pm »
Epic looking species lmao,
Hm, Maybe I should do Derk's species of lions .-.
Check out the Pack of Eventide!
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