Author Topic: Untamed Fielders  (Read 3373 times)

Offline Silhouette

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Untamed Fielders
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:22:12 pm »

Since their first near-extinction, their road through time has been a rough one. Originating in a distant frigid land where they were initially nameless, wolves, lions, and hyenas lived together in harmony. The three formed a symbiotic relationship, coexisting peacefully in their home for many years, and never straying far from the outskirts of the fields. Eventually, humans became aware of the fields and the strange creatures that resided within them. They made an effort to capture the creatures for the purpose of study, as they were curious about their strange symbiotic relationship and similar physical attributes. They soon discovered the animals could not safely be contained, as the animals would turn on their captors after making an escape of near-perfect precision. Though the human's intentions were harmless and they eventually gave up on capturing them, the untamed fielders would often attack the researchers that strayed into the fields. Eventually, the research mission was abandoned so they left the breed with their new name; The Untamed Fielder.

There used to be a cousin of the Untamed Fielder. To this day, they still have no official name as they were more rare and human encounters were not as common as they had been with the untamed fielder. Merely refereed to as "Killers" by their sister breed, this variety harbored a similar level of intelligence and adaptations, but their behavior was slightly different. Instead of having a flight or fight system that incorporated consideration of the surrounding environment and creatures as the untamed fielder's would, they turned to a mode of complete self-preservation, and would not only attack the threat violently, but also turn on their peers. The researchers found this tendency to turn on one another  to be a possible reason for the animal's rarity. Another plausible reason, as the "killers" came to assume, was the presence of the Untamed Fielders taking their resources as they fell into almost the exact same niche...

The attitude that the untamed fielders, or UF's, as we will call them for short, were partially responsible for the downfall that the "killers" brought upon themselves eventually lead to war. The plan for the "killers" was to give their more "defective" offspring who were less inclined to turn and attack to the untamed fielder groups. As members of a generally good natured and accepting species, the UF's took them in. It all seemed to work out in perfect harmony... until after the first hybrid's birth. With two mental systems that had such a sharp division between them, the hybrids had a constant and/or conflicting  fight or flight mode; draining them of energy, stressing their bodies, heightening their aggression, raising their intelligence, and ultimately turning on both sides. The "war" that had been planned by the "killers" had been for their hybrid offspring to destroy the UF's, but their own descendants turned on them as well. (Something to remember is that perfectly 50% "killer" and 50% Untamed fielder hybrids are the ONLY ones that will experience the behavior described above unless otherwise noted.) This is what initially led to a near genetic bottleneck.

After this reduction, some individuals went on living with the belief that they were the last, and so hybrids were produced until one purebred by the name Mousetooth began working to bring them together as part of a group. Purebreds, and hybrids (Which then were more commonly primarily a "normal" species mixed in with untamed fielder and "killer") This group, Nicht Tame, worked not only to clear their name as a species, (Because with the sudden rise in the number of perfectly halved hybrids, they were portrayed by others as a dangerous breed.) they also focused on raising their numbers, and forming alliances. However, this idea for alliances went very... very... wrong.

The first alliance they tried to create was with group named Emeraldclan. Rust, Emeraldclan's leader at the time, went to meet with Mousetooth to speak about the alliance. However, things went from promising to horrid, as an argument broke out between the two leaders, and they both went home. At first, the conflict did not seem to be an issue. However the skirmish turned to war when one of Emeraldclan's cubs was kidnapped. War broke out between the two but Nicht Tame quickly found that they could not handle Emeraldclan alone, and began to seek out allies. In the end, however, Nicht Tame had to fight its final battle alone, and most of the members either perished or disbanded, bringing the specie's numbers down sharply again. Now having left their frozen wasteland of a home... the few that remain have wandered to this world.

How to spot an Untamed Fielder

Glowing eyes of an untamed fielder in fight or flight mode are one of the few external signs of an untamed fielder.

Physical Differences

The untamed fielder's physical appearances vary widely, for there are scarcely any physical differences that set them apart. However, there are distinct mental characteristics that have led them to be classified by some as a different "breed" or "species"

The main physical sign of an untamed fielder is a faint glowing of the eyes. During normal activities, the color may cover any portion of the eye but will almost never cover the pupil. (Normal eyes, slit eyes, and variations of those are acceptable. Fire eyes and oval eyes are also acceptable.) However, when startled, threatened, or fearful, the eyes will glow brightly, and the pupil will vanish completely. (Eye type suggestions for this: Glow, more glow, glow shine, orb, glow orb, full orb, pupiless) Also, since most other differences are physical and it would otherwise be difficult to identify a member of the species, UF's are very good at identifying another UF or hybrid and can make a near-accurate estimate of how much UF is in the hybrid. To a non-UF or UF hybrid, this "signature" in the scent is undetectable.

The other physical difference is that Untamed Fielders can control their hormones at will. This means, females will not produce offspring unless she desires. This is so that offspring will be born at the best possible times and have a better chance at survival.

 This also means cubs can, at their own risk, grow physically at a slightly faster rate. Growing at a faster rate increases survival chances to a point before the amount of bone damage it can cause outweighs the benefit. This does NOT mean cubs can shoot to adult size in a week. Their growth stage can only be one "step" above their current age. (Example: A young cub can grow to older cub size, a younger adolescent can grow to an older adolescent size, and an older adolescent can grow to a young adult size, etc.) Adults can also proceed grow to be reasonably large even years after they have stopped, but the process is not as rapid as cub growth. Elder animals cannot continue to grow, as it will damage their already worn bones. Also, untamed fielders will typically not grow but a little bit past whatever size their parents were when their mother gave birth to them. This is their limit range.

Mental Differences

Untamed fielders are born with a slightly different flight or fight system than most mammals. It is, in some respects, more advanced. Upon being startled, made fearful, or aggressive, the UF is able to make a several second analysis of their current environment. This analysis allows them to lay out a list of possible outcomes of a situation from what the animal can currently see, possible ways to overcome an obstacle in the order of probability of success (judged by the animal's knowledge and skills), etc. This does NOT mean they can predict a foe's next move! This merely means that they can assume what their foe might do, but it does not mean they are correct. In fact, they are only correct under 50% of the time. During this period, Untamed Fielder's eyes will glow brightly and remain lit. Untamed Fielders may remain in this alert state for a time even after they themselves and the environment around them has calmed down.  

Untamed fielders, as creatures that have shattered the instinctual barrier of hostility between species. Hyenas, lions, and wolves of this breed interact and can often be seen supporting one another in hunting, tracking, etc. The theory of the researchers about this strange relationship was the combination of skills between species made for a mutually increased chance of survival. However, unless already crossed through a normal hyena, lion, or wolf FIRST, (Which is still considered somewhat rare) UF's will not breed between their respective species. (Meaning no purebred untamed fielder wolf and untamed fielder lion crossing, or the like.)

Genetic Differences

Untamed Fielders carry an excess amount of genes. Their appearance is not only dictated by the appearance of their parents but also just as affected by several generations above. This often makes for offspring that carry a trait beyond what the parents had. This prevention of sameness ensures that behavior and mental characteristics are being modified a little more and physical traits a little less. Of course, physical traits naturally come into play, but the special fight or flight system often compensates for the disadvantage if there is one. (Ex: An animal that blends into an environment may be able to conceal themselves better than one that does not. However, a UF that does not blend in may have a trait to be better able to analyze the situation their in using their fight or flight system than the concealed one, and thus may have a higher chance of escape than their competitor that blends in. This allows the one with the better ability to analyze to survive and produce more offspring despite the fact that it fails to blend.)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 03:44:53 pm by Silhouette »

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 03:23:19 pm »
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 03:51:16 pm by Silhouette »

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2011, 03:27:31 pm »

Name: Aaron
Forum Username/In game Username: kasai/kasai
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Purebred: Yes
Parents: ? and ?
Siblings: Unknown
Any Defects?:  No
Note: He is about 80% blind.

Name: Hunter
Forum Username/In game Username: Silhouette/Silhouette
Gender: Female
Species:  Wolf
Purebred: Yes
Parents: ? and ?
Siblings: Unknown
Any Defects?:  No.


Name: Kinyaa
Forum Username/In game Username: Bladeliger/Bladeliger
Gender: Female
Species: Lion
Purebred: No (Technically 100% due to rare occurence)
Parents: ? and ?
Siblings: none
Any Defects?:  100% gens effect rare occurence

« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 10:47:39 pm by Silhouette »

Offline Liebe

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 03:54:04 pm »
This looks cool! I'm not on the computer in my house with FH, though. I promise to make one soon!

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 08:20:33 pm »
Thanks. ^^; Just remember that you have to apply it  for it to be approved so I can keep track of how many there are. :)

Offline Kasai

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2011, 02:25:33 am »

Name: Aaron
Forum Username/In game Username: kasai/kasai
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Purebred: Yes
Parents: ? and ?
Siblings: Unknown
Any Defects?:  No
RP Sample: Aaron's ears flicked back, making out silhouettes of others walking by. He couldn't see their eyes but he could feel their curious and cautious stares. He always tried his best to stay away from others but they would always find him anyway and cause him to resort to a fight or flight response, his eyes glowing intensely which usually scared most away. Unfortunately, when battling only a few years back, he misjudged his opponent once which left the opportunity for a hit to his face. His eyes were never the same after that. He closed his eyes and sighed. It was going to be yet another long day.
Note: He is about 80% blind.

Code: [Select]
[b]Name:[/b] Aaron
[b]Forum Username/In game Username:[/b] kasai/kasai
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Species:[/b] Lion
[b]Purebred:[/b] Yes
[b]Parents:[/b] ? and ?
[b]Siblings:[/b] Unknown
[b]Any Defects?:[/b]  No
[b]RP Sample:[/b] Aaron's ears flicked back, making out silhouettes of others walking by. He couldn't see their eyes but he could feel their curious and cautious stares. He always tried his best to stay away from others but they would always find him anyway and cause him to resort to a fight or flight response, his eyes glowing intensely which usually scared most away. Unfortunately, when battling only a few years back, he misjudged his opponent once which left the opportunity for a hit to his face. His eyes were never the same after that. He closed his eyes and sighed. It was going to be yet another long day.
[b]Note:[/b] He is about 80% blind.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 02:28:27 am by Kasai »

Offline Silhouette

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 10:47:55 pm »
Aaron has been accepted and added!

Offline aelitastar

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 11:06:46 pm »
this sounds like a cool species XD ill make one later
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2011, 05:30:44 am »

Name: Scarlett
Forum Username/In game Username: Zoeyy/ILoveYou
Gender: Female
Species: Hyena
Purebred: Yes
Parents: .....n/a....n/a
Any Defects?:  No
RP Sample: The small hyena pup walked around looking around also as she walked she heard somebody coming behind her she stalled  the wind the only thing making her man move her whole body stay still as she saw the shadow of a big wolf she shudders turning around to face her enemy-

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Offline Liebe

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Re: Untamed Fielders
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2011, 10:13:11 pm »

Name: Pascro
Forum Username/In game Username: DarkenedIce/DarkenedIce
Gender: Male
Species: Hyena
Purebred: Yes
Parents: ? and ?
Siblings: None
Any Defects?:  No
RP Sample: Pascro walked along the ocean shore. The gray water blended nicely with the sunrise. He breathed in the fresh air slowly, and exhaled. To him it was a beautiful day to be outside, not too hot, and not too cold.