Author Topic: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Updated News & Rules  (Read 53195 times)

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2011, 05:28:24 pm »
@Kikay: You are accepted, but before I can add you, can you include an image of your character?
Contact me if you don't know how.
Lastly, add WDoJ to the end of your character's name so we can identify you as a Warrior rank and a member of DoJ, and then come find me or whisper me in-game so I can send you an invite.

Offline EvilSock

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2011, 06:23:35 pm »

Full Name: Rin Keyshin
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: One.
Gender: Female.
Rank: Warrior [Spy]
Species: Dog
Breed:  Akita Inu/Kishu mix. [Silver]
Personality: A very easily riled female, Rin is notorious for her swift and often violent mood swings and her distinct streak of loyalty. She has a sweet and affectionate spot for pups, because they embody the innocence she no longer contains.  Though she is a quiet dog, Rin does have a rather aggressive side that rarely shows unless she is provoked into it, either by snide comments, displays of hostility or mere disrespect for herself or others. Though this side persona of hers is often contained and so she always has a relatively cool and calm facade about her.

Clever beyond her own good she can either behave very wisely, and maturely; or use her guile for her own wants and manipulate others to fit her demands, but in a subtle way. She behaves in a neutral manner around her pack mates, often not speaking unless spoken to, being quiet and meek- and often responds to orders in a distinctly respectable fashion. Rin is a very emotional dog, and can't stand liars or those who show complete disregard for authority. She comes from a painful history, but is determined to keep a positive outlook on life and stride to succeed.  

All in all, Rin is a rather aloof canine who prefers the solitude of her own company, she works hard to provide for her pack and hates to let them down despite her being rather distant from them all.

History: Born to her Akita Inu sire, Harikarno, and to her Kishu Inu dam, Reina- Rin was the runt of her litter, and has always been rather small, even for a one year old she is below the average height. She and the rest of her litter were raised by a small family until they were old enough to be weaned at around 7 weeks, unfortunately she remained when her siblings were adopted. Though this didn't bother her much, she lived out her early days in bliss with her mother, father and owners. These days were to be postponed, however. For one day when she was out for mere hunting practise, a small group of dogs stumbled upon the 5 month old Akita pup. She had heard them mumbling on about 'Too young, won't produce the litters we need' Though, they seemed to ignore this and kidnapped her anyways with complete disregard for her. They took her to their pack in a nearby gorge, where she was shunned into a very small hole in the crevice of a large rock. She wasn't aloud out, and was only fed twice a week. And on a regular bases, she was taken out from this 'hole' and beaten brutally to release the tension of the pack.

At the fragile age of 9 months, she was taken from the enclosed space for good and presented before the pack's boss dog, Uro, a large German shepherd/Great dane mix. Even though she was not old enough to bare his pups, he raped her on many occasions for simple pleasure, and kept her near him as his personal toy to do with as he wished. As a result of all these beatings, rape occurrences and other violent scenarios, Rin has been left with quite a few scars that are no longer visible since her plush, silver azure-hued peltage covers most of them from sight.

After another 2 months with her former pack, Rin finally took her chance when the pack was attacked by another. Though they had been fighting, a medium-sized mixed breed had been made to watch over her. Not wanting to avoid this chance of freedom, she launched herself at the dog and after a long struggle and multiple wounds, killed him. Though she had been left weak and fatigued from the fight, her youth too great to cope with such a feat. She had managed to stray away far enough from the pack's territory, until she was in neutral lands. There she met Hoshi's comrades, and managed to scrape out a ranking amongst them, though she always doubts her acceptance into the group.

Roleplay Sample:
An array of silhouettes were scattered around the barren clearing in which the group lay. One shadow not amongst these, was the pallid, frail figure of Rin whom was standing on higher ground upon the edge of a peak. Her neck was craned inwards a little, her posture one of abodeful reluctance to join her comrades. Instead, she would keep watch over the sleeping canines. Watch over and protect. It was her self-employed duty to be their guardian, even if she thought she was a poor one. Her listless, azure gaze wavered over the surrounding area, a hint of belligerence in her eyes that betrayed her impatience for the sun to rise once more over the darkened horizon. A sigh lapsed through her jaws, salmon-hued tongue extending from her maw to lick along the width of her muzzle as she inclined her neck forward, peeking with a suddenly intent expression at a couple of shady, suspicious figures in the distance which moved with the subtle, eloquent grace of ghosts. One atrous eyebrow raised appraisingly, Well well.. What do we have here. She mused in her mind, glancing down once toward the sleeping bodies to check they were all there. Not one missing. And she knew what that meant. A malevolent smile drew the contors of her muzzle upwards as she arched her neck, poised her muzzle up to the light of the moon and drew back a hauntingly shrill howl to alert her packmates of the sudden intrusion to their terra.
Run away while you still can
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:27:34 pm by EvilSock »


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2011, 06:31:40 pm »
here's Shou's image:

and her preset is here: (:

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2011, 06:38:31 pm »
@EvilSock: You are accepted as a Warrior. c:
Now just add WDoJ to the end of your name so we can recognize your rank and acceptance into DoJ.
Then, come find me in-game or send me a whisper so I can give ya an invite.
I'll add ya to the list momentarily.

@Suo: Excellent. I'll add her in a moment.


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2011, 06:40:37 pm »

I wanted to let you know I have some experience with maps. They aren't the best out there, so I'd be willing to make a few maps. (:

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2011, 06:48:18 pm »
Added Rin and Shou to the list.

@Suo; That'd be amazing if you could!
They don't have to be anything spectacular, so long as we have a safe haven from interlopers.


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2011, 06:54:34 pm »
Infernal;; lright! I'm not a master on the Ohu landscape (I haven't read/watched GDW but I watched GNG) but I'd be willing to try (: safest bet for me is to make Gajou.

I also just noticed that on her application, I forgot to put in Shou's gender. XD; sorry!

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2011, 07:19:33 pm »
@Suo: Haha, it's not required to have watched GNG or GDW, though I recommend both if only for the experience of watching them. c:

If you need help on knowing what Gajou is, give me a hollar.
In short, it's a stone fortress made of... well, stone, and logs to support the stone.
Inside it is a maze.

As for the landscape, Gajou is settled on in the midst of foothills tucked away in mountains. It's a forested area.


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2011, 07:34:32 pm »
Alright. I'm pretty sure I've got it down (: Thanks!

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 07:42:17 pm »
@Suo: No problem. c:
If you ever need some images from the anime, let me know.