Author Topic: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life (Chapter 3 is up)  (Read 3088 times)

Offline Darastrix1

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The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life (Chapter 3 is up)
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:28:08 pm »
The breeze was blowing gently over the cold, winter snow, gathering it into drifts under the tall, slanted rocks. On one of these rocks, a tall, sleek wolf was trying to hold on to its icy surface. She was a pale gray color, but her face bore a mask as white as the land around her, and her body was dappled with and earthy brown. She scanned the landscape with icy blue eyes that were filled with despair.
"Fang!" She barked into the air. "Fang! Where are you?" The wind grew stronger, blowing snow into her face. She closed her eyes, and a faint noise came to her sharp, pointed ears. She scrambled off the rock and ran against the wind, wincing at its bitter sting. It whipped her fur, and she almost gave in to exhaustion, but the noise came again. Her paws churned the snow, bringing up great clouds. Heart pounding, tail streaming in the wind, she came to a halt by a mass of dark brown and black fur.
"Fang. . .?" She whimpered, crouching beside it. The lump stirred, and her once tall and powerful mate struggled to lift his head. His amber eyes were cloudy and dull, and he opened his mouth in a soft yip.
"Mist. . . keep them. . . safe." His head plopped onto the ground, as if the words had taken the last of his life away.
"N-no! Fang, no! You can't leave me! The pack needs their alpha! Fang!" She watched in horror as his eyes shone with despair one last time, then glazed over, turning lifeless. Her barks turned into howls. "FANG!"
On the horizon, and wolf, dark as a shadow, watched this scene with emotionless eyes. He licked his chops, almost hungrily, and flicked his tail.
"So now you are alone, Mist." He muttered. "Lets see how the great, wise beta faces the world without her precious Fang."
With that, her turned his back on the wolves, and trotted back into his own lands. With him he carried a shroud of menace, enough to melt the snow under his paws.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 02:27:27 pm by Darastrix1 »

Offline kyuubi1161

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 07:24:45 am »
This looks great! :D I'm looking forward to more :D
im back!

Offline Darastrix1

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2011, 12:29:48 am »
Thank you  ;D

Offline Darastrix1

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2011, 01:06:52 am »
Chapter 2, I guess.

Glimmer sat and watched the sun set, swallowed up by the snowy horizon. She shivered against the cold, but her thick, sandy brown fur kept her mostly warm. Winter was coming to a close, she knew, and the packs should be celebrating. With a sigh, she remembered the hollow eyes of the Swift Pack's beta, Mist. Pity struck had stricken her like a wave when she'd seen how Mist's tail had dragged on the snow, her head hanging with misery.
Her thoughts were carried away with the wind when a bark sounded in her ears. She whipped around and lifted her tail happily. A familiar wolf white as the snow sprinted towards her. His amber eyes shone and his tail waved against the wind.
"Hello, Glimmer," He padded closer and touched her scruff with his nose, which was cold and damp. Glimmer stepped away.
"Your nose is frozen, Icewind! How is your nose not dripping Icicles?" She yipped. The white wolf laughed, and she nudged him playfully.
"How is Mist doing?" She couldn't  help asking. Icewind's tail lowered, and he blinked sadly. Glimmer regretted her question, and her own tail stopped wagging.
"S-she's not doing well." He muttered. "Ever since Fang died, she's stopped hunting, stopped training the pups. . . she hardly ever leaves her den." He exhaled slowly, mourning for his lost alpha and brokenhearted beta. Then he turned to face Glimmer, pricking his white ears.
"What about Dark?"
Glimmer winced. Now it was her turn.
"He's. . . the same. You know. He's been working hard to expand our territory to the West."
"The West? That territory is useless. The elk herds never even look in that direction!" Icewind tilted his large head.
"I know," she said. "He just wants more power." A picture of her alpha came into his mind, his glowing eyes, his fur darker than the night, and his arrogant expression.
"He's not still chasing after you, is he?" Icewind growled a little.
"No," Glimmer lied. She didn't want her companion to come and attack her alpha out of jealousy. She shivered at the thought.
Icewind was about to ask her what was wrong, but she was saved by a howl that peirced the air. He leaped to his paws.
"My pack." He said. He sprinted away, for they would come looking for him if he did not join them. Glimmer's heart sank as she watched him leave, his pelt blending into the snow. She stood there for a moment more, her breath forming clouds in front of her. Then a howl came up from her own pack, and she, too, turned  away.
Little did she notice the small pup, wimpering under a rock and trembling from fear as well as the cold.
"Mother?" she whined, "when are you coming back?"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 01:12:05 am by Darastrix1 »

Offline Darastrix1

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 07:55:32 pm »
Chapter 3

The densite was encircled by thornbushes. On this snowy day, the thornbushes were without leaves, and their menace was stunning. A small tunnel allowed the members of the pack to pass in and out, and even they shivered at the fear their home sent into the air. Inside this prickly ring, Dark sat upon a pile of stones, his noble throne. His ears were erect, and his eyes were quick and icy, missing nothing that happened in his kingdom. He loomed over his pack like a stormcloud, and they winced as they walked by him.
Dark loved it here.
Glimmer squeezed into the densite, shook her sandy pelt, and padded quickly to her den.
"Glimmer." She came to a halt at her alpha's voice.
"Y-yes?" She stammered, looking up at him with her deep blue eyes. How lovely she was! Dark struggled to keep his composure.
"I'm going to go explore the Western territory. See what's out there. I'd like you to come with me." He turned his icy stare onto her.
"Um. . ." She looked at him uneasily, and his heart sank. So he was alpha now! Had she forgotten when they had played in the feilds together as pups, while the older wolves were hunting? Did that mean nothing anymore?
"Dark!" A sharp bark called his name. Glimmer took her chance and crept into the den as Sun ran into the camp. His golden fur was shining, even in the dull winter light, and in his mouth he carried a small, furry bundle. Frustrated by his timing, Dark glared at him.
"What? I'm busy!" He growled. Sun lowered his head and dropped the bundle onto the ground. Dark bent down. A pup! A small, black pup, whith strange, reddish underfur. The pup opened her ice-blue eyes and trembled as she looked up. A whimper escaped her jaws.
"W-who are you? Where am I?" Her eyes were full of fear. Dark looked down at her, unmoved.
"You are in the Moon Pack. Who are you?" he said flatly.
"I-I'm Ember." She whispered. "From the Feild Pack." Dark nodded sharply, then looked up at Sun.
"Take her to one of the females. They can deal with her. I have more important things to attend to."
With that, he whipped around and padded out of the densite, his lip curling with frustration. As he paced through his territory, images of the pup's scared eyes flashed in his mind, and a twinge of guilt hit him. It faded away when he remembered Glimmer's face, so pretty and yet so afraid. Afraid of him. Dark wanted all wolves afraid of him, but not her.
Then something else hit him. A scent. A scent that had been on Glimmer.
A Swift Pack scent.
"I knew it!" He snarled. "She's been with that Icewind again!" HE glared at the South, where the Swift pack wolves lived. "It was cute when we were pups, but now. . ."
HIs eyes lit up. His lip curled with menace.
"If I catch that scent one more time. . ." He snarled. "Icewind will die. Yes, and I will laugh as the life seeps out of him. Then we will see if any wolf dares to cross paths with Dark, the alpha of the Moon Pack." Laughter escaped from his mighty jaws, and Glimmer, who had felt guilty for rejecting his offer, was just about to join him when she heard these words. She sank to the ground in horror, her ears flat against her head.
"Oh no. . ." she whimpered. "What have I done?"

Neither of them though about Ember in the chaotic moons to come. But Silverwind, the pack healer, heard the whispers of the elements in her ears:
"A spirit of fire will come with the melting of the snow. If guided correctly, it will melt the hatred of the packs. If not. . . The world you know will be devoured by a great, blazing fire, hot as the sun and dark as the shadows."
She looked up at the sky, her eyes full of wisdom.
"I will guide her," she promised. "I will guide her."

Offline Darastrix1

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 04:51:02 pm »
No replies, huh?  ::)

Offline Darastrix1

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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2011, 02:26:56 pm »
Y'know, I would at least like to know that somebody has read this before I make the next chapter -.-


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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life (Chapter 3 is up)
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2011, 08:52:29 pm »
I'm reading it :)


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Re: The Wolf Wars- Fighting for Life (Chapter 3 is up)
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2011, 09:35:30 pm »
Can you write more?