Author Topic: Oh look another rant..  (Read 42571 times)

Offline wolffox

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #140 on: August 02, 2011, 05:22:34 pm »
Exactly. I think we need a lot more staff in-game, too. I don't know exactly how many there are, but there needs to be more. Most of them do their job really well, but like any human being, they can't be online all the time, but there are some people that would be more than glad moderating when other mods can't be online. I think more mods from different timezones would work well. That way, if it's three in the morning in one moderator's timezone, it might be twelve in the afternoon in another's, and they can still work.

... People keep stealing the words right out of my mouth.. er... I mean keybord. ;w;

Indeed, but keep in mind that mods don't always speak in-game. Many do their jobs in silence to avoid the "MOD MOD MOD" spam that goes on when they use the "scary red text". Nevertheless, I do think that the game needs a few more mods, with different time zones, that way at least a few can be online almost 24/7 (even though they shouldn't have to, but I think currently that is needed considering what's going on). But as I've said before, and I will say it again: this is NOT entirely a problem with the mods/admins, or Kov himself. The problem exists solely because the FERALHEART COMMUNITY has made it so. If people actually enjoy playing this game, they better start showing it before it goes completely downhill and people leave. If FeralHeart is to stand a chance when this "Aro'Kai" comes out, the whole community needs to learn how to better themselves, there needs to be a few more mods in different timezones, and Kov needs to provide the tools to help make the community better for the users who actually want to PLAY this game instead of KILL it.

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #141 on: August 02, 2011, 05:28:25 pm »
Someone that sees the picture. Not a one to blame game here.
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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #142 on: August 02, 2011, 06:13:30 pm »
It's not because of the mods/admins or Kovu that we need more staff though. It's because of the community, that we need more staff. This is what the community has brought upon us. By what some parts of the community have done


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #143 on: August 03, 2011, 01:33:10 am »
It may be up to the community to change it, but not when most of the community is whats the problem. Everyone on this thread wants to change, but that's a different story with the ingame community, because as we all know most people don't go on the forum and these people are usually the ones causing the problem.

Offline wolffox

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #144 on: August 03, 2011, 05:02:26 am »
It may be up to the community to change it, but not when most of the community is whats the problem. Everyone on this thread wants to change, but that's a different story with the ingame community, because as we all know most people don't go on the forum and these people are usually the ones causing the problem.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #145 on: August 03, 2011, 05:21:36 am »
Ive seen a good few rape partys in my time AND on impressive title. Ive been here on IT ever since it came out. And I have had countless sexual behavior. This is mean to be a PG game. There no room for Fu*k or Sh*t or any others. Maybe even hire more staff to clean up the problem

Sure it wont 100% fix it but it would definetly help. The one thing I do not like about FH Is the raping and so on. 99,9% of the time theyre like angels. I agree with you. Honestly I think it was better when FH first came out.

I say theyre getting bored. Nothing else to do. Not enough stuff to do.
Well Im just sitting on my butt patiently waiting for the next patch and what it holds.
Why dont the bad ppl do the same and guess whats coming next?

But I agree with you haruhi
FH may have some tough spots but Ive met countless more nice people than mean.

I mean I met xRubyx on FH and we became such good friends , shes now a mod on my Forum!

Why dont some of you wise up and stop rudeness? As the saying goes
Play nice... or pay the price.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #146 on: August 03, 2011, 07:36:38 am »
This is redicious to me, I understand there are problems, yes I'll be the first to say there are problems, but this thread, as I thread through some of the pages seems like we're just passing off blame here. "Oh it's there fault, no it's his fault, no it's not my fault, oh no it's our fault, why you do this? Why you blahblahblah." Enough with the blame games please, enough with passing the blame like it's some game of tag. It's not a game a tag, you want results for your issues? Find out what the real problem is, and find a quick solution. "Oh it's Kovu's game we have to xyz whatever he says." No you do not, I know for a fact, that there are actually quiet a handful of FH moderators, and they haven't been on in a hot second. Why have a giant staff team, if two thirds of them are inactive? I guess I'm not seeing the point here. Maybe there isn't really a point. But this thread needs to give some type of constructive criticism.

This thread is a great example of the lack of organization that this 'team' and this entire community.. well, lacks. This thread, these kind of threads, shouldn't even exist. Yet here is one, and there have been more. Along with outside complaints that spread wider than the state of Texas. This is avoidable, yet it isn't being avoided. We're playing a blame game here. It's really annoying, pathetic, and it gets nothing done. All of this time spent on securing your (the staffs) butts could be spent in game, patrolling, taking care of issues. I'm sure some of you do some sort decent job with that area of the 'business' here, and yeah, this isn't a real job and you're not getting paid so you may claim you don't have to do all of that. But I bet you there are people here who actually love this game enough that WOULD spend their time in game doing EXACTLY that and then the game would be better. I see people screaming "More mods, better organization!" but I see.. nothing being done.

What I mean, is that you guys are a direct extension of Razmirz power across FH and the server, you are representing him with how you work, how you react, and how you control in game situations. Now, not reacting, not doing anything for these trolls that are running about, doesn't represent Razmirz well at all. He has given you loyalty, trusting you to mod a game while he isn't there, or isn't able to do anything, yet the loyality is being paid back, with World War IV on the forums, staff getting complained about, rant threads, giant troll sessions in game, etc. Is this how you really say "thank you" to someone who trusts you guys? Because if so, how do you say "no thank you?" I think, should I be scared of the thank you, or terrified of the no thank you? Now, Razmirz has an extremely good system going on here, his battle plan is actually excellent, and very well thought out, but the people carrying out the battle plan? Not so much, not so hot, it's excellent plan, but the soldiers just aren't shooting. Why? I don't want people to think badly of me.... I don't want members to dislike me. So what. Do your job, cause I can truthfully say, I don't give a crap if you get mad. Who cares about internet popularity people, it only takes you so far, and only gets you so far. And it won't help you in real life.

Now, MOD75 blahblahblah. You want to know the reason why you guys complain so much about that MOD number? Because that MOD actually does its job, gives warnings, explains before banning or kicking, and when they do, everyone goes RAGERAGERAGE, because MOD75 does their job. Meh! Sad situation, we get mad that the people doing their job, and we get mad at the people that don't do their job. Now, which do you prefer the silent ban, or actually being told before you get banned?

Now, this isn't towards the moderators that actually do their job. This is toward the moderators that get online once in a full blue moon, go over general chat, say "HI DER WORLD" or whatever, spark the whole "HI DER MOD" sessions that we are used to when the red letter scare gets to the masses. Now, what I've noticed, since I still get on FH, but very late at night, is that the time span of Zero Period has expanded, from where it would last for maybe an hour or two, it's now the entire night, and I //never// see a mod, coming across to stop yes. Yes, before you start flaming me, I'm aware that some MOD's ninja, or silent ban members. Not even speaking and just removing them. Sometimes this works, but other times this leaves people confused, and wondering why they where banned, if they don't exactly understand what they where doing in the first place.

Now, for the community. Yes, I understand where you guys are coming from, but at the same time, I can also see this situation now from Tigg's and Red's point of view. So I'm also going to say, stop complaining so much, actually do something, there's a button on your computer called PRINTSCREEN it's very effective, and you want to know what it does? Well, when you hit this magical button it takes a screenshot, you know, a picture of the screen, and saves it to your FH screenshots folder. This is an amazing little button that can be extremely helpful. All of a sudden, you have evidence! Evidence! Because truthfully, I'll say this No one is going to ban anyone because you said so. It's all good that you are trustworthy and stuff, but when it comes down to banning people. Not going to do it because you said so. Sorry. Tough luck. Now what do you do when you have a lot of these screenshots? Well you make a compressed zip folder, you upload them to mediafire, 4shared, or whatever else, and then you ship them to an Admin with a detailed description of what is happening. You don't alter the pictures, or hide stuff, because then, your evidence is tainted. Get my drift? :P

Okay, so you guys, the community want change, the staff isn't listening blahblahblah, cool, I understand, so here's what you have to do, to make their job a little easier.

First. Report Report Report.Do it. I don't want to be a snitch though! then you obviously don't want stuff to change. Because no one can read minds, I can barely do it in RL, most def can't do it over the internet, so kindly stop acting like all of a sudden admins have the golden eye of god and can see everything at all times, in every situation and can read your thoughts, or the screenshots you never did take. :/ Harsh maybe, but it's the truth.  

Second. Trolls. Get over yourselves. It's only funny for the first five minutes, maybe even the first two minutes, maybe not even at all. So why is it, a half an hour later, your still there, sitting in general chat by yourself, while everyone else fumes and rages, while you insult, flame, bash, or what the heck else you think you're doing. Not cool, not funny, and it makes me and others irate.

Third. Zero Period. Time when no moderators or administrators are online. Well guess what, it happens, that doesn't mean when you have the trolls trollin that you should troll back and make a giant mess of green text, blahblahblah. Mkay?

Fourth. Suck ups. All the staff does an excellent job, we love you all. Blahblahblah. Guess what, stop lying to them, stop sucking up, cause that doesn't help anyone. And that doesn't help anyone get anywhere when they are actually looking for feedback. And NO not all the staff does an excellent job, not all the staff does their job, but the ones that do, should be commended, and should be rewarded, they should be sucked up to, or whatever you want to call it. Because there needs to be x23 of those types of people.

Fifth. Spam spam spam. Enough, we get you want a mate, we get you want a parent, we get it, we get it, we get it. You don't need to spam the crap out of everyone in game to make your point. You don't need to speak in CAPS BECAUSE I'M NOT 92 AND MY EYESIGHT IS JUST FINE. Okay? :P

Sixth. These darn rant threads. I hate you mods, you all suck, why you suck, go away, stop being a mod, you suck, etc. Enough, cut the crap. You want to help? Constructive feed back, try this. Hi my name is Ritza, I've seen xyz happening, and I PM'd an admin but they didn't do anything about it. I'm slightly confused, and I'm wondering if there was anything different I should have done to help or nullify the situation. Since help was not given at the time it was needed. Try this instead of the first thing I said. Er, saying that, makes you sound like a ungrateful brat. :/

Okay, I'm done now, if you got through reading all of this, I congratulate you cause it was a mouth full. Feel free to rant and argue back. But if you can't make a valid argument, or point out flaws without being or sounding like a troll, please do not expect me to respond back to you. Thanks for reading.


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #147 on: August 03, 2011, 08:32:08 am »
First. Report Report Report.Do it. I don't want to be a snitch though! then you obviously don't want stuff to change. Because no one can read minds, I can barely do it in RL, most def can't do it over the internet, so kindly stop acting like all of a sudden admins have the golden eye of god and can see everything at all times, in every situation and can read your thoughts, or the screenshots you never did take. :/ Harsh maybe, but it's the truth.  

YES! Too many people complain yet never report! You don't have to report ingame, come in forum and do it! You'll still be heard!

Second. Trolls. Get over yourselves. It's only funny for the first five minutes, maybe even the first two minutes, maybe not even at all. So why is it, a half an hour later, your still there, sitting in general chat by yourself, while everyone else fumes and rages, while you insult, flame, bash, or what the heck else you think you're doing. Not cool, not funny, and it makes me and others irate.


Third. Zero Period. Time when no moderators or administrators are online. Well guess what, it happens, that doesn't mean when you have the trolls trollin that you should troll back and make a giant mess of green text, blahblahblah. Mkay?
Another agreement!

Fourth. Suck ups. All the staff does an excellent job, we love you all. Blahblahblah. Guess what, stop lying to them, stop sucking up, cause that doesn't help anyone. And that doesn't help anyone get anywhere when they are actually looking for feedback. And NO not all the staff does an excellent job, not all the staff does their job, but the ones that do, should be commended, and should be rewarded, they should be sucked up to, or whatever you want to call it. Because there needs to be x23 of those types of people.

This one I half agree on. There are suck ups out there, but I would also like to take the time to say that just because someone agrees with a mod doesn't mean that they are a suck up. I'm not saying that's what you are saying but others have said it before. Just because someone is agreeing with a mod doesn't give you the right to scream 'MOD KISSER" like it wins you the arguement.
Fifth. Spam spam spam. Enough, we get you want a mate, we get you want a parent, we get it, we get it, we get it. You don't need to spam the crap out of everyone in game to make your point. You don't need to speak in CAPS BECAUSE I'M NOT 92 AND MY EYESIGHT IS JUST FINE. Okay?  

So with you on this one. The spam needs to stop. No one can have a conversation, even in whisper, without it being washed away.

Sixth. These darn rant threads. I hate you mods, you all suck, why you suck, go away, stop being a mod, you suck, etc. Enough, cut the crap. You want to help? Constructive feed back, try this. Hi my name is Ritza, I've seen xyz happening, and I PM'd an admin but they didn't do anything about it. I'm slightly confused, and I'm wondering if there was anything different I should have done to help or nullify the situation. Since help was not given at the time it was needed. Try this instead of the first thing I said. Er, saying that, makes you sound like a ungrateful brat. :/

  Very much agree. People always go straight to ranting and raving about things instead of being sensible and getting to the issue properly, asking questions, findong out what is going on.


But I bet you there are people here who actually love this game enough that WOULD spend their time in game doing EXACTLY that and then the game would be better

Half the community would be ever so willing to help out, they would be very happy to go out and be active mods in game, myself included. I don't go on much anymore unless I have people I'm meeting or a cool map to check out, because the community gets out of hand sometimes, and I have decided to leave it alone for a while, the frustration was getting to me. I'm sure there are MANY people out there like me, who see this happening and want to do something more than printscreening, want to help out. (My printscreens never go anywhere because I keep losing them, redownloading and never backing up files is a big mistake XD I haven't been ingame since the last screen shots I took that got deleted when I had to redownload, but I'm hoping to go ingame and do a little wandering soon.)

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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #148 on: August 03, 2011, 01:12:56 pm »
Agreed with Ritza and Kyugima


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Re: Oh look another rant..
« Reply #149 on: August 03, 2011, 07:42:00 pm »
I've seen this problem in games and on forums before. People thought the staff system was unorganized..

Well, Maybe FH does need more staff. But then again, it could just be that the staff need to pay attention/work harder. Now I don't really pay attention to who's staff and who's not, but just like us they have lives.. I have no idea how many staff there are, but if there's too little staff they might be stressed out from being overworked and they might be slowing down because of that. Not likely, but I've seen this before.. /:

And maybe the staff that are on don't see some things or are afk. They /are/ humans, after all.. Maybe you caught it, but they might not have..

Sorry~ Just felt like pointing this out, because I've seen admins in the past get bashed for their choices on how they organize staff.