Author Topic: Cat Cry -Chapter 5 & 6-  (Read 2036 times)

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Cat Cry -Chapter 5 & 6-
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:28:19 am »
 I wus bored. I mean like really bored, and in 3:00 in the morning *facepalm* so I just wanted to like make the next few chaps. Enjoys!

                                                                                --Chapter 5: Life Fight
"What are you so happy about?" I looked at Kira who was slightly grinning. "What? Oh um, nothing." Kira's slight grin was washed away by my question. "Well. I'm going to sleep. Oh, and you might wanna be here 'cause if ya ain't. We'll hunt you down." I said in a strick voice. Kira nodded. I feel into a sleep in a few moments. Soon as I fell asleep Kira walked over to a pool of water and took out one of the 'stones' and threw it in. A blurry image of Binshee showed up. "I've been waiting for you Kira." she spoke with a stern voice. "I've meet them just like you asked. Now where do we meet?!" Kira shouted impatently. Binshee spoke with glower "How 'bout that old cave by the large,dry riverbank? Mabye you can help think of a way to kill them?" Kira jerked back but she didn't want to tamper with her master's sataments "Okay" she said "But how are you gonna get there." Binshee scowled "Ahem, the warp mirror is a teleporter." Kira rolled her eyes. "Oohhh. I like, completly forgot about that." she replied scarasticly.

Kira was at the cave when Binshee was. "You've come" Binshee uttered in a ambitous way. Kira looked away "Now, about that killing part you were talking about?" Binshee rasied her brows like a smart alec and looked at her paws "Yes yes I remeber about that. I just want your opinoin about... Oh, I don't know. Flooding the riverbank over here and drowning them?" Kira looked puzzled "Drowning?" Binshee look happily "That's it! Drowning it is then!" Kira mocked her master sardonicly "That's it. Drowning it is! Yadda,yadda,yadda! Oh yeah?! Explain to me how we're gonna do that?" Binshee leered "Not 'we', 'you'. You're gonna lead them here then contact me and I'll do the rest." Kira looked mostly upset, she shook her head. "No. I'm not your spy. I never was your spy." Binshee looked greatly furious "I saw your parents in the forest all dead and you happened to be standing in front of me as a pup looking at me with those stupid puppy eyes of yours thinking I was gonna save you! But you thought wrong!" she bellowed. Kira looked outraged and struck the side of Binshee's face. Binshee struck her back even more unmercyifully. A huge battle was unleashed and the aftermath to been seen the next day.

                                                                                           --Chapter 6: TamR--
At early dawn I awoke and brothers happened to jump on me yelled "Get up! Get up!" I got up and looked through a bushes a looked through the last night and found nothing. I knew it I thought to myself, mabye she's at the riverbank. It was a few hours late when we got there. Nothing but some old trees and a cave. As we came near it I heard groaning and whining. It was Kira, greatly injured. The biggest one was gash on her left leg. She was bleeding and hardly breathing. Saber was freaking out "Talon do something!" he whispered to me. I looked around the cave and remebered that cat's saliva kills more germs than dog's. I started lick Kira's wounds. She winced and twitched in pains. "This will not ease your pain but it will prevent infection." I whispered in her ear. Kira tried to get up. Saber and Thorn. "Who the heck did this to you?" I asked her. Kira turned her turned away. "Nobody." she panted as she spoke. She struggled to get free of Saber's and Thorn's grip and walked to a pool of water a mile away. She took a stone from her bag and threw it in the pool. The image of Binshee reappeared. "So? Have fun from our little playdate last night?" she spoke with evilness. Kira was panting sneering "I know this world hates you. Just do what you're supossed to do and I hope I never see you again." Binshee lowered her voice "Oh, but you will." Kira snarled a slapped her paw in the water making Binshee's image fade. She got back with us. She madder than she ever was as we walked through the dried riverbank. We were at the middle of it untill we heard a large rumble as if it was an earthquake going on. Kira looked very worried "Run." she told us. "Go. Run. Get to the other side!" Me,Saber, and Thorn got to the other side safely, but Kira was struggling. I turned my head and saw a huge amount of water filling the riverbank. It was coming fast. It came almost upon Kira. She looked at us with eyes full of pain. She closed them and lowered her head. The water completly covered the whole river. Kira was no where to be seen. I shook my head and ran toawrds the river "No!" I cried as I dove into the flooded valley.

To be continued (It will still continue with the same chapter)

Fun Fact: Did you know that the siliva on a cat's tongue has more germ killing subsantces than dogs?    

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Re: Cat Cry -Chapter 5 & 6-
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 10:25:04 pm »
actually on this fun fact Im not really sure. Ive looked it up in I found out that cats saliva has some sort of germ-killing substance, or so I heard. I srsly don't know but I do know that dog's saliva kills germs.

Offline kyuubi1161

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Re: Cat Cry -Chapter 5 & 6-
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 10:30:57 am »
nice :o)
im back!