Author Topic: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)  (Read 2430 times)


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.::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:17:08 pm »

You wake up. Your eyes glazed, your head throbbing. You can't remember anything, the heart in your chest
pumps harder in panic as you realize that you're memories cannot be revived at the moment. Where are you? Who are
you? So many questions run through your poor foggy mind. As foggy as your dark surroundings....
It isn't your eyes, the fog is real, and it covers everything. Snow falls from the night sky, but as you scramble to your
feet you look at your soot-covered paws, the snow is not snow after all...
Now what? You wonder, and you venture into the dense dark fog. You hear many things, you think you're loosing your mind...
Laughing, giggling, shuffling, and growls and gurgles of the strange inhabitants that walk as well in the fog.
Panic! Run! Flee! But there's nowhere to go, you're in a deathly circle. But you see a shadow.
No answer
"Excuse me!"
The thing you're looking at starts walking near, then more, and more... You think whether it was a good idea to
call for them...
They circle, they growl, they hiss and spit. And they look you over, with glowing eyes of various colors.
"W-who are you?" You're panicky voice utters.
A black wolf looking creature with glowing red eyes and markings approaches your trying-to-be-fearless stance.
"We are the many children...."


To the X Family Thread! >3 This is a SilentHill based RP, just for kicks, that is fun! We'll hang, we'll joke, and we'll RP our weird and psychotic characters of many shapes and sizes! All the children of the great Xuchilbara and his mistress Xaverier, as well as the many servants and monstrous inhabitants of the area. If you'd like to join the Family and its all-great crazyness, do read all the rules in the next post, especially about the character maker! I've already written this in the post below, but please if you join IN-GAME please RE-JOIN ON THIS THREAD. I'm not magical, can't keep up with everything THAT easily lU. After you've agreed with the rules, continue to the next post about Rank description and so on so forth l3. Do enjoy yourselves!

:General RULES:

*General RP and FH rules apply here, no auto-hitting, god modding or auto-mating, ANYTHING of the sort. I shouldn't have to explain every FH rule. THEY ARE THERE. READ THEM.
*Absolutely NO talk of Religion. There is some religion in Silent Hill (The game it was based off of), but nothing that truly matters, so make no big deal of it. Personal beliefs are not to be discussed.
*No talking about your actual identities here. FIRST name and your state is acceptable, but NOTHING more.
*This RP isn't THAT serious, so don't take it that way, again, this pride is for fun and good RP c:
*Harassment ISN'T tolerated, in RP, to an extent due to the nature of the characters, but OOC threats and harassments are strictly NOT acceptable.
*COPYRIGHT: The game SILENT HILL and any references to it are not owned by me. All names pertaining to SILENT HILL belong to Konami and the SilentHill Team, and whoever else owns it. All objects and symbols pertaining to SILENT HILL also belong to whoever made/came up with them. The X Family Pride is (c) me and Shikoku, as well as the rest of the pride and plots that aren't SH related. Everything belongs to their original owners, just to clear that up C:

:Character Maker RULES:
Keep these in mind as you read the RANKS.

*If you are applying for one of the CHILDREN (Dominant, Commoner/ See Ranks Below) you HAVE to look like Xuchilbara, Xaverier, or a MIX of the two! AND you MUST start out as a Commoner unless otherwise elected.
*If you are applying for a MINION position (Respected, Normals, Omega) you MUST start as a Normal unless otherwise elected. As for looks this ones free game.
*If you apply for a PET position, you must be one of the species named below, try and be creative in that range though l3
*If you apply in-game, you have to apply on here too, I'm not THAT good at keeping up with things l3
*TRY TO HAVE AN X NAME, but i'm sure after a while it'll run out and get increasingly difficult to find names, so I will accept Z, V, and the occasional Y...

:Pride NEWS:

Ok So: as you've noticed, a new thread for the Family has been made! c:
Why: Cause! It needed to be re-done, re-written and inactivity was killing it D8 I didn't want it to die </3 HOWEVER I know there where still some of you who wanted to be active, I do feel bad to say though you'll have to re-apply ^^'' Or if you don't wanna go through all the trouble just copy your app from the other thread c: yes you can keep your previous rank <3
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 10:47:18 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done WIP)
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 10:17:44 pm »
:Descriptions of Ranks:
It seems complicated, I know. But once you look, it's really simple, considering jobs can change, their just things to keep them busy c:

~The GODS~
The top of the top, and the structure of the demigod family. The makers of the Children of course! (Discluding Lobsel Vith, a rival godly figure in the area bowwed to by cult residents) But this Family cannot be ruled without the iron fist of Xuchilbara and the poisonous discipline of Xaverier! They are LOVED, they are RESPECTED, and they are OBEYED!

~Children Ranks~

Dominant Demigods
The most well trained and more then likely the Elder children of Xuchilbara and Xaverier. Though they are mostly elder children, some are chosen at birth and take on apprentice-ships within the job area. All in all these are the favored children, BEWARE: this position has some jobs that allow to be chosen at birth, while some must be earned, but ALL are to be APPROVED first, depending on your character.

Jobs of the Dominants:
Father Assassins= They look almost exactly like Xuchilbara in looks, and serve as private Assasins. Chosen at Birth
Mother Dopple-Gangers= They look almost exactly like Xaverier in looks, and serve as private spies. Chosen at Bith
War Generals= The bossy-butts over the Warriors, they lead important skirmishes and even battle-games.
Royal Guards= The trusted and powerful guards of the Gods, also serving as patrollers of Manipulated Hill
Healers= They work beside their mother, Xaverier, as healers during hunts and fights. Chosen by Xaverier.

Commoner Demigods
The common children of the Family, they serve as the bulk of the pride. This is where most newborn cubs/pups start out unless chosen, and where alot of YOU will be starting out in this charade!

Jobs of the Commoners:
Dominants in Training= The ones chosen at birth for dominant positions train near their age group here, for social reasons.
Hunters= The main hunters in the whole territory, there's alot of em!
Warriors= The main fighters and ralliers of the territory, there's lots of em' too! Their well needed, just like the hunters.
Tunnelers= The less liked job of the commoners, this is made for the strong armed, for they have to dig the great tunnels that run under the Manipulated hill, and that contain the many secrets that others share down there.
SafeHouse Keeper= They're in charge of cleaning the safehouse (The hidden house underground that serves as a safety hold for the young ones)
Meintinance Workers= The fixer-uppers of the family, the build, demolish, and rebuild!
Young in Training= The newborns that start their training here for a common position, they are ussually trained by all the commoners depending on the job they are trained for.

Code: [Select]
Children Form
(Looks: Has to be a picture but a temporary description is OK, REMEMBER: for children it HAS to look like
Xuchilbara or Xaverier (See Members))
Rank: (HAS to be Commoner unless I say)
Rank Job: (any job in that rank)
Genetic Disorders?:
Pet?: (got a pet in-game? ;3)
RolePlay Sample: (More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:

~Minion Ranks~

Like it says, the most respected of the Minions. This positon is earned by good behaivior and preferance of Xuchilbara! Best way to get this is  to keep out of trouble.

Jobs of the Respected:
Royal Servants= They serve the gods themselves! And sometimes get granted nice rewards if they do well.
War General Assistants= They serve along-side the war generals, and are assigned to one specific one.

The bulk of the minions, every minion starts in these ranks.

Jobs of the Normals:
Back Hunters= The hunters that get the backend of the deal, made to hunt small animals and only assist if asked on big hunts.
Tool Carriers= For the younger of the Minions, they carry tools for the Maintinance workers.
Extra Warriors= The extra fighters to strengthen the battlefeild with numbers.
SafeHouse Keeper= Again, the same as the commoner position, yet differenced due to rank.

The Omegas are worse then they sound, they are the ones that earn their torture and disrespect by others, by challenging the gods one too many times and overstepping their limit!

Jobs of the Omegas:
Hard Tunnelers= They do the most gruelling punishment of tunneling constantly for their actions, recieving little food or sunlight, alot of them suffer from craziness and insanity...
Rock Movers= The most painful job of the Omegas, they are made to endlessly move large rocks and boulders out of the tunneler's ways, they ussually suffer from back and leg injuries.

Bone Carvers = The least bad of the jobs in the pride, for one-time offenders. They carve legends of the gods into bones for others to critique, depending on it's welness, more respect may be earned for the prisoner.

Code: [Select]
(Looks: Anything goes for this one, needs picture, temporary description O.K.)
Rank: (HAS to be Normals unless I say)
Rank Job: (any job in that rank)
Pet?: (Any pet in-game? ;3)
RolePlay Sample:(More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:

The little monsters of the Family, literally... they are breeds of various monsters and strange creatures to be companions to the Children and the Superior Minions.
Here are the Accepted Monsters:

Hellion Dogs
Silent Hill Monsters (Googleplz)

Code: [Select]
(Looks: in the lines of the breeds listed, needs picture, temporary description O.K.)
Pet of: (starts out as None: Please Adopt!)
RolePlay Sample:(More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:


Residents of the Town
The simple dwellers of Silent Hill. Not the monsters, but the ordinary people who sometimes pop up here. Such people include Xaverier's family, and where she came from. They are fearful of the Family, and remain Enemies of them, only few brave ones will ever fight with the Family.

The neutral to the Family monsters that run freely. Though there is a wider range of monsters that aren't allowed as pets, they can still be encountered. And depending on the monster, you can either be very aggressive, or very innocent and curious. It's up to you, if you want to make a particular monster from Silent Hill, just look up some SH monsters ;3 This position is just for fun~ Especially trolling c< 

Code: [Select]
Other Forms (Background characters)
(Looks: Anything goes for this one, needs picture, temporary description O.K.)
Faction: (are you a resident or monster?)
Good or Evil?:
RolePlay Sample:(More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:


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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done WIP)
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 10:18:33 pm »



Looks: Deep red and black, with red eyes
The Father of all the children, he owns this family and their pride with an iron fist (and a sword)! If you have nothing good to say to him, then stay away... He's a grump.
He doesn't say much, just watches, but when he DOES have something to say, he is very booming about it... He pays fair attention to his Children but only if they do something absolutely extraordinary, or simply come up to him.
He also has a small soft side for Xaverier, but tries hard not to let his tough exterior be completely phased.
Ingame/Forum Username: Waltergirl/Kelsie


Looks: Grey and Black, with red eyes and a Purple under-eye (for those who can't see)
The Mother of the Family, and the only one who gets to Xuchilbara's (somewhat) gentle side. Don't think she doesn't use it to her advantage! She's the only one who can restrain Xuchilbara from killing at times, so I'd get on her good side If you know what I mean.
Primary Role(s): Mother/Leader
Secondary Role: Healer
Disorders: Moebius (triggered disorder), Jumping Frenchman, Stockholm, Schizophrenia, Exploding Head Syndrome, and Cotard's (triggered disorder).
Misc: Xaverier is extremely paranoid and isn't likely to stray too far from The Family. She's an antisocial that doesn't like to be alone. She has a love-hate relationship with the Resident faction.
Ingame/Forum Username: Shikoku



Gender: Female
Rank: Dominant
Rank Job: War General
Personality: She's daddy's little, spoiled, bratty, girl. Since she's just like him, they frequently argue, but despite their feuding, Xuchilbara views her as matching in his leadership skills, so she's up to par enough to let her do as she pleases... To an extent. Despite her bossy appearance she can actually be soft to the younger learners of the children, but finds no feelings toward minions. She's also very close to her mother, Xaverier.
Genetic Disorders?: Schizophrenia, Stockholm Syndrome (partial)
Pet?: None yet
Ingame/Forum Username: Waltergirl


Verna Agony
Gender: Female
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: Tunneler
Personality: Verna is very formal and respectful, towards her parents and the Majors at least. She doesn't care much about the well being of others and will usually resort to dog-eat-dog when with a lesser rank Family member.
Genetic Disorder: Exploding Head Syndrome
If she dies, she will be reborn as another Verna (Verna Schizo is next |D)
Pets: -none-
Ingame/Forum Username: Shikoku



[picture coming soon]
Gender: Male
Rank: Normal Minion
Rank Job: Extra Warrior
Personality: Typically quiet, soft-spoken; but when he does open his mouth it's either sardonic or brutally honest.
Pet?: No, does not want one
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909/Deino909





Gender: Female
Faction: She currently claims to be a Resident
Good or Evil?: So very evil
Personality: Xavious enjoys the pain of others and the sight of blood. Due to her Schizophrenia, she sometimes makes little sense, but she doesn't have to make sense. If questioned about them, she will openly disown her parents even though she wants them to accept her into the Family again. She hates pups/cubs and having siblings.
Misc: She is one of the First Born, sharing the title with only Verlan.
Ingame/Forum Username: Shikoku

« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 01:45:31 am by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done WIP)
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 10:18:56 pm »


Manipulated Hill (Pack) by Shikoku:



The SPECIAL DAYS listing:

-x-Sacrifice to Samael!-x-

Days out of the year when unworthy minions and mistrustful children are sacrificed the the supposed 'Top God' of the order. Ones gather in great masses in the chamber, where the sacrifice is carried into the main heart of the chamber and tied in however way Xuchilbara wants it, and then is executed by his large, tortuous blade. If need be more cruel the punishment or want of Samael, the torture could also turn into a quick skinning. Wheras after, the children get to dance in the blood and do whatever with the skins- and the fur is given to Xaverier.

-x-Minion Games-x-
The funnest way of entertainment for the children, and a bright idea of Verlan's. An organization of many games (like torture olympics) based on the survival of the fittest- MINIONS, that is. When children do join these games, it's ussually a sad attempt to impress their parents. Within this time of gaming (it usually lasts a week of 5 days) 5 games are made for each day, as well as 5 participants. The games are complicated and planned a week before the actual competition, participants are usually picked out of the inferiors and subordinates. And yes, you guessed it, more then half the time only ONE ends up surviving by process of elimination, however, the rare occurrence of 2 still happens. As for rewards for surviving, that's Xaverier and Verlan's decision, Xuchilbara isn't nice enough to give out goodies .3.



None as of now


Xaverier: W.I.P.

Xuchilbara: W.I.P.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 09:11:49 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2011, 12:23:45 pm »
Extra Post:

Ok, The family is open again in FH! c: Read the News on the first post for more and whatnot~

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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2011, 05:24:32 pm »
Hurr. Applying a different character. Vyle (going by his birth name Caleb) has since defected from the Family, we'll say, and is probably much hated as an enemy 8D

[picture coming soon]
Name: Beck
Gender: Male
Rank: Normal Minion
Rank Job: Extra Warrior
Personality: Typically quiet, soft-spoken; but when he does open his mouth it's either sardonic or brutally honest.
Pet?: No, does not want one
RolePlay Sample: You know how I do it >0> but if you want one I can add one. XD
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909/Deino909

Code because I rock:
Code: [Select]
[picture coming soon]
Name: Beck
Gender: Male
Rank: Normal Minion
Rank Job: Extra Warrior
Personality: Typically quiet, soft-spoken; but when he does open his mouth it's either sardonic or brutally honest.
Pet?: No, does not want one
RolePlay Sample: You know how I do it >0> but if you want one I can add one. XD
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909/Deino909



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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2011, 09:04:49 pm »
BECK <3 if it's the scottish fold kitty ill squee 8D

*add add*

oh and map pack added c:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 09:12:17 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »

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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2011, 11:00:48 pm »

How'd you know he was a Scottish Fold kitteh as a feline


(he's actually a striped hyena on FH XD they're equally adorable~)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 11:03:00 pm by Deino909 »


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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2011, 11:53:21 pm »
LOL your DA silly XD he's adorable he reminds me of Natoru from The Cat Returns <3

yay cuteness! lD *even though this pride is supposed to be evil cB*

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Re: .::The X Family::. (Re-done and Accepting! c:)
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2011, 01:55:47 pm »
I googled Natoru |D Lol, funny kitty.

Ebil can be cute! c:<