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Offline Viinca

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« on: January 14, 2012, 08:26:28 pm »
(artwork used here and roleplay (c) Katrink, our amazing leader and most wonderful friend!)

?  MAP = YES, check site. Password ?
?  RPing? = YES ?
?  Accepting? = YES, OPEN! ?
? RP when? = FRIDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY : 8pm GTM+0 (2pm for EST) until late. ?

[  Yes! We are back!  ]
[  RP is open to join & the map link is out. Apply using the form given and read everything.  ]
[  Roleplaying is every Friday, Sunday and Monday, please go at least once a week. ]

Kuzimu City is an in-game roleplay, actively present in its private map. The dark roleplay revolves around the second era (thus, second generation of the RP): rising from the aches of the old town is a new, more structured and ruthless beginning with the Pyrits, noble, respected and situated at the top of the Hierarchy, the Lyprets as their warriors and defenders of the law, protecting all from the Anaxios, who regroup the damned, outcasted and unwanted out of all the rest. This is a mapped roleplay, literate and very active, most of all longterm (soon to be celebrating its 1 year birthday). We want to keep it the way it is. So please take the time to read everything here, most importantly the story. The roleplay's theme is hard to explain; seemingly dark and terrible-like, the story itself may seem harsh and complicated. But in truth, the more interesting parts lie in what you make of it: forbidden love stories among ranks, adventurous or drama-intended fun, a simple game with others of the group or a more serious plot-line followed. Everything is here. Love, action, danger, survival, betrayal, battle, anything.

It's very important so that you understand how our rp works. Thanks.

? Kuzimu City ?
|| Part II - a new era ||

Our Story

Fluctuating images pass your view, rough ground scrubbing your side as the harsh gusts bat against you. Bashing your olfaction senses as disease is the only scent in this area. Your eyelids rise open, struggling to maintain consciousness which is gradually slipping through your paws again. Eyelids drop exhausted but your will to haul your weak body up is still present. Scratches and mild wounds lace your body, you lack knowledge from where they could come from.

Your ears perk up as you roll onto your stomach, your blurred view aggravates your perception; you struggle to stand up, receiving mischievous sounds you had never heard of so far. It takes time until you stagger up to your paws, teetering uncontrollably. You crane your head, glance around. Trees, dead trees. Snow layered ground, mingled with dirt and mud. Grass hardly visible, covered under the oppressing earth. Your narrowed eyes refocus, forced to extend your view, perceiving your environment fully. A sudden shudder slices through your body, fear broadening as you eventually take notice of your surroundings. You hadn't noticed the eyes that were fixed on you, cold and hollowed, flickering with sly and condemning interest. Your muscles contract, tremble anxiously by the view you behold, those creatures gathering around you menacingly, and slowly.

Although they seem separated in two groups, feline-like creatures on the one side, enormous physiques, impressing and intimidating they look, their muscles defined by the dark, gloomy light.
On the other side are canine-like beings, their markings glowing under the obscure hues.

No sound was made, only clicking disapproval of both parties could be heard. As you seem horrified and paralyzed, one being approaches you finally. "What are you?" is the question, his tone serious and demanding, firm steps coming closer.

Decide what you are, is the message that you filter. A precious , holy Pyrit, an obedient, feral and cruel Lypret or a worthless Anaxios?

History & General Plot

The apocalypse settled centuries ago (for old RPers: approximately 400 years ago, the humans died 200 years ago) and was proceeded and progressed relentlessly. It incessantly deteriorated the environment as humans wrecked everything with their wild attitude. Regardless of intention, they had doomed and condemned the earth, ruthlessly continuing despite their prediction of losing it soon. The consequences became obvious, the sky tainted poisonous green, tending to red as fumes and enormous hazards swept over the lands, destroying each constraint in their way.

Land became arid and dry, useless, forcing the humans to move until no fertile place was remaining. The lasting residents were purged irrevocably, killed, the ravage increasing with duration. Nature was dying, suffering under the circumstances, forcibly ceasing the human's attempt to maintain his high position in world's hierarchy. The realization dawned upon them, the struggle to fight against defeating hopelessness. No victory could be achieved, no goal reachable anymore, it far beyond their tangible access. Hope was yielding, dying out with their race itself. Houses were the remnants, trivial and banal property stuffed still lying in their places.

The last creatures surviving, the known dogs and wolves of Kuzimu City, those who had fought against extinction, though honored with cursed survival. Heroic figures were missing, no one trying to stand out of the crowd, soar up from the pathetic beings that surrounded them. Everyone was self-interested, stubbornly insisting on their own continuation. What mattered else if you are able to make it? Nothing. Ignorance was the main quality of everyone, despite everyone's will of it, nearly no one was able to bound.

Kuzimu City wasn't spared of this misery, deserved its name fully (Kuzimu = Hell). Every agonized being was accused of monstrosity and sent to this place, captured irreversibly, forcing each to suffocate in their own presence. No goals in life, no sense of being, their lives simply laced with this curse. Some beings gathered in a pack, the designated Zimas (The RP's previous wolf pack), protected by the forest as it did vice versa, wolves defending their home. Despised by the Bulus (Also previous City inhabitants): mingled beings, monsters as they were called by the Zimas. Repulsion was expressed by each party, the one for its purity and ignorance, the other one for its squalor and insanity. Humans had then established and resumed their life in the city, extinguished every worthless creature and canine on their way with a fatal drop of a bomb.

Centuries passed on.

Below all of the grief and the bitter fates, certain creatures maneuvered their way over the deceased. Dismayed, they wandered on, distinguished between feline like creatures and canines, breeds between dogs and wolves, held as pets by the humans. Through pain and anguish they braced up for a new era and lived on. Certainly the distress wasn't over, neither would it yield to any beauty. Apocalypse was still present, undeniably as resources continued to lack permanently.
Somehow, despite all those aggravations, those two clans managed to survive.

The Pyrits and Lyprets. Canines and Felines, working together, abiding in the harsh environment and benefiting from each other. A strong tie between them, one religious, one dominated by more feral instincts.

And so the new era has begun, struggling further in a new world,
not spared of apocalypse but at least, the returning nature brought hope.

No trolling / mate begging / parents begging / acting like an idiot (we do know having fun.. is fun but incessantly joking is highly annoying)

Keep Literacy. You trick us when you give a perfect RP example, but in the end you are a one line writer. We are paragraph writers, so do us a favo, and be one of them.

Don't insult other members OOC. Be a mature part of the RP and solve the problem without any greater arguments which would turn out to be childish. Or talk to us to solve it.

No Godmodding or Auto-Hits. Seriously, just no.

When a problem comes up, talk to one of the leaders, don't act childish because you're upset

No shape-shifter: you are what you are, no powers here or there (except Anaxios, but those powers are rare and weak. Ask a leader if you are allowed to have one)

No wings

Match the requirements regarding every species

1-3 characters per person:
1 = main character
2 = alternative
3 = ask leader for third

Don't claim the map as yours or distribute it to anyone else without my permission.

Activity. We don't demand you to be around all the time, but at least occasionally would help the RP to be kept up. But also for you, so that your character can find his/her place here among the rest.

Put 'banana pie' somewhere in your app so we know you read this!

? Character Template ?

Full Name:
Pack: Pyrit (the Noble)/ Lypret (the Warrior) / Anaxios (the Damned)
Abilities & Weaknesses :
And/Or Appearance:
Preset Download? :
RP Example (Very Important):
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 06:37:38 pm by Viinca »

Offline Viinca

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 08:40:03 pm »

||[ The Hierarchy: Pyrits > Lyprets > Anaxios ]||

By far the highest ranked of all, the Pyrit are religiously severe and hierarchical, consisting of stringently organized ranks, a set belief system, and accompanying rituals and rites. Their lives center around their Gods and their respective creeds. Zyphares is the destroyer god, patron of war, tragedy who speaks through the Cardinal, whereas Xerophir is the god of life, fertility, nature, and is understood solely by the shaman, and finally Ypolos is the god of balance and continuity, who iterated the sacred texts and laws to the priests eons ago.

They are headed by a pre-ordained Cardinal, who is chosen at birth following the death of the previous alpha. Pups, or neophytes, are raised communally to facilitate an assemblance of community and maintain purity among the masses. Discipline and order are prized qualities among disciples, whose life paths are legated by the god Xerophir and interpreted through the presiding Cardinal. There are four paths available to the Pyrit: the way of the hunter, priest, shaman, and, if appropriate, cardinal, all of which have specific markings and colorations recorded in the Book of Ypolos. Once a neophyte it weaned, it will begin its basic training and learn fundamental ethics from priests. Upon reaching sexual maturity, it will be initiated as an acolyte through an age-old ritual, its fur dyed, and huntress and priestess acolytes will then chose their soul-mates, whereas Shaman and Cardinals can abstain until a later period.

Since the female is the life-bringer, she is societally superior to the male. However, there can be little fraternizing among neophytes, making selection crucial. Additionally, mates may not consummate their relationship until Zyphares and the Cardinal deem it appropriate. Each couple, according to their laws passed down by Ypolos, must have one litter at a point in their lives.

Hunters are the mainstay of Avalon. They are the troops and militia of the Pyrits, serving their community with their loyalty. They are devoted to servicing the stronghold with sustenance, herbs, and defending it from invaders. Against impure beings, the hunters are the first line of defense, and their lives are forfeit to that of the Cardinals. The ultimate grace is to die and reach salvation in servitude of the Cardinal. Death on the battlefield is viewed honorable, but wasteful if done unnecessarily. Brutality on their part is excused if in the tour of duty. However, should the city face famine or a lack of nourishment, retribution and punishment will fall upon the stalwart hunter, as no other path is instructed in their ways. Sacrifices to their Gods is not uncommon.

Lastly, the elders are venerated. They are close to the gods, even more than the Cardinal, making them a substantial members of Avalon. Their approval or disapproval is similar to a law.

Appearance & Rules:

- Your name must be in two parts separated by an apostrophe (ie: Ano'teros, Danal'soch, etc.)

- Depending on your chosen path, you must follow a set of rules regarding markings, equipment, and fur color.


The Lypret are a feral race of felines (mostly they look like lynxes, but we accept all felines) in an uneasy collaboration with the Pyrits. They live in scattered clans around the snowy banks surrounding Avalon, subsisting on the few resources available. Each colony is headed by an alpha that ultimately answers to the Brood Mother and her mate, the Patriarch. Together, the Matriarch and Patriarch organize the activities of the colonies and regulate territorial gain. It is a totalitarian society, where the crucial decisions are made without the consent of the common hunter, though their best interests are served by the leaders, as a Matriarch and Patriarch can be removed if challenged and defeated by another Lypret. It is out of self-interest that the colony heads and the Matriarch and Patriarch continually serve the needs of their brood, but from that comes a unique sense of community. The Matriarch chooses which females are to breed each season based upon ability and stature, ensuring the best genetics will be passed on to the next generation. Colony alphas carry out her commands and that of the Patriarch, who usually orchestrates hunting escapades and territorial expeditions.

 The challenge for the Lyperts is survival and they need more land to do it. Simply, their small chunk of land can no longer support large groups and their attempts to colonize have been difficult. Lyperts are hardy, enormous animals that require significant nourishment, and that food is being absconded by the new Anaxios, who are physically inferior and vulnerable. Their settlement upon potential Lypert land is troubling to the current Matriarch and Patriarch, who now use their connection to the Pyrit for the advantage of their brood. In return for sustenance and shelter from the Pyrit, the Lypert contribute militarism and power to their ranks. The Pyrit and Lypret share the Anaxios as a common enemy, so though the Lypret largely view the Pyrit's society as sickeningly idealistic and overly sophisticated and the Pyrit look down upon the Lypret as ethically diminutive and barbaric, an alliance has existed for decades between the two factions, whose efforts are now focused on the discontinuation of the Anaxios. A mutual respect has formed, so though the Lypert patriarch would rather dominant the situation himself, the Pyrits have become accepted by the Lypret, and vice versa.

You may be a loner, but to the outlying inhabitants, you are anathema - an Anaxios. The Pyrits have designated anyone beyond the jurisdiction of them and the Lyprets as Anaxios, regardless of true affiliation or loyalty. To both the religious Pyrit and the authoritarian Lyprets, the Anaxios are nuisances and seen largely as the threat to their established wy of life. The unstable environment, lack of food, and poor air quality lends to a poor lifestyle for the Anaxios, whose growth is stunted by the volatile and often hazardous conditions.

Comparatively, they are physically smaller than the Lyprets and Pyrit and differ wildly from each other. Additionally, without the protection of a group, they are prone to premature death. Their isolation and lack of organized living makes survival nearly impossible, but the formation of a pack is equally troublesome, as the taiga can not provide enough sustenance for even a mediocre troop, which forces the Anaxios to compete amongst themselves for resources. The threat of extinction or expulsion is imminent. The Pyrit have tired of their lingering presence near their holy grounds and the Lypret desire to expand their empire, even at the cost of the Anaxios. If the two enemy factions combine, the loners will have crucial decisions to make. To greet one another in a friendly manner, an Annaxio would call another with the term 'Etairos', or when speaking to an unworthy Annaxio, the term 'Nothos' is given
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 06:03:14 pm by Cami. »

Offline Viinca

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 08:42:31 pm »
? Available Ranks ?


Cardinals (= Alpha) : Ano'Teros
Shaman (one more open) : Danal'Soch
Priest (one open)
Hunters (open) : Le'Lanthos, Ceru'lia
Neophyte (= Pup / Beginner) (open)
Acolyte (= Teen / Adult / In training) (open)
Elder (open)



Alpha (0/2)
Matriarch (= Brood mother)(0/1)
Patriarch (= Mate of Matriarch) (0/1) : Domidei, temporarily
Akums (= Rest of the Lyprets) (0/-)

Etairos (= Comrade) or Nothos (= Unworthy) (0/-) :
Kusy, Sharke, Tasha- Nothos


« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 06:17:16 pm by Cami. »

Offline Viinca

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2012, 05:48:19 pm »



- Cardinal:


Whatever they want

Fewer markings, as they are more pure and do not require their bodies to be covered. Nevertheless, they are free to choose otherwise.  


leaves, antlers, gems, twig.  

- Shaman:


Head -Drip

Body - Shadowbeast on entire body

Tail - Whatever they want

Many markings, since a shaman must be more attuned to nature through the encryptions

equipment -

antlers, spines, feather,twig.

- Priests:


Head: orbs, hexes, ebon circle

Body: orbs, hexes, shaman, tribes

Tail: Whatever

Less markings than the shaman, but more than the Cardinal


leaf, antler

- Hunter:


Head - Eye Stripe 2, Stitches, eyemask
Body - legbands, chest blaze
Tail - anything they like

equipment :

antlers, twig, spine

- A daily trip to the shrine in the forest is required.

- You may only leave Avalon (home) in groups of 2 or more.

- Pyrit rarely kill, since that duty is left to the Lypret, so unless you're a hunter, keep violence to a minimum.

 - And you cannot be all black. You must have a thin tail and Pitbull ears

- Pyrits tend to all colors except black (unholy color). So everything natural allowed, beside the markings. Those can be brighter but have to be comprehensible from where they come from. Blue = blue berries, red = blood, etc etc.


- You are allowed to kill people!

- The Lyprets are physically large, please be so ^_^

- Realistic Lynx-esque (feline) colorations.

- You cannot disobey an order by a Pyrit or your alpha (those go hand in hand).

- You can/should kill those suspected of treason.

- Do not wander randomly into Pyrit territory. Though they are allied, that does not excuse trespassing.


Body markings - Cheetah 1/2, Jaguar 2, Kingcheetah 1/2, Leopard 1/2, Ocelot, snowleopard

Head - cub spots, Jaguar 1, King cheetah 1/2, Leopard, Liger, snowleopard, Leopon/liger

Tail - whatever they want


Females: gems/spines

-Slitted eyes, caracal ears and lynx tail for everyone. Females don't have manes.

- Tend to light grey pelts but can be tan/creamy.  Markings fit to the pelt, so no high unrealistic colors. Except you were deemed as worthy by the Pyrit to wear brighter color like they do. (very rare)


- No powers! Pure andsimple, besides that, you're likely too weak to utilize them.

- You can be killed by any Lypret that is capable of slaying you, so be wary of which fights you pick.

- Do not explore outside the taiga and go into the mountains unless you are meeting another character.

- You can be canine/feline

- No big groups, but you can collaborate in pods of 2-3.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 06:18:52 pm by Cami. »

Offline Jessie Dagger

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2012, 09:32:21 pm »
May I join as a Demon Wolf?I am still making her preset but heres her app:

Name: Saphire
Pack: (Zima OR Bulu)Loner that will join the Zima
Species: Demon wolf/Dark angel wolf Grey Wolf
Age: 2 1/2 (human years)
Personality: Kind,caring,loyal,curious,bad temper (when mad),daring
Abilities & Weaknesses (not obligatory): She has two sides,an Evil side (when she is angry) and a Good side?(when she is relaxed,kind,etc.) those are her abilities.Her weaknesses are:Cages(although strong,not strong enough),Curiousity,Can't hold temper.
Picture:(can't do them,is that alright?)
Preset Download (if needed):
RP Example:Saphire walked through the green bushes,she was new to this land and was unsure if she was safe.Hearing a twig snap behind her,her first reaction was to run,but she turned around instead.Doing that she came face-to-face with a Zima scout.Saphire steped back,her wings spread out,she stood in a position that made her look bigger,only to find herself surrounded,she didn't think to fly away she stood frozen.She then felt a sharp ache in her head,then everything went black.She awoke an hour later,she looked up seeing a black she-wolf standing near her,"Who are you?"She asked unsure whether that was the right thing to ask.The she-wolf looked at her for quite a while before saying,"You are in the Zima pack's camp".
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 01:30:43 pm by Jessie Dagger »

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2012, 10:08:47 pm »
I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS A PAGE ON THE FORUM!!   ..... Well it's nice to know. o3o


Offline Viinca

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2012, 10:44:53 am »
May I join as a Demon Wolf?I am still making her preset but heres her app:

Name: Saphire
Pack: (Zima OR Bulu)Loner that will join the Zima
Species: Demon wolf/Dark angel wolf
Age: 2 1/2 (human years)
Personality: Kind,caring,loyal,curious,bad temper (when mad),daring
Abilities & Weaknesses (not obligatory): She has two sides,an Evil side (when she is angry) and a Good side?(when she is relaxed,kind,etc.) those are her abilities.Her weaknesses are:Cages(although strong,not strong enough),Curiousity,Can't hold temper.
Picture:(can't do them,is that alright?)
Preset Download (if needed): (preset not finished)
RP Example:Saphire walked through the green bushes,she was new to this land and was unsure if she was safe.Hearing a twig snap behind her,her first reaction was to run,but she turned around instead.Doing that she came face-to-face with a Zima scout.Saphire steped back,her wings spread out,she stood in a position that made her look bigger,only to find herself surrounded,she didn't think to fly away she stood frozen.She then felt a sharp ache in her head,then everything went black.She awoke an hour later,she looked up seeing a black she-wolf standing near her,"Who are you?"She asked unsure whether that was the right thing to ask.The she-wolf looked at her for quite a while before saying,"You are in the Zima pack's camp".

You've been accepted, so please go to our site as we are soon to have a brand new map, so register and meet the group ;D

Offline iceshard

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 07:59:38 pm »
Name: Ice
Pack: Bulu that will becoume a  Zima (is that ok?)
Species: winged wolf mixed with a husky(experament)
Age: 1 year old
Gender: female
Personality: calm, couragous, shy.
Abilities & Weaknesses (not obligatory): she can fly, imune to any sickness, but is deathly afraid of fire due to her horrible past.

RP Example:
 Ice woke up from her sleep and tryed to look around. Everthing was pitch black and the space she was in was so small that she coudn't move. Then, out of nowere, the small box started to fall with increasing spead! Panicing, she hit the box as hard as she could and right before the box crashed into the ground, the box opened and ice flew uot to see the sickening sight of the town. monserous creatures filled this dead city. zombie animals where crowding together, trying to get to her. while flaming firebeasts soared above her. shaking in fear, she soared out of the city and into the middle of the forest beyond. gasping for breath, Ice settled into a bush and still scared, she went uncautious.

i hope i can join! it sounds realy fun!!! XD

Offline Katrink

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Re: ? ? Kuzimu City ? ? || Canine/Feline ?Semi-Realistic & Map?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 08:27:01 pm »

Rp example is alright but joining the Zimas as a winged wolf is impossible. The pack has a huge pride and would never accept a Bulu to join their pack, since they describe the Bulus as scum and unworthy beasts.

Just in times of despair, they accept unnormal wolves, but rather those who are strong and loyal, which means, really strong like a demon or something. To save their future

anyway, welcome to the group, just join on the site and then, welcome o3o

Offline iceshard

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hmmm ok can ill remake her

Name: Ice
Pack: loner will becoume a  Zima
Species:wolf mixed with a husky
Age: 3 months old
Gender: female
Personality: calm, couragous, shy, fast, loyal.
Abilities & Weaknesses (not obligatory): very fast and swift, imune to most sicknesses, but is deathly afraid of fire due to her horrible past.
Picture:the same pic but without wings
RP Example: can i skip this one now? XDDDD
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 10:58:54 pm by cayla »