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Messages - Wyldercat

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: What i think
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:43:47 pm »
I agree with Devy... It would be nice if I was able to dash and fly on the same character. I'm also hoping that Kovu either comes back or passes on the source code to another person.

Game Discussion / Re: My Name and My Character, Not Yours
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:15:38 pm »

Preach it, Jim. Couldn't agree more with this topic. I have never received any complaints about my characters yet, but I honestly don't see why anyone should be judging characters by their name... unless they decided to name their character something inappropriate. And you know what? I've seen a lot of wolves with the names of other animals (mostly hawk, raven, eagle, snake, cobra, scorpion, etc.), but I've never seen a Turtle or Jackdaw. As for my characters, I lazily use random words in Italian and pick one that sounds cool. Even my main character, Astuzia, is basically the word "cunning."

Game Discussion / Re: Pups and Attacking
« on: August 28, 2014, 07:57:45 pm »
I've been waiting for a topic like this... I can't say how much this ticks me. I have so many stories with this... but I'll try and paraphrase the most notable one.
Well, I was attacking a WC clan as a wolfhound (which is the tallest breed of dog, with very long legs) and some kit runs up to me, somehow trips me with their tail, pins me with one paw, and pounces on my shull, thus shattering it into a billion pieces. Such a strong, demonic child.
Ok, one, even an adult cat couldn't do any of those things, and two, this kit was a NEWBORN. Excellent topic, Devy.

(I've been inactive a few days due to a family vacation, but I'm back now :D)

Leaving / Re: Time For Metal To Grow Up & Leave
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:02:18 pm »
Bye Metal. We'll all miss you and your beautiful characters... and your lively posts. If you ever decide to re join the community, or introduce your daughter, we'll be waiting.

Game Discussion / Re: Prides or Packs...What gets you the Most?
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:56:06 am »
Gah! I love these opinion posts! Well, here's what I think:

Prides: I have never roleplayed a lion... but based off what I see in Bonfire, it's like you said... be a royal, be a needy cub, or go sit in a corner and think about your sad, non-cub life.

Packs: I prefer roleplaying a lone wolf, but I might try and join the Onyx Chain once I get better at roleplaying. I have been in packs in other games, and it's pretty hectic... wolfspeak, matebeggars, and the MOST ANNOYING THING IN EXISTANCE: "RIvals" who literally just formed a group 20 seconds ago, are complete strangers who you never even seen before, and claim that they are your nemesis and try to murder your family. Where's a good old fur-trader/hunter when you need them?

Warrior Cats: I used to rp WC's on other games, but later quit because of how stupid it's gotten. It's like every single friggin' cat has to have powers from Starclan, or be Fire/Tigerstar's long lost kit. Same rivals thing from wolf packs. Oh, and another thing. Every cat has to have names like Darkfang or Demonclaw  (cats don't even know what demons are) and have the same black or neon orange pelts. ALso backstories, every cat seems to have a tragic backstory in which they were born rogues and they were abandoned and they killed their family for vengeance, and joined a clan, became deputy, and killed the leader to take their place. MAKES. ME. SICK! *chucks fire extinguishers at some random Firestar wannabe*

I apologize for the rant at the end, but you get the gist. XD (I just noticed, we both like posting in maroon)

These tutorials be fabulous, Devy. ;) *gives a cookie and a unicorn sticker* Good job.


Aw, thanks guys! I had a lot of fun making this. I might make a demon tutorial next. And that's a good point star, I'll have to edit that in somewhere o3o.

Game Discussion / Re: Your Very First Character?
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:28:55 pm »
MY first character was my fursona and main charry, Astuzia (pictured in my signature). Originally she had all celic markings, but I switched them around to head: Swirl, Body: LEg stripes, and tail:siamese. She's pretty much me as a floof. XD I also added hipster glasses to match my stigmatism and a jade necklace. Even though she is occasionally seen with her eaglet friend, Sergei.

Here's a pic of her hanging out with Devynex.

Characters / Re: Jimmy's Little Basket Cases {New & Improved}
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:32:57 pm »
Lovely characters, Jim. *cries when reads Omaha's story* Love the happy Wheels picture and Gringo the Assassin. XD

Game Discussion / Re: The Biggest and the Strongest
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:25:17 pm »
My point exactly. Also how everyone wants to be either a leader, an Alpha, or a high-rank, when other important ranks like Healer or Omega. (I actually kind of like playing as the Omega some times, it's fun to do all the dirty work for a pack sometimes) Also in this category, cubs/kits/pups/whatever who ATTACK AND KILL FULL GROWN ANIMALS OR HUNT A BULL ELK ALL BY THEMSELF! OMG! CHILD CARNAGE PRODIGY! Uh, no. It's annoying when my cougar gets one-shotted by some newborn puppy (it can be entertaining at times though). I mean, even a pack of wolves usually has trouble bringing down bull elk.
(And It's ok, I was actually about to log off and start drawing a new "PREACH GURL!" image for the forums XD)

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