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Topics - peete

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Game Help / Preset won't show after uploading to Preset Sync?
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:46:29 am »
A few months ago AlphaEclipse made a preset for me (it was bootiful), but when I uploaded it to the preset sync, no one could see it. I tried redownloading it but I kept getting the same problem. It says "Upload Successful" on the preset uploader, but when I go into BTSync, I don't get a notification that it's been downloaded. I even asked Alpha, but she said I was doing everything right. Should I just make a new preset, and try that again, or is it something with my BTSync or account?

Oh, and another thing: I left the preset alone for a while, but up until yesterday I had made a new body for the same preset (with a left and right side), and I replaced them into the original. Re-exported it, reuploaded it, and put it on my character. Still doesn't work. I don't think adding stuff to it would mess it up, but idk.

Game Discussion / I thought this game was for 13+?
« on: January 07, 2014, 03:01:35 am »
Has anyone else realized that some players in Feral Heart are like...younger kids? I just checked the forums rules and it says (and I quote), "This is a game aimed for kids 13+".... Considering I've seen 9 year olds playing this game, I have a friend online who is 11, and I saw a YouTube channel of a little girl playing, I was just wondering...

Why are there so many young people in FH? I was just curious because there is no way I'm seeing a bunch of players character names that aren't capitalized, or spelling words completely wrong (and then everyone talking about how "illiterate" they are)... Not that they're all like that I mean, but the ones who are make it kind of obvious in my mind ._.

Game Discussion / Fun with group search! :D
« on: November 12, 2013, 01:46:06 am »
Okay, so I went into group search and thought of this REALLY fun thing to do (it's kind of a hobby now for me :P). I call it:


Step 1.) Open your group info and head to the Search tab.

Step 2.) Type in a funny or any kind of word (or bad words...if you want too).
****Stay away from common words like "lion", "wolf", "pride", Clan names, ect.****

Step 3.) Click search and take a look at the results! XD

Here are some words that I've searched:
- wulf (There is a group for this one that's kind of freaky; you've been warned)
- booty
- Justin Bieber
- ugly
- derp
- crazy

I'm having so much fun with this. It takes the boredom off of waiting for your friends to come back from AFK, doesn't it? :P

Game Discussion / Racial diversity in human Rps
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:42:41 am »
This is in no means trying to be racist or offensive to anybody. I tried to use terms that wouldn't offend anyone.

So you know when players make human characters and you see a few of them Rping. So far so good right?

Of course...being African American irl, I am very curious on topics like this, but I have noticed that a MAJORITY of racial diversity in FH is (very) rare. It's like every time I see a group of humans Rping, it's like they always consist of white or "light-skinned" characters if you will. I'm not saying there's never been a different race character, it's just that I've never seen one.

Now don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with a group being the same race together. But it just doesn't seem right when I see the same white characters online, and there being a little bit of diversity. I actually totally understand this.

Imagine someone actually making an African American, Hispanic, or mixed person, and then going ingame. Make them too dark, too light, or something like that and that person would probably get chewed out for being "racist", especially if they put their actual race/ethnicity in their name or bio. Not to mention modern stereotypes being thrown at you and stuff. This is just a theory, but I am kind of concerned on whether something like this would actually happen online; reason being is because I remember back when General Chat was still up, I would randomly say "fried chicken" and everyone would nag me about being racist and crap even though I never even mentioned black people! Plus, if I'm black, how the heck would that be racist?!

This is just something that came to mind on the racial diversity of human characters.

So what do you guys think?

Discussion Board / Your Opinion on Windows 8?
« on: November 02, 2013, 06:04:30 pm »
So if you haven't heard already, Windows 8 has been here a while and apparently some people aren't too happy about it...

I personally LOVE Windows 8; learning how to navigate through the Start Home, applications, and all that new stuff was easy as well. Not to mention the fact that it works for tablets. I guess people aren't like me and have had some trouble with Windows 8 saying it's too difficult and hard to understand...I can understand that, it's totally different from previous Windows anyway.

So what do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? I just want to know :3

(I think I put this in the right place o-o idk.)

Forum Discussion / Long Discussion + Long comments = Awkward Me ._.
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:13:54 am »
So I see this in a lot of topics on the forums. When I see this really great discussion and I want to join in, but I look at the responding comments and they're like 1 - 3 paragraphs long, and I'm just like, " ;-; Whut do I say now? -after typing-....I must be missing something here...."

When I see that I feel like the first few comments have pretty much maxed out what I would've responded with, and if they don't they're usually so long I can't read it XD. Not that I have a problem with people's discussion styles, but it amazes me oh how people talk so much about one question. Especially for an online game..

Game Discussion / How many friends do you have?
« on: October 16, 2013, 01:28:50 am »
Pretty self explanatory, how many friends do you have? I have about 36...I like to keep it low b/c sometimes the day after adding someone I forget who they are lol.
I only add people if I know them really well, unlike my cousin that just adds who just adds anyone he think looks cool....he has about 50 :P. What do you floofs do?

Also; how many friends can you have in Feral Heart? Someone told me it was unlimited, or 100...Idk ._.

Game Discussion / Excuse me, what time is it?
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:37:38 pm »
Have you ever gone on Feral Heart and realized it is one of the WORST places to ask the time.
1: I g2g soon, it's 8:45 PM.
2: Really? It's 3:00 where I'm at.
3: 17:47 PM here.
1: o___o Where the heck do you guys live?
etc, etc.... (Disclaimer: Not actual times, just made up)

I remember my cousin asking for the time ingame, I forgot to tell him this was a worldwide game XD
I was just curious on why everyone feels the need to mention their time's weird, yet interesting.

So....What time is it?

Game Discussion / Wolves with cat tails? O-o
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:03:36 am »
I've been seeing it for a long while, but why are there so many people with wolf characters that use the cat tail? Like I understand if you're using the wolf model for something else, but I'm seeing actual WOLVES using cat tails...

I don't understand. ;-; If you have a wolf with a cat tail, please explain that to me. :3

Member Bio & Journals / Peete's Bio
« on: September 19, 2013, 01:44:30 am »
Well after browsing a few of the other bios on this thread, I think I'll start my own! :D
I joined FH literally 5 days after it's release lol. I've been playing ever since (with a two month break somewhere in that). Meet a lot of people. Role played in lots of role plays. Been blocked by billions of people...yeah. I just love it :3
My friends always ask me why my username is "Peete". It's my last name. I screwed up while making my account and put it there. So now I'm just kind of stuck with it.

I was born and raised in Kansas, USA. You know, the state right in the middle of the US map. WHERE THERE ARE NO YELLOW BRICK ROADS. I've recently moved to Tennessee about a year ago. Only child, live with my mom and my 5 month old kitten Nicholas.
Age: 14
Gender: Female

-Video games (Minecraft, Feral Heart, Skyrim, Battlefield Heros, Flatout 2, HydroThunder: Hurricane, GTA Series, 3DS games, ect.)
-Computers...anything electronic
-Procrastinating (its a habit, I swear XD)
-Typing (50 wpm...)
-Picture/video editing
-Going outside

-Being refereed to as a "Girl Gamer"
-The sound of cracking knuckles

I'm pretty much your average tomboy, and I'm pretty happy with it. Now back to the Feral Heart stuff 8D.

THIS IS DRAVEN, MY FAVORITE CHARACTER XD (If you haven't figured out already) All my characters are boys, and I have mainly unrealistic feline characters.

lol, So what happens now? o-o I don't know how to end this. Uh...

Bye ._.

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