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Topics - Lady_Alizarin

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Game Discussion / Violence against pregnant characters? Why?
« on: February 04, 2014, 04:23:15 pm »
This sounds like a touchy subject.... but I want to know why some people feel the need to bestow violence on a character that is supposed to be an expecting mother.
I have been part of roleplays where there is a character who is an expecting mother (and sometimes she will have the "unborn(s)" sitting next to her or underneath her). Suddenly, out of no where, some random strangers come around to pick a fight with the pack/pride/clan I'm in. They will mostly fight over the territory, or because their species is a rival with our species. When the fighting begins, they will often times go to the preganant female (who isn't even fighting and wanting to stay out of it) and start saying -Kicks hard at Lily's stomach to kill her unborn-  "Now your baby is dead!" I mean...really? -_- Not only is that a powerplaying kind of move, but it's also a very cruel, heartless thing to do to someone who isn't even fighting.

I've seen it happen many times. It happened to me once a long time ago when my fox character was supposed to be pregnant in a roleplay. Suddenly these clan cats start to pick a fight with our fox clan, they attack us, and one of them says, "This fox is pregnant! Lets kill the unborns to ensure our safety and survival for the future!" And then a few proceed to attack me and start kicking at my character's pregnant stomach. 
And then there was that time in another RP where I was helping a she-cat give birth to kit. Well there was a fight going on at the time, because these rogue apprentices wanted to prove they were strong enough to take on a full grown bobcat (my character) and some experienced warriors (my RP partners). Well while my character is trying to help the she-cat with the birth process and one warrior is trying to fight off the apprentices, one of the apprentices flies over and knocks her in her pregnant stomach to do harm to the unborn. Why?! She's not even involved, yet he went and did a cheap shot move like that.
And I saw an incident in Bonfire Island where a mare was kicking at the stomach of a pregnant mare because of some jealousy issue. I forget what it was all about, but one mare was trying to kill another mare's unborn foal.
There are many other stories and instances where I've seen violence against pregant characters, but there's too many to tell here.

What I don't understand is why some people would want do something so cruel to a character? Is it out of meanness? Is it to be cruel? To ruin the mood of a roleplay? Why? It's really nothing to be taken lightly. It's a very cruel and heartless thing to do. To interupt someone's roleplay and just go over to a pregnant character and "kick the stomach to kill unborn" is just terrible. Not only are you powerplaying, but you're being insensitive and rude.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you seen anything like this before? Has it happened to you during a roleplay?

Forum Discussion / Does anyone ever ask you for game help?
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:58:59 am »
I noticed that when some people reply to newcomer's introduction threads in the "Introduction" page, some experienced members will say, "If you need any game help, feel free to PM me," or "Got any questions? PM me and I will help you." That's very thoughtful of the experienced members to offer help to the newbies, but do the newbies ever send you a PM with game/forum help questions? I know the mods probably get plenty of PMs with game/forum questions, but what about the regular members? Does anyone ever go to them for help/advice when being offered?

Tell me, helpful and experienced FH members, does anyone ever ask you for game/forum help via private message? Someone  asked for my help once, and it was regarding preset and map making.

Game Discussion / Is there really a right or wrong way to roleplay?
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:43:56 pm »
I can't remember if there was a discussion about this at one time. If there was, then I forget about it.
The big question is...

Is there a right or wrong way to roleplay?

Does it matter how someone roleplays? Is there even such thing as a right and wrong way to roleplay? Some people state that using wolfspeak is the right way to roleplay, while others say it's the wrong way to roleplay. Some people say that typing out a long and detailed paragraph is the correct way to roleplay and posting short posts such as -Sits on the rock- is the incorrect way?. Some say that writing with action brackets "-" is the right way to roleplay, while others say it's incorrect.

What are your thoughts on this question? Do you think there is a right or wrong way to RP? Feel free to explain.

Game Discussion / Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« on: November 14, 2013, 02:56:33 am »
When roleplaying, is it really important to win all your roleplay battles?

Have you ever noticed some roleplayers in this community find it so important to win every roleplay battle they get into? "I'm the strongest Warrior in the Clan! There's no way I can lose!" Even in some character bios I see some people put things like... Battle Wins: 7 Battle Loses: 0  
And in some roleplay battles, there's always that one character that just seems so undefeatable and pretty much ignores any attacks thrown at him/her. And when you call them a powerplayer for ignoring your attacks, they throw a big fit about it.
Is it so important to make your character look so strong and undefeatable in combat? WHY is it so important to win every battle you get into? Is always winning such a big deal?

Screenshots / Alizarin's Screenies: FH Halloween Party 2013
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:23:07 am »
Feral Heart Halloween Party 2013

Here are some screenshots I was able to get during my short time at the Halloween Party. I saw so many cool presets at the party. The preset I made for the event is a cyborg fox from outer space. Even though the party is over, I'm still keeping that preset. It was the first preset I made with moving markings.

Stories / Just a Fox? A short story by Lady Alizarin
« on: October 23, 2013, 12:28:27 am »

Game Discussion / Expert Apprentices and Fast Learners?
« on: October 03, 2013, 05:59:55 pm »

We all know what the use of the block button is for in this game; it pretty much lets a user block trolls, bullies, rule-breakers, spammers, and anyone who insists on harrassing people. It really comes in handy, especially when someone persistantly harrasses you.

But have you ever experienced a situation where someone blocked you, your friends, or someone else for "all the wrong reasons"? Back when I was a newbie to this game, I was roleplaying with some people in a fox RP. We had somehow stumbled into a wolf packs "territory". Well, the leader of the wolf pack was all like, "Why the hell are there a bunch of foxes here?!?!?" and he said it OOC too. One of his pack mates was all like, "I don't know," then the leader said, "Screw it! Let's just block them all!" And so me and the foxes were blocked by these wolves when we really did nothing to them, but just gather into what they thought was thier "territory". We weren't even chatting in local chat, we were all talking in group, so the wolves couldn't hear us.
There have been a few other incidents where I was blocked for uneccesary reasons. I was blocked by someone all because I asked them to quit swearing at my friends. They got mad and were all like, "OMG Im going to BLOCK U! YOU CAN"T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" And then there was a time I was roleplaying with a few friends in a semi-realistic roleplay. Some random people showed up out of no where and started attacking us with powerplay. I told them that I wasn't going to RP with them if they were going to powerplay like that, they got upset, and they blocked me for being a "powerplayer" because I didn't die like they said I should. I even got blocked by someone because they said I stole their irl name.... Really? They blocked me all because I told them that I wasn't going to change my character's name.  ::)

Do you think it's really annoying when people use the block button to block someone for no good reason at all? Has someone ever blocked you for some silly reason? Have you seen it happen to someone else? Got any amusing stories to share?

When it comes to roleplaying as a certain creature, fan-based character, animal, you don't necessarily need to be a fan of a certain story, movie, show, to roleplay as one. Why am I bringing this up? Often times whenever I roleplay as a character that's based off an old legend, or a popular story, some people automatically assume that I'm a big fan of a story the creature is featured in. What really ticks me off is when they say it in a rude way. "I've seen ___ in this movie. It was stupid! And you're stupid for even playing one!" Really? Is that really necessary to assume that I'm playing as (insert speices) because I'm a fan of (insert title)? I'm roleplaying as one not because I'm a fan of this, it's because I enjoy it!

For example, sometimes whenever I roleplay as Melina the manticore, some people would ask what a manticore is. I tell them to read my character bio since it explains what the creature is. Well, there have been a few people who have said, "Oh it's a monster from My Little Pony." Or "It's a beast from Harry Potter." Yes, that's true. Manticores have been featured in those stories. However, there have been a few rude people who have told me, "I guess you're one of those bronies, aren't you? -.-" I would be all like, "No. Why do you ask?" And they would respond with, "Because you're playing as a manticore. You probably got it from MLP. God, I hate that show!" Even after I explain to them that the manticore is not a made-up creature that can only be found in MLP, this person was all like "Yeah whatever, brony." The people I was roleplaying with, as well as a few other people, were backing me up by saying, "Dude, a manticore isn't an MLP creature. It's a real old mythical creature." It's true! A manticore is just an old Persian mythical animal that's been in old stories for thousands of years, way before MLP was around. Authors, and writers have often times mentioned such creatures in their fantasy novels/stories before. MLP wasn't the first to use it in their stories. That guy had the nerve to say I was a "stupid MLP fan" for roleplaying as one when he didn't even know what he was really talking about in the first place.

Let me put it to you this way... we all see dragon characters roaming around the FH maps, right? Dragons are featured in MLP too, but we all know very darn well that MLP didn't come up with dragons at all! Dragons are another one of those old mythical creatures, with many stories and myths shared amoung all cultures of the world. You don't have to be an MLP fan, a How To Train Your Dragon fan, Dragon Tales fan, or an Eragon fan to roleplay as one. There are countless stories in the world where dragons were mentioned and featured in them.  

Another example would be Warrior Cats. You don't really need to be a fan to participate in a Warriors roleplay. I participate all the time, and haven't even read one book in their entire series. Yet some people look at me as one of those stereotyped "powerplaying Warrior fans".
You don't have to be a Lion King fan to like roleplaying as a lion, or a hyena. The Lion King was a great movie, but that doesn't mean that people who roleplay as lions or hyenas are big fans of the movie, and like to strictly play based on the movie.

It's not fair to assume that someone likes to roleplay a certain thing and bash them for it. It's not fair to mistreat someone for playing something you find silly or stupid all because you saw it in a story/movie/show you don't like at all. I say let the people play what they want to. And if you can't say anything nice about, keep your thoughts to yourself because you might make a fool of yourself, and make me get trigger-happy with the block button and/or screenshot button.

And if you are a fan of anything and like to roleplay based on it, pay no attention to the haters. They got nothing better to do but say hateful things to others. There is NOTHING wrong with roleplaying as a fan-based character. Add them to your block list if you must, it will save you alot of time, frustration, and pointless arguing with them.

By the way, has something like this ever happened to you, in any way, shape, or form?

Game Discussion / I Know That, But My Character Doesn't Know Yet
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:01:54 pm »
This is something that recently crossed my mind, and it has to do with some expereinces I've had during random roleplays. I will list some example stories to kinda explain what I mean:

Story 1:

I was roleplaying as Kopper the red fox out in Flourite Plains. She was skipping along, looking for some of her friends. Well, she encounters another fox near some clan cats. Being social with other foxes, Kopper decided to go over to the fox and say hello. She starts off with her roleplay line, -The vixen trotted up to the other red fox, while wagging her tail right behind her in a greeting sign, "Hey there, stranger," she chirped. "I don't believe I've met you out in this neck of the woods before." After she said that, the stranger fox gets all hostile and starts growling and "hissing" at her? The fox then said, "Get out of here you stinking kit killer! This is -insert clan name- territory, and foxes like you aren't welcome here!" So at this point, I'm all like ".....What?" I take a peek inside the character bio of this fox, and it turns out that it was a fox raised in a clan and now believes it's a cat and not a fox. So I continued on by saying...
Kopper Fox: -She took a few steps back- "But... I'm not a kit killer, I swear," she said, trying to reason with the angry fox. "In fact, I have a few clan friends of my own."
Clan Fox:"LIAR! All foxes are killers that can't be trusted!"
Kopper Fox: "But... but.. you're a fox too," she pointed out.
Clan Fox: "No I'm not! I'm a cat, born and raised in a clan. I'm a loyal warrior that fights for his clan and protects them from killers like you." he spat.
Kopper Fox: "Even if you were raised by cats and lived like one, you're still a fox nonetheless."
Clan Fox: Dude, he doesn't know he's really a fox. Did you even look at my bio.))
Kopper Fox: Yes I did. I already read it.))
Clan Fox: Then you should know that he hates other foxes and will kill them))
Kopper Fox: I know that, but my character doesn't know that yet. I'm playing the part where she's just now finding out, give me some time to play it out here.))
Clan Fox: Okay fine -_-))

Story 2:

I was once up in Sky's Rim roleplaying as Melina the diamond manticore. There were a few dragons and gryphons flying around, and then there were these two "human" characters. They even had the word "human" in their character names. One characteristic of Melina is that she classifies humans as prey. Since she is a manticore, whenever she sees something that appears human, she is going to look at it as potential prey. I looked at their bios and saw that they were shapeshifting creatures. After reading that, I type out a roleplay line that went something like this, "-The manticore paced around the glowing crystal when something caught her eye. She looked down below and saw what looked like two humans sitting on one of the lower floating islands. She got near the ledge for a better view, and looked at them with hungry eyes.-" Well then they blurt out OOC, "We are not humans, we are shapeshifters!" "FAIL!" And then I was all like, "I know that, but my character doesn't know that yet." Then one of them was all like, "Yeah whatever... "
First of all, I'm playing as a character that doesn't know about these "humans" ability to shapeshift. Melina is the type of beast that acts on instinct rather than reasoning when it comes to hunting. I told these two OOC "Well if you "shapeshift" into something else, Melina will no longer see you as prey." So one of them magically turns into a cheetah and runs off while the other "human", or in this case "shapeshifter" stays behind to distract Melina. When I say the roleplay line "-Melina became confused when she saw one of the humans trasform into a cheetah. She wasn't too sure if these humans were warlocks, witches, or something else.-" And so the human shapeshifter says, "We are not humans, we are shapeshifters. You must be a really stupid manticore if you don't know the difference." I wanted to tell them the logic in the situation, but then the game crashed.

Just because my character doesn't know something about your character doesn't automatically make them stupid. They just don't know yet! That's the thing about roleplaying, characters find out about whoever they encounter through roleplay, whether it takes them 5 minutes to find out, or 2 days! If we were all to know exactly what your character was like, it would take away some of the flow of the story. What if my character never encountered a character like yours before? Do you expect them to automatically know what to do or say to you? How was my character supposed to know that yours was actually a shapeshifter and not a human? I KNEW it all along, but she didn't!

What's your opinion on this? Have you ever seen something like this before while roleplaying? Has something like this ever happened to you?


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