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Messages - Player927

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News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 17, 2013, 08:16:19 pm »
This is probably a stupid question and a bit late since General is gone... but, rather than remove General completely, would it have been possible to make it so you started with General unticked and had to manually turn it on? I know that's the same logic as "Just turn it off" but, if only a minority are needing to turn it on, rather than the majority turning it off, that would have a similar effect? Advertisers could still do their thing but, if you weren't looking for a group, you would never have to turn it on.

I rarely used General myself and I think what was done will likely work out for the best. I'm just suggesting a possible compromise for the hordes that will descend with hate.

((Bump? You guys feeling any better? My mate has the night off and supposedly tomorrow (Monday) too so I probably won't be on here much during that time. We play a lot of League of Legends when he's home :) ))

((Survived!! lol looks a lot like a hammer to me ;) I understand everyone not being able to get on much from being sick. My mate's been sick for a week now but looks like he's getting better. Hope all of you get well soon! I'm excited to find out what's going to happen next! lol))

((I'm all for it if they're active. The groups can't grow and be merry if everyone is inactive. OH! Hope you feel better soon!
On a side note, I have two sets of tornado sirens going off right now. WooT lots o'fun!))

After reading the bit about who is who before the timeline, it totally sounds like Eva and one of her siblings were the ones at the Barrier when it flooded with Bartos having pulled out half drowned striped rabbits lol. Course, Sake said he thought it was before Eva's time but, he's so old he could have easily forgotten /who/ the story was actually about :)

Additionally, the front page history says the Barrier was dug out during the 3rd generation. Is that during Sera x Ciro and who would be in charge of Archon during that time? I can see the digging of the Barrier to be a tale Sake repeats often. I'm sure he'll have to mention Eva's former prisoner status to Tor at some point too. And, one more thing, I wanted Sake to be older than Obi and Eva but not so old he's nearly dead. Would saying he was born not too long before Ciro became Co-Leader make him ancient or does that sound right? Kima died of old age so I'm guessing she wasn't a spring chicken when she took over but still young enough to have a least one litter. If any of that is wrong, let me know so I can readjust my logic with a swift kick to the head lol.

I was going to ask something else but I've forgotten... it will come to me later I'm sure.

Edit: Cleared some topics up in PMs so as not to trash the thread. Kasake will have lots of stories once they're all fleshed out enough to tell. Of course, Sake's notorious for exaggerating the details so maybe I'll make a separate post after he's done with an unbiased/full version. As long as Kas agrees :) If they're good enough, maybe we could link to the post as a "Lore" section? Or linked in the History section under "Additional Reading"? lol Just suggestions really.

Ooo someone for Torrinos to play with if he ever gets over being kidnapped :)

Looks like your keyboard sticks, lots of extra letters (accross, ass instead of as) or missing letters (ass instead of pass, man paw prints instead of many?)

Also, cause I know Kas will mention it later on, you left something out of the app. Read the rules again so you can fix it. Kas can be a bit "prickly" about the rules lol :D

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