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Topics - darkknight

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Art Gallery / A Few Icon Gifts
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:55:20 pm »
At last my lovely art muse returns to me in icon form, maybe it's a seasonal thing, like writer's block. I took some time to create a few icons for known members of the community. These are not limited to them, alone. If you would like a icon in this same style (and other animals, of course), feel free to private message me. 

Hope you all I've drawn for enjoy the gifts! 

Game Discussion / That "Ah-ha!" Moment
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:15:10 pm »

Ever had that moment where everything, I mean, everything just come into place? That moment where everything just made more sense? That moment that makes you question everything you know?

That's what we're talking about here. I'll have times where I question all I know just from a sentence I read or from that someone I met online. Sometimes around either in-game or on the forum, I'll read through posts. Then, I catch the one that gets me. I'll read for a while and have this moment where I go, "Whaah?"

Now, this is not limited to just words, it can be pictures, too. Pictures worth a thousand words, right? There are times where I'll see someone's character and just stare in awe. It can be the simplest design, but I'll stare in majesty, saying, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

Learnin' nuw stof eveyday!

Forum Discussion / Not Giving Up
« on: August 01, 2014, 04:21:59 pm »

Hello, everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood, Fox. I've been thinking about the common phase, "never give up." We say this all the time as far as keeping someone's spirit up in whatever the pursuit is. Then, I was thinking about it and came to the question, what does 'not giving up' mean?

I know what you're thinking, "it means what it means," right? As simple as it is, maybe most things we say aren't as simple as we make them. In my opinion, not giving up is an ambition, a goal on its own. For instance, you may want to be a helping hand around the forum. When you feel unappreciated, you simply give up. Why? Because your ambition and personal drive to help was being affected by the reaction of other people.

I have also been victim to a lack of interest to learn or experiment with new media for the fear of failing many times, never getting the desired outcome. When I think about not giving up or being told that, I light up. It means that someone wants to see you succeed when you feel that you can't. It's something as simple as saving three words that will make the whole difference of someone's future.

So, you want to be a good leader in your role-play, do it. You want to be the-go-to artist for people's requests, do it. Try and try again if you feel like you just can't get it. Don't let anyone or even yourself hold you back from what your goal is. Even after you achieve that goal, you still have much more to do.

So, what do you all think? Ever had that moment of giving up and leaving your pursuit behind? Ever had a friend who just gave up on something? Ever felt that "never giving up" meant nothing to other people?

Share your thoughts. ~  

Game Discussion / I Do Not Know Everything
« on: July 18, 2014, 01:30:55 pm »
Ever had that one person that would bash you if you didn't know something already? In another end, have you ever had a moment where you think you should have known something ahead of time? This is what the topic is going to be about.

Example of what I'm talking about (sample conversation, not a real one):
Person 1: Hey, they doin a TLK at last cave! Wana come?
Person 2: Wat's TLK?
Person 1: Really? You played for 2 yrs and dnt know wat TLK is? Ur stupid...

Just to clarify, this is not really centered on opinion vs opinion. Instead, these things you or someone else doesn't know that is based on existing fact. For example, most people know who Raz (current Feral Heart server master) is, yes? What if someone didn't know who they were, played for four years, and was a moderator. You may say it's downright pathetic, but let's face it. Even simple things like that, people can tend to forget or just not know.  

As for myself, I've never had the experience of being put down for something I didn't know (except in high school by teachers). Instead, I'm usually the one enlightening people on certain topics they would like to know about. If I can give a reasonable or simple answer, I will. However, if I cannot, then I just cannot. I don't know everything and never will, that is a fact. In the meantime, I continue to learn what I want to learn and acquire knowledge that will help me in the future.

How about you? Ever had that moment or ever been put down for lack of knowledge on something?

Introduction / Apparently, I Lied
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:09:23 pm »
Hello, everyone, how are you, fantastic. Apparently, I lied about being back for the summer. I decided to take up summer classes out of my curiosity of what it would be like. Also, I assumed that shorter classes would mean not as much hassle, right? Wrong! So very, much wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong-wrong, wrong! This has been the most time-demanding and academically productive two months of my student status.

At the same time, it was a pretty good experience, I regret nothing at all. No time was wasted. No classes dropped. Everything came to play well and just how I planned. Since I'm only a week away from completing the semester, I can gradually come back to the forum and enjoy my time in-game.   

Introduction / It is good to be Back
« on: May 04, 2014, 04:37:41 pm »
Hello, everyone. As you didn't know (since I neglected to post anything on the Leaving section), I've been away for at least two months time for educational purposes. Over my free time I did have, I often strolled around outside or just played a simple game as recreation, alone.

Also, I'd like to give an apology to my friends for suddenly disappearing and not at least giving any heads up beforehand. Now that I've handled the hard parts of my courses, passing with dignity, I can free my mind and have no care. I'm just happy to be back on the forum and continue playing the game.  

Nothing can defeat me!

Forum Games / Feral Heart Extra, Breaking News!
« on: April 11, 2014, 06:06:23 pm »
Feral Heart Extra, Breaking News!

Read all about it! Only you know the truth! Only you can shed light for the people in the Feral Heart Extra, Breaking News, game!
Rules are as followed:
- Forum rules apply, do not post anything that goes against terms or guidelines.
- This is simply for fun, do not post anything that is to offend or harass.
- Try not to include the chat box when posting a photo.
- Do not use yourself as the snapshot victim, the one below is just used for the example.

For this game, it's very simple. Take a photo of a someone and post it here, while sharing the truth behind the photo. As a bonus, you can even edit the screenshot you're planning to post. The headline can be either praising or negative. Here's an example:

Fox the Child Thief!
This just in, Fox tries to convince puppies to leave their parents, shameful! This animal must be stopped! 

From here, be creative with your news, short-to-the-point, and have fun. The first person may start off the game. 

Game Discussion / Hark, I am the last one!
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:32:16 pm »

Hello, everyone. Ever had that one person that claims of being the "last of their kind" or have you done it yourself? This is a very common story for many people. It seems no matter where you go, you're always going to have "The Last One" character. So, what do you all think of it? Do you often mind having the "last of your kind" type of characters or do you think it's a bit overused?

I do think it's overused, most definitely. However, I don't think it's something to look down upon as being unimaginative. Some stories for characters do require the absence of a society, pack, pride, family, or whatever the character came from. Either one, you don't want to bother with an entire family story and you can't find people to play them, could be a number of reasons why. Then there are some backstories that people like to create where they are "rebuilding" their family or homeland. Personally, I do like the side of being the last of a family or pack and repairing what was lost before. It usually depends how it was lost in the first place and how the future generation plans to rise back up to catch my interest. As far as being "The Last One" just to be the last, it can be seen as cliche.   

Game Discussion / What do I say to that?
« on: February 07, 2014, 06:42:34 pm »

Ever had that one statement or topic you've found yourself asking, "Gee, what do I say to that?" or "Do I say anything at all?" On the forum, you can sometimes have that topic where you want to be involved in the conversation, but don't exactly know what to say. Or you're in-game, you're talking to someone and they suddenly bring up some news you don't how to react to.

Sometimes, I'll go around on the forum and often times, I'll find myself in a position where I want to say something, but do not know how to put it. Vise versa, I wouldn't want to repeat something being said by someone else to make it seem like I'm just talking with the crowd or being a parrot. Added, there are times I'm in the game and chatting with various people and they change the subject to something personal or regarding sensitivity.

Anybody else feel like that sometimes or had an experience with it?    

Game Discussion / User or Real names?
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:21:41 pm »
Here's a simple topic that's been on the brain some time. When referring to your friends or people you've met, do you like to address them by their user, character, or real name? Often times, people don't mind either or while some like to be called upon on a certain name to know you're talking to them (usually depending on their name, for example, two Whitefangs or the other person very familiar under a singular name).

I often take to referring people by their user or character name. I like to have the courtesy in doing so because, well, they like their alternative identity. Why not respect it? Even when I'm in a private chat with them, I still refer to their user. Occasionally I'll throw their real name to them, however, it would be either for serious conversation or to make a inside joke.

How about you all? What do you address people with? Their user, nickname, real name?

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