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Topics - SilverTW

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Praise / Thanks to all FH people I know
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:02:44 am »
They've been such a helpful floof & friend. They work der' butt off for us & now it's our turn to say thanks.

I've known ya' for quite a while now :). Even though we haven't talked much, you help my days.

You have been one of my friends since the time I joined FeralHeart. It feels like it was just yesterday. I'm glad you've been here for me.

Known you for a LONG time. You also have helped me with the meshing, remember? You are a really great friend.

What would we do without you? You're like my best friend here. I hope that we'll never be stop being friends.

I'm starting to appreciate you more & more everyday. You're a really nice person.

I've know ya' for a long time & I am now saying thanks o a GREAT person.

WolfFox: You're nice, funny and AWESOME!

Crin: You're a very nice friend to have, you're AWESOME too.

Mewzic: You're a GREAT friend to have, hou deserve a thanks!

Copper4me: You've been an awesome friend, please never stop being a friend. You're EPIC.

I apologize if I missed some people.

Member Bio & Journals / SilverTW's New Bio
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:00:56 am »
Hello, I'm SilverTW, Nice to meet you!

Nicknames: Silver, SilverTW, Silverthewolf or Silvia (if you wanna be mean >:3)

About Me:
I'm a very nice person. I love to play videogames, such as FeralHeart & Minecraft. I love making new friends. I really loving using the computer & I'm very, very good at using them too. I'm also very goot at Math.

Favorite Stuff:
Foods - Spagheti/Soup/Burgers (I'm not picky, at all. I'll eat everything, but those are my top favorite)
Numbers - 5, 7, 5852
Color - Purple
Sports - Badminton, Frisbee, Soccer
Fav Songs by - Dimrain47
Genre - Techno, Remixes (Not a genre, really)

Gaming Systems: PC, DS 3DS, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, Wii, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo System

Hobbies: FeralHeart (Forum/Site), Minecraft, Playing Videogames, etc.

Allergic to - Animals like dogs & cats, Pollen

Likes & Dislikes:
Likes: Wolves, Computers, Eating, Drinking, My Life, Sleeping.
Dislikes: I don't know, actually...

Best Friends (No Order):
-(If I missed you, let me know. Knowing me, I probably did)

Personality Facts:
-Not shy, at all.
-Loves making new friends.
-Loves hanging around with others.
-Very Respectful, Nice, Listens.
-Mischievous (Sometimes)

Site/Forum Help / AdFly Links...
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:30:43 pm »
I've noticed that my links (Such as the link in my signature) have been changed to the Adfly page where you have to wait 5 seconds then it goes to the page. The weird thing is, I haven't changed those links & I don't use AdFly & I never have. So why did my links change to a Adfly page where you have to wait 5 seconds and then it goes to the page that I had as the link if I have never used Adfly?

Also... has this happened to you guys?


Welcome to SilverTW's Epic Creations! Are you looking for maps to download to use for roleplaying? Perhaps maps isn't your thing but something else is? Yes? Then these stuff are for you. Here, you'll find the stuff that I've made! Note that, I'll post my creations when I have the time to upload these various special creations I create. You may ask "What do you do?" -> Maps, Presets, Objects, Mods, Emotes, Skies, Weather, and Scripts. If you're wondering what types of maps, presets, etc. I make be sure to ask me.

Table of Contents:
1. Home
2. Maps
3. Presets
4. Objects
5. Mods
6. Emotes, Skies & Weather and Scripts

Want to download my FeralHeart Edition Google Chrome theme? Download Here.

Game Help / FeralHeart - FAQ
« on: July 25, 2012, 04:16:08 pm »
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, I just thought I would make this to help other users. Not only is this for helping others but it will also stop repeated questions. Staff, if you don't approve this here, feel free to delete this or move it then.

Please Feel free to Ask or/and solve questions here; I am trying to get all the questions that people have to here with answers. Staff & Any Members can post their answers to some questions here.

Please don't ask things that have been asked/answered here already.

FeralHeart Error Fixes:


Q. FeralHeart is responding/ has stopped working/ is crashing; What Do I do?
- Delete any particle copies.
- Make sure you're not missing any files.

Q. FeralHeart Crashes when entering Height-Map; What Do I do?
- Make sure it is a 513 x 513, grayscale, image without a alpha mask on.

Q. FeralHeart appears to be missing a file; Now what?
- Please refer to the links above.

Q. FeralHeart+ Won't work; Now what?

Other Questions & Answers:

Getting music into your maps:
About your second question, music can be added into the map 2 ways. One of the ways you assign a sound or music to an object and then save it into an object group. As this is done, it will play as soon as you enter a map, and the source of the sound would be the object, which mean the longer you get from it, the weaker the sound gets. It's done from within the object maker, you place an .mp3 into the "Feralheart\media\sounds" folder, load an object in the object maker and then look in the firs tab called "Object". There's a field in the bottom saying "Sound:". Just enter the name of the mp3 there and end it with .mp3 save, and you're done.

The 2nd way is that you make a playlist just for your map, start off by placing the sounds into your "Feralheart\media\music folder". Then open the music.cfg found in the main FeralHeart directory. Add a field in it below the rest


Then list the names of the mp3s below and make sure you add .mp3

Maroon5 - Moves Like Jagger.mp3

You can add as many sounds as you like I believe. Once that's done, save the music.cfg file and close it. Once inside the game, just open the map maker and in the first tab you see a field called "Music (Group or Filename):"

Just write "Mymap" into the box and you should be ready to go.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Post your opinions on FeralHeart Here
« on: July 19, 2012, 05:01:10 pm »
I wanted to say my opinion about FeralHeart.

All the unique features you can do in FeralHeart is very awesome. Map-Making, Presets, Objects, Sky maker is all this.

Maps, I like how you can choose the way you want it. You can make your own terrains, maps, edit the maps & share them, which I find cool.

Presets, You can design the characters the way you want, with the unique coding of Ogre3D. There is many ways of designing presets, which I find cool.

Objects, even though this is hard to do for some people, it is cool how you design objects, make sounds for them & More.

Sky maker, I find it cool how you make skies, editing the colours and more is all cool.

FeralHeart is its own type of game, it is different from other games, and is not a rip-off. I find this nice!

My ratings for FeralHeart:
Features: Awesome (10/10)
Originality (10/10)

Forum Games / Counting Up
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:29:18 am »
-Only 1 number per user in a post
-You can post as much times as you want!

I'll start!


Member Bio & Journals / Bio of SilverTW
« on: July 18, 2012, 03:15:04 am »
Hello, It's me SilverTW (we can see that...), some may of heard/know me & some may not (After this you will know)

Nicknames: SilverTW, Silver, buddy (by epic xXSaberWolfXx)

How did you discover FeralHeart? Well..I actaully found Feralheart by accident & I'm glad I did. Awhile back, on DeviantART, I was talking to a friend (Forget their username) & I checked out a new piece of their art, I asked them "What is that?" and they simply said "Nano". I search Google for "Nano" & I found nothing about a game, so I simpy did a modification to the search which read "Nano Wolf Game" & somehow I found a site called "FeralHeart" & I clicked it, wondering "What is this game?". In the middle (15th) of September of 2011 was when I signed up & I'm still here.

Likes: FeralHeart, Wolves, Okami & Okamiden, Posting on FH forums, etc

Dislikes: Trolls & I don't know what to say.

For a job: Site Developer or/and Game Developer.
Why? I have a very strong field in Math, I know HTML coding & I know about 3D games.

Have Questions? Please don't ask!

Miscellaneous Tutorials / SilverTW's Guide on Everything
« on: July 07, 2012, 04:41:38 pm »

Before you start on making maps, you must know what everything is:
Code: [Select]
Map Name: The name of your map that will appear on your list in the Map Maker(NO SPACES; 20 Characters long; Numbers, Letters & several other characters)
Map Display Name: The name of your map ingame (32 Characters long; Spaces/No Spaces; Numbers, Letters & several other characters)
Export: Exports your map into the "Exports" folder (Located inside your FeralHeart folder) for use in-game (Note: To be able to Export you must have a "Map Name" & "Map display name")
Test: Test the map (Note: Recommended to be used to see if you can get to something or not)
Show collisions: Shows where you cannot walk in a object (such as trees) (Note: It should be a 3D yellow rectangle on certain objects [if checked yes] while you are in the "test mode") (It will always be visible in the map maker (not on "test" mode) on some objects)
Has Portal: Toggles on/off to be able to get to be able to get to the map from "Cape of Distant Worlds" & To "Cape of Distant Worlds" from your map; Destination Position is where this portal can be found. Arrival Yaw is the direction of the Portal.
No Flying: Toggles the ability to be able to fly in the map or not.
Music: Plays music in the game or not.
The List of maps: See all the maps you have saved;"Load" loads the map (You have to have selected the map on the list for it to load and you will see a yellow rectangle on the map on the list)
Terrain Height Map: The surface
Terrain Alpha Map: Image in red,blue,green so that you can have different textures for the surface/height map
Terrain Texture(s): Different Textures for the Terrain Alpha Map
Width & Height: Size of map
Sky: You can put different weather cycles you have made & Skies (If checked yes) you have made into the map;control the ceiling texture and weather cycle
(if checked no)
Ocean: Toggles on/off if you want to have water in your map, change how much water there is & You can change the texture of the water.
Object group & Objects: find a object
New Object: Must have a object selected and you can put as many objects as you want.
Gate destination: You can make it so you can get to a map from this map (Must be a existing map you made), Control where the portal is, direction of portal, and change if it is a black or normal portal.
Water Material: Make a new water, and you can change the texture of the water.
You can control the size, and move a object, randomize its size, hide objects, change where it is, rotate the object , and show the objects, and update them, delete objects.

Making a map:

Downloading maps:

If you were looking for the place to get feralheart objects goto this section of feralheart

If you were looking on how to install objects:


Looking for the codes for presets? Go here

Looking for a way to make presets? I would go Here

FeralHeart Errors and Fixes

Lots of glitches/errors can happen:
Missing FeralHeart Files?
FeralHeart glitches
List of known "OGRE EXCEPTIONS" Errors

Sky maker

For using sky maker go here:
Ingredient's tutorial

Object Maker


Other good places:
Making your FeralHeart game run more stable/even faster!

Member Made Tutorials

Ouuka's Tutorial List

The BIG help thread

Help section

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