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Topics - StarrieNova

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Introduction / Guess Who Is Back
« on: June 18, 2015, 04:51:38 am »
After a bit of thought I figured I would at least come back to the forums. I missed some in the community, and seeing all the interesting things that went on around here. So I am here to see if I can still find a way to fit in with this little family here on Feral Heart.

I hope that I find some new friends, and that maybe things will turn out better this time around. ^^

Media / Figured This Would Be Fun To Share
« on: June 08, 2015, 10:18:17 pm »

Leaving / Goodbye My Fluffies
« on: April 06, 2015, 04:02:03 am »
After much time and pondering I have finally decided it might be high time for little Tili to spread her wings, and take flight. I have been in my little Tili nest thinking on if I should continue trying to find time to play Feral Heart, and all my other games that I love so much. Which has made me come to this choice.

I am planning on leaving Feral Heart.

As much as this games has memories that are good and bad for me I think it's time that I move on from this game. I have been here on other accounts I think maybe 2-2 1/2 years, and I think I can actually say I have had my time of enjoying this game. I for the longest time enjoyed doing role-plays in this game, and meeting new people. Yet sadly as time passed I noticed drama trains were everywhere in this game and it became very difficult to stay out of them. I would have friends on the drama train who would always drag me in, and that in all honesty wasn't fun. I was losing my fur with each drama. xD

So as a way to go back to enjoying a less stressful life I wish to leave. I might come visit once in a while, but for now I don't plan on it. I have enjoyed meeting new faces on this game, and watching amazing people get promoted to statuses they deserved for a long while. Then I got to watch good people leave and retire from Feral Heart. Which I must admit saddened me a great amount. I hated watching Shallow and Genny take their leave of this game, and enjoyed watching two fluffs become Mods for this game. Which of course I wish them the best of luck. ^^

The role-plays I joined were amazing, and I found so many new inspirations for writing stories. Thanks to everyone here you guys helped bring me back some amazing inspiration. Though I promise you nothing would be stolen I just plan on thinking of new and fun things to write about. ^^

The one thing I know I will miss are the friends I made here on this game. Everyone that helped make a huge difference in my life I know I will miss you guys. Ash, Whisper, Vasky, Alphie, Prax, and so many others. I love you all, and I hope you guys will always be my Skype buddies. ^^

I may have finally found myself some work, but I am not too sure yet. It's been hard to find work where I live so lets cross our fingers. So...sadly this will be goodbye my friends. I will miss all the amazing fluffy people on here, and I hope that one day we can all talk again. Those of you who already have my Skype I am looking forward to talking to you all. ^^

Bye Feral Community. I will miss all of you. <3

Site/Forum Help / It's Been Making Me Curious
« on: March 08, 2015, 12:10:10 am »
Hello everyone.
Now I might be wrong on where this subject goes, but I am going to ask it here in case this is the correct place to put this topic.

I have been really curious on why some of the Staff's names are in different shades and or colors. Like in this screenshot:

Now my eyes might be playing some tricks on me, and stuff. Though I am pretty sure Dr.Flob's tag reads green when it should be orange like Buffy's and Raphillion's. Though when I look at their tags I notice Buffy has a darker orange tag than Raphilion. Am I incorrect about this or no? Also if indeed their colors are a bit moofy....does anyone have the answer as to why they are?

Praise / I Stumbled On Something Amazing
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:13:04 am »
I was looking at the forums today like I do everyday now, and I noticed that in the Introduction area the Staff had something new in their thread. I went to look, and found to my excitement and happiness that Feral Heart has been gifted a new Moderator. In all honesty I can't think of another right now who deserved to become one of the Staff team. Buffy the community has been waiting a long time to see you become a Staffer. I am so happy to be around to see you get promoted to a MiT, and I am even more excited to see that you have passed your training and became a Mod. I congratulate you hun. I am so happy to see you become a Mod finally, and I wish you the best of luck in helping the Staff Team keep this community safe, and happy. Keep up all the good work you do for everyone here.

Everyone here is waiting for you to come back to us in amazing health, and feeling better than ever hun. All our best wishes to you.

Also....I am so giddy to see one of my art role-models become a Mod. ^^ <3

Screenshots / My Screenshot Moments
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:58:41 am »
You know I just realized something!
I do not believe I have posted screenshots of my days on Feral Heart yet so I think I am going to take part in it for once. ^^

My first Feral Heart Summer Party with HidenShadow/WhisperingWaves

Sexiest MateCenter I have ever seen

Worlds Most Perfect Family

First Meeting

I'd Cuddle Dat

Most Hawtest of Hawties of FH

Why is my Other Half's Head In A Chair?

Angel By The Lake

Love Was On The Mind

Brotherly Love Just Happened

I think A Dance Party Broke Out

Time with My Sea Otter Sister Serious <3

Just hanging with my babez <3

This is Called Neru Tipping!

Time in the Pride

Don't I look just adorkable?

Mmmm....Look at dat Booty

Look at dat Mane

Hooli darling....something might have happened to your face..

Is My Shoulder Edible?

Omg There Are So Many!

I found a floaty thing!

Just sitting about chillin'

Enjoying dancing on dem sparkles?

Just Goofin' About

Just Sitting About At SB

Do I Smell Siblingship Coming Along?

Dat Face Doh

I Smell A Family

Dem Tongues

Say Hello To My Little Forehead

Got Me An Early Gift From Santa

I May Have Attracted Me Some Girls <3

The Gorgeous Male Himself

Just Goofin Some

That Seriously Serious Smooshie Face

We Are Going To Go Far Baby Doll

Don't Want To See You Go

I Am Going To Shnuzzle You

More will be posted in time. Stayed tuned for more. ^^

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Join the Damu Kutoka Neema!
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:23:58 am »
Damu Kutoka Neema

Hello there fluffy community!
You in the mood for a good active lion role-play? Like...a Realistic to Semi-Realistic lion role-play? Then come take a peek at this role-play!

Here is a little sneak peak of what is on the front page of the site:

You saunter the vast plains of this unknown territory, eagerly listening for a sign of life nearby. It had been many nights of travel away from your old home just to get here, silently you hope it was all worth it. A gust of wind crawls up your back, forcing you to shiver while your fur becomes excited. The eerie backdrop of the area instilled fear within your flesh. You dip your head, in uncertainty, hearing the distant, deep-throated roar of a nameless male in the distance. Thunder cracked through the air, causing the fur on your back to completely stand on end. You weren't sure why you felt like this, it was just another simple lion pride you had to face. Right?

A drop of rain whisks behind your ear, signaling the beginning decent of rain. As the downpour becomes more steady, you find yourself drenched in water before you're able to find any sort of shelter. Slightly distressed, you turn to tread back on your own steps. Turning around sharply, you find yourself face to face with a lean, umber hued felid. Your eye twitches involuntarily as your mouth gapes slightly. Unsure of what to do, you simply lock eyes with the female, muscles tensing slightly. Her eyes were glazed over with the tears of lost souls, and hollow of expression. Yet, she stood there, calmly.
     "Who are you to tread here?" Her deep, monotone voice echoed through the rain. The masculine female's voice forced utter entropy of your reasoning, causing your mind to go blank. You blink back into the corporeal world disoriented, where she stands no more than two feet from you now. You stifle a response.
     "Uh.. I come from the North. Seeking new lands." You manage to get out, unsure if she was alone or not. Her presence seemed to surround you, engulfing you slowly while poking at your flesh. You shift uneasily.
    "You came here alone?" She tilted her head curiously, eyes yet to blink. "I see." Her voice spoke to you. "I find it interesting that you assumed that we wouldn't hurt you... you're brave. Braver than most who stroll through here. But is that enough, perhaps, for you to be saved?" The females eyes dug into your own, as if she were captivated by your apparent ignorance to the area. Suddenly, a new, much stronger scent filled the area. You became incredibly unsettled, your eyes flicking around in panic. You find yourself unable to move as you become aware that you are in fact, surrounded. Perhaps it was stupidity to have lead you here, or maybe, something greater. Discomfort takes over as you hear a heavy breathing from seemingly behind you. As you turn, you are greeted with a large, nameless titan. He glares down to you, as if you are nothing but an ignorant being for trespassing here. His olive eyes burned into your pelt, causing you to turn in panic, only to be greeted by the female who had approached silently. You gulp, turning to the male again. His enormous build was well toned and muscular, and littered with scars from many battles, much larger than any lion you had seen in this area. He gaped his jaws, exposing his canary hued teeth. You shutter against his presence, unsure of how to react. Should you run? Oh, it's far to late for that.
     "You're either brave or a fool to come this far." His deep, gruff voice grunted to you. Your attempt to reciprocate was brutally cut short as he continued on, "Though I'm unsure of your original intentions- I'll give you an opportunity. You may join our ranks, but you must prove yourself to us. You have one chance. Fear. Is weakness. You must be able to overcome it in even the most unfortunate circumstances. Only then will you be allowed to call us your pride mates. If you reject our offer, you will be given thirty seconds to run, the Pursuant will hunt you down. So think carefully." He said in a serious monotone. Your panic subsides as you become blissfully unsure of where to move from here. Will you continue on, and prove yourself to these terrifying circumstances? Or will you cower against the pressure.

Like what you see so far? Well then look here at the site:

Want to know more before clicking that link?


~Must give a good Lit role-play sample
~Must be active(Though you are not required to be online 24/7. Just when you can.)
~Must follow the strict rules and guidelines
~Role-play in 3rd person only
~Stay as close as you can to your characters personality
~Try to not post-cut others
~Must know how to download maps(If you want a run-through on how to download one I can help out ^^)

Lead Ranks
~Lead Dominant | DNLD~
~Dominant | DND~

High Ranks
~Subordinate | DNS~
~General | DNG~
~Healer | DNHE~
~Pursuant | DNP~
~Vanguard | DNV~

Regular Ranks
~Warriors | DNW~
~Scouts | DNSC~
~Hunters | DNH~

Lower Ranks
~Neophyte | DNN~
~Cubs | DNC~
~Elders | DNE~

Other Ranks
~Nomadic | X~

I hope this was enough information for you curious readers, and I wish to see you all soon to join the role-play. ^^

Praise / Praise To The Community
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:46:14 am »
Hello everyone!
I know it seems I place too many praises here, but I do it because I feel everyone here deserves a praise. So here we go on this one..

I would love to praise everyone here. Thank you for being the most amazing community I have met. Everyone here is just so welcoming, and caring. I know lately I haven't been the most pleasant fluffy floof butt. I have had my times, and I wish to say now that I am more than sorry for each little issues that may have happened or any heartache that might have been caused. To those of you who feel this points to you then it's your choice on if you forgive me or not. I won't judge. Though right now more than anything I am so thankful to know everyone that I do know and had known. Thank you to the staff team, to the #2FAB4U group, to Yoruko Pride, to the Fluffy Floofs, and to any other group I was part of in the past. Thank you guys for helping me rethink my old behaviors to try to change. Thanks to all of you for molding me into the helpful person I am now. I love you all for that, and adore you guys more than anything. You helped me through some of my hardest times. Everyone here in this community. Even though some of you don't know it, but you did.

Thank you all so much. I don't expect very many of you to respond if even at all, but I appreciate all that you amazing people do. ^^

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / More Emotes?
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:37:05 am »
Hello everyone. I have never really posted here before suggesting an idea so I feel a tad awkward asking, but I am curious. Is it possible to add more fun little emoticons to the forums?

You know how people do many cute little faces on the forums? I was wondering if there could be a way for the Stafferz to add more cute little emotes like these ;) :) :D :P

If not that is totally cool, but I was curious if maybe...there could be a cute emote for <3 o3o o////o ^///^ -///-

Give ideas, and please don't be too mean. First time in this area. xD

Ask Me / Ask The Exiled Demon Sietara
« on: February 08, 2015, 09:54:29 am »
Hello my dears!
I have returned, but I do not know for how long due to some injuries I have gotten recently. So I wish to say for you guys to ask me any questions that may be possibly on your minds. ^^

Though please do keep them appropriate I will not answer too personal of questions. If you ask something I view as a tad too personal I will place a mud cupcake on your nose. ^^

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