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Topics - GlaydrChyle

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Art Gallery / Chyle's Anime and wolf art (UPDATED 11/10/2015)
« on: October 10, 2015, 02:45:21 pm »
Will be continuously updated, I'm sorry if the art doesn't seem that good. I'm better on paper


this is my character JayBird. He's a bit of a one, quite nasty and devious too.

this is my own species of a -kinda-like wolf called Aytarian. A little weird monster for you (I'm sorry I'm not making sense am I? I haven't gotten much sleep is all ahhaha)

This one is one of my main character Chyle. :)

NEW 11/10/2015
This is a drawing I did of one of my friends. major fan of the old... well it says it there <3 Love yah Vee!

This is a character from a story I did ages back called Yard of the Damned

I was feeling really depressed yesterday and drew this. Sorry :/ But it was kinda nice..


Did this for Art :) Got an A grade for this!

Drew this for three old friends :3

To a very old firend of mine <3

Portraits are fun! Blue hair is fun....... I love him so much <3


Game Help / (SOLVED) Small inquiry about Markings
« on: October 04, 2015, 11:34:46 am »
I had downloaded (A) Legendary markings pack which had came with the Demi-God set about two weeks ago. Now before I go on I understand that I will see marshmallow's ( Characters appearing fully white due to the markings file being missing)  However I can safely say that a good 75% of in game users I can't see! Then I go asking around and they all say they have the legendary markings pack on.

Now at this point I no longer mind if I have to completely wipe feral heart. I can do that as I wouldn't have lost much other than the Legendary Items pack and my original marking for my characters as well as the real fur textures mod and the new animations which are easy to get back if I find a link. ( I would have included a screenshot of the markings I have since I couldn't remember the link just to see if everyone else had the same markings but the original file is missing and it'd end with me scouting for all of them)

Here is what I know so far:
-The original markings files are not missing as they are still viewable and usable
- Everyone is able to view my markings (Even if it's from the LM pack)
- I can view others markings who are wearing the same one's as mine.
- Almost everyone appears like a marshmallow, it's Sunday morning and I'm really hungry because I can't go shopping until Tuesday.

If someone could tell me the cause it'd be wonderful. Though in like mind it's probably something utterly daft that I missed. -whimpers softly- But I am not feeling very well so please let me off haha.

Oh and also.. if it comes to it could someone kindly point me into the direction of the following:
- A popular markings pack ( So I can stop feeling hungry every time I log on :( )
- The new Animations
- The real fur textures
-Legendary Items pack

Thank you so much... Major floofs for days for someone who can help!

yes, the legendary markings pack and Demi god pack are installed. Which is why I can't understand why I see almost everyone as white.

Screenshots / Masked Boy's ScreenShots of Derp
« on: October 03, 2015, 02:19:27 pm »
Just my little in-game friend group is all hehe. Lot's of fun, derp for the entire family!

( This will get updated when I get more screenshots :) )

First thing's first... this is me in game. Well my avatar! Chyle likes sticking his tounge out and being silly around his friends. Be careful not to startle him though, he blushes easily!

Now for-
Me and my friend Cries... Just having fun in Accession Island. We mainly hang out there, being ourselves when it's quiet. Watch her though! She's protective over her "Daski"

A cute picture of us hugging, like you do.

" If I can't have you Chyle, No one can! mwahahaha" -Cries

Totally normal :3

Where do I begin with this one? I think I took to long to take the picture!

Chyle's behind will never be safe again...

That's it for now I'm sorry! :( but more will be on there way soon so keep checking back! :3

Game Discussion / Role-playing in Feral heart. A negative or Positive?
« on: October 03, 2015, 01:15:29 pm »
I was in a meeting with my local school council a few weeks back discussing the impacts of Internet socialisation through engaged activities such as role-playing and whether it is having a negative- or positive impact on Children and young adults ( So between the ages of 12-18) The topic became quite heated, discussing several factors such as Maturity levels in some games, basic literacy requirements and other do-dads about the place. We looked at the most common games played in the school and Feral heart cropped up amongst them.

The main argument was that MMORPG's like this one prohibit many draw backs as well as perks.
( I'll go ahead and list the ones related to this game, however if you feel like this does not belong here, feel free move it to perhaps the off topic discussion board or something like that? My apologies for getting this wrong, I was debating amongst myself about this.)

-Feral heart allows a range of literacy skills to be taught (Such as reading, writing )
- A well managed and moderated on-line server  allowing safe gaming
- A tagged based board allowing users to easily decipher a role-play specific to there tastes and audience
- A wide enough user base to allow safe connections and experiences between younger and older members of the online community

Draw Backs:
-Feral heart has a lack of common phrases, allowing the miss-interpretation of words ( Often known as people using wolf-speak on here. And if you are a user who also plays other games you'll be common with the phrase Lexicon.)
- Easy discrimination towards less-experienced users of the English language ( not limited to just foreign players but also those who may not have as much knowledge as others in general, like myself)
- A setting not allowing the filter of mature role-playing in game.
- No censors on specific words allowing language to be displayed and used unless having action taken by an in-game moderator.

In my opinion, I strongly disagree with the last two. This is because I know and have always known feral heart to be a very safe place. The creation of private maps is allowed for the minority of the players who do wish to seek a maturer plot and, even though many of us don't see it. Moderators are working Almost 24/7 and can-not be everywhere in one go. Because the site is role-play based too, Free chat has to be enabled other-wise it'd be difficult for so many to experience the joys of stories and plot lines.

How far do you agree with these statements? Baring in mind sadly, nothing can be done to change in game play and this topic is not to do that. It is a simple opinion and discussion thread. But please do tell me.

Is Role-playing in Feral heart A Negative or Positive function?

Personally, I think the game couldn't exist without it. And The fact that this game exists is a great experience for everyone.


Poems / Chyle's Poems
« on: September 27, 2015, 01:26:26 pm »
Honestly just a few poems here and there. I'll update them as soon as one pops up x3.

                                                                                 Ten Sixty six
A poem based around the great fire's of London back in the Stuart era. A heart tailed disaster especially for those who lost there homes in that year. However, after two years of the plague had that fire not only wiped out an entire half of the city but did it also cure it. 

                                                                         Fire, Fire
                                                                       burning higher...
                                                                       Over the hills
                                                                       a crackling spire   
                                                                       Closer, Closer
                                                                       The beast...
                                                                       It's making animals
                                                                       Crawl on thumbs
                                                                       Faster, Faster
                                                                       The phoenix....
                                                                       wings spread far
                                                                       Covering the ground
                                                                       In the darkest tar.
                                                                       Open mouth, Closing eyes
                                                                       The wood is burning, can't you hear me cry?

                                                                         Fire, Fire
                                                                         burning higher
                                                                         over the hills
                                                                         God's quire

                                                                         Of singing children
                                                                          Wailing wood
                                                                         people trudging with skins of suds.
                                                                         With the rats and fleas
                                                                         and charcoal sticks
                                                                         A five digit number...


                                                                          Parade at Half mast
This peom is rather dark. Nothing bad I promise you but it's hard to get the point of the poem. If someone figures it out please PM me x3
                                                                                  Your love
                                                                          Your life
                                                                          Your black sided scythe
                                                                          Paraded at half mast

                                                                         My time
                                                                         My pain
                                                                         My one hundred levelled game
                                                                         Sacrificed at half mast

                                                                         Her hate
                                                                         Her crime
                                                                         Her heart shaped shrine
                                                                         Shot at half mast

                                                                         His pride
                                                                         His tag
                                                                         His country's flag
                                                                         Placed at half mast

                                                                         As the dogs
                                                                         The dogs march
                                                                         To the singing larks
                                                                         And brittle as they bathed in red
                                                                         Did they bath at half mast

                                                                         And to the countries realisation
                                                                         Leaders turned to dictation
                                                                         With all in the congregation
                                                                         We all
                                                                         They all
                                                                         Parade at half mast.

                                                                         The masquerader
Based off an old story I did about a trans man who had trouble over the internet with a few people. Won't say much as it may end up getting posted here some-day who knows? x3

                                                                         He called
                                                                         Who are you my dear?
                                                                         With hair so black so metal

                                                                         He called
                                                                         Who are you my dear?
                                                                         Born so hearty so britle

                                                                         He called
                                                                         Why are you upset my dear
                                                                         He called
                                                                         Your eye's are full of fear

                                                                         He called
                                                                         Or was it he at all?
                                                                         He called
                                                                         Why'd you make him fall?

Now for a more, light-hearted one. It's very short.. very derpy so I'm sorry. It's based off my in game character who can be a bit off a hot head sometimes.

                                                                         Yes Gabriel
                                                                         Him there with the black hair
                                                                         No Gabriel
                                                                         Chewing my leg isn't fair...



Ask Me / Ask the awfully shy Chyle
« on: September 27, 2015, 12:25:42 pm »
I'm a little shaky- but I've wanted to do this. Because maybe I can get to know some of you guys through doing this? Yes... I may have been stalking threads -hides in the corner- But that was only because I was interested in some of you awesome people. eee' I'm sorry >u<

ask away? :3

Game Discussion / Do you ever get anxious when trying to role-play?
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:18:23 pm »
I was curious.

Me, I do a lot. In fact, it's so bad.. I still haven't joined a role-play group or made one for myself. I'm to scared that someone might not like me or something like that. So I hide at SB for someone brave to come up and say hi. hehe

How about you?


For those that are just reading this... would anyone be particularly amused if I created a " How to deal with Anxiety in Feral heart ." Thread over in the Member made tutorial section? 

Member Bio & Journals / Chyle's Mini-Bio
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:18:07 am »
On here, my name's Chyle. However, in real life my name is Adam (Also known is Rhian -Pronounced Rhi-on- due to my Name change).

If we start with the obvious points, I'm a British high school student and have been for two and a half years now. Personally, I hate school and would rather be home schooled by my mother; who is an Author and editor. I've grown up in a very strict family: Disciplined and all, however- we do support each other a lot and rarely end up fighting. I have four other brothers, two of which work and are now over twenty. My mother and farther have also been together (Engaged) for... a good thirty years I think?

I was born and raised in the same household for all of my life, never moved, never really travelled. I've never been to the city either. A good old country boy, I am. I'm also an additional poet, not so much the stories however I've tried. Though I've always loved literature. Maths on the other hand?

Well does "Purple, because Aliens don't have hats" A good explanation for how many pancakes live on a roof after a car travels thirty miles down the yellow brick road?
Perhaps not..
Either way, I'm awful at it.

The next thing I suppose you need to know about is a little about my personality.
I'm quite coolly collected and Dominant. I always seem to want the control (Not in a bad way) But at the least I'm the type of guy that wants some idea of where we plan to eat out at. I can get very protective and manipulative at times too, but that's only if I get angry which is not a lot. I have to warn you however, I'm rather sensitive- can be a bit of a cry baby at times so I do apologise. Sometimes I might come off a bit snotty but I'm honestly only trying to explain myself in those situations (I also ramble on... that's obvi)

I'm also Trans Male ( Female to Male) and Androgynous ( Look Like a man, sound kinda girly...) started my transition five years ago, doing quite well and all with that, since it's not much of a biggie. I also have a small case of HFA ( High functioning Autism) and anti-social tendencies, however I'm usually nice to talk to.
( I can get very derpy..)

One last thing.
Throughout my many years of school I've now managed to collect one GCSE in art, severaL a'S IN English and Drama as well as an opportunity to visit Universities four years early! So I'm really proud of that.

Al right, I'll be off I've done enough talking. I don't really think this'll get updated, it was just a mini biography about myself really. So bai! I hope you enjoyed it!

Introduction / Hi there everyone!
« on: September 26, 2015, 09:43:48 am »
Hey, nice to see all of you!

So I'm actually not as all new as I say I am. I did use to have an account here back in 2012 however felt to young for the community at the time so left promptly; a shame since, I might add, the community back then was at it's brightest (Still is now which I'm really happy to see) and I'd just come to terms with all the nifty tricks and flicks of the forums and in game. On that note, for the next few months I'll be a complete newbie again, which I don't mind since it is always nice to start fresh and new and come to terms with everything once again. Honest to say I'm glad I'm back (in a sense) as I really missed this community. I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

I could, perhaps request a small thing however and that is for someone to point me in the right direction for finding out a few tutorials or little tricks page perhaps? It'd be very helpful since the forums have grown to a massive extent since I was last here and It's hard to find anything without doing a proper dig (Which I'm off to do right now as well as re-visit the rules page and such)

Bai lovelies!

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